• By -


I like the Mirelurk Steamer if not a Herbivore, Fusion Core Recharger if a PA user. Butterfly Sanctuary because it's beautiful and produces a good amount of acid. It really adds up. Company Tea Machine is a nice AP regen buff to add to any other regen buffs you might use. The assorted Weather Stations are worth a look as well as the "wireless" Fusion Generator. Imo "Catch Up" bundles are pricey but hey...its your money. I'm not sure what there is to catch up with? The Atomic Shop is an endless flow of old and new items. And Bethesda has a whole host of items...I want to say hundreds....at their website you can spend Atoms on. Save your Atoms or spend them. I've come to buy whatever might interest me at any given time. Some items give resources and buffs such as listed above, many are purely cosmetic. Up to you.


I think the "catch up" is supposed to just be previous scoreboard stuff. Might be mistaken though.


Most of it yes.


Is the tea still available? As it is right now I just scavenge and live off of others open tea machines lol


Tea kettle is available in game for bullion, I believe from Mortimer at the Crater. If not, it's that guy at Foundation. The kettle and the coffee machine tend to show up in the shop.


Coffee machine was just in a bundle, available as a single and now I believe still included in the auto axe and cold shoulder weapon bundles


Just keep stealing it from others' camps. That why many players don't lock any of thier resources. I still have 300+ perfect bubblegums I can't seem seem to eat fast enough.


Ah, I haven't done Wastelanders far enough to get Mortimer to show up. Thanks though!


I heard I'll have to pick sides at some point. Will I still be able to buy from Mortimer if I don't side with the raiders?


You can still buy from both sides regardless of who you side with. You will have to earn more reputation from the side you didn’t choose, in order to purchase their top tier goods. Either way you win and lose, but eventually you will be fully amicable with both sides.


Thank you for this info. I paused this quest line for a bit because I didn’t want to become “enemies” with the other side.


I did the same. I hopped off a brotherhood one and accidentally started a raider one, then ended up passing on both because I my IRL character of me doesn't want any enemies lol


I HIGHLY recommend doing both factions' missions up until the very last part (where the other side gets locked out) then siding with the Raiders. Foundation, if done right, can get you the plans for the Chinese stealth armor plan. Otherwise the reputation gain for Crater is more beneficial in the long run as morty has a better stock imo. But yeah, even if you're in the middle of stealing the vault gold Crater won't attack you and there's nothing to worry about you just lose out on a few quest lines and their rewards. Post that, the only thing you have to worry about is how you want to split the gold. Do you fulfill your bargain and give the faction you sided with their cut, keep it all, or split their cut between them and their opposing faction. If you keep it all you get more gold but no reputation, if you give them their cut you get a nice, but ultimately negligable reputation boost, if you split it equally you get a smaller boost to both sides. Frankly, do what you want since none of it really fucks you over. It just changes how many months you'll have to play to hit Ally by a day or so.


Yes, picking a side only really rewards you with rep for the chosen side, if I remember correctly. I just did it a month ago. There is a thread on here that explains better but I forget where.


You can also choose to split the loot at the end even though you chose one faction or the other to infiltrate with. It'll annoy them but you still gain rep with both.


Before starting final quest where u side with any particular group; I recommend watching a few videos about choosing & xp (1 video might b missing info). The deal is once u side with one of the factions u will no longer be able to do any of the other quests for other factions; meaning u will lose out on easy xp for that faction. 2 more things. There's a special gun u can find while doing final quest. I think it's the Thud Buster? Has a hidden boost. Make sure u are at level 45 (I think that's it's cap) & and if u miss it, that's it, u'll have to start a new character to get it, or find it in someone's vending machine. Last at end when u decid who gets gold I think There's an xp component to it (sorry, been a while). I think most take all the gold because u need a lot if u want all the cool toys!


Iirc you can get it from one of the gold bullion shops too, might be worth looking into, i think it were the setlers one, but i'm not sure.


Raiders and it's 1250 bullion


Ah shucks lol


Not too bad! You can get 400 a day and buy 300 bullion a week for 6k caps.


Where do you buy them for 6k?


He only shows up after the raid of course.


Ooh, okay, I've been avoiding that cause I don't think I have enough points with either group yet. I'll have to remember this for when I finish.


There is a guy on the second floor of the bar place.


