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I'm not too fussed about the 150 awards, but to me, the annoying thing is that once I got to 100 I couldn't get all the rewards. I need to go way past 100 to get everything. So they really should keep the repeatable score thing.


I think I'm somewhere around 145 and there's still 2 or 3 things that cost 100 tickets that I can't afford


Oh damn, that really sucks. I don't mind the new layout of seasons but this takes the biscuit. I know I won't use everything but I still want it all just in case. I am around 105 or so, so I should be good to get everything.


I calculated it's around 147 levels if you skip everything that isn't Scrip, Caps, Gold etc.


You have to be rank 130+ just to claim all the cosmetics, even if you don't take the consumables. It's fucking horrible. 


Oh, that's fucking gross. I really dislike how like 70% of this game is brilliant and then the other 30% is aggressively unfriendly design. "The Battle pass where you can buy additional levels for money goes to 150 and the repeated quests cap out 2/3rds of the way through" is a foul design choice.


I thought they got rid of buying score for money?


You can buy season ranks for 150 atoms per rank. So boosting yourself from 100 to 150 would be 7500 atoms.


iirc I don't think you're able to buy season ranks past level 100?


No, my friend said it won't let him


I got to 100 and bought the items I wanted plus certain items I took because I had tickets to spare. Out of 140 items, I purchased 69 items total. It took 3 passes thru the pages to make final decisions. I still have tickets left over. I'm a veteran player and don't need a lot of items on the board. Items like weapon and armor skins are not appealing to me, so I won't get them. I'm not grinding 50 levels for things I don't need or want. Season is over for me.


The only real valuable thing to me is modules now


As a new player, I thought you had to buy everything on a page to move onto the next. Do pages unlock with levels and I can just buy what I want as I go along? There’s a ton of stuff I would skip but I’ve bought everything on the first 3 pages lol


Yeah each page unlocks at a certain rank. This is displayed at the bottom of the page, but only if you haven't unlocked it yet. You can only buy from the final page at rank 150, and if you've bought a certain number of things from the rest of the pages. But that final page is mostly just various consumables or currency, not exactly "one time only" stuff. Don't sweat it too much, most of the stuff on the pages can be safely skipped. Like for me, I hardly ever use power armor, so I skipped most of the paint jobs. Gold, caps, scrip, and other currencies I felt comfortable skipping as you can get that through regular gameplay. You absolutely do not NEED to get every little thing, as you will not have enough free tickets to do so.


This is the way.


Yeah, I hate being like 200 score away from the next rank after finishing my dailies and not being able to do anything about it.


I just log out at that point. It takes 15 minutes to complete the daily list.


>It takes 15 minutes to complete the daily list. that's what I dont get, if they were after engagement, this choice is counter productive. though getting 5 new camps per character, is something I'm happier about than all this season combined.


> that's what I dont get, if they were after engagement, this choice is counter productive. Depends on whether they're interested in continuous playtime or playtime spread across a longer period. *n* daily logins for the whole month of May might look better to investors than *x* total hours played.


They want you to "engage" with your wallet while screaming in fear of missing out! This type of season pass should not exist and they usually don't but Beth thinks they are sooo smart don't they.


They don't want people to grind to level 150 in the first few weeks because then many of those players will convince themselves they have no reason to play for the months until the next patch. This is a live service game, the devs want players to actually keep playing the game over time. Someone that mindlessly grinds westek 14 hours a day for a week and someone that plays 1 hour a day for the full 10 weeks of the season have similar playtime, but only 1 of those players is keeping the community active and seeing the offers in the shop that drive profit for the game. The reality is that it takes months for them to get enough content to release a patch and a full season. So they need them to last that long despite how sweaty many players are when it comes to grinding.


5 new camps per character!? It sounds like each character has 5 more camp slots, even if you bought all possible extra slots. Is this true?


They added the ability to buy more slots.


you can now have up to 10 camps per character


Yeah, I like to play other games too so I go back and forth. By the only time I can really make progress in FO76 is waiting for the next scrup reset or next challenges


Yup. Jokes on them. I don't bother to play any longer after the dailies/weeklies are finished. I'm usually not one to complain about the seasons and figured I'd give this new change a fair shake before judgement but there's zero reason to play any longer past 100 other than log in quick to do the daily stuff. Their monetization specialist needs to rethink this approach.


