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Started with FO3 for my Xbox 360, later acquired it for PC because mods. Next was FONV for my Xbox 360, later acquired it for PC because mods. Then came FO4 for my PC, later acquired for Xbox Series X because I don't know. Then came FO76 which I got for my Xbox Series X, currently playing it a ton. This franchise hit me spot on, the amount of hours I got in total for these games combined can never be released to the public, it would defy the concept of time and break reality. I have collected just about everything one can collect of collectibles and hoarded stuff like crazy in all games. Read all notes, listened to all holotapes, explored all locations, talked to all NPCs etc. FO76 being RNG makes this a bit more tideous but I'm still having a blast.


This was also very similar to my progression. Only I’ve just recently entered the PC scene for fallout from Vault 76. Having to restart is fun but also a real kick in the pants.


Oh yeah, dude... I don't think I'm ever going to do FO76 over again when I feel done progressing and collecting. Not that I'll stop in the forseeable future lmao. RNG with likelyness down to 0.03% is close to never gonna get it.


The RNG is a tradeoff for being able to play with and show off my builds to my friends. Fallout 4 had it and you had to play alone, YUCK.


Started with FO1 and played every one except that BoS tactics game that was between FO2 and FO3 I think.


There's **Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel**, and then there's **Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel**. We don't talk about the latter though.


We weren't supposed to go to Ravenholm either but...


Fallout 1, played them all, even the ones i didnt like much.


Which ones weren’t you partial towards? Out of all of the ones I played I think it was FO4 that aggravated me the most storyline wise- loved the game in general, but the main quest line was just… meh


Fallout tactics and brotherhood mostly. fallout 3 wasnt really to my liking either but i guess thats because i loved and got used to how 1 and 2 were that i voukdbt really get into it. Its not a bad game it just wasnt to my taste, but when new vegas came out, i got hooked and after it i tried fo3 again, liked it better on 2nd try


I started with FO3.


Started in the 90ies with Fallout 1.


Started with fo3. Went back and played all the previous fallouts. Came back for fo4 then left to other bethesda titles and now I'm back for fo76 and loving it


Started with New Vegas, went back and did FO3 then 1 and then 2. Played FO4 at launch. Played FO76 at launch. Haven’t touched the other ones like tactics.


*the other ones* lolol- tactics rlly do be the black sheep of the franchise dont it


Fo4, got me started. I play 76 on release and wasn't grabbed by it... after the show I jumped back into my modded save on f04 for the new update. Then I saw all the people flocking to 76 and thought " after all these years for this game to still be around, it's got to be good at this point" got some buddies to play with and now I'm hooked


I was a 4 as well, too.


You'd be surprised how many people here are 40+ and played all of them, including some fairly rubbish ones like Tactics... or FO4 :P


Never played tactics but I actually hear a lot of love for it around the net tbh


Tactics has dogshit story but absolutely phenomenal gameplay. Reminds me of the old Commandos games.


Exactly. And maps were designed for tactical fights so were actually quite good. My problem with it was that I jumped on it when it came out - and after FO1/2 and without any meaningful story it was very "meh". I never actually finished it, because of this.


common do that mission with APV and the mutants on hardest mode ! I dare you not to cry !


Nowadays problem is that with kids and so many games, I don't even have time to go and try old classics. The bit that I like RPGs which take 60h+ doesn't help in the slightest! I get shivers even thinking about starting Baldur's Gate 3 which is rated at hundreds of hours considering its replayability


I'm in the same boat, can't finish BG3, no time. but after I watched the TV show I tried FO4 and was bored ,even did the mechanist quest on hard survival. right now doing 76 and I'm not bored yet and it has a good time sink of 2-3 hours a day to unwind at the end of day


That's what I found with FO76 - it's very chilled out. Events every 20min and plenty of time to do something else. And often I can just AFK for few minutes in the middle of event if needed. It's very low effort.




The game style isn’t one im partial to but I love the lore of fallout so much that I forced myself lol


Started with first Fallout and Fallout 2 is still one of the best games ever.


I wish I managed to finish it:( I’m just not one for actually *playing* isometric games and things got tedious but I fucking *love* how it looks, love the lore and love the dialogue


Love the options. You can be too stupid to talk but rule in best power armor and you can get it straight away if lucky etc.