The Wayward?


More I don’t have Mortimer yet lol


You can buy anything from the atomic shop by going to the Bethesda website, go to help, and there is an option to ask for specific atomic shop items. Even bundles. So they're always available 😉


I bought butterfly machine and realized you cant have that and mothman moth sanctuary placed, so it was a total waste of atoms for me.


If that the case you can request a refund. Even if that was clearly stated but you overlooked it you can request a refund. Otherwise choose one or the other to use at any given time but not both, apparently. Butterflies are moths? Moths Butterflies? Who knows!?😁


>fusion core recharger if a PA user If you’re a PA user and don’t have Electrical Absorption you’re doing something very very wrong. For any who don’t know that’s the legendary perk that makes energy weapons heal you and refill cores. Don’t be fooled by it saying it only has like a 15% chance, even with the lowest level card equipped it becomes genuinely impossible to die to energy weapons. When my core is getting low I sit in front of assaultrons and let them laser me and I can safely go afk in the middle of nuke silos with the entire base aggro’d on me.


Thats fine. But its a bit busy and does take a Legendary Slot. I used EA until I didn't have to. Once I got the charger? I didn't have to. Yes you can equip EA and charge your cores while avoiding damage from energy 'bots. And thats nice. Or you can keep the same 5-10 cores in rotation in your charger and NEVER need to equip EA...ever. Up to you. Myself? I LOVED it as a PA user earlier on. Once the charger became available? Not so much.


For me it’s barely even about charging them at this point. Fusion cores are so plentiful I find myself dropping them like used gum wrappers. The survivability it adds is just insane and well worth it, even if it makes a lot of the game piss-easy.


EA is crazy good against the aliens though.


I agree; but, most of the time, I don't use either because too lazy to change out or want something else there. That's what the fusion core recharger is for!


The problem with Eletrical Absorption is that so little actually counts as energy damage. Sure, alien invasion its pretty great since those blasters better count as energy. But it does fuckall against the scorch queen or the earle williams. Most super mutants I come across use Minguns, missiles, and mini nukes. Maybe against the scorched ghoul fodder or if you get lost in watoga. Plenty of better perks to fill that slot like Ammo Factory, Power Sprinter, or even Funky Duds.


Wait, what website? You can buy atomic shop content online?


Yes. From the Bethesda website via their "Support" section. Under Support select Help Site > Fallout 76 > Billing/Purchase/Code > "Your Platform" > I have a question about a sale/offer > Yes > I want to purchase an Atomic Shop item for myself. Fill in the form, select up to two items, and shop✌️




Is there anything that you’ve got that you later decided really wasn’t worth it?


Not really. Just a few things that weren't quite as described or expected. In those cases a return can be considered. Which Bethesda is good about so long as its not excessive or obnoxious. They don't have a "try before you buy" system or policy so any refund requests should most likely be made in a timely manner. If the item is bugged or similar you can probably take a bit of time. I got a "talking" PA skin that was advertised as mutable. So you got a voiced helmet and silent one. The silent one did not work. Using a paint/helmet from a different PA altogether did not work. Damn thing wouldn't shut up. But I gave it a week "just in case" it would and to honestly consider keeping it. I couldn't live with it, though. Returned it no problem with a brief explanation. That said Bethesda in their return approval reply sometimes uses language that kind of suggests the refund is a courtesy of sorts. So, take that for what you will😏


Same I bought the fire watch tower but the wall textures at the top were glitchy for me, they kept flickering and I found it quite annoying. So I submitted a ticket and got a prompt refund. They're quick about getting you items too if you want something not in the shop at the moment.


I accidentally clicked on a bundle (1600A) which I only wanted to look at, not buy. I wrote to the support and they gave back my atoms and let me keep the bundle (I still don't use any of it though...)


Woodland Retreat. Regret that one; it’s too big.


Are there any Atom Shop items that help us Herbivorous Wastelanders?


The cookie jar makes cookies. A mix of mud cookies, prepackaged snacks, and blackberry crisps. A little while ago it was in the store for 250, and it's worth it for that


They’re not in the atom shop but their called plants 🌱🪴


Apothecary kit is a collector for random plants.


Does the fusion recharger require a generator? I've got one and put it out, but can't see it actually charging.


It takes "20 Power" directly connected. So however you can connect that...it will work.