I just logged in moments ago. Took me 12 minutes to complete the dailies and I logged out. Im lvl 406 and was in a group with 3 players under 30. They might have benefited from doing some expeditions with an experienced player, but Im not doing free community guide work for Bethesda if there's no in-game incentive for me to do so. I logged out instead.


That's their goal. I don't think they care how much you play just as long as you login once per day.


Most Games As Service products want engagement because that leads to purchases. After this season, Im thinking I no longer need Fallout 1st because if Im only playing 10 minutes a day, what do I need those extra features for? I kind of think that's *not* their objective with the new season, yet here we are.


Hard agree. This is my only gripe about the new system. Other than that I like it. I made it to level 100 and all of a sudden I don’t have any reason to grind expeditions all day over and over. (The other rewards were nice but XP was my main target there.) Really wish the new limit was 150.


I think it’s worse that we don’t get our 100 atoms every 10 levels anymore — I have little to no interest in dailies now.


They took away a bunch of themed stuff we'd been getting the last few scoreboards like the themed mister fuzzy dolls, prefab structures, etc, too. There is just less to get excited about and it's more of a grind. Yay. Also I really liked getting the picture of the scoreboard that you could put in your camp. New one leaves a lot to be desired. I hope they listen to feedback but my hopes aren't high. They barely have any communication with the community.


This new battle pass ticket system is worse in every way and I'm sad all these new players didn't get to experience how great the scoreboard was.


Must be a real bummer seeing all these scoreboards in camps and there is no way to get them yourself. I am still angry at myself for not getting it from Season 1, I've got all the others.


I have not played since hitting 100. If their goal was to ease up on server load by giving players no reason to log in, then the new season format is working perfectly.


The new season pass isn't really any more effort, it's just flat out petty. It doesn't make a lot of sense to say, "We want you to spend more time with this." and "We want you to play longer." Then, to basically remove the incentive to do so. I hate the whole catalog format. Period. Whether it's a game board or not, put all the ranks on one page. With multiple characters, it was simple to look at the game board and see the spots I could redeem. Now if I log my other characters in I have to look through every page to find those things. It's an extremely poor replacement for something that was as successful, unique to this game, and generally loved by the community as those Scoreboards were.


>was simple to look at the game board and see the spots I could redeem. Now if I log my other characters in I have to look through every page to find those things I'm trying to be respectful here, but this really is a case of you not liking something, finding what you perceive to be a flaw to justify it, while ignoring that it was a flaw in the thing you do like. You can overlook the flaw there because you like it.  In the current system, on each page you can see everything on that page. See what it is, how many you get. Sure, you have to flip through 13 pages to see everything.  In the old, gameboard system, you had to hover over 110 individual spaces to see what it was and how many you got. Now sure, players who've been around for awhile might recognize the gameboard icons enough to know what's a module, what's a kit, but you still had to hover over all the other spaces just to see what things look like.  So no. It wasn't "simple" to look at the board and see what you could redeem, because the board didn't actually show you anything you could redeem until you selected a landing space.  The catalogue system is not as aesthetically pleasing, but it's far more functional, in that it is faster to flip through the entire catalogue than to inspect every gameboard landing space, and that you can see a picture of everything as you do. 




Mine is correct. "You can actually see more of what you're getting at a time." Factually accurate. "Catalogue is not as aesthetically pleasing." Factually accurate. "Catalogue is faster to flip through and see all the rewards than the scoreboard." Factually accurate.   As I said, you are finding a flaw in something you dislike while forgiving the same flaw in something you like. That's a bias, maybe even a logical fallacy.  You are welcome to your opinion that the scoreboard is better, but your reasons for it being better are just plain wrong. 




Except it's not. I was giving you some facts to counter your opinion.  This is the problem with trying to talk to people like you. You don't reason yourself into an opinion so you can't be reasoned out of it or be made to recognize your opinion is formed purely out of bias and wrong facts. 


Imo rewards on last page aren't worth it


For new players the 25 perk points will be very worth.


Yup, on my last legendary card (in my loadout) so those 25 Perk Points look juicy.


Yup, easily dismissable rewards without a doubt. All stuff you can just earn by playing the game. But at the same time if there are technically "unlimited" rewards it would be nice to have an unlimited way to grind for them. Otherwise the motivation to reach 150 is slim to none.


I'm not even worried about the last page. I just want all the unlockable cosmetics and still have a huge grind ahead of me for that. At a glance I need about 800 more tickets at 106/100 to finish unlocking what I want from the base scoreboard... the stuff that usually would have all been unlocked at 100, plus the bonus consumables and currency I haven't claimed. It's dumb.