Im an old man, so I started at 1. Pretty much love them all. Even tactics had some good tgings about it, minus the story. I passed on 76 for a long time because when it first dropped it didnt really feel like Fallout to me, so I quit after a few hours. I came back a few months ago and I'm hooked now and wish I had given it more of a chance back at launch.


Order of play for me Fallout NV but wasnt sober enough or gamer enough to understand tf goin on Played fallout 3 on ps3 and godamn, that popped my fallout cherry Looked into Fallout 1 and understood the appeal or CRPGs and branched out into Baldurs Gate 2 then 1(yes I played it backwards) and don't get me started on kotor. Haven't tried fallout 4 yet, just went straight to 76 cause I want a casual shooter I can use controller with (I play on steam PC)


I respect that lol- when I got into 3 I was such an alcoholic so my memories of my initial playthrough are foggy Though 4 isn't my favourite bc of storyline choice, the companions are mint, the overall mechanics of settlement building + the freedom of mods within console is pretty cool- you should totally give it a try one day!


I'm a bethesda andy but I"ve played 2 a bit a few years back, 3 was my first but it was only really nv that I sunk my teeth into, that said I love 3 and 4 and I'd even say I enjoy 76 more.


Fallout 76 is my first Fallout, started last year, after I'm done with people in FFXIV. I'm actually glad there's no textchat so I could focus on gameplay. Then I started Fallout 4, wondering why I'm making so many misclicks during VATS mode and why I died or getting one shot even on normal difficulty, turns out I only have 1 Endurance xD I love the combat and mechanics in Fallout 76 more, it feels fast paced and more fluid, Loving the mutation system. I only wish I could use stimpacks while in VATS mode, then that would be perfect.


Fancy seeing you here ;)


Glad to have you in the community! FO4 is pretty cool- loved the settlement building so much ngl… I have put WAY too many hours into that LOL If you haven’t already you *gotta* play FNV- idk your age so it might seem dated, but you will not regret it


I've got Fallout 3 and FNV properly set up but there's so many good stuff coming at once xD


Played a lil bit of either 1 or 2, idr which i was very young and couldnt grasp the game so i went back to kirby lol. Could say seriously started playing at 3 and loved it. Have played them all multiple times since then.


got into fallout3 when fallout4 released, played them all except for that one ps2 exclusive game


Indeed, been a die hard fan since '97


Me its my first fallout I remember seeing shroud if you know him on twitch was talking about the game and the open beta So i search about the game and saw he's first stream playing the beta and i fall in love with the game and literally same day i bought fallout 76 Since then i didn't left the game And i don't think i will play the old fallout im an online guy so this one is perfect for me


Glad to see you in the community!! I totally understand that you’re partial to online play but if you enjoy the lore and story/setting of 76, you should rlly give the other titles a try at least once! Idk your age so the ones before FO4 might look a little dated to you, but FNV has a great storyline in its main game + DLC & the NPC’s are pretty diverse in their personalities which is also cool! You haven’t lived until you’ve been to The Big Empty mate trust me


Im 26 And the thing is i love grinding and playing with friends and people in general so i don't feel alone that's why I liked this game The games i play and grind the most are online games and souls And I still yet finished the main quest from the 2020 update when they add new main quest and that was last main quest i actually played lol so yeah not into the story that much just chilling here and there trading grinding building thats what i like and nuke players 🌝


Ohhh okay got you mate- that’s cool too! Tbh I haven’t set a nuke off yet in the three years I’ve played this game- I rlly gotta do it sometime lol!


Randomly stumbled across Fallout Tactics and loved it, played 1&2 after that, but fo3 was the first one I did multiple playthroughs, and I've more or less played the current Fallout over and over ever since.


You are the first person I have seen that said tactics was their first??? Honestly that’s pretty cool lol


Regardless of popular opinion I think it was a pretty good game, but that might be because I hadn't played any of the two others first.


started with FNV in 2011 or 2012.


3, NV, FO4 then 76 obviously i really like my FPS....


4, 3, NV and now 76!


I’m curious on what it was like starting with FO4 and working backwards?? For me it was weird going from ancient FNV to 4 with y’know… *modern graphics* but I would imagine it would be pretty weird going from 4 straight to 3- **you probably rlly missed those iron sights LOL**


That was what my husband was worried about when I went backwards. He thought I would hate playing them because of the graphics but the story is what captured my attention for both FNV and 3. I was very scared in 3 because of the grittiness, centaurs and DLCs. But I did love the Chinese stealth armor and sneak in that game. I was able to sneak by the whole enclave in that building I had to go in to blow them up lol. NV I also ended up as a stealth sniper. My favorite weapons were the Survivalist’s rifle and Christine’s silencer rifle. Dead money in NV was a bit scary but then got more annoying because of the whole collar thing lol.