I don't think I even have a generator in my camp. Explains that.


Just FYI I saved about 20k and stopped playing for a couple years. Only recently came back to play new characters with some friends (new show hype and all that). Almost took 20k atoms to the grave; make sure you enjoy them!


It's honestly kind of crazy that I've spent more months game than any other and literally do not regret a single atom shop purchase.


Which bundle is the mirelurk steamer in? I swear I’ve looked through all of them and can’t find it but I’m also blind lmfao


Disaster bundle


It’s available rn if you scroll all the way down in the bundles screen in atomic shop. Click the boat looking bundle. They had the steamer on its own for 250 caps the other day tho but now you have to buy the whole disaster bundle to get it, I think it’s 1500 atoms but I may be wrong


For sale at their website? Which website are you referring to, that’s the first I’ve heard of this.


The Bethesda site. You create an account if needed, link it to your game account, sign in, select Help Site > Fallout 76 > Billing/Purchase/Code > "Your Platform" > I have a question about a sale/offer > Yes > I want to purchase an Atomic Shop item for myself. After that a form will come up to take your info as well as a BIG list of available Atomic Shop items to choose from.




I think they mean via Bethesda Support, you can submit a ticket request for purchasing an item from a dropdown list in the form submission. Support -> FO76 -> Billing/Purchase/Code -> Platform -> I need help with the Atomic Shop -> Yes


Spend on their website? What does that mean?


Wait there's a website??? Can I get things not present on the in-game shop???


Ive been trying to build an Alien-themed room for months now. Slowly picking up Alien and Space-themed items from the Atom shop and Events and plans from Player Vendors. The Atom shop unfortunately doesnt have many Alien items in rotation, so its taking a loooooong time to make the room. The Zeta-themed day for April Fools had a great bundle for my room, but other than that they havent brought too much. I was incredibly tempted to get the 1000 Atoms Catch-up Bundle specifically so i can get the Alien Stasis Chamber bed, but i keep passing because holy shit i dont want to spend 1000 atoms just for that item. It has other items too, but ones a reskin of the Backwoods Bungalo i already have and the other item i also dont care about


Utility box generator is a must have. It’s small and you don’t need the connectors to power up the lights in your camp. (Buy the fusion one, it only costs 150 atoms) EDIT: for new players: the stuff in the atomic shop rotates every week on Tuesday, so the generator may come back someday.




Wiring is fun for me too, but also I could save SO much camp budget without all of it.


I can't seem to find it in the atomic shop at the moment. Does it rotate or always stays in the shop for people to get?


Can you see it for purchase when building your camp? Ik some things that aren't in the shop will be there.


What??!!! I've never seen this somehow. I can't check until later, but is this still there????


Ive been checking for this one over the last couple of weeks! Haven't seen it yet, but I can't wait to pick it up!


That's nice to know about the wiring I thought it was so nice only cause of the size


Can’t you just reach out to support and request it?


I look EVERY DAY and I have 3 fusion cores right now I could charge... is the name literally fusion core charger or something else? I look up and down the whole store and never see it


What I’m talking about is a skin for the power generator, the one you’re looking for is the fusion core charger.


is it always there? or on rotation?


the stuff in the shop rotates every week, so it may comeback someday.


okay 🥺 thanks for the clarification


If you need fusion cores that bad, just take over a power plant. There’s a machine that can make those things for you in one of the workshops.


I'll work on that


The charger is in the shop right now. Go to CAMP section then go over to utility. It’s called modern home fusion core charger But I own it so may just show for me. I apologize if that’s the case and you can ignore me


It shows for everyone, I bought it last week and it's still there, so you are correct


You can charge fusion cores?! My life is a lie.


They can't be 0 so make sure you take them out before using up


Yeah the recharger is like 700 atoms or so and so long as u replace the core ur using before it hits 0 it cam be recharged


I bought it less than 12 hours ago in atom shop go check!!!


I'll look n a bit thank u!


Just make sure you go to C.A.M.P section then filter to the utility tab! For me it was on the mid-back end of the utility items listed! I think it was 750 atoms.


Fusion core charger is always available. Click the camp section of the atomic shop and scroll down




its called the modern home fusion core recharger


The red Nuka Cola collectron, because it finds Nuka Grape. If you're full health Nuka Grape is awesome because with Cola Nut it fully heals you, restores your AP, and removes all rads.