Seems like saving all score boosters for after you hit 100 isn't a bad idea if you're planning to grind above 100. Also skip rewards like caps, stamps, cores etc as they are easily farmable. I'm sure you figured it out but maybe it will help someone else.




But if you have a chance to maximize profit why not take it? Also booster lasts 24 hours and challenges resets at 17:00 UTC so if you use booster at right time you can get higher score from 2 days with one booster (+ once a week from weeklys) You can also use your free rerolls on weeklys to find epic challenges for even more score. Even if it's, like you said negligible, which I don't really know as I didn't do the math I still think it's worth doing. That extra week might be just what you need.


That's good advice. I've only take cosmetics and atoms so far and I haven't used any score boosters yet. I didn't put much thought into it. Prioritizing use of the tickets is just a natural thing to do.


Infinite cores and modules are good


It's not infinite without the repeatable. There are only so many days in the season, which means there is finite score available to purchase the 'infinite' rewards with. I don't even care about that, I just want the repeatable up to 150 so I can finish unlocking the basic stuff that would normally be unlocked by 100.


>the basic stuff that would normally be unlocked by 100 It's not basic stuff that would normally be unlocked by 100, it's additional stuff added post-100 that we didn't use to have. Compare to the previous season, the last one with the 'classic' scoreboard. That scoreboard had 78 unique rewards. Now count the number of unique rewards in the new season. You get 78 unique rewards in this one too, *before you count the last two pages*. When you get to 100 now, you've unlocked the same number of unique rewards as you did reaching 100 in the past. The thing that's changed is now there are MORE unique rewards to unlock after 100. But if you stop at 100 now you'll still have the same number of unique rewards as you did at 100 in the previous season.


Thanks for doing the math, just putting a reminder for myself here. Ps. No surprise you get downvoted hard...


Thanks, I figured this would be an unpopular take but so far it seems to be fluctuating between slightly downvoted and slightly upvoted. I remember all the doom and gloom when the new format was announced but I know how crazy this sub has gone in the past over minor changes so I decided to wait and see for myself before I made a judgement. Now that I'm past 100 I can see that it hasn't taken me any longer than last season to get here and I have the same amount of new unique rewards as I did last season. I don't have all the consumables/currency but I can't really bring myself to care much about that. The idea that there's still more unique stuff to unlock and it'll probably take me to 150 to get them all is new, but I ask myself if it was still the old scoreboard design but they just sprinkled a few unique cosmetic rewards into the post-100 ranks, would I be angry about that? And the answer is no, that's just more content. If I had my say, we would go back to the old 'board' format but keep the post-100 unique rewards.


If a gamer is driven by FOMO, it apparently doesn't help if they get same amount of stuff for 100 levels. The problem seems to be that there is more that they just have to get and that will take time. I guess the lesson to be learned is that you don't really NEED any of the stuff in this game and you can freely skip skins you'll never use.


But you don't have enough tickets to unlock all 78 unique rewards at 100 though. That is the main issue here.


Yeah you do: I did it myself. All 78 unique rewards were unlocked by 100 edit: I just ran the math again to make sure I'm not misremembering. The total tickets required to claim all 78 unique pre-100 rewards is 2120. You get 25 tickets per rank, which is 2500 tickets by rank 100. You can claim all the unique rewards by 100 and still have 380 tickets left over. You can add in claiming all the atoms up to 100 for another 150 tickets and still have 230 tickets left over. That's what I did.


Your math is so wrong lol


Show me where. Show me the mistake.


Also let's note that it's not just a matter of 'doing the math', but I have literally unlocked/redeemed all the pre-100 unique rewards myself by rank 100. Do you want me to take a video of my rewards page showing it all unlocked? I'm at rank 115 now but I also have 460 tickets worth of stuff from the first bonus page unlocked, which is 19 ranks worth of tickets (460/25=18.4), which proves I had enough tickets to unlock the other stuff by rank 96.


Do you have additional educational demands? 


Well good for you sir scientist but for others especially the newer players who claim that 5000 caps because they think they need it along with other non unique rewards will not be able to unlock everything by rank 100 so it comes back to what op is saying tbh. Thanks for the maths though that makes sense. Still a messy seasonal system.




