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You can run solo, most people join / create teams just for the bonuses and never actually see their team mates unless they visit their camp or do events.


I'm always solo and in a casual team as much as possible. Honestly it's kinda awkward when I stumble across other people on the team randomly...


Yeah I usually just wave and go on my way, they usually wave back


That’s exactly what I do.


I’ve had this happen I just waved and then carried on going to my objective, haven’t even heard anyone talk in a party that could be my settings though


That’s good to know. As a solo I’ve been avoiding joining teams as I am so hopeless but if I can join and continue doing my own stuff I’m up for that.


I play with a team of 3 and we have no expectations of what the 4th member does, but I do always happily wave when I run into them at events


Please join! Everybody benefits when a casual team has all four slots full.


The only teams you are expected to join the others on your team is daily ops and expeditions.


Had some low levels join my daily ops team last night while I was grinding out my last 3 for the weekly and nobody joined them so I did them solo. Please if you are joining a daily ops team help out. Felt like a slap in the face.


May have been guilty of that couple weeks ago. Was joining teams for a bit before i realised the difference in type of team and the bonuses they apply. Im a wise old level 54 now. I know better. Still dont join daily ops missions cause im not 100% sure how to participate


You just go in, look at the instructions, do the instructions, and try not to die!


Or die, get lost, die again, eventually make your way back to your team ...😂


The events teams also give bonus XP for doing the events, not very useful if you aren't doing them. Casual team give bonus Intelligence, so you gain extra XP for whatever you are doing.


Does that include public events or is it just world events?


Event team Should be all events


That's what I thought but I've always wondered. Thanks for confirming!


It's simple for daily ops. Follow the marker and kill enemies with markers over their head. If you want simpler follow the group and don't stop firing lol


Lmao, sounds easy enough


It really is. I will suggest looking at what the enemy modifiers are some can be really nasty like antobarmour but in most cases stay with the group and shoot.


It grinds my gears also unless they're really low level. That level 28 guy doesn't know how to join dops anyway 


Had a level 7 join my squad on an uplink Daily Ops last week. They did better than I would have expected, but made enough rookie mistakes that I'm sure they were a genuine newbie. My group was positively charmed by them.


also wanna add to this you're taking up a spot in the daily team so not only are you just not helping you're actively hindering progress. don't be joining daily ops teams and doing nothing lol.


Daily Ops it's a real issue, excursions I mind less because you don't actually need other players as much and at least I'm getting some benefits from other players, but it doesn't benefit them to be in the team and not show up.


I was in a casual team just me and the leader Level 77. She went to do Daily ops and I wanted to join but figured me being level 24 was too low.


If somebody starts a Daily OP while in a casual party feel free to join up.


You are at that level but doesn't mean you can't jump in and try your best!. You will die though, a lot.


I can't speak for anyone else, but if I go into daily ops on a casual team, I'm probably just doing it for a daily or weekly challenge and don't care about getting the best time and am fully prepared to do it solo. I don't expect the rest of the team to drop what they're doing and join. Although if people want to, I don't mind at all! It would definitely be a challenge at your level, but with daily ops, the more the merrier. Even if you suck, it's not like you're actively hindering progress. Especially with Uplink, just being there in the boost zone is helpful to speed it up. Again I want to stress that's on a *casual* team. If you join a daily ops team, they may care a lot about getting the best time and reward, and if an unprepared low level joins the team, that *is* taking the place that someone more prepared could have taken. BUT if they care enough, they can kick you from the team, so I wouldn't worry about it too much (or take it personally if you get kicked...teams are glitchy and can randomly drop people anyway).


Thanks for all you guys responses. Yes it was on a "Casual" team and I was worried about hindering process. I have not done any my self so I want to do some at some point.


If you're worried, you could try doing it solo first just to see what it's all about. My husband and I did it together just the two of us our first time and it took us 70 minutes because we did it on a nasty double mutation, didn't have great weapons (good enough to get by in the normal game, and for cryptids to be a proper challenge), and it was a location we weren't familiar with (and even now it's still a maze to me). But it helped us figure out what it was, what we needed to do, etc. But yeah, on a casual team, if anyone were to get mad about you joining...that's a them problem. Some people can get pissy about low levels joining daily ops, but again...if they're serious about it, they should've made a daily ops team.