Fr tho i loved how sneak was implemented in 3!! I used to go around all of Megaton, crouched foreverrrr just to raid everyone's houses LOL I was actually kind psyched for Dead Money but upon playing it, literally used console commands to just push me through because for the first time, I hated a DLC with a passion. Loved the actual design aesthetically, but not the level design for obvious reasons. Honest Hearts tho??? i start FNV at times just to go to Zion


Fo4 -> Fo3 -> FNV -> Fo76 I played Fo4 for the first dirst time back when I was a student, and I don't bother building settlements, just giving those pitiful settlers resources they need, a shed with some mattresses, and that would be my settlement back in the day.


My first Fallout game was the first one. I've played them all a handful of times. I don't not like 76, but it's cool in its own way. I actually like the original three the most. 1, 2, and BoS. When 3 came out I wasn't too upset over the perspective and gameplay change. It still felt like FO for the most part. New Vegas was cool. But 4 is kind of meh for me. I didn't really start playing with the settlement building and all of that until maybe my third or fourth playthrough, and Bethesda really bugs me with what they do to some of my favorite games like Elder Scrolls. It actually took me up to last month to actually play 76. And turns out I like it, but to be frank the whole "let's be nice to each other thing" is kind of overplayed. Let's be real. I'm all for being respectful, but a lot of people are taking the niceties for granted. And when I started encountering players mooching and straight up expected to be handed things it basically got under my skin. That and discovering this subreddit where people are patting themselves on the back and talking about all of their good deeds is bemusing. It's almost like Bethesda is telling it's employees to come in here and make up fake stories or some BS. May not be true, but that's how it comes across.


I feel you- 3 was my first, and 76 to me is like how Watch Dogs Legion is to the entire Watch Dogs franchise as a whole; cool in it’s own way but doesn’t rlly *fit* into the overall theme. Don’t get me wrong, I liked playing WDL but it’s just… weird if that makes sense lol. I’ve never experienced the mooching as I’m usually just the receiver of people randomly deciding to give me a shitload of chems or whatever, but I do hear new players are a bit whiny in the handout department- I feel like it’s all about having the “best of the best” in terms of items, armour, ect like status or some shit lol- meanwhile I’m over here happy with my regular ass mismatched armour & generic sniper rifle. On the note of the stories about good deeds, I think initially that people might be taken by surprise at how chill this online community is *(nowadays lol)* and when they experience something kind, want to share how they returned that experience- idk maybe and hopefully as a way to get others to do the same? I know I was really taken aback by getting my first gifts given to me and it’s given me the incentive to give new players what I can when I see them.


FNV > Fallout 4 > Fallout 76 for me. I’ve got them all from when they were given away. I may try 3 but leave the 2D ones as 2D type games are just not my thing.


Brooo yesss you gotta try 3!!! It was my first, and though it’s not my favourite *(fnv takes that place)* it is actually pretty good. I actually really liked the quests, and it has a really dark feel to it- not storyline wise but more atmosphere wise, with its barren landscape and bland colour scheme lolol Be warned though…. Bethesda went “fuck iron sights” for their first title upon acquiring the franchise