Unfortunately the Nuka collectrons aren’t actively available in the shop or through support, but can still be purchased from Samuel for gold.


Yeah but they come around pretty often. If you buy it for gold (4000?) only that one character gets it but from the store your whole account gets to use it. Worth the wait IMO


I think it’s only like 1250 last I checked, but point taken. I only have one character so I didn’t think of that.


I bought the FETCH collectron dog and I have to say it's the best decision I've made in this game. I don't have to worry about electronic scrap. Such a load off the shoulders. I bought the fusion recharger but after a while you start finding them all over the place. Also, you can farm them at power plants. Monogah power plant is one. Fix up the power plant, capture the workshop, connect the fusion core extractor to the pylon right next to it that's connected to the plant. Might have to move it in order to work. It's buggy sometimes.


Posedion power plant has one too. Don't even have to fix up the plant, just take the workshop and connect it to existing power.


If you have Fallout 1st you can play in a private server and take all three plant and get 27 fusion cores an hour. When I do this I farm lead while hop between the Nuke plants.


You don't even need to fix the reactor (one near Charleston train station), just take the work camp and attach a generator to the fusion core machine.


Yeah. When I helped my friend I didn't want to spend too many resources on the generator and just made lime 20 solar panels which are cheap. That gave 100 power and started up the generator


Dat S.P.E.C.I.A.L. package


i was looking at this, do most of the items give an actual buff or is it just funn cosmetic stuff?


Buffs to each special. Only lasts for 30 minutes, but still worth it. The INT and CHA and LCK machines are instant so you just click them and get the buff


all of them boost one of the special attributes. nothing is useless


Of course they bring this back like 2 days ago after i spent most my atoms buying similar things seperately, like the weight bench, bowling machine, butterfly sanctuary etc. Trying to decide if its even worth it for me now. Really want that derby racing machine


You will get a reduced price on the bundle if you bought stuff that is included in it.


If you're a camp builder, the Catwalk (normal or alien variation), allows you to do interesting things.


Is that something in the shop right now? Can't seem to find it.


You can request the catwalk bundle here https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/121vxud/atomic_shop_items_you_can_request_through/?rdt=57065. I did the same last week.


I don't recall seeing either this week, but alien catwalks might be part of a bundle. Since the alien invasion lasts another week, it might be available next week.


Personally, I like to save my atoms for items that have utility. Things that produce useful materials over time and items you can interact with are really useful. Ammo converters and fusion core rechargers are also great. Also make sure you're completing your "challanges" in the menu, as these will provide free atoms upon completion. Edit: also don't spend atoms on things that could be bought with gold.


Just a note, ammo converter can be bought with gold.


But then only stays on that character, from the shop it's across your whole account


Shit I forgot, thanks.


I prefer buying things with atoms if I can, cuz it can then be used on any new characters. gold purchases are only good for the current character


I learned recently that many of the utility items in the shop are also sold by vendors for gold bullion. Worth checking!


Difference is, if you plan on running multiple characters atom shops are across all of them, gold bullion is character locked. So atom shop buys maybe the better call here.


Anything Mothman is an instant buy for me. I've loved Mothman since I was a kid and I can't get enough of him much love my favorite little guy has gotten because of this game!


Basically everything that gives or replenishes resources, but how to prioritize them it really depends on your build. The ones that I like overall are the Junk Collector, which could be the dogs or the robots depending on what you like, the Company Tea Machine is great since the food it produces gives you a really good AP regen buff, which is good for any build, the Butterfly/Mothman sanctuary is good for acid, which is used on various things. Any Water well since it allows you to collect dirty water, to make boiled water for cooking, much faster than the water pump. Also Cookie Jar and Popcorn machine can be useful since you can get cheap food from them


Popcorn is working for "get pre-war food" challenge...