Dude, I already have them all unlocked, redeemed, whatever you want to call it. I can build the items in my camp. I can use the photomode frames and user icons and skins. All by 100. only 2120 tickets required to claim all 78 unique pre-100 rewards, and you get 2500 tickets by rank 100. That's enough to 'redeem' all the unique rewards PLUS the atoms and have a hundred or so left over. Just go add up the required ticket numbers from the reward pages. This isn't some big secret, you can check it yourself. Take the 78 unique rewards you unlock up to rank 100, which is the same number of unique rewards you got at rank 100 on the previous 'classic' scoreboard, and add up the tickets to unlock them all. It comes out to less than the number of tickets you'll earn by rank 100.




It's basic math dude, literally just go add things up




He did it by omitting everything on page 100. If you count those the tickets required goes up to 3330.


How many of the non-unique things did you unlock? Currencies and consumables, the only ones of those I unlocked were atoms and SCORE boosters. I'm at 115 right now and I have all the unique items plus all the atoms up to 100, and three of the things from the first bonus page. I had all the pre-100 uniques by rank 97.


I've added everything up, required tickets to get all non-consumables at rank 100 3,330 a far cry off from your 2120. The rank 100 page alone is worth over 1000 points.


The rank 100 page is the bonus page. Before the rank 100 page, there are ~76 unique items, which is the same number as were on the previous scoreboard. By the time you hit rank 100 you've unlocked the same number of unique items you unlocked at rank 100 on the previous scoreboard. THEN you can do the bonus page, which is additional extra content we didn't get on the previous scoreboard To get to 3330 you're adding the post-100 content. This is not a fair comparison to the previous boards that simply didn't have this content.


Huh, arent they infinite ? I wanted to claim legendary modules and perk coins every 3 levels. Its funny that the people who blast through west tek are forced to experience the normal way of leveling season board, like the rest of the playerbase.


Its all about the Scouts banners for me. All the rest I've got plenty off.


Yeah they need to go back this the scoreboard. This is shit. Nobody has time to get to level 150.


this will be a popular sentiment. hopefully Bethesda pays attention


Damn I'm about 5 or 6 pages in, but I thought you had to clear out a page before moving to the next. What a waste of so many tickets lol




Funny thing is, there are enough atoms in the season board to unlock the "season pass" using atoms. So if they keep things the same next season, you can just unlock every season pass with atoms earned from the previous season. All you need is FO1st for that first season to grab all the atom unlocks, then you don't need it again.


It is scum. But its just gaming in 2024 sadly. I don't want to have such a defeatist attitude towards such things, but every game and every company does this now with even single player games, if anything FO1 has ironically become one of the least enraging practices(ESO+ too) the gaming industry has sunk so low and so greedy overall that what once offended me is now just 'ah well, could be worse'


yah, I think it not going to 150, is about the only complaint I feel isnt just pettiness, and is extremely valid. that and no pic for competing the season.


There's a framed season art thing that replaces the framed game board you'd get for previous seasons. I'm disappointed by it, since it's not the same thing, but at least it's something.


I miss the old boards and getting something each level. Having to grind 8-10 levels between choices sucks. On the flip side, I do like being able to choose my rewards and skip the portraits, PA paints and other stuff for things I prefer. So a 60/40 split for me (old still better imo).


I’m at Rank 64 and not sure if I’ll be able to finish the season to get everything. I really want the coloured flames mod for the cremator but it’s buried all the way at the end.


You've got plenty of time to get that far, just try to get the dailies done when you can and definitely don't miss the weeklies.


Yeah, this is a big one. Also, maybe it’s just me but the final rewards kind of suck. Yeah, the mask is the best thing for the lvl 100 rewards but everything else is kind of crap. IMO the best season item was the water boiler.


Yes, but counterpoint, I get a lot more Dave the Diver in that way.


Well, just to be clear and despite what a lot of people think or thought, the repeatable xp challenge always disappears after reaching level 100. It's always been like that, and I think people are confused by that.


Issue is that on the previous scoreboards, you had everything unlocked and earned by 100, and every rank beyond that gave something that is now locked behind reaching rank 150 in the current season. So from rank 100 to 150, there's just a huge reward drought where you're not earning anything. Combine that with how long it takes to reach 150, and it's understandable why players are annoyed. If you don't blitz to 100 early in the season through use of the repeatable, you have a high chance of not even making it to 150 for the repeatable rewards.


that's what I thought, the repeatable *always* stopped when you hit 100. this was not a new thing.


I miss the little \*pop\* soundeffect followed by an image of the thing your new rank unlocked. Even if it was something completely worthless, it tickled the dopamine receptors. This new season just doesn't have the same effect.


