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Pie is lie. Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life


Piper is life.


Thats cake you silly rad goose!


I got a pie last month and I turned on my mic to let everybody in earshot know because I was so excited. The silence was deafening. They were probably just jealous.


I got one from a donation box the other day I went to a guy's base one time to check out his trade inventory and what I found there was a building marked with a bunch of arrows and stuff so I went in. I was in a room with a single door and a keypad. There was another switch and pulling it opened a secret door revealing a 4-digit code. What followed was a series of maze-like puzzles spanning his surface base and like 2-3 vault bases with various silly things to open keypad doors, all while teasing the word "pie" over and over. When I finally got to the end, it was just a room filled with like 10-15 trophy cases full of pie and one vendor. It was...something.


Thank you, you’ve given my life purpose again. I must dedicate my life to building one of those bases but even more complex and tedious


I left one at the donation box at the overseers house on xbox.


I managed to get my first one in the middle of a Daily Ops lmao made sure to let my friend know, who was pretty jealous


Eat it


Eat it ...or display it for a while then decide is not as cool as a reward... Now if you could hang out of your backpack, that'd be cool. I put one in a drop box once.. I wish I could have seen that person's face.


>Now if you could hang out of your backpack, that'd be cool. Yes! We need a perfectly preserved backpack flair that you get only from x amount of pies from the machines


New player here. I got the pie on like my second day and promptly ate it not realizing how rare it is. Haven't seen another one in like 100 hours.


Did you know there’s a free pie on top of Wes-Tek? If it’s not there when look for it, someone probably took it. I’m not even trying to troll.


Well now I don't feel so bad. That's the one I ate lol. Didn't realize til reading more comments that it's even possible to get them from the machines. I thought those were intentionally always going to fail.


There’s a whole equation for how the machines release the pie pieces, and iirc is one of the few mechanics in the game that the Luck special skill influences.


Definitely gonna give it a try now that I know lol. I'm running almost max luck.


Should take ~10 at max luck.




Imagine all that time spent at the pie vendor..........when u coulda got it at wes tek and saved alot of ur time


Wait really? That's cool! I got it on my 4th or 5th try at the legendary shop! (Of course I guess I did just make a habit of stopping everything I see one so idk how many that would be. Now in new vagus when I was like 15 whatever did spend more then a few hours and then again as an adult in the same place lmfao)


Legendary shop? Also congrats on the pie lol I've only seen it in people's shop for like 30000 caps


I've recently sold a couple for 205 caps lol. I have a display case full of them, I got them all legitimately from the machines but it was surprisingly easy, took no more than probably 10 minutes each time, maybe 20 at the longest but my luck is at 8 or 9 so that definitely helped I'm sure lol. Since they're not so rare I figured I'd sell them cheap. Also I think the person you replied to meant the Rusty Pick when they said legendary shop 🤔


Sell it for 40k in your vendor.


For anyone reading this if you want your own perfectly preserved pie all you have to do is quite literally just stand there spamming the machine. Your initial chance to get the pie uses a formula that takes your Luck into account but each failed attempt will increase your odds of getting the Pie.


Also if the claw goes straight down, youre not getting it. You will see the claw twitch before it drops when its going to actually pick it up.


Just a numbers game! Bound to happen eventually! Was still exciting when I did get it tho! :P


So throw on a full luck build and stand there for a few? Does this work at the rusty picks machine?


Or… just fast travel to West Tek and instead of farming XP you check the roof for a daily perfectly preserved pie waiting to grab.


That's FAKE PIE.


I did not even know you *could* 'win' the Perfectly Preserved Pie until I had been playing for eighteen months! I though the automat machine was just decoration wrapped up in a tease.


Me too ever since fallout 4 came out until this day!


Doesn’t even need to come from the machine. There’s a piece of pie on top of Wes-tek


fake pie


Sell it to someone and I’m sure they’ll give every godroll they have 💯


pretty sure you beat the game you can now rest friend


The vendor at the Purveyor has dropped pie for me twice. Also, this is a pie in the roof of Westek.


Pie in this game is easier to obtain than in FO4 I think I have 30 in my inventory.


Definitely. I have five but I do spam every machine that I see in Fallout 76. I did that in Fallout 4 and struggled to get two.


well I mean resources kind of need to be more plentiful so more people can have them


I did the other day. Ate it by mistake.


Cobbler, which is not a pie


Now you build a display in your camp and start displaying all the pies you've won over the years


I got the pie once. I didn’t realize it was an RNG deal, I just thought I found the ONE pie-o-matic that still worked! So I ate the pie! Went back to the same location to get more, and I learned how wrong I was. Then I started seeing pie for sale cheap in vendors - like under 1000c. So I started collecting pie! I may have a problem. 😂


There’s a free pie on top of wes-tek


Fake pie D:<


Rejoice in your 1 out of 135 attempts that yielded fruit. Well...pie. # H8rs will say 'just get it from the roof of west tek...it's the same" # No. Pie won is different than pie found. Just like Paul Newman said.


Yew gotta pie in me!


