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Why worry about reviving them, if I go to revive I just respawn, no point wasting someone's time unless they are right next to me. No penalty for dying.


I mean, I'd still do it as reviving 76 players is part of some atom challenge I want to finish.


Can you still accidentally eat people instead of revive?


“Accidentally”. Lol.


Pretty sure only if they are dead dead, not just downed. But I have no idea, and am just making assumptions.


No it only works if they are in a downed state (coming from someone who only cannibalize players instead of reviving them


Cannibal perk card if you have it or if someone is sharing it.


That's a thing!? I'm going to start writing the cannibalism perk then lmao


That's why I always revive! Just in case you're edible I was wondering why it's so rare! Pacifist mode protects from it.


That was a bug once, lmao! Hey Bob die for me real quick so I can eat you! Yeah don't worry you'll respawn! Bob here will end world hunger!


Yes but you need the cannibal perk equipped to do so. Once they’re down (down not dead) and they have pacifist mode off, it’s dinner time 😋🤣🤣


Exactly I love downed people! Free atoms!!


There is a slight penalty in events though, just not something that hurts you. Every time you let yourself die, your respawn timer goes up. Not by much, but once it starts getting to the 20+ seconds it’s ridiculous.


Ehhh I mean I was learning bloodied cremator build without the fire resist card and it was never that bad (I died a lot)


So when we die in the wasteland we drop only the "junk" items right? But in Events and we die we don't drop those items? Sorry. I'm new


You won't drop junk if you die during events, Daily Ops, or Expeditions.


You don't lose anything during an event. If you die just respawn, it saves people from missing the objectives and timers.




Its not about mechanics. Its about keeping people safe. When I hear doc in the battlefield I rush in


Sometimes, I'm not a smart individual and go into a harder event with like 300 pounds of junk on me. I do this embarrassingly often lol.


I hate when I forget to switch to combat spec from my crafting spec..


I. Am. So. Happy. I'm not the ONLY one, buhahahaha.


Same here, I’ll do a crafting session where I’m preparing ammo or stimpacks to sell, and I’ll unequip serendipity for super duper, and dodgy for ammo smith, and I’ll completely forget to requip them and just sit in my chair wondering why I keep dying way more often than normal lol


Definitely setup a CAMP loadout with no strength perks so that you cant fast travel while all your crafting perks are on.


It's for this reason that I'm trying to put together a free range SPECIAL setup, a C.A.M.P. Crafting setup, and a Power Armor setup.


You don’t lose your junk when you die in an event


No but it does weigh you down and drain your AP while you move.


I don't expect anyone to revive me at this event or any others. It wastes everyone's time. That and I carry a dual bar flaming vampire chain saw. :)


I just got the dual bar mod for my vampire flaming chainsaw a couple days ago. found a random chainsaw and scrapped it and poof... dual bar mod lol. It sure has added some fun to that weapon.


Tadpole quest requires a revive, still have yet to get mine lol. Only reason you'd see me rushing off to get a revive in.


What system are you playing on? Most people here are happy to help with finishing those tadpole objectives. I was stuck on the “revive in water” for quite awhile 😅


If anyone is on ps5 and wants to help with that (and get help in return), hit me up


Im on PC, I've got the revive and do 3 tadpole challenges. Thats about where I'm stuck on that. I have no idea how to get a camera, I thought I could just repair any generic camera?


If you build “My Personal Terminal” under Miscellaneous in your CAMP, one of the options will show you where the body with the camera is. It comes with a quest called Bucket List, but you don’t have to do it.


“Suspicious Character/person” miscellaneous quest. Just finished not too long ago after being away from game for a few years😁


Thank you!!!! I had no idea the terminal offered this. Now I need to build one.


I get bucket list over with ASAP because the damn camera won't stay in the quick wheel as long as it's a quest item. Every time you leave the game it will leave the wheel.


I mean my supply of nukashine and quack doctor is a very motivational reason to "revive" people.


Ok you win


Just equip a Multi-shot slow burn cremator, the aliens take x10 damage from DoT effects, that with grenadier and you'll carry easy.


Ok I will try that. I always carry grenadier and demo expert (and friendly fire) I have the cremator, I will have to check and see if I unlocked the mods for it yet. Thank you for the suggestion!