Started with Fallout 1 back in the year of release. I was barely 7 years old, didn't speak a lick of English, learned English by brute forcing dialogue and figuring out NPC reactions. Fallout and Baldur's Gate 1 were the main reason I learned English ahead of my generation of kids at school. Struggled a lot with Fallout 2. Turns out we had the European censored version, a lot of stuff was very off and glitchy. remember this is the pre-internet era for my part of the world so patches mostly came on and off from CDs offered in gaming magazines. Little troglodyte me wasn't particularly into the story of the fallout games so Tactics honestly was one of my favorite titles back in the day simply because of all the wild array of combat you could do. That somewhat changed one year later, around the 2002 era when I started to get REALLY invested into the stories of games. Morrowind, Warcraft 3, Age of Mythology, Neverwinter Nights all helped me get much more into the plot of the games, and in turn replaying Fallout 1 and 2 made me increase my appreciation for them drastically. Played the tech demo or whatever it was of Van Buren I got off some gaming magazine between those years, after it got cancelled. It was interesting but it didn't feel right to me. When Bethesda's Fallout 3 was announced, I got exalted. I loved Bethesda, Morrowind was my peak, I played Oblivion religiously and I honestly didn't understand the Oblivion with Guns comparisons. I would watch videos, interviews, check screenshots every week. It was such a good time to be a gamer. When the game released, it boggled my mind. The world, the sheer detail, the phenomenal sidequests, the vault doors in 101, Megaton, everything. It blew me away. The DLCs just amplified my hype tenfold. When New Vegas came out and I heard it's from the guys that made the originals, plus the ones that made KOTOR 2 (also one of my all time favorites), I was very hyped. The game sadly ran absolutely dogshit on release for me, I would often crash and couldn't get past Novac for a while. Some patches fixed somethings, others broke more things. I didn't particularly like the world and at that point the Damage Threshold mechanic absolutely killed a lot of my hype (guess I was too lazy to research proper ways of bypassing DT at that point) . Dead money flipped my perception of New Vegas upside down. I understood what they were trying to do then, you weren't supposed to be a guns blazing badass like in FO3 from the get-go. It was meant to be played like the classic Fallouts, cautiously, slowly. The hunter became the hunted. And as time went on I started loving New Vegas more and more for its own merits. Come Fallout 4 I had both an absolute garbage PC and I wasn't as invested in Bethesda any longer. I had zero interest in playing and I often ridiculed the game when i could. Reached Diamond City, quit the game. Didn't think about it at all until recently. 76 released and it was rough. Had a few friends to play but them quitting it made me quit it in turn. After the Wastelanders update I returned and started burning through the content solo. I adored the pacing, the crafting and the building. The world was unique and exploring it felt different. There is nothing quite beating the feeling of encountering your first ever scorchbeast or sheepsquatch as an underlevelled 10mm pistol carrying dweller. I got trashed. And I LOVED it. Come future updates, my hype would keep building up, then I took a prolonged break after the Seasons started. Probably one of my biggest regrets thinking back to it now. Returned to 76 in Season 12, playing with my partner and we've been playing it religiously since. It's been an absolute blast. Now a lot of my current friends are trying the game and are loving it too so we're expanding the horizons! This year I officially gave Fallout 4 another shot. Did it with my own pacing, started exploring religiously, reading EVERYTHING. And I came to realize my prior motifs for hating it were completely unfounded. I started loving the world, the settlements, the characters and the side stories. It's rapidly becoming one of my favourites and i've yet to reach any significant point in the story! I love it! And I am glad I gave it a second chance! tldr - I love all the fallout games I've played, each has their own merits and weaknesses. Each one is worth experiencing in its own way.


First FO game for me. One major reason was that previous stuff is single player only. I like to play with my partner.


I've heard a couple people here say they haven't tried the other games bc they like online so much- total respect for that but you *gotta* try FNV at least once... *you haven't lived until you've reached The Big Empty*


I started with 3 just... because of how old I am and the fact that I didn't play a lot of games until I was an adult. I loved the story immediately, but I was mechanically not a very good gamer back then so I didn't get very far (I've always had fine motor skill impediments). Anyway, long story short, I was able to really get into Fallout 4 after training my hands on some Bioware games, and now I have all 3 solo Bethesda titles on my 'to play' between 76 and another online game I play. 1 and 2 are on the list but... way further down because I remember isometric games used to give me headaches. I was also a big fan of outer worlds. I like the big story games.


I really liked outer worlds too- I never finished it and started replaying WD2 for the millionth time and just never went back to it, but straight up the scenes and graphics were so cool!


I get easily distracted, so I've definitely finished less games than I love :P


I started with New Vegas back in 2014 in PC, then tried out FO3. After FO4 came out, turns out it didn't run so well on my potato laptop so it took me until 2017 for me to get a new Laptop and can play FO4 on there. I did play around with FO1 and 2 but the CRPG aspect turned me off so I never bothered to continue. I picked 76 after they released Wastelander. I tried their free to play weekend first, got hooked and finally bought the game. I love playing 76 since it plays like FO4 which I love and the fact I can play with my friend is awesome.


I played FO4 on the PS4. I had played Skyrim several years after it was released, but FO4 was the first "Bethesda Game" I'd played from launch. I had heard FO76 was not good and someone mentioned PVP, plus it had a purchase cost, so I never investigated it further. With the show I'd gone back to FO4 on the Xbox, but it felt like I'd done it all before, so I downloaded 76 and wow, I'm blown away at how much fun this is. I generally don't like base building in games, but this one is pretty easy and with the various prefab objects, it reminds me a lot of Ultima Online, which is the one game I enjoyed the housing in. Plus the Mothman. Worship the Mothman at the church of your choice.