If you want a second I'm selling one at my shop for 40k


Do you accept officially notarized NukaCola IOU's?


I'll only accept caps and toilet paper. Shits running out round here.


Per square or per roll?




Start as a pie, die by the pie


There is always a perfectly preserved pie on top of West tek just sitting there for the taking once you take it there is a respawn timer but you can grab one every couple of days


Congrats! Now keep it on your person at all times to look at but never touch, until you accidentally misclick and eat it and start the cycle over.


Find more….build max display shelves. Max out pies in those displays to show all the Reclamation Babies that these pies are not even remotely close to rare or valued at what they’re tryna sell them for 🤣


There’s a static spawn for one on the top of WesTek that is on a world timer. You can hop to private to public as much as you want and find one. At this point most people don’t even bother looking for it so it’s usually always there when I hop into a world.


There is a >!pie that spawns on top of the west Tek research building!< but >!it takes the feeling of accomplishment when getting the pie from the machine!<.


I did to a couple of days ago, but it didn't show in the box for me to rake it


i throw my pies/cakes in a display to flex on the low luck players.


put it in your vendor for 40k to humblebrag like everyone else.


Between 76 and 4 , 2k hours and countless attempts, I have 0 pies.


What is pie?


If it's from the WestTek roof, that's guaranteed to give you the pie.


I found a Pie in the Overseers house, is it something special? I think it was a pumpkin pie?


Thats just yummy! But what I am referring to is [The Perfectly Perserved Pie!](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Perfectly_preserved_pie_(Fallout_4)) You have probably seen it around the wasteland in those half broken vending machines!


What is this pie you speak of?


I was exactly this excited 1st time I got it as well.


I never tried for the pie in any FO game. I know It can be done so I started trying recently. I have a friend who doesnt believe you can even attain one. My advice, sell that mug for 40k


Put it in your vendor for 31415 caps.




display it, get more pie, display that pie


I just started playing again on a new account after 3 years and on my first attempt I got the pie


Private server .. fresh pie 🥧


If you mean the "perfect pie" i got 13 of them. I ussually get one every 13th try.


Honestly I just go to the West Tek spawn. gotten 4 like that in the last week.


I remember my excitement when I got my first one. Much to the jealousy of the people on my team lol


Didn’t get one for ages then 2 right away. Could just get the one on the roof


Lucky!! I still haven’t found one.


Display it in your CAMP?




I’m currently doing all available pie locations, need em all in my display cases


You can get it? It just did the same animation so i thought it was scripted to fail


As a new player , I am confused. I have gotten perfect looking pies from ovens, kitchen counters, the fair grounds… what is special about this pie?


It's called the 'Perfectly Preserved Pie,' that's the name of the item. It's in the yellow and red Port-A-Diner machines which are placed across the wasteland at different locations. When you press the button to activate the Port-A-Diner, the claw inside usually fails to grab the pie and you get nothing, like a claw machine game. But if you keep trying eventually you'll get it, especially with high luck.


Oooh!! Thanks! I thought that desert was forever unobtainable since it always fails to serve .


Lol no problem 😉


I got one!! Tried to take a screenshot of it in the claw but new computer , don’t think it worked oh well. Yay me!


Nice lol it feels good when you finally get it


I accidentally ate it :(


Aw haha. No worries, just try again. If you want to get one faster, use some day tripper or x-cell to bring your luck up, stay at the same machine cause every time you activate it your likelihood of receiving the pie goes up. And once you get it transfer it directly to your stash for safe keeping. Orrrrr... you can cheat and check out the top of the West Tek Research Center building. As others have mentioned, a pie spawns on the roof there once a day lol.


Thanks !


I got it on my second try and I was so mad I never got it in F4 ... am not even sure if it has rotten away by now


I’ve had one for sale in my Xbox shop for 10,000 caps and no takers. I figured with it being much lower than the ones I’ve seen at 30 and 40,000 caps that it would possibly sell, but no luck.


Eat it before it spoils.


Gonna list a few for 1776 and 2776. See if they sell.


Is this like a pumpkin pie? I found it and put it in my stash at level 4 and it has just been sitting there for 50 levels After reading it is the perfectly preserved pie from the pie o matic machine that is often broken


Do people really care about them? I have 2 dozen just hitting the button while I’m on the phone or afk eating or something in the Rusty Pick and grabbing the world spawn one at West Tek. It doesn’t take long 3-10 minutes maybe? Scales with luck and attempts.


I got two in 3 days, I'm swimming in it over here. 3 in less than a month. I feel I'm ahead of the curve, but what curve?


Congrats, you won FO76! (rolls credits)


There's a good pumpkin pie......mmmm pie


eat it


On spawns on the spawns West Tech roof.


Get another pie.


Boof it.


I got my first one in far harbor in fo4 - I had just cleared out a location and I saw it sitting in the corner. Gave it a shot and won it big. I couldn't help but beam as I collected it, nice little slice of the old world now in my hands. For you though? I'd head to Atlantic City and pray your rng hasn't been used up for the year


It's fun when that happens!