This has been my goto as well. Don’t use vats with the multi barrel so you get more spread.


New player, just started using the cremator, this helps thanks!


Is that an energy damage weakness or something?


I don't know what it does, LOL but I did as suggested and at the next alien invasion that cremator melted whole groups... that was fun. I was giggling like mad and hoping I wasn't being too annoying with the booms.


The booms are everywhere in this event anyways, don't worry about it


You wanna giggle more? Add adrenaline. You basically 1-tap by the second wave (they die after 1 tic of the dot). Just perch on a high point and spin to win lol


Aliens and Expedition enemies take more DoT. They're not weak to fire, they just take more DoT. Fire=/=Energy as well


Can confirm. You won’t even need a specific build for the cremator. Equip it onto any build with slow burn and double explosion radius and you’ll melt everything anywhere anytime.


Just because it sounds like you may know, If you don’t mind me asking, so the grenadier perk (2x radius) works on the cremator. Does the extra explosion damage one (demo expert) impact it? And neither of these cards impact the regular flamer?


I couldn’t tell you if it does impact it, but if it does it would be useless on it. The explosion of the cremator isn’t where you’re trying to get your damage from, you’re just trying to get the burn effect on everyone by hitting them with the explosion, so the radius is important.


wait grenadier works on the cremator? oh boy also, what tank do y’all use on the cremator


Slow burner tank and multishot. Don't go for anti armor, aim for instigating or other damage boosts, including damage when aiming. AA doesn't work for dots, while damage boosts works fine. It's pretty much pointless to ramp up Cremator to direct damage because it's quite easy to boost it's dot damage to weird values. And to apply dot, all you need to hit targets, where grenadier perks and multishot works super fine. But be careful and don't hit yourself - with this setup Cremator is all about lobbing flame balls over medium distance.


Do you know if you crit, the crit dmg boost will be applied through that whole DoT?


I don't use VATS, but after few shots I don't think crit is applied to DoT damage.


The fast reload one. It takes about 1s to reload, and has 9 shots. And Slow Burn. Always slow burn. Napalm is basically useless after the fix.


So I read this comment about 10 hours ago, and dudeeeee. I took this advice and I've absolutely been melting these aliens all day. Got my anti armor cremator and just tore it up today. Amazing advice for such a perfect situation to use it for.


even before you get access to multi-shot, just slow burn and heavy is enough


Same, it's so satisfying. I use the Copper green flames love plasma sort effect and what it does.


I assure you. A random lvl17 is not aware of your lvl nor the impact of his decision upon the group. He has likely received a notification about an event, which he likely knows nothing about and has run over and clicked on the first icon to pop up. But fair enough on the sentiment, just saying I doubt the lvl 17 even knows what the fuck is going on.


I’m level 37 and still have no idea what the fuck is going on


got me in tears 💀


Hell, I’m a level 387 and still have doubts about what the f is going on.😁


I'm level 23 and just happy to be here


I agree with this. Just a random player trying to play the game and have fun the way they know how. Not their fault at all! Also, I doubt many of them read the posts on this subreddit.


Funnily enough an article from game rant showed up on my feed this morning about us vets begging the newbies not to start the events early


I’m level 107 and I honestly dont know what’s going on half the time either


Level 173 and still have no idea what's going on half the time... like a giant metal danger baby


Having been level 17 last week. Can confirm. And I played 3, 4 and NV. So wasn’t completely new.


Am level 42, can confirm I am still this way with most evens...I have no clue what's going on


Lol yeah! This^ Im Lvl18 and have started trying to do events, But i dont go to any that it recommended a higher level or said would be hard 🤷Also I keep wondering into existing events cuz im looking for something else, and also trigger random events without trying when im just exploring or on a quest 🤦


Baha absolutely this. Especially when all of the directions on screen make it seem like you are supposed to interact with things, but doesn’t tell you why! It’s so easy to mess things up completely on accident


Yeah this is more likely. Weird flex that the OP assumes they know why a player started an event.