Will it say if it’s a daily op team or whatever? I joined a team last night because it said casual and I figured that was just for the bonus I didn’t actually play with them.


Yes, it would say Daily Ops in place of Casual.


Nothing wrong with that, it's beneficial to all to join a casual team or make your own if they're all full, the other teams, expeditions, daily ops are for folk wanting to do specifically them.


Is there no team chat? Or even a global chat?


Yes, there's chat in team and there's localised chat, folk can hear you when you get within a certain radius.


That’s my only pet peeve from the influx of new players. I have only done one daily op on pc since the show dropped because no one will join daily op teams and the twice they’ve joined they wouldn’t join op and on pc I’m only level 93 and not fully geared yet so ops are slow


I wish there was real matchmaking for Daily Ops and Expeditions that would let you just stay in a casual team in the over world then throw you in once all 4 players are ready. I hate the guessing game about whether an Ops team just finished their run, are about to go, or are in the Op. I usually will jump in the team and if the team isn't already in the instance or goes within a few minutes I leave and go back to a different team.


Yeah I'm not sure I care about either for this exact reason. Getting a team that's actually willing to do them is hard and then they're just not that fun, certainly not solo


I started a dops team last night to get the daily, and it ended up with three of us over level 300 and one guy that was level 32 who im pretty sure had no idea what was going on. With zero coordination, the three higher levels formed a wall around the low guy and protected him from the scorched waves. it was pretty fun, like an optional objective


Thats pretty cool. You guys did that using mics?


Nope, just on our own initiative


Nice. Well if you're on ps5/ps4 we can make a simi club for daily ops. We can just hit each other up if we're on. Funny thing is I just joined a group of trophy hunters for a different game like a week ago. We helped each other get the platinum we wanted from the game


It's called boosting, people have been doing it since achievements/ trophies first hit. There's groups for it on every trophy/achievement site. Psn Profiles is what I use


I'm aware of the name. Just called it something different


I've started to love getting newbies in dops, I've been a regular player since beta and I've run more daily operations than I could possibly count at this point so protecting the greenhorns has kinda turned into a new game mode all on its own. how long can I keep this baby idiot (term of endearment) alive while they desperately try to figure out wtf is going on? finally, a real use for all those support perks!!


Thank you, we are honoured to be your escort quest, at least we walk faster than scripted npcs? :P


if I see someone join my daily ops team and they wait 5 or so minutes to join the DOp, they're immediately kicked. Don't want to help? Don't get the reward.


Sounds about right


Works the other way around, can't count the amount of times someone starts a daily ops team and then dicks around in their base for an hour.




Yes always. 100 up votes because it is fact. No one wants someone to join the team and not participate.


I don't give a crap personally.


I don't mind. I usually run uplink solo to get the daily. If some one joins in halfway, good on them. Congrats on your 100 upvotes.


if someone joins in halfway you're not even gonna get the bond for more xp anyway 🤣 it doesn't help you and only takes up slots actual helping players would've taken.


It's appreciated if the team is empty with space available, but if you're not participating on a full team, please leave for an active player!


The only time I have ever seen a team actually be a team is when it’s for expeditions, Daily Ops, or a premade friend group. It’s expected that you run solo when you join any other team of randoms, honestly I would be a bit confused if a teammate joined a casual group and actually followed me around.


Events, too. I run event groups all the time and when someone joins and never shows up to events I’m assuming they didn’t read it wasn’t a casual group. Last night I booted two people that were not doing events with us and they rejoined and came to every event after that. It’s usually pretty successful but the only group I had a hard time with for events was for Earle, I haven’t been back to the game in two years but my group of 4 got it down to 70% after ten minutes and we all bailed because nobody else showed up. Felt bad, sucks to suck lol


Do you play on pc? If so pretty sure that I was with you when we did Earle if not then either way I had the same experience just 4 of us fighting him and we all bailed to do a public event that started during it


It was last night and on pc aggroware is my name on everything, my wife and I have sort of the same Gauss rifle build. I felt bad I started seeing other people leave and I just figured I suck or that not enough people were around.