I really wish they'd bring the scoreboards back. I loved how they felt like classic board games. The new "seasons" system feels so lifeless and less fun overall. They should've just reworked how many points you received but keep the scoreboard system.


New player here. So excuse my lack of understanding. But from what I can tell, if you start a season late, you are gonna have a hard time completing it, correct? Fortnite is great on that aspect, because sometimes I just jump in 1 week before the end of the battle pass, and I can max out the base pass in those few days. Am I correct in assuming this is absolutely not possible here?


For prior seasons all the rewards were unlocked at 100 and you could grind XP to do it. People were able to grind it out in a week, although it was quite a grind to do in that short time. It was easier to just do the season over a month or two over casual daily and weekly challenges. Now you need to hit about 140ish to unlock it all and the XP repeatable only works to 100, so if you start a season too late you won't finish. I don't know the math on specifically how long the 100 to 140 takes, but it's some number of weeks. Probably a month or two.


Thank you for the really detailed answer. It's so much more clear now. I appreciate it. Not sure how this will be manageable for me personally, but I'll have to take a look next season when I'll be playing the whole thing. It seems quite demanding of your time (first impressions)


It's like they fucked with the scoreboard first then realized how bad it looked so they changed the entire interface and design to disguise the reduced rewards


I totally agree. Ranking up now just pisses me off as it reminds me how freaking slow the 100 - 150 grind is. And I hate that I feel forced to log in every day to do dailies. It's not that I would not normally log in and do dailies (I am a Norwegian in Norway but I "live" in Appalachia). But now it just reminds me that I am weak and have a "fear of missing out" problem. Having the repeatable exp challenge from 100 to 150 would give me a false sense of being in control of my time. And that is really all I need. The illusion of choice. Bethesda, if you are reading this. Let me keep repeatable exp challenge from 100 to 150 next season. If I have that it will go a long way towards making me less irritated with your new season system (ideally scrap the new system and bring back Scoreboards).


This is my last scoreboard. I understand no one cares and that’s cool but I don’t like new way.


I had trouble choosing what get after I leveled to 100. There Just wasn't a lot I wanted after the ones I really did.


I'm at rank 95 even with missing a few days. I don't do the repeatable XP grind. It helps a little, but I actually, y'know, play the game. Daily and weekly challenges don't take long, I pop a S.C.O.R.E. booster and have fun. Last season I was over rank 200 doing that. As far as I'm concerned, the new version of seasons just removed a 'sploit that let people who didn't want to play the game still get all the goodies. I'm just a Filthy Casual. If I have time to get on any given day, it isn't much. I look forward to it. I'll definitely be over 100 by the end of Tuesday, and expect to make at least ten ranks a week for the rest of the season. My big curiosity is whether we can continue to rank PAST 150, even if it's just to get more tickets... ~~And I haven't seen any word as to what happens with unspent tickets at the end of the season. Rollover or redemption would be a good look on the studio's part.~~


“Make sure to use your tickets because they do expire at the end of the season.” https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/65121


Ah. I'd missed that. Thank you. Comment amended.


I got to rank 150 yesterday and bought enough perk coins to max out everything I use, and also buy and max Perception. I didn't even log in today. I think I need to take a break until next season. I'm relieved to be free of the daily SCORE grind. But also kinda sad because I have no reason to log in besides collecting cosmetics. And I already have everything from this event.


My plan for the next season is to get to 100 asap, even if it includes grinding xp in WestTek (not that *that* will hurt my legendary cards any). Then doing the dailies/weeklies as much as I can bear. All this of course assumes that I won't get burnt out on the game.


Let’s say I don’t complete the entire score board/card (I’m only like level 27 on it) will the mods for the cremator still be available somewhere and if so where most likely?


I am hoping Minerva will have it in the future. I really do hope so


I don't care enough to do it, but my main problem with this setup is that it encourages you to hardcore grind the repeatable to 100 as fast as possible when the season starts, then you end up with more time to do dailies/weeklies for 100+.


Thankful for this post, I thought when it said repeatable until 100 I thought it meant player level and was going to roll an alt to grind faster.


Damn I started recently and didn't know the repeatable stops. That's extremely cringe.


You arent going to notice it unless you are one of these people who rush to 100 in first week of the season.




You cant buy levels past 100. 100-150 is the great equaliser, everyone has to do dailies and weeklies.


but but bethesda conspiracies!