Does it really? I don’t have to keep canned dog food in my stash anymore


I just found out that the Nuka Candy works for this as well


The coffee machine works too


Worth noting that the water boiler seasonal reward unlocked at season rank 55 produces boiled water. Dont bother with dirty water collector


Ignoring anything purely cosmetic, here’s what I’ve bought from the Atomic shop that has a tangible benefit (in no particular order) — Cold Shoulder Bundle (includes coffee machine) Mirelurk Steamer Cement Truck Communist Collectron Butterfly Sanctuary Cookie Jar SPECIAL Bundle (includes all the buff granting objects) Hot Tub I’ve only been playing a few weeks, but I love having a camp that’s beneficial to other players so I’m a sucker for anything on the shop that provides a buff or generates resources. Cold Shoulder - an afterthought to the coffee machine that comes in the bundle, but I’ve been running it ever since level 25 (currently 92). It’s just so damn good. When that freeze kicks in on big bosses during public events, it’s so satisfying. Mirelurk Steamer - probably my favorite. it only cost 250 Atoms at the time and completely satisfies my food requirements, on top of giving great bonuses to carry weight, damage reduction, AP regeneration, etc. Cement Truck - snagged this when I realized how much cement I was burning through when I started really going to town on CAMP building for the first time. The thing is gigantic but does produce a lot of cement and looks kind of cool plopped down in my camp with its big concrete bunker. Communist Collectron - maybe not the most useful, but my camp has a communism theme so I had to choose that one. The nice thing about Collectrons is you can program them to collect items from any other Collectron that you own, so for instance if I buy a Nuka Collectron, I can have my Communist one gather Nuka Colas. Butterfly Sanctuary - honestly I’m not even sure what acid is used for yet lol .. but it was on sale and produced a resource, so I bought it. Cookie Jar - same justification as above. I wouldn’t say I get much use out of it, but pastries pair well with my coffee machine. SPECIAL bundle - this one is pricey (1800 Atoms), but includes a full set of CAMP objects that provide +2 stat buffs for 30 minutes. Couldn’t turn this one down. Sometimes it’s a pain to fully buff because 4 of them have animations you have to wait on, but charisma, intelligence, and luck are instant. Hot Tub - unnecessary as it provides the same well rested buff as a bed, but this is more fun.


Acid is used for crafting ammo with cloth. It might be used for crafting gunpowder as well; it's one of the two


Also used for smelting ore. Put one up in my camp that is harvesting uranium ore. Bam, no more need for nuclear material


Gotcha. I haven’t even needed to craft ammo once in this game. Benefits of a shotgun build I guess.


Sooo much shotgun ammo, even when i aint runnin it.


Also needed to smelt ore.


I never knew you could programme them! Thank you for mentioning that it's quite helpful.


the best part about that is once u get multiple collectrons, any of them can he programmed to collect stuff from any of the collectrons u own


I've already updated mine to collect for me some good old scrap, one day I'll get the Nuka Collectron so i never run out of soda 😎


Just got the cold shoulder bundle thanks to this post! Cheers man. Just waiting for the Mirelurk Steamer to come back!


Nice! Just FYI -- the steamer is technically available through the Disaster Dock bundle, if you want to spend the Atoms.


Been wondering this myself, so far got the fusion core recharger, not sure if anything else is a good investment outside of cosmetics.


I feel like people are sleeping on the deep well that’s currently in the shop. It’s the same as the water cooler (less cool though) and produces water without power


Does it cap at 2 stored like the cooler? Because if so that’s going to be a no from me. The advantage of the cooler is you can stick 10 of them in a room out of sight, 10 wells is going to look like crap lol.


The data chart for all the extractors says it does sadly only hold 2 at a time


I think it might. Yeah it might look like crap but it’s worth to me as the cooler isn’t in store right now and I need a steady stream of purified


Purified or boiled?




Mirelurk steamer is awesome. Never need food again. the tree that makes glue has been handy. mothman egg maker. coffee, tea and cake strength buff weight set gets used constantly. Butterfly garden, wood pile. Scrapper dog anything that buffs or produces is usually a Buy for me. If anything it's stuff to sale to vendors for that daily caps grab.


Oh! What is the tree that makes glue? I definitely could use that.


I forgot the name but it's a skinny tree with a bucket attached. Holds up to 10 adhesive and looks pretty at the same time. Was in a bundle a few months back.


Piggybacking off of this, are the extra perk loadout/CAMP slots worth their asking price?


I have one mega-built up camp that can’t just cut and paste to a new environment. I have one camp I drop down when I’m carrying too much good stuff without benches and boxes nearby to unload it. I have another opportunistic vendor camp I move around to high traffic areas to sell stuff. consider your uses for camps and then decide if it’s worth it to you.