I jumped into the Alien invasion event for the first time today (lvl 48 att/now lvl50)...sans power armor. How I stayed alive, I do not know. There were at least 8-10 other ppl there all in PA. I got my tags in at least and crouch/ran the entire time. 😆


You’ll get to the point that power armors optional but man are events painful without it early on in levels.


Oh god I tried Earle on low level without PA. What a fucking nightmare.


Holy fire and an Endangerol syringer is the trick to Earle. It drops his damage resistance by 25% which makes him way less of a bullet sponge. Hit him with the syringer, switch to a different gun shoot the shit out of him for a few minutes, hit him with a syringe again. From what I understand, The effect can stack If multiple players shoot him with one. If four people at the event each hit him with one, he's toast. Holy fire is for the mobs of wendigos. Burn them all and heal yourself in the process.


Damn! I might have to keep a syringer around for that kind of thing. I've avoided using it since the voice quest things.


I went in there with full secret service armor and was still just getting kicked in the head.


Grinding up to lvl 50 atbthe moment, at 40, I want to help, but during the invasion, it feels like I'm shooting nerf darts. Did start out with shotguns, but I'm transitioning to rifles now, in normal combat I can melt foes by headhunting them with my AK, but I'm reduced to just being an annoyance during the event. Will it remain that way till I max out my build?


Don't worry I have all the damage upgrades for rifles and energy weapons plus bloody mess maxed out and using a furious enclave plasma rifle which supposedly does more damage each consecutive hit and I still feel like I'm shooting nerf darts :D


I’m pretty new too but I found that while I liked to run rifles for questing, I have a separate build for heavy energy weps for events. It just makes a huge difference and makes me feel like I’m helping now.


My brother I have full commando and heavy guns running in ultracite PA, using decent/good legendary Gatling gun, cremator, .50 M2, and MG42. You need lots of people shooting nerf darts. Unless you have a dude with a MIRV and way too many mini nukes, I think we cleared the event in 6-7 minutes no cap.


To be fair they could just be dumb like me. The first time I went to that event I saw the thing you need to interact with to start the event and the current objective to "investigate" it and was just walked up and interacted. Followed by immediate panic that I had started a big event I was under leveled for without nearly enough other people around. It didn't say "start event", it said "investigate". I definitely should've realized, but.. I didn't...


Oh just equip the cannibal perk and you wont have to worry about reviving them just eat them instead


Also. Just because I'm level 971 doesn't mean that I am going to do the event for you. If I don't see you making an effort to do the objectives then that sometimes inspires me to also not do the objectives. You can see the objectives in the little box in the upper right corner of your screen. The intention is that everyone makes an attempt to do those. If you instead perch somewhere and farm kills leaving me to do all the heavy lifting then that kinda annoys me. Just did Eviction Notice. I saw one lowbie make a run for the scrubber and die in the radiation. That inspired me to be on scrubber duty for the rest of the event (died a bunch of times but we got the event done). I don't need you to carry the event. But I do like it if I see you making an effort. Did Uranium Fever last night and nobody fixed the "thingies" when they broke. Instead y'all shot mobs and ignored the objectives. I was tempted to not carry the event for you but in the end I did. And that annoyed me. Because I should have let it fail so that you folks learn to do your part. Look at your screens, people. There's text that tells you what to do and helpful quest markers for you to follow. If the event you are in fails and you made no effort to do the objectives then you are the reason the event fails. No need to do "thumbs down" and "frowny face" emote at yourself.


People not doing objectives in events is also my pet peeve, that and overkill spamming nukes and grenades all over the place or something on easy-kill enemies.


Eviction notice has been killing me for this reason. I’m nowhere near as high as you and play without PA, I favorite the hazmat (thankfully got Chinese stealth earlier this week) and quick swap to it when the rad scrubber goes down to sprint for repairs, but then I die in two shots and everyone else just ignores it for it to be blown up by the time I’m back even if I do manage to fix it. Earlier this week I was the only one who fixed it (four separate times) only for us to fail with a minute left, and I also broke all six bags with plenty of other folks there. Like damn y’all pay the slightest bit of attention.