90% sure I was in that group if not then I was there lmao and yea most severs hit or miss if people actually go there to fight him 🤦 but if you ever feel like doing a casual party I’m down


I had this the other day,3 of us were in a team as a friend group and a random joined. All good, then he travelled to us with his power armour and helped fight for a bit. Then he left to make his own team, I later took over a workshop and who comes back with a full team to help defend it... the guy from earlier with his mates. Really cool experience and pretty wholesome. We all put thumbs up after the defence and went on our way.


Yeah it doesn't matter if you run solo or not, especially if it's a casual team which exists solely for the XP boost


My pet hate is joining an expedition or daily op team, and the team leader never starts a daily op or expedition. I do not understand why people do that. Change it to casual. Q us up or leave the team. Rant over.


When I make a expedition team I usually do like 1-3 runs or take some breaks between to manage the legendaries I got. Sometimes people join at the end and I can totally feel like it has to be super disapointing to join, the leader do nothing and leave. Sorry from the bottom of my hearth.


Heart. I don't want your ashes!.


Same goes for events. I've only been playing for a few weeks, but just about every events team I've joined does anything but events lol.


From what I've seen they do the event at the top of the hour OR the initiated one, then take time to fix weapons and armour before the next thing. Doing both the top of the hour one and any extra ones back to back can be really hard on my gear and ammo and I'm the dumb baby in the back, i can only imagine if you're carrying everyone.


I play melee now but even when I was using guns, the contextual drops from enemies more than made up for lost ammo. And not sure why it would be really hard on your gear, as I haven't noticed it being worse than just doing anything else. And I play melee so I'm getting hit by everything. I go to pretty much every public event, as does my wife, and haven't had any trouble keeping stuff repaired even past level 50 when we started using max lvl gear.


I'm not 50 yet, so I wouldn't know. If it's not am immediate start I'm happy to do both events in the hour, but I do like having enough time to stop at a stash box and sort through my shit at the very least :P And repair my armour/restock on some essentials, but that's because I'm little.


There are a lot of people who don't know what they are. There have been daily oos with 4 level 5 people in them.


I've seen that on PS4 a ton, I just nope out, I'm 300 but not good enough to carry 3 ultra noobs!.


I think usually it's people forget to switch after they have already run it. Unless you mean when you see a new team formed for it and then they don't, yeah, I don't understand that.


Usually means they've just run the op and are too lazy to change the team, happens all the time.


No, that's what casual teams are for, really. The others are really for people who want to team up for events, expeditions, etc. I often play in the same casual team for hours and only run into my teammates if we happen to turn up at the same event.


Depends on the type of Team really Casual - Yes, feel free to solo away Events - Yes, again solo is fine Expeditions - No, you should really only join if you want to participate as a group Daily Ops - No, you should only join if you want to play in a Team RolePlay - Maybe, sometimes its a group roleplay so depends really but can also Solo Explore - Yes, you can go Solo on this or Join up - depends on the team really! Thats how I have always seen the Teams, I tend to stick to casual as I get the most XP.


note for the roleplay teams: go into settings and turn your team chat on in audio, chances are if they're talking there they'll ask you to leave or you can join in on the rp.


>Is it good etiquette to join someone's team but continue to run solo? if it's a casual team, absolutely, it's pretty much expected. if it's expedition or daily ops team, it's hoped you join the team in the events.


I choose my casual team by where the other players CAMPs are, just for the fast travel locations


Beyond good etiquette. It's expected. Except Daily Ops and Expeditions. Those you're expected to participate (Especially Daily Ops where the number of team members present is critical). The rest of them though are basically soloing while on a team. For day-to-day soloing, you want a Casual team for the increased XP through the Intelligence bonus.


I swap servers, look, and join or create almost immediately. Then, I proceed to keep on doing whatever I was doing.


Yes, there is no expectation to group up with casual teams. People just join for the bonus INT and to activate certain perk cards. Some friendly advice since I can't resist... max out the Inspirational and Magnetic Personality perks in Charisma early on. Then, when in a full casual team you get +4 INT (+8% XP), +15% XP, and +6 CH. Also, the +6 Charisma is nice while on a team since higher Charisma means more caps for you whenever a teammate completes a quest.