I think so. I've seen them go on sale before.


to a point. I like having more camps to have more free fast travel spots, and at least 3 builds, so I can have a main build, crafting build, and one to experiment with


Just started playing recently and for someone that has missed out on a lot of bundles I feel like the ones that are time limited 50% off are the best bang for the buck. Got "Western Bar" and "Coffee Machine" one, both have amazing CAMP cosmetics + some utility with the coffee machine.


Honestly, skins for your main weapon are pretty nice. I HATE seeing my railways in the scrip menu. They give me so much anxiety. There’s also another thing that’s good-ish about having atom shop skins on your weapons. If you go to drop them it gives a popup. So you’re less likely to drop them, but if you misclick on the pop-up it will delete them. So, it’s bittersweet.


Just FYI the majority of the stuff suggested here isn’t on the store at the moment lol


S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Bundle just reappeared. Prob some of the best bang for your buck on functional shit.


Oh I picked that up real quick. Had to have a third build for doing workshop stuff specifically, my shotgun build, and my heavy weapon build 😃


Haha, thanks, I was wondering that, can't seem to find anything. Things must come in and out of the shops, eh?


They definitely do. I check it daily because it seems stuff pops in and out regularly.


FYI you can purchase individual (and unlisted) items through Bethesda support (if you don't mind a little wait).


Support just says "No" to items not on the list.


I get a drop down menu with all available items, and an instant response with the item price requesting confirmation of the purchase. edit: Ah I get what you mean about some items not being in the support menu. You can still buy more than what is listed on the store page though.


Fusion generator, butterfly garden acid producer and adhesive tree are 3 of my favorites


Butterfly and Moth Sanctuary are really nice as I use acid to make fuel for my flamer lol


I was a bit upset to discover after buying the moth version it's just a skin for the butterflies. I was hoping to double production!


My personal ones are outfits ( since I play dress up frequently), anything that gives resource, the robot collector stations, any discounted 50 % or more, any prefabs.


I agree with everyone saying the Utility Box Generator that sucker is a game changer :). Birthday Cake and Coffee Machine are items on n my own wishlist that I hope comme back to the Atomic Shop at some point. Utility Box Generator -(Power Generator) - S weight bench - Misc P bowling OR Rad glove - Floor Decor/ Misc E exercise bike - Misc C perfume - Floor Decor I derby & (XP) Mothman tome - Misc / Floor Decor A antique boxing - Misc L bowling OR fortune teller - Floor Decor Butterfly Hutch (acid) - Sap Collector (adhesive)- Resources Fusion Core Recharger - Refrigerator - Company Tea Machine - Steamer (optional) - Nuka- Cola Machine (optional) -


I see a lot of people saying the fusion core recharger… personally I think it’s a waste if you use power armour, you will have unlimited fusion cores if you have the electric absorption legendary perk, which you should because not only does it refill your core when you take energy damage, it HEALS you. You can stand in front of an assaultron shooting her death beam at you, laugh, and say thanks for the unlimited health. I’ve got like 300 fusion cores now and dump them in donation boxes because I literally never use one up. The only situation I can see it’s useful is if you use normal armour and a gatling laser, but that’s a niche most players won’t need.


dont buy the ammo convertor.. absolute pain the b to use...I'd rather just throw money at my tinkerer table


Last few weeks the 50% off items have been amazing 🤩 . . from weapon skins, to camp items I needed, power armour skins. All very cheap. It's been great.


Where can i find a list of all atom shop items?


One important thing, if you have a shop or seasonal reward skin on a weapon, armor, or PA piece then you can’t accidentally scrap, scrip, drop, or trade it. Trying will bring up one of several different warning text boxes So if you’ve found a favorite keep an eye out for skins or bundles to keep stuff safe 


For me it's the trailer, but that's a weird cosmetic choice really. There's a looott of awesome stuff though!


The recent generator skin that was shaped like a box was a pretty good buy imo since you don’t need to connect wires to light up lights and such in a certain radius


Get things that give you in game value - not cosmetics. Get the fusion core charger, mirelurk steamer, the moth or butterfly sanctuary, concrete maker, tea/coffee machines, popcorn machine, cook jar, or really anything that produces resources.