I hate that. My "fix" keeps getting interrupted by the mutants and I just don't understand why no one would try and take them out so I can repair the thing. Then I die and try to run back but it's too late


They're learning. I feel so bad when they all die from the scrubber. I did DO with someone that was like level 47? And they were confused why the enemies weren't dying. I showed him my autoaxe in a way that gestures that that's what we need to do and he brought out a baton 😭 FYI to new folks. Have a modded chainsaw or autoaxe. No matter what build. It's very useful for the resilient mutated enemies


Don't blame the new ones alone. I saw some level 180 yesterday in stealth suit waiting for everyone else to do the event. Spoiler, it failed. (Idk if he was one of those "been playing for 2 weeks, am lvl 180 newbs, or like me "been playing since launch, casually made lvl 166 though)


Question on events, when I joined it all the enemies I’m seeing are my level, I assume the enemies scale to individual levels, so how is collective damage calculated?


Honestly, there needs to be a big “are you sure” popup when hitting pylon to start the event. A poor lvl 29 walked up and didn’t even know what he was doing while everyone around was screaming “no don’t do it”.


Bro I had a level 1024 last night who showed up to the event first, started it immediately, then began to run into the bathroom at wavy Willards and stood there the entire time. Like why do these guys even bother logging into the game anymore ? I will say, I just got the slow burn mod for the cremator and I gave it a try on my heavy build and that thing absolutely abolishes aliens, like 2 shoting big groups of them. I was wiping the floor with that thing, I might start using this bad boy more often lol


I would have just jetpacked to the nearest roof and watched. Maybe that'd get the point across that they should wait.


I just server hop


I mean, I’ll crank it up if you’ve got 8-9 there already. That’s almost half the server. It’s not like it’s a particularly hard event anyways.


Lol for real!! I've shown up twice to an Alien event at level 638 & I see lower levels looking in my direction & running to start the siphon. I'm like "waaaaaaiiiiit!! I can't be everywhere at once!!" Lol. Thankfully, more players join in, eventually.


I got downed during an alien invasion yesterday, and in my best dying voice in area chat I said "helllp meeee" and the guy who stimmed me really seemed to get a kick out of it.


And then there's me, with my chainsaw trying my best 🤣


Awww but 5-Hundo-daddy plz carry me uwu


I finally just hit 300, the final real first wall as far as I understand it, and I still have almost no idea what I'm doing, I've been here for one-tenth as long as anyone who was around near release, and I had prioritized INT because that's how my particular RPG craziness plays out. Some events are still mysteries to me. I LOVE helping new people and using Lunchboxes for them or other helpful stuff when I can, but yeah, I cannot carry any event unless I knew in advance I was going to have to main tank or do actual not-shitty DPS or maybe do both. I feel bad with the new influx when people see I'm 304 or whatever and are like "Aha, this person surely means it's okay to click this button" while I'm like "oh gosh dude please don't I can barely irritate these enemies unless this event allows stealth."


Don’t understand this shit, I’m level 485 and have made a build that can solo everything’s in the game. Like what’s the point of racking up levels just for some mild quality of life perks? Personally, I’m less upset by low level players wanting me to carry than a useless high level that can’t carry their weight in an event. At least I don’t expect the low level to contribute past their means.


I’ve seen a few of these posts and they’ve got me a bit worried I might accidentally trigger something, so I figured I’ll finally ask, how do I trigger these events that I shouldn’t start early? I’m level 32 and the only events I’ve seen so far are the ones that just start automatically, like the one with the farmer bots near Flatwoods or where you take down a robot patrolling a town, so I assume these aren’t the ones being referred to? I’m a bit nervous to get involved in events at my level, I don’t want to be a burden to anyone being low level, especially not if it’s been started early and there’s already only one person trying to carry the whole thing! So what level do you guys think it’s “safe” to start giving it a try? Also, just while I’m here, thank you to all the high level players that are so friendly. I usually don’t play online multiplayers because of the terrifying player base (looking at you, Rust) and I’ve never encountered one with such a lovely community; I’ve now completely lost my fear of bumping into another player on the map!