Discovered 3 then NV, 4 came out but did not have the hardware to run, when I do, 4, and lastly 76. I now love Bethesda rpg, Skyrim, Oblivion, Starfield (I got my hopes up, bethesda will rise it.), Fallouts. I actually want to be able to play the classics but inventory system is, to me, bad and turn based is not my thing.


first fallout game i did play was fallout 3 back in like 2022, but i did not play it alot and stopped after like 4 hours, so i don't really count it, the first fallout game i fully played was fallout 76 after my friend bought it for me this year at the start of february, after playing for hours and hours i got fallout new vegas and fallout 4, and now im a huge fan of the fallout games, mainly fnv


Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 in my case. I tried Fallout 2 but got frustrated pretty fast.


F3, F1, FNV, F4, F76.


You're the first person I've ever seen that went from F03- FO1, usually I just see people either go from 3 to FNV or 4 and then work backwards


4 was my first game. But I did play 76 before I really did much in 3 or nv.


I’m here from the earlier games. Started with Fallout 3 back when it came out. Quickly grew to be my favorite franchise. I actually got 76 when it launched, and I tried like 3-4 times to get into it, but it just felt empty without NPCs. That was the main thing that turned me off. Recently started seeing a bunch of posts about how much better 76 got and decided to give it another chance. Made a character a couple days ago and have been loving it! Really hard to put it down!


I started with 3 in 2010 a few months before NV release, I had loved Morrowind and Oblivion but Fallout wasn't really on my radar. Got NV and F4 shortly after their releases, love all of these games. Went on a CRPG kick lately so decided to check out the OG but it wasn't really doing it for me. When they announced 76 was free I hopped on right away, I had been curious about checking it out since Wastelanders but never pulled the trigger.


FO76 is my first Fallout game.


I've seen a few people say that and I'm curious- what got you into the series? Was it just from talk around your social circles or the net? Do you think you might delve into the previous titles at some point?


I started playing RPGs in the 1980s. The first RPG computer game I played was Alternate Reality. In the 90s, I played Doom 2, Warcraft 2, Diablo, Diablo 2, and Starcraft. When my kids were old enough, we played a lot of N64 and Xbox sports and 1st person shooters like Goldeneye and Halo. Then we migrated to PlayStation and played more sports games and TONS of Call of Duty. One of my sons bought Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and introduced me to Bethesda Games. I LOVED it! About 18 months ago, my sons quit playing Call of Duty with me. They're both adults and have their own kids. I was stuck with a brand new PS5 that I wasn't going to just let sit idle. I remembered a friend of mine had played FO4, so I bought the latest FO available and landed in FO76. I'm hooked. I love the RPG, the 1st person shooter, the complexity, and the community!


Completed fo3 4 times and fo4 once and now fo76 again for the second time after launch (didn't play much at launch bcus bugs)


76 is my first Fallout game. I bought it back when it first came out and I was still fairly new to pc gaming. All I remember is starting the game and being immediately killed over and over while I could barely move without the game freezing and stuttering. I eventually managed to change the graphics settings so it was somewhat playable but it felt kinda empty and i didn't know what to do? It was hard to get into after that first experience and never touched it again. Then I saw the show and really enjoyed it. I didn't really know much lore about the Fallout universe but knew of bits and pieces. Decided to buy the game again as it was on sale on Steam. Been enjoying it for the most part, my only issue still being performance with my game freezing quite often, sometimes for several seconds while the game world continues, which makes combat extremely tricky being attacked while I'm still frozen.


Started with 3, New Vegas, 4, and then 76. Loved every single one of 'em.


Started with Fallout 2 on my first Windows xp computer like 25 years ago 🤣


The *right* way lol!


I started with Fallout 2 in 99 and have been hooked ever since.


I was not interested in the Fallout franchise at all, but Skyrim pushed me to look into FO4, I didn't like FO3 and NV, but I was really hyped for FO4 even before release, after that I liked Fallout Shelter, then Fallout 76 Too bad Starfield was a let down


Honestly I really did try to like Fallout Shelter but idk I just couldn't get into it- cool style tho and I'm happy that a title in the franchise sits on mobile so people that don't have a PC/Console can get into the series!