Only think that's worth it arebthe legendary modules and cores and maybe the banners. That's about it.


Those perk coins look pretty good. I have some legendary cards I can finish up.


True. Still a wild grind.


Even the modules aren't worth it. You can buy them for scrip from mumbles. It's so easy to max out the scrip vendor, You can easily get eight modules a day. Every time I run out of modules I go to mumbles to buy some and notice that I have somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 scrip. They're one of the last things I'll spend points for in the scoreboard. The banners on the other hand, I like the way you think. Those are definitely worth the score points to me because I don't know any other way to get them in game other than the atom shop.


It's certainly easy to get 8 modules per day, yeah, but that's just not a lot, unfortunately. For 3-star legendaries, that's only 2 rolls per day, and if you're looking to get a specific type of effect on something, then that's going to take you a pretty long while unless you happen to get really lucky. Modules are very worth it unless you're using a ton of alts imo


Oh shit I never even noticed that it stopped, well that makes a lot of sense now.


I see these posts a lot and thought they would be relatable but once I breached rank 100 even though I couldn't buy 'everything' I got everything I was actually interested in. Do I really need a hot dog sign, a broken white picket fence that won't keep anything out, or power armor skins I will never use? No. Do I really need the consumables on the second bonus page? No, they give that shit away free all the time. It's no big deal that you can't buy everything because 30% of it is garbage anyways.


I have only started a few weeks ago and having a blast. The scoreboard progression was at a good pace but after lvl 100 it's very slow. I hope I can make it to 150 but it kinda feels like you can't afford to miss any dailies, which I really hate.


You can get 10 modules every 3 lvl ups when you unlock the bonus page or 5 cores. Before in one repeat rotation you would get 6 or 7 total modules.


Daily challenges take like 20 mins max these days lol and I just crossed rank 100 and found out that XP challenge is no longer on the list. I want to complete the damn thing and claim some repeatable goodies from the last page man, I'm in dire need of legendary modules.


So all you firsters are complaining about not having enough tickets to buy everything at 100 and here I am nearing 100 with hundreds of useless, useless tickets. I'm taking a break soon after 100. It's literally like the length of the entire season again for what, 25 perk coins and a lunch box? It's a joke. But it's been a great season otherwise, especially with the influx. So at least there's that. New camp slots are better than level 150, and there ain't no atoms up there no more. So I'll be back next season.


>It feels bad having a massive grind to 150 You're looking at it completely backwards. The seasons have to be long because they last a long time and need enough unlocks to last. Getting to 150 is not "a grind", it's a bonus round for playing far more than the pass takes after the actual Season Pass unlocks ended at 100. >(grind for 1st is longer, uggh) People keep repeating this but it is asinine. You have pure bonus Score going up to 25% for the rest of the season and a bonus daily quest and a bonus reroll which means more Epic quests, all 3 of these greatly increase your score gain when combined. You are not being forced to earn any of the things non-1st players are. Do you REALLY need every Power Armor skin and every paint option for weapons you never use, including multiple paint options for the same weapon? The "grind" is not longer, you get rewards faster and simultaneously run out of them slower. The updates would not come out faster just because there was less content to earn in each one, this is a live service game and it is not a bad thing that they give you content to earn for the majority of the length of the updates.


>You're looking at it completely backwards. The seasons have to be long because they last a long time and need enough unlocks to last. Do you see the problem? There is no actual gameplay content for regular players that justifies the stretched season. Player icons or consumables on the seasons page are not playable content. Beginners experience it differently but they will soon catch up and be in the same position if they play the game regularly. For a lot of players the daily routine looks like this - log in, take 5-10 minutes to do the daily tasks (I do not call them challenges) and log off again. It looks good in Bethesdas metrics but does little in terms of a enjoyable experience. The inflated in game economy means you have lots of caps with nothing to spend on, most plans and gear and there is not much to do other than the 500th daily OP , 400th SBQ, the 150th expedition or build yet another variation of a camp. Story and end game content updates have been sparse and this does not fit to a healthy live service game. The Atom Shop has a large amount of reskins, recycled items and camp items that nullify the need to interact with the gameplay mechanics. (Fusion core recharger, Mirelurk steamer, fridge, coffee machine...) **In direct comparison to the previous Scoreboard system the current seasons system is worse in almost every aspect.** I finished the season 1 week ago, just by doing the weekly and dailies, no XP grind. And I am not able to unlock the set of cosmetics even after skipping all consumables and the cheaply made weapon skins on the seasons page. And non-1st players have it even worse. The ability to chose is severely limited and you got to chose in the previous Scoreboard as well by just not claiming the item for each rank. It did not lock you out of pages or items like the current system. The amount of atoms has been greatly decreased, repeated atoms every 10 ranks are gone, the radio plays are gone, the individual seasons artwork is gone and replaced with recycled generic gfx assets. It all looks like cutting corners and low effort.