The three events you want to be mindful of starting early are: Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble and Encryptid. The reason why you want to wait with starting these three events is that they are "swarm events". Meaning that when you start the event a tidal wave of mobs will swarm you. If there are not enough people there at the start you will get overwhelmed and the events will fail and end prematurely. If you don't know the event then just wait. For some events we wait until there is about a minute left on the timer before starting. This is for two reasons. We want to have a good crowd before starting the event and we also want to give folks that are in the middle of something a couple minutes to get themselves sorted (stashing scrap, changing to a better build for the event, etc) and ready to do the event. To start Radiation Rumble you have to talk to an npc. We wait until the last minute to do that, or if there is a decent crowd at the event. To start Eviction Notice you have to enter the settlement. This is a dumb mechanic so it's best to not move towards the settlement until you have a decent crowd. Encryptid is started by using a "recall card" and a terminal. The "recall card" is unlocked by doing a quest line and crafting a "recall card" costs around 2000 caps. Whomever has crafted the "recall card" will start the event. If it's not your "recall card" do not start the event. You are always welcome at any event. Remember to always be in Casual Public Team when online. Events are fun. When you are new just join any and do what you do. You will get team wide shared exp and loot from the other members of your Casual Public Team. And you being in the team makes it a little easier for us to keep tabs on your health so that we can try to stim you back up when you go down. You being in the team also increases the team buff and that is very nice for everyone.


Thank you so much for the in-depth response, I’ve saved it to refer back to. And this is exactly what I’m saying about the community, you guys are awesome!


You are one of us now. So that makes you awesome as well!


Oh I guess I am, thanks!


>I had a blast trying tho LOL Sounds like they gave you a good gaming experience! If you had fun, the game is working as intended But I do get what you're saying. It may have been fun that time, but it'd get tiring if you *kept* having to do that


Personally I can solo the event but only after (literally) melting through all of my flamer fuel and having to repair the thing twice with my oh so precious repair kits. It would be nice if people \*helped\* for once. Same with Beasts of Burden, I get that people are still new and learning but how hard is it for people to read the objective? Did it just now and noticed all of the level 30-90s just standing around while me and two other level 200s actually moved the cargo.


Just run a cremator/minigun build, and stop worrying about healing noobs during an event. They'll still have their junk and get their rewards. I'm 380 and have soloed this event a couple times now already without even using the full potential of my build by using power armor. Carpet bombing with the cremator to inflict and kill all the aliens with slow-burner's mod DOT, along with double-shot barrel to increase dps against the generals, then a regular old Final Word .50cal or Foundation's Vengeance to melt the three pylons. Only buffs I use are company tea and blight soup. Chems and power armor are on standby if I need it, but rare for me to even use


I am only 139. I have 100% caught myself (quite a few times if Im totally honest), watching high level skilled players in awe. Like it’s Avatar or something. Maybe it’s just my ADHD? But it’s for real incredible to see. Total accident. I dont even notice I stopped playing 😂


Reminds me of when there was only me and about 2 lv20s and a lv45 trying to run the Equinox event. I was lv 250 at the time and had a really good loadout but I can't be at all the pyres all the time so if course it failed


i always wait for the crazy high level person to start it, im ~100 but im assuming they know better lol


I'm Melee and some events there's just too many, I've had to pretty much solo them. Walked into an eviction notice, no other high levels. A level 22 Leroy Jenkins the event and I was like... Oof, better help. A few smaller levels tried but eventually took cover, I was running around popping colas like I was dying of thirst and popping stims like I had a hole in my ass. I pretty much did, all the super mutants targeted me. Lucky for me the final batch I had a couple other high levels join and we held the ground. But that was intense.


THANK YOU! Been dealing with knuckleheads all day pulling that shit...


Look here Junior, my 40 shot vats Railway rifle can only kill 3 aliens before I need to hide like the stealth sissy I am and reload.