Damn I'm so thankful of this post, I've been dodging teams because I didn't want to offend anyone by not interacting (I prefer solo play) but now that I understand the majority consensus is that nobody really cares ill be sure to join more often for the bonuses. 👍


Mostly for the bonus. From my experience, 90% of event party leaders aren’t actually doing events, 90% of ops party leaders aren’t actually doing ops, so it takes me a few sever hops until I find a good party that actually is trying to work together.


There's actually a bug that will show a team as being ops or expeditions even after the leader changes it to a casual team. It doesn't always show to the leader that the team type hasn't changed, so that may be what you're seeing when you join and no one is "doing the thing". A lot of folks end up leaving these teams for that reason, and the leader is often like..."wtf??"


Not everyone fully understand the purpose of a casual team, so you might get kicked occasionally. In my experience teams where all the players are around the same level are people who specifically team up, and are usually the one's that I get kicked from.


Casual and Event teams are fine solo. Join those for the personal buffs. Daily Ops and Expeditions - expectation is that you'll run those as a group typically. Roleplay and explore - I think some people use these, but ... I never do / never have. My background - long-time player (I'm not at 7600 hours but I'm closer than is sane), mostly solo-ish (few friends that play, but rarely) - and I'm ALWAYS in a group.


So with Daily Ops and Expeditions…Once you join the team do you get a notice when the team leader is ready to go? I’ve only ever done both of those with my daughter because I don’t know the logistics. I know how to join a team, but I don’t know how to join the actual expedition or daily op. Does something just pop up on your screen for you to click when everyone is ready?


You'll get a notification that the team leader has started/entered the Daily Op or Expedition. But then you need to go to your map and, depending on what you're doing, either click on the Daily Op from the list on the bottom left of the screen and then click "Join Team", or if it's an Expedition, click on the circle in the top middle with the vertibird graphic, then select either "Atlantic City" or "The Pitt" (it will say next to the name which one your team is in), a little minmap of locations within there will pop up, and you'll hover over the icons until one says "Current Expedition". Click on that icon, and then click "Join Expedition"


That was hugely helpful. Thank You!


Yeah you get a notification. And you can see by their name in the bottom left.


That’s pretty much what everyone is doing. We are only joining teams for the bonus.


I do it pretty much every time I play. I just join for the INT boost.


Technicall, RP,Casual or Explorations are the teams you can group up for the xp boots and run solo, however for Events, Daily OPS and Expeditions its basically you have to group up, events are fun and great way to level up fast and get a lot of loot


I join teams just so my mutations get balanced out, nobody cares if you ever meet up unless it is daily ops or expeditions.


Yes. In fact most of us, like myself, create the public teams just for the bonus.


You absolutely can. Like others said just Daily Op and Expeditions you need to participate. I launched an AC expedition yesterday. A 49 joined up and made his way to AC so I had hopes. Once we got there he just wandered off to explore or do whatever he was doing all the way at the opposite end from the fireworks. Once I launched them all myself and emptied to 10 enemies with no help it was time to kick the poor bastard. Don't be like him


If you join a Daily Ops team, it's expected for you to be there. Same with an Expedition team. Most of the time it's just people running solo. I sometimes join teams just to fast travel to their camp location for free


If you join a causal team you're expected to continue to run solo. If you join one of the other teams, you're expected to join up


Public teams? Yes absolutely. Daily opps and expeditions, no. Those you need to be active for


Absolutely, they probably prefer it. It’s just for the XP buff. Also, don’t be offended if you get kicked off a team. It’s usually one of two things. They’re playing with a friend group or it’s a bug that randomly kicks players. Just keep an eye on your team status and join another or make one of your own.


I use my teammates as stat boost/ fast travel points haha


It's perfectly fine. Just don't take up a daily ops or Expeditions slot so people that want to can join. Casual otherwise.


Naw, im always doing my own thing. Make sure its marked as a casual group and rock on!