The only problem is your unrealistic expectations for a Live Service game. They cannot do massive updates every week, end of story. You're also mixing in an absolute ton of completely irrelevant complaints in with this, which makes you sound unable to actually see the topic objectively. No, the number of atoms being reduced does not mean there is less content per update. No, the single furniture item of the season artwork being gone does not magically mean the item count is lower, this current season has the most furniture items a season pass has ever had. Semantics on whether you want to call the daily challenges "challenges" does not change that they exist. The atom shop selling shortcut items that generate foods and such does not mean there is less content per update either. >The inflated in game economy means you have lots of caps with nothing to spend on, most plans and gear and there is not much to do other than the 500th daily OP , 400th SBQ, the 150th expedition or build yet another variation of a camp. Story and end game content updates have been sparse and this does not fit to a healthy live service game. If you've been playing for literal years then yes the content is only as much as you enjoy the base gameplay. If you don't enjoy going to events and blasting ghouls or super mutants or whatever else spawns, maybe this isn't the game for you after the first 1000 hours you've clearly spent judging by your example numbers. >I finished the season 1 week ago, just by doing the weekly and dailies, no XP grind. And I am not able to unlock the set of cosmetics even after skipping all consumables and the cheaply made weapon skins on the seasons page. Thanks for proving the "the grind is too insane, finishing the season is too hard" comments wrong by confirming you finishes the season long before it's finished. You don't seem to understand that the season still lasts another month and a half though, you have tons of time to unlocks the rest of the cosmetics. >The ability to chose is severely limited and you got to chose in the previous Scoreboard as well by just not claiming the item for each rank. This just might be the most bad faith take I have ever seen on this subreddit. You're seriously claiming "you could refuse to take rewards and get nothing at all" as an upside of the old system? >It did not lock you out of pages or items like the current system. For someone that claims they finished the season it sounds like you frankly do not understand the system at all. You are not "locked out" of anything in the new system either. Yes, you have to take 95 of the 140 rewards before you can access the final "Bonus Page", which is explicitly just high value consumables so that players have something to earn after the season. It's not meant to be a part of the season, it is very specifically a bonus for after you finished the season. If you don't want 95 out of 140 things even though some cost 0 and plenty cost 5 or 10, then just claim the cheapest things. It's highly hypocritical to act as if this is a downside of the new system when the old system was that you had to earn 100 out of 100 items (even though non-1st players don't get to take them all) before you were allowed to start earning anything after the season. >In direct comparison to the previous Scoreboard system the current seasons system is worse in almost every aspect. This is an opinion and I disagree. The repeatable rewards are a massive upgrade (new players can actually focus perk coins). The player actually has choice on what they get and can say "I don't use power armor, I'll skip the bunch of new power armor skins and get more perk coins (or whatever they want) instead". Like it or not there are more rewards than before, especially for FO1st players that have 10 options on every page. There is less style to the new system obviously, but as a functional content delivery system it does a better job of making rewards something you think about instead of just mindlessly accept. > It all looks like cutting corners and low effort. It looks like cutting corners and low effort because you convinced yourself that's what they're doing before looking at anything objectively.


Scoreboard vs Seasons - the basics: \- after reaching rank 100 it is not possible to unlock all items from the scoreboard/season which was possible before \- with the old system you got 100+ items as non-1st and additional bonus items as 1st-player. \- even without claiming any weapon skin, apparel and skipping the cheap consumables there are not enough tickets to claim the more expensive items like the gorilla statue at rank 100. \- the amount of atoms has been greatly reduced. The old scoreboard had 2000 atoms (1st) on it. \- the repeatable page was changed last minute (compare dev dive vs. current game) and the repeatable atoms are gone. For many regular players this was the only thing that kept them playing after rank 100. This says something about the (lack of) endgame content. \- the original artwork is gone, replaced by recycled assets. \- the unique radio plays that are added to the pirate radio station are gone \- being forced to claim unwanted items to unlock the last pages is the opposite of choice. Bethesda cutting corners is backed up by the outsourcing of development to support studios, more monetisation (rerollers, score boosters, scout banners, the broken LR shotgun bundles) and the layoffs that affected the remaining skeleton team and community managers in Austin. the numbers for reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri3L-V8r3Kw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri3L-V8r3Kw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IDuSmorDH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IDuSmorDH8) If anything it is you treating your opinion as fact. Several independent sources compared the new system to the old one and it is objectively a worse value proposition. I played the game since release and am done excusing Bethesdas greed and ineptitude any longer.