I'm only level 96, but last alien invasion event I was in, a level 400 something got downed and I immediately charged to rez him Then I got nuked just after reviving him


War never changes, and neither do peoples instinct to press the button


I mean I am a high lvl in PA and well can do the event pretty easily by my self. So I get it


Maybe consider stim diffuser for emergencies? You definitely have a very fair point though, diffuser or not!


you know, I keep forgetting stim diffusers exist, and I can even make them now... I think... maybe. I am old I forget stuff :P like what all recipes I have learned. I like the wasteland, I can just wander around and every day is like a new day lol


Haven't played 76 yet since the downtime recently but I'll take everything in to consideration! I hope you have better luck next time lol


I hear ya. Lvl 300+ here. I try where I can, but I'm still learning and working my way towards becoming what I feel is 'strong'. A lot of stuff doesn't scare me anymore aside from a jump scare from a scorched in my face, so I'll happily rank my way into a skirmish. Events are meant to be cooperative. We have to work together to defeat the common threat. Happy there are new players, but very happy with the new people who put in some effort to contribute. Game on, everyone. See you out there one day.


babe i’m sorry but i have no idea how im triggering anything half the time i got to a quest point and then im suddenly being mass attacked by the most deadly things SO IM SORRY


I've been having fun as a brand new player. I watched a few new player guides, so thankfully, I knew about event timers. The community has been mostly awesome so far. Hope it keeps growing strong ^-^


Recently I've been the only player carrying Encrypted and I'm only lvl 210. But I usually activate numerous conduits, and idk what everyone else is doing but no one ever attacks the imposter. So I just have to spam those stims and take it down myself.


Yeah I'm like 112 on PC, I was running by Flatwoods near the Motel looking for animals and there was a random encounter of aliens there. Man. They got me like 4-5 times, every shot was a stagger, even with energy resistance perks and group perks against dmg, they were very annoying. I got them but I had to use my big gun that I save for events and stuff. And I don't even wanna talk about the Flatwoods Alien random encounter I found near Whitesprings-- I loaded in before I could see him, he kept staggering me with plasma grenades and almost 2 shot me a bunch of times while I chipped away at him and hoped he'd get the Whitespring bots angry, lol. Aliens are tough. I never start the event until there's a good crowd of people. I know my contribution will be just tagging stuff for now and that's fine, lol.


I had a level 50 start the event with just me and him (I’m level 425) he gave me the thumbs up emote, I gave the thumbs down, server hopped and joined an actual doable event. Left that guy all alone in the event no regrets.


Why are people so stuck up about events? Lol there are multiple per day and if ones already half way completed by a low level player it’s not like you can’t just switch servers lol I don’t start events without higher level players with me but still idk why everyone is so annoying about it just play the game lol


dear new players - this topic does not apply whenever i join an event. if you see me at the event, you are free and clear to start at any time. i am comfortable soloing any and all events to success, but do not expect me to revive you even a single time. seriously, why you sweating about reviving a noob if it's that much trouble for you? they can revive me and feel like a big boy/girl, i'm a high value revive lol. and i'd probably go out of my way to revive any and everybody who goes down when i see them too, but not to the point of losing an event over it. then their deaths will have been for naught... i seriously am livin my best life with these noobs. i lowkey am happy when they crack an event off immediately, i'm so impatient yall lol


Hey there u/LadyLucidGames, I just completed an Alien Invasion with you and enjoyed every minute of it. Was wondering if you had your cremator build listed somewhere. I have tried to use it with my heavy build, I just can't get it right.


I can carry a single round of aliens but it costs me 3 repairs on my plasma thrower…. Each time. I am out of repair kits now. I’ve been giving out middling decent legendary weapons to 45+ newbs so maybe they’ll be able to help more in future events because good god aliens got some beefy armor and hp bars when your trying to carry in the last round.


Yeah, the armor of the aliens is ridiculous. I'm also a newby (just got level 19) and had my first run-in with them yesterday. At the end of the event I had used up all of my 10mm ammunition, ate half my stimpacks and broke my hunting rifle and every single piece of armor I had on. Still insane how I didn't just die, particularly when my only weapon left was a shotgun and I just suicide-rushed at them... Are they particularly weak against certain weapon type? I see the people above mention DoT and am wondering, would my shiny new Plasma Rifle be helpful. As it is, they are far too damage-spongy for me and I've spent half the event cowering behind cover taking potshots at their helmets.


I feel an obligation to protect every nooblord I find in the wasteland, so I have no issue soloing any content while they stare at 1 body for 5 minutes seeing what they got 🤣


lol I had the opposite experience at Guided Meditation recently. It was just me (41) and a high level (140-something) at the event. We waited until the timer was down to the last minute then emoted “?” at each other. I actually hopped on voice to ask him if he wanted to do the event with just the two of us, and he said “?” So I started the event, and he charged into the fray with me: him with is gat, me with my Grognak axe. It was a glorious few seconds, until Mr High Level kept charging straight out of the temple grounds and left me alone with a hundred new feral best friends. Hilarity ensues.