That's usually the point to casual teams. Just chill and do your own thing and everyone gets a bit of an xp boost


Join! I started joining casuals. Unfortunately I joined a team with one other person at a lower level than me and they immediately tried to trade with me and take my good weapons. no thank you. left that team immediately. Now, I'm a little more cautious, joining when at least one player is higher level than me. I don't know how much that will help, but so far so good. I do my own thing the entire time, but will join them in events on occasion.


Only expected to meet up generally for event teams (where you’re sort of expected to show up should anyone else do the same at some but not all events that will show up) or on expedition/daily ops teams. Casual is just that, casual. Pretty much just used for exp buffs and maybe using each other or their camps as fast travel help


Daily Ops and Expedition teams are made for running those specific game modes, so if you join one you are expected to join in. As you might have noticed most teams are Casual Teams, those are made because for every member in the team, members get +1 Intelligence and that means more experience. So most casual teams are 2-4 players doing their own thing, just with a bonus to intelligence/experience.


If it’s a casual team yes it’s fine if it’s a daily op team and you don’t do the op then that’s a no no.


In about 2-and-a-half weeks of playing I always join a casual group and I've never once done anything with anyone in that group. Ever. Now I *do* play often with my son and we definitely play together all the time. We also open our team up to make it a public casual team and again, no one has ever come and helped us unless it was during an event. There's no expectation to join other players to do things together and in fact, you really can't anyway since you can just tag along and help without it affecting your own status on whatever mission you're doing.


If you're joining an expedition or daily op then you should join the instance. If you're joining a casual team then just run on your own.


Casual teams are also a great way to hop around the map, but you get more XP bonus if you stay in them.


It's expected for you to quest solo, the only exceptions are Daily Ops teams and excursions teams because those don't give you any benefit outside of doing the missions. You can also get a lot of the team based benefits just being in a team by yourself.


My friends and I we host public parties but if we have it listed as daily operations or events then it means we’re looking for others to run those with us. When we go questing or doing dailies we list it as casual which is usually the people looking to go solo


I do it every day.


As someone who has been in the Wasteland since closed beta, sometimes we make teams just for the buffs. You can create a team, for events, and stay on it solo and reap the benefits of some team play buffs, without ever having to actually have a team (or friends). Instead of Lone Wanderer and the AP and damage perks, take Inspirational for the 15% xp buff. It’s the wasteland. If they wanted teams to be private they would have added the function. I say anyone who is mad someone joins and does their own thing “unless a specific team like EXP runs or something” I say they’re just Miserable Ghouls!


As long as it's not a team to do specific instanced content (like Daily Ops). In general you should probably always be on some team for any type of content you want to run (it just has good bonuses).


I always do it but I make sure I join a casual team so I’m not inadvertently ruining something


yes and its good to jump to events because its more people to tag mobs and win more exp


Yes, you give everyone else a bonus. Just don’t do that when joining activity teams like Daily Ops. Worst case scenario if they want more action they can kick you or leave and make a new team. If everyone stays in then clearly they are okay with it.


Casual seems to be the “I want to run solo for exp” option yes lol. The others seem for more specific stuff like if you’re bouncing from event to event


Literally everyone do this for casual teams. Only teams that actually requires playing together is daily ops and expeditions


I'm wondering if its good etiquette to join someone's low level team but stalk them waiting for them to die to snatch up their junk?


If it’s an event or daily ops group yeah, but like casual, exploration or whatever no. That’s just for the bonus and nobody cares. Basically if it’s for a group activity don’t join unless you plan to do the group activity, if it’s not then it’s whatever.


most people play solo and join casual groups. don't join specific groups like daily ops/ expeditions if you're not interested in joining them they're looking for people to do those with them


If it is a casual team, absolutely.


This is why casual is one of the public team types. If you join into a daily op or expedition team and they’re already in then yes, otherwise don’t join one of them. If you join one and they haven’t started yet, by all means do your own thing. If you join one and while in the middle of doing your own thing the group starts whatever it was formed for, while you’re in the middle of doing something (crafting/repairing/selling/participating in an event) use your best judgement.. If it’ll take another min or two, you’re probably good to finish up what you’re doing; if radiation rumble or Eviction Notice has just started and they decide to start whatever they created a group for, leave and join a different group.. or better yet start your own casual group.