Black Isle/Interplay Fallout


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout Game, i skipped FO4 and Fallout 76 is my favorite one. Playing since release.


I respect that- loved jumping into modern graphics with 4, crafting, settlements and companions but goddamn did that storyline piss me off. So underwhelming.


I started with fallout 76, then I tried 4, then fallout shelters


Yes I have played all the Fallout games. Played everyone as soon it was released. Think Vegas was my favourite one.


I started on Fallout 3 back in the day when it released and I’ve since played all the 3D fallout games. I may go back and play 1-2 but I’m not super motivated to at the moment


I’ve played maybe 1 hour of the other games combined. Came to 76 cause of the show like everyone else. Have put 39 hours into it so far and have been having fun


I barely remember 1 and 2 as I’ve switched from PC to console about 20 years back or so. So FO3 could be considered my most played earliest game then it went from there.


Like a lot of players in their early 20s, my first Fallout game was Fallout 4. Which is funny, because I love 76, in spite of not really thinking 4 was anything special. I've still never actually finished it. I went backwards, and played New Vegas, which I liked a lot. Been playing 76 since 2020, though (it was my, "hey I have plenty of time to play an MMO right now" game). I've been enjoying it ever since.


Started with FO3/NV on 360 spent 1000s of hours in my early 20s to those then FO4 then 76. I've tried playing 1 and 2 but can't get into them the mechanics are a little too dated for me I was 9 when 1 came out we didn't have a pc till I was like 16 so never got into early pc games.


I've played since 3, I've been playing 76 for a year and a half


I started with fallout 4 GOTY year edition for my PS4 then I got fallout 76 for the PS4 and I played it a little bit didn’t like the multiplayer aspect so I took about a year and a half hiatus. But now I’ve started playing it again and I’m really liking it. I also play NV on my laptop


First time I played FNV was on console but holy shit- FNV is known to be buggy but try playing it on console lol... *pure hell.* So I switched to only playing it via laptop and haven't looked back since.


It was super buggy the first time I played but it’s smoothed out considerably


I started with the OG Fallout myself.


First was FO3 and loved it then New Vegas and loved it more and rode the hype train into FO4 and loved it most (fight me) because I love the building aspect. Never played FO 1 or 2 and likely never will.


No fr like settlement building was so cool! Especially with mods that added more shit + taking the building limit off lol!


Started with Wasteland. I got that, Castle Wolfenstein, and Captain GoodNight for my Apple 2C for Christmas, age 7.


Been playing since the beginning. FO, FO2, Tactics, the ps2 crawler, 3 , New Vegas, and 4


Fallout 3 when I was 8


The first Fallout I played was 2 in 1999. I played tactics when it came out and every other fallout game since (other than Fallout: BOS, I never even heard of it til years later) Played 76 since BETA, took a break for a bit but back in the saddle and loving it. Oh and PS 76>4


I've been playing since the very first turn-based fallout game back when I was just a wee young mudskipper. I actually still have the original CD-ROM from back then somewhere. Lol I became a very heavy New Vegas and fallout 4 player, but I hesitated to play 76 because I was hearing terrible things about it. There's still some issues, but it's a pretty decent game now.


Great questions! Back in the 90s, I played Doom 2, Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Starcraft. Before that, I played an 80s RPG computer game called Alternate Reality. After I had kids, I played N64 and Xbox games like Madden, NCAA Football, NBA on NBC, Halo. We migrated to PlayStation and started playing Call of Duty. Then, my son introduced me to Bethesda Games through Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I LOVED it!! When my sons quit playing Call of Duty in 2022, I was left with a brand new PS5. I got sick of playing Call of Duty solo and remembered a friend telling me about FO4. I decided to get the latest Fallout game and landed on FO76. Now, it's all I play. I love the RPG, first person style of play. The quests, storyline, and community are the best I've ever experienced. I'm hooked!


I got fallout 76 4 free from prime gaming then I thought I should try other games aswell and there was a fallout sale on steam so I bought 3 and NV and played through 3 and a bit of the dlc and then was like hmm I like this so I bought fallout 4 and beat that and I am currently doing dlc and then I will play NV and 76


I’ve never played another fallout. Jumped on to 76 so I could play with a friend and ended up loving it


3 was my first, I've beaten them all since, except BOS and Tactics.


I picked up starfield before I played 76, lol. Just hit 70!