Level 512 and can't solo alien invasion? Time to git gud then


Your 512 an cant carry an event id be looking at your build im 212 heavy explosive build i can basically carry 80% of events minus earl an depends on amount of players helping sbq this games all about builds theres a build for everyones play style but hitting over 800 per shot is very easy to do with most basic of perks


I guess my question is why were you trying to revive everyone? You don't lose anything for dying during events.


😭 as a level 323 same I tried five time in 5 different worlds the last couple of days I can’t do it all no matter how hard I try I can’t beat it on me own 😝


I agree! I have a blast each event but I really don't like barely getting there after the announcement to hear Homer talking already.


The invaders event in that little town is the worst. I like the ones at utility centers and power plants. Lost my first one as a level 34 today because I simply couldn't get to the checkpoints fast enough.((no marsupial or anything)) There was a few level 150+ players there, but they seemed to just be on one side.


This would all be solved if events required the correct level to start it.


They don't have to kill many, just those they can, but sometimes they just watch and do nothing. It's maddening


My entire experience with Alien Invasion events (just been in 4) has been one or multiple lvl 1000+ disco nuking the map killing everything instantly before even the lvl 400+ could tag them.


I had a high level player start an alien invasion event early, when it was just the two of us. Should have known better.


I was lvl 38 and waited for least 5 lvl 50+ show up before starting the Alien event lol


I have resorted to spamming grenades during AI… that has seemed to be effective. 😆


But the Tin-can Duracell build is unbeatable!


But the tin-can duracell build is unbeatable!


I have joined many of the alien events at this point but had one finally fail. I was shocked for a second. I got there when they were almost at the third siphon so someone had started it early. Most people were under level 60 except me and a level 500. I was shocked to see the event fail. At the next event it was some newbies too and I had my husband join me because I knew I was going to struggle. I had to make sure to bring Overkill then with a bunch of grenades since I have my demolition maxed out. We completed that one with only 40 seconds left on the timer lol


Not with that attitude, you can’t.


IMO your error was trying to revive the low level players. There’s no penalty for death so why stress yourself reviving them, as they more than likely weren’t killing stuff as quick as you, let them get each other up or have a respawn counter. While you kick ass and show them how amazing you really are 😎


I know its frustrating, as a new player myself I have made this mistake but from personal experience I learned that mistake pretty quick after getting rolled over multiple times. Could just worry less about carrying them as we learn from getting overwhelmed and slaughtered to slow down. I know that whenever I died I didn't really notice me losing anything (or atleast anything important) so its not the end of the world


I felt bad. The other night, it was me, a little level 30 and two people in power armor. We fought our best but stood no chance.


I’ve failed so many this week. I’m just expecting to fail at the water park at this point. And please don’t start the event with like 5 minutes to go. Some of us are catching up, stashing shit and on our way. Just wait. Lol


Good thing I had a flamethrower lol. Only way I can carry that hard 💀


This shit right here. level 25s starting the even as soon as a high level shows up like wait boo shit


Level 350. No. Ima hit it the second I get there because I'll be fine and they'll learn it's the wasteland. I feel you tho I tried the rad sponge event with 3 people me 2 level 30s? We failed they couldn't kill the mutants and I couldn't repair and kill the mutants (no power Armour build on atm)


As a low level I tried my best lol but these dudes helped me out, showed me the perks to use and gave me power armor and heavy guns to get me started. At lvl 70 now and I kill them almost effortlessly


Must have been the event at Garrahan Mining HQ last night.....we fought the good fight but lost


Man I get on mic each time, and they do it just to spite me. I even offer banners and lunchboxes.


I kinda do mind the lowbies joining events meant for lvl 50+. They more often than not cause those events to fail.


Proceeds to start radioactive rumble within the first 30 seconds


I had been at the event at the start (lvl 56 myself) knowing I couldn’t do it alone and just when I needed it, a horde of lvl 20-30 showed up! We failed but we all had a good laugh meanwhile


They just see the quest marker on their screen and hit the button unfortunately.