It is the BEST etiquette for a casual team. Event teams, daily ops, and expeditions require some group participation.


comprehensively: **Casual** and **Exploration** teams: you are completely free to join and then do as you please. in fact, it might be considered a little odd if you actively seek out your team members to try and do stuff together (but don't let that stop you from trying, some folks are more social than others). **Events** teams: often used like Casual and Exploration teams, but some people run them with the goal in mind of getting the bonus loot+XP you'll get from nearby teammates' kills, and they'll want you to at least attend the main Public Events that pop up. **Daily Ops** and **Expeditions** teams: you are expected to join in the relevant game mode. players who join the team but not the op/expedition are dead weight for the rest of the team (by taking up a slot that could be filled by an active participant) and don't get any benefit from the team bonus either. if you're just in need of a team for the relevant perks/mutations and there aren't any spots open beside DOps/Expeditions, it's time to spin up your own Casual (and if the other teams are all full, you can usually expect others to join pretty quick). **Roleplaying** teams: no idea! I've never joined one. I think most dedicated roleplayers are operating out of Discord these days, but I'd guess anyone running one of these would expect more social interaction than any of the other team types.


Yes, unless it is an Expedition or Daily Op team. They probably want you (or at least somebody) to join. If they don't (say they need spaces for friends) they will kick you or leave the team themselves. Don't take either as a sign you did something wrong.


yeah, you're doing others a favor by joining their casual teams as the longer you're in one the better the rewards get. so just go to public teams when you join a server and pick one, so that that boost activates asap.


i always either make or join a casual team (and swap it to event team when i see at least two of the team at a public event) because unless you play on a private server i see no reason not to, you rarely ever see the other people besides events or using their base as free fast travels and plus it makes perks like Strange in Numbers pretty much always active


Yes, expecially in casuals


Only if it a casual team


if it's an events, expiditions, or daily ops team, it's assumed you're interested in participating in those things. and for expiditions and daily ops especially, they'll tend to wait for everyone on the team to show up before actually starting it. so while you can join them and not partake, dont be surprised if you're kicked from the team if you aren't so that a spot for someone else to join is freed up. every other team, especially casual teams, are just for bonuses.


Only only join teams for Expeditions and Daily Ops, otherwise i ignore the other team mates.


Most of the time I join teams everyone just does their own thing, join for the bonuses mostly. Sometimes seeing each other during a public event or something. Plus as a new player low on caps, it’s good having teammates all around the map for fast travel purposes


The only time it's bad etiquette is when you join a daily ops team


Yes, as long as it's casual/exploration teams. You are more or less expected to join the events, daily ops and exebition teams


Public for benefits Private for friends


Yeah it's fine to join a Casual type group and do whatever you want people do it for the extra XP from the intelligence It also makes it easier to Fast Travel around the world since you can travel to your teams camps for Free


I've never seen someone join a team and team up.


I have, happened just yesterday. Though it was mainly because of a tadpole badge, a revive trade.


I always join casual teams and sometimes I’ll run into my teammates at each others camps but other than that we all just do our own thing every time. The vibes in this game from other players is so chill


If it’s not an expedition or daily ops team, it’s more to just get the bonuses from the team. I do like to visit their camps to check their machines


I would actually be surprised if someone joined my team then tagged along as I traversed events and the wasteland. I would be fine with it but kind of curious why me playing the banjo 20 minutes at a time is interesting for them ;)


I actually posted a longer question about this and it seems to be good for casual, exploration, and role play teams.


Everyone does it, it's only shitty when you're doing daily opps or expeditions because then you need a team. Joining a team can boost some perks


Yes. That is what the Casual Public Team (the best one) is for. Join Casual Public Team, play solo. That is what we do and what Casual Public Team is for. When you join Casual Public Team you have absolutely no obligation to do anything. Come and go as you please and do whatever you want. That is what we do. We just want you in the team to fill up the team and max out the team buff.


As long as its not a daily ops or expedition group


Casual teams called casual for a reason I think. It’d be extremely dumb to call team “casual” and then expect everyone to meet up.