[https://imgur.com/a/M6NgYJR](https://imgur.com/a/M6NgYJR) bro i dont have weekly season repeatible, my eyes bleed also.


I get it from Bethesda's perspective for grinders like myself. If it's not an event, I live in Sensatio al Game. If I hit 100 in 4 days, I'd absolutely chew through the extra rewards to the point of the game being kind of saturated for me.


Hey, just noticed and dunno if this has been discussed already, but the requirements for the last bonus page have changed. Originally it was lvl150 and 95 claimed rewards. [https://i.imgur.com/sUPT8OF.png](https://i.imgur.com/sUPT8OF.png) Original: [https://i.imgur.com/j1fB7or.png](https://i.imgur.com/j1fB7or.png)


The thing that I hate the most is the LONG period in btw 100 and 150. Since there's no repeatable XP, it takes even longer. Getting tickets isn't as exciting as being able to immediately cash in your rewards.


everyone's in here complaining about it, but are you actually voting with your time or are you still logging in and giving them the stats they want to validate their decision? You better believe they're tracking stats on how much engagement they get past level 100. If you're here complaining, and still grinding to 150 to unlock useless crap you won't even use, you are the reason they're doing this, and they will keep doing it as time goes on. Once they realize people will log in regardless of what they do, they will continue moving towards more microtransactions and pay to play models. Anyone that's played for the last 5 years has to be blind to not see how things have progressed.


When you unlock 150 you’re going to get 10 rewards and that’s a lot a stuff. I can see why they took the atoms off this list or I’d have been cashing in.


I was able to grab most of what I wanted. I ignored all the surfboard stuff and a few power armor along. I’d like to keep grinding and finish everything off but no repeatable xp task is definitely killing my motivation to do so. Not sure why they did this if they want to keep people engaged until end of season. Having opposite impact for me.


It's all about selling season passes, and boosts, and goddamn catch up bundles. Gotta milk it while you can is what Todd Coward would say


This subreddit made me think that I would not get anything between 100 and 150. And that it is a massive grind. So I could see why people got upset. I was so surprised to still get tickets when I leveled up after lvl 100. The grind is also not that MaSsIvE. The only thing I really miss is not getting nuclear keycards as often as previous seasons.


It doesn't really seem to be any more 'grindy' than before, the difference is that there are actual unique post-100 rewards now instead of a bunch of consumables I don't care about. I'm playing the same way I always did, just doing the daily/weekly challenges and otherwise ignoring it, and I'm rank 109 right now. It takes me 10 minutes to do all the daily challenges, and I think it's a stretch to call 10 minutes of your time for unnecessary cosmetics a 'grind'. I'll still get all the unique rewards, no sweat. The XP repeatable isn't now, and never has been, a part of my play. I do think it feels less 'fun' now that I just unlock all the unique stuff on a page and don't get anything new for the next several ranks until I unlock the next page. In the previous system there was always something to unlock when I logged off for the day, and now there isn't.


this is how I feel. I did the math before spending any tickets, calculating exactly how much I could spend to prioritize it and not miss anything. I definitely didnt want to miss anything. I don't xp grind. I'm close but not 100 yet and did spend tickets. I'm annoyed it feels slower to get it bc you gave to wait to hit certain levels to collect but meh. not much changes for me overall, at all.


Other than the unique things, the only things I claimed for tickets were the atoms and the SCORE boosters. At first I was skipping the unique player icons and photomode frames, but I got to 100 with tickets to spare so I went back through and claimed all those. Adding up the tickets on the first bonus page and by 150 I should have all of those too.


i think I claimed free score booster but non that cost tickets. I usually stop after processing to 100 them stop bothering with dailies but lately I've been actually playing more to build. pretty sad I am missing so many plans now but the stamp grind and rarity of recent event plans has sucked. I used to farm them all hard to get every plan in game but got burned out - now some plans stop dropping when learned so I guess I don't find these in vending machines anymore.