Is it possible? Yes. Is it worth burning every bit of meds and ammo? No.


That’s one thing I don’t know about high levels, how are you guys making your guns so powerful? Like I have a pretty good plasma caster but it ain’t got shit on LolCow69 and his combat rifle


I’m literally like level 70 and constantly feel like I’m carrying the whole event also. I keep seeing high levels even in events tucking themselves in corners and not moving for an entire event and it drives me insane.


A server rebalance or guild system or more than 24 players per server (big data?) is needed for not having 3 100+ lvl players at events or even empty events at all.


Just started lvl 23 I see alien I run even if it’s at the same lvl😭


As a new player it’s hard to know if the first prompt will start an event or just sign you up to participate. Plus I thought that maybe the timer was for Escher person early on and we all had to do it separately, I’ve since learned but a lot of event based things aren’t very clear about what is the point of no return


Just because your lvl 512, does not mean you carry a team through an event. I'm a lvl 50ish and can keep up with you during alien invasions np


To be fair, when I first started, I didn't realize it was a mass populace thing. I would start them right away thi king I was solo questing and bam! In over my head, it took me 3 or 4 events to realize I needed to wait for others.


Ik some of my friends use events as ammo farms. Put a bullet or 3 in a few enemy’s and then let higher levels finish them but we’ve never lost one either so idk


That title is so real


Yeah, that’s a tough event 🔥🔥🔥


Dude seriously, I was doing a radiation rumble and I swear people don’t repair the turrets or get the ore, I was the only one getting ore and we didn’t get 4/4 rewards because of it lol I’m only lvl 165 but damn people contribute more


I loved it when a guy who was about 12 lvls under me started bitching about the event failing. Like dawg, it's 2am😭


L130 for me. I'm currently rolling my main weapons (rilfes especially) to be strong enough to contribute best I can.


Alot of new players are unaware of the scaling system


Scorchbeast Queen event yesterday, I’m level 412, the highest in the event with 15 other level 100s and less. I gave up when the timer went to 15 mins and the health was still at 75%. I literally went to radiation rumble, completed the event, and went back to the scorched earth event only to find the health was halfway and with 4 minutes left. Everyone was worried about the mobs in the area vs actually shooting the Queen. I got on my mic and said “hi everyone and welcome to fallout 76, please shoot the boss, I beg of you” which they didn’t we failed the scorched earth event. For the first time for me. I was not mad but I was more pissed for the lower level who launched their first nuke and waste 30 minutes only to fail the event.


I've been seeing this a good amount with any events. Especially with events like evection notice. I spawn in getting my power armor and flamethrower ready. Next thing I know it's started.


It would be a good idea to let them know at the time. If you’re able to get on mics, a simple,”Please don’t start events until more people have had a chance to join” might help.


That event always has tons of folks every time I do it. The one event where I've always seen tons of other players, when people don't show up en masse to any event I just leave, as I'm only like a 68.


512 is a low level. Of course you need help.


Somewhat new player here(but been playing the fallout games since 2016) A lot of times and objective/quest or item that im going after will lead me into an already existing event 🤦 OR somewhere a quest takes me will TRIGGER An event i have no idea about 🤷(also i usually dont join an event if it recommends a higher level, is that right? Or are some actually easy for low lvl?)


I have always joined events regardless of suggested level :) it can be fun and it is one way to learn the events


Obviously. Pretty low level


I agree


So true level 220 now and I was in a lobby of level 20-30 players. They all just sat back dying over and over as I almost soloed the event in my heavy guns power armor build.


I felt so bad last night. I was trying to wait for more high level players (not even lvl 100 myself, but getting there), but someone started the event and I kept getting downed. Idk why, usually I don’t die that much, but we ended up failing the event, and I went home to craft better Armor for next time


Yeah it can be rough. A couple times I’ve had to spam Stimpacks. Aliens tearing me to pieces.


Ditto level 668. Thumbs down means wait lol.


Skill Issue


Not with that attitude you wont


Don't doubt yourself bro. You can do it!


This right here