Have seen others suggesting for others to join casual teams and continue to actually run solo... for the XP boost. I haven't teamed yet, so not speaking for myself. Everytime I think this game is stranger friendly, something happens in this group to push me three steps back. Not long ago, when I posted that I was ready to put my headset back on (*since I typically dodge open gameplay like the plague -- never knowing which kind of crazy that we're going to get*), someone tried to drill me into the ground in a different topic, like they knew all, were infallable, and I was a clueless n00b. 🤔 And then again, I recently make a joke that I think is pretty clever, literally based on an OP's own wording, and it's getting downvoted into negativity while OP appears to be flipping out. 🫨 It's like right as the tone of laid-back and easy-going fauxly sets in.... seems like the overly-triggered uber-sensative (**aka:** *OTUS*) brigade shows up. **~*shrug*~** Just saying btw... 🤡


Nope I invite randoms all the time and if they want to go do there own thing it never bothers me most times I'll go after them if I notice them struggling with health or rads to drop off aid I generally invite low ranks though but I've invited high ranks too!


I do it pretty much all the time if it’s a casual team to boost intelligence.


Event and Casual teams are there purely to give the buffs, I am not sure about exploration and roleplay teams, but Daily Op and Expedition teams are intended to do the Daily Op and Expedition together.


Outside of joining them for events, Expeditions or Daily Ops, I've only ever sought out teammates on one occasion when I noticed they seemed to be having a hard time (dying constantly) and went to help. Other than that, I am always solo in the wasteland.


If its a casual team absolutely. Casual teams are just for that, just get some extra Int for more EXP and a nice bonus is if your teammate is close to an area you need to get to you can fast travel for free to them. But if you join an expedition, event or daily team and just do your own thing than yea thats a dick move since they are looking for peeps to help take down said things.


Yes, that's what casual teams are all about!




It’s ok, many people do. I mostly play alone but am always on a casual team.


It’s very common. Especially in “casual” groups, people are really just trying to get the bonuses. I’ve never been kicked before


Casual team is just casual. Shared bonus with fast travel.


Anybody have any good role playing experience? I want to hear some stories if anyone has the time.


Always join a casual team


It's normal and acceptable on a casual team. If the team says public events, daily ops, or expeditions then you should be playing with them.


Casual teams, sure. Go for it.


The only team you should join, if you want to run solo, is casual. And I'd definitely advise that as you get good bonuses. Any other group, you're expected to join, because it is a literal team effort.


Forget about etiquette, that’s just player made up crap. As long as you’re being a decent human being while playing you can do what you want. Everyone can join teams and play solo if they want, annoyingly though you can never seem to stay in the same team for your entire play session (folks always leaving or new folks joining), why is that bad? Because every time someone leaves you don’t get max benefit, when folks join…you gotta wait 5 mins for them to ‘bond’ to the team to increase the bonus received from being in a team. World scales to your level so you can go anywhere and join in any event you want, and don’t be afraid to be carried cuz it’ll help you in the long run.


As long as it isn’t daily ops roleplay and expeditions


If it’s a casual team, joining for the intellectual bonus to increase your XP gains or to fast travel to camps with shops isn’t an issue so I wouldn’t worry. If it’s an Expedition/daily op fireteam though, yes you should be meeting up with the team, that’s what it’s for. To matchmake for those activities to make them easier as they’re a group effort normally.


I’ve never done it differently.


I join and then run solo unless I join an events team. If u are low level the camps might help with fast travel cost and I join low level teams so they get caps for my missions.


I've been joining teams all day, not one microphone.. I'm returning after 5 years. Lvl 160, legacies. I just can't get someone to help with the backpack. I'm polite and explain over and over. So draining looking for ppl with mics


Join teams for bonuses. I also use it for free fast travel to look at people's camps and vendors.


Wait you guys meet up? Nah its pretty common to just make the group for the bonuses only time you'll realistically meet up is for events.


Solo is the name of the game, except for some events obv.


Only really daily ops and expeditions. I only help others out if they ask for a hand.


If the team is casual, then yes.


In casual team's only


*mostly*. The exceptions are daily ops and expeditions. If you join one of them, people are going to expect you to join up with them.


Join, get bonus, do what you want, no one will complain. :) maybe help in events and if they ask you to do something particular accept and team up :D