As someone who's spent way, way too much money on video games, I can tell you that some of the items are ridiculously useful, most are just for base building, but stuff like the mirelurk steamer which makes its own meat, and the fusion core recharger are actually extremely handy to have. I know the mirelurk steamer is still available rn with the dock pack, but the fusion core recharger isn't


Anything that makes resources. Just make sure you don't buy clones. Some resource-producing items have a couple different skins.


Punch bowl. It is your god damn duty to place one at your camp and fill it with Vintage Nukashine so newbies drink from it, black out, and are teleported to some random place on the map.


Fusion core recharger is a time saver if you are using Power armor. Ammo converter is also VERY useful. One of the NUKA collectors (mainly for the dailies). Coffee and tea machines for the buffs. If you have carnivore mutation the Mireluke steamer or the military grade freezer.


Most stuff in Atomic stop are just for aesthetics, so it's really up to you to decide what to buy. But if you ask me, I would say Enclave Turrets. Not only they have the aesthetic, they actually uses the two cannons on the turret, having higher efficiency than normal turrets and higher firing rate.


And they are quiet.


i bought a fusion core charger for my CAMP


Me too, best buy ever. PS: i know, if i get the nuclear plant, 7 minutes 4 cores etc etc. I play alone. Next purified water and mirelurk meat.


Get the deep well, it in the shop rn and produces purified water at the same rate as the water cooler but it can only be placed on the ground


Cold shoulder for sure. Unlocks a nice shotgun for every character that doesn't even need perks to be effective. The bundle also comes with a coffee machine to boot.


I second this. I’m specced around the cold shoulder and I can solo mobs I have no business soloing. Using VATS and leg shots I can freeze them in place and stay safe while killing them. It’s an amazing weapon.


Slocum joes for canned coffee, you can get that from the auto axe bundle, so you get a baller melee weapon for resilient enemies on daily ops and an awesome AP regen consumable machine


Wondering this too, really struggling to keep weapons repaired and stimpaks at the moment. I'm probably doing missions I shouldn't be..


Does anyone know if that weather station that makes it night and a full moon (I think?) is on the atomic shop?


The S.P.E.C.I.A.L items are pretty good and each provide a boost to one of your SPECIAL stats on use. The resource generators are great, especially the concrete and wood ones if you're a builder.


I really want the bowling alley lmao


The fusion core recharger has been a godsend for me. The FETCH collectron too.


I found the fusion core recharger today. It's a lifesaver. I've had the Game since it was released. Never played much though. My bro in law started playing it so I got back into it. Alot has changed since day 1.


Everything. That's how companies get your wallet!


Fusion core charger is absolutely a must have. I've been using the mirelurk steamer and even if you don't eat the stuff, you can sell it. I wouldn't worry too much about cosmetic stuff unless you absolutely like it.


It's only a "must-have" if it's something you like and will use. And can afford...


specific items/skins are worth, bundles have alot of junk 90% of people don't care about so not really worth. I had to wait \~1yr to catch Matte Black handmade rifle skin in the store by itself, I felt like I had won the game when it went on sale.


You don't have to buy anything but their are definitely some useful stuff from the atomic shop that you can use your free atoms on


I'm a hoarder with atomic shop stuff. If it looks interesting and there's a few items I can only get by purchasing the bundle, I will. Like the mirelurk steamer, howling emote, auto axe plans


For camp building the prison cell building kit is great for Running wires


Fusion core recharger, mirelurk steamer, fetch dog are all things I’ve bought. I haven’t really looked at the bullion stops but it’s nice if I ever make a character to just have it for all of my characters from the atom shop. Sounds like fusion cores are easy to come by but it’s nice to just have them ready.


Nuka Cola collection.


The vast majority or atom shop items are either purely cosmetic or just interesting camp building items. If you're more concerned with function of your camp vs esthetics you can ignore almost everything. However, some items are great for certain builds. Check back to the forum every Tuesday, there's always plenty of discussion about the new items to shop when they cycle in and out.


The SPECIAL stat bundle is nice if you don’t already have it. It has items for camp/shelters that boost each stat +2 for half an hour


Personally I only buy things with atoms that ‘do’ something for my character, benefit it in some way. I have zero interest in skins/decorations. Outside the atom store I tend to use my atoms sparingly on challenge re-rolls or the score boosters.