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* Removed a hidden -50% damage debuff from all two-handed automatic melee weapons Whaaaaaaaaaaat? How long was *that* there?


Oh yeah! I remember before the game graphics looked so much better (maybe a year ago), the chainsaw and auto axe had higher damage than after the graphics were better. Angry turtle also mentioned the hidden debuff of auto melee weapons a while back


Oh, the damage was tied to the *frame rate*?


I deleted my previous reply because now I know what you meant. No there were no ties with dmg and the graphics (frame rate). The graphics didnt affect the dmg. I meant the hidden dmg debuff happened during the time devs changed its ps4 graphics to ps5 graphics. Same for Xbox and pc


Wait, when did fallout 76 get a PS5 version?


They dont really called it a ps5 version. They rendered its graphics to look better a year ago to look more modern, or they call it 60 fps.


Gotcha. I thought it looked a bit different. Honestly the only thing that still bugs me is how the game renders shadows/darkness. The game is gorgeous, but blacka are about as dark as a 90s tube tv.


Yeah it was never perfect since but it's OK


imagine damage tied to \_frame rate\_ and not something sane like first vs third person camera


You mean fire rate? Hunting rifle checking in, 5 years and counting


Until they force this patch through to live. Bethesda couldn't be more clueless. Instead of working on correcting the constant crashing or addressing any of the major bugs, let's instead focus on how OP the chainsaw is.


What are you talking about?


Are auto-axes and chainsaws OP?


Yeah they actually are sometimes




...... what are you really mad at? Because it's not this made up shit.


>*Instead of working on correcting the constant crashing or addressing any of the major bugs* ^


I'm sure they aren't working on correcting bugs..... you're absolutely right! Why did I even question it?!?!,?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


We'll see when they release the update. Based on past performance, your odds are about 30:1. Bethesda 1/I6th-assing updates is the norm. Not the exception.


Okay, backseat dev. You do you, chief.


We'll see. Be sure to come back after it drops to rub it in. The last four patches have been garbage. This next one will certainly knock it out of the park...right?


Just play another game then mate. Find a game from a dev that you don’t want to fume at every patch.


As if unpaid modders haven't been fixing their games for decades now lol, lmao even


It's the game engine tbh. They can't really fix that any more without completely rebuilding the game on a different engine, which of course will never happen. It's a miracle the Creation Engine even supports a multiplayer game tbh. FO76 is held up by popsicle sticks. I'm not defending them btw, it's pretty sad that Bethesda's engine is still so garbage in 2024.


Literally the first version of the engine ever was for an MMO that's still running today back when it was Netimmerse. But then again people like you are presumably under the impression that the current version of Unreal is a new engine and not a mountain of legacy code dating back to the original Quake.


How does that change anything I said? The engine being used in an MMO that's littered with gamebreaking bugs, crashes, and can't handle a multitude of things a modern MMO should able to was created for an MMO originally? Yea, if you tried releasing a new MMO on True3D today it would be complete shit too. Yet Everquest was good, FOR IT'S TIME. It's 2024. There's no need for data and justification when you can just play FO76 for an hour and see how it barely functions most of the time. There's no debate to be had here, bud.


I couldn't agree with the statement more. I would rather have constant crashing on the PlayStation Network fixed rather than have weapon damage rebalanced or getting new content.


>Removed a hidden -50% damage debuff from all two-handed automatic melee weapons


You have to know those two issues are handled by different teams, right?


When was the last stability patch that actually worked?


Still salty because of the legacy removal aren’t ya?


Couldn't care less. What I do care about is a barely functioning game, where Bethesda repeatedly wastes sprint after spring "fixing" unimportant things while failing to even acknowledge the massive, meaningful bugs. Perpetual crashing should be pretty high on the list.


Plis revolver and lever action buff.


Or a just a semi-auto buff in general pls.


Also a new perk for non-VATS User would be nice Missing The (crit)damage buffs for VATS is an huge damage disadvantage for players who don't want the immersion braking VATS (yes, I played FO3, FO NV and FO4)


I hate that VATS is just strictly better, not only because of the immense damage buffs and crits but also because you basically can’t miss.


It would be a step in the good direction if they find a way to crit outside vats, just random based on jour luck


A perk that just disables vats but gives a general dmg buff and crit chance would be cool.


auto axe go brrrt


VATS being strictly better is why this will never be a serious looter shooter game.


Fallout isn't Borderlands. If you want to play Borderlands, go play it.


And reduce ap cost of EPR


Grim reapers sprint, my friend. The EPR in its aligned automatic version is the perfect weapon as is. If it gets any stronger they will nerf it into the ground so let's not fix what isn't broken 


Well hopefully this fix will work for the Union armor. Would have been nice to give us a bunch of stamps if you really want to test the fix though. I got mine through season 10 so I’m not going to grind a bunch of expeditions in the PTS just to test it.


Yeah haven’t played PTS but I’ve never spent any of my stamps since starting just so I can get the union armor when they fix it in the actual play server but can’t wait for June it’s going to be great


Any chance there can be buffs for single-fire (espescially black powder/leveraction) rifles and pistols? apart from a fully upgraded 10mm pistols, nothing comes even close to other weapon classes (let alone bloodied commando)


Single action revolver is my favorite gun in the game, but also the worst revolver in the game. I would kill for it to be buffed. Even if it's just an additional 10% damage.


Me too. I want to have a Wild West gunslinger thing but it’s too weak.


Have you tried a crusader pistol with a good roll? I use a v2525 crusader and it's as strong as a lot of my rifles but way better on ammo economy so it gets regular usage daily.  I always hear people complain about pistols and most of the time it's warranted but there are a handful of pistols that are amazingly decent 


I run a B/E single action with all of the low health cards/adrenal to accompany it, and it still takes like 4 headshots to kill most things. Granted I don't run gunslinger cards because other agility cards are more valuable to me.


They need to move Gunslinger perks to Perception.


There can be buffs to anything. Their actions in leaving pistols so fucked for years speaks volumes about their priorities. They don't care.


So with this update simply revving the auto axe should complete The Most Sensational Game and kill no less than 2 random players under level 50 on another world.


I'm uncertain whether the -50% damage debuff is being applied to those hit by the auto or to those using it


My auto axe is already OP I have a Vampires +40 power attack damage -25 AP cost that thing melts any player that accidentally attacks me after an event ends.


Please buff rifleman and gunslinger weapons already


yes buff more nerf less


They wont buff anything. They have no idea what they are doing


I have legit never seen a balance team this unaware. They'll add interesting wepons like the wacker smacker and the western spirit and then make them unable to be rerolled and give them garbage ass effects.


Well fuc i was planning on using both those items


Dont worry they're adding even more unique weapons! Furious LAST SHOT 15 reload LMG with a hidden passive that its magazine size is doubled. Thats right they put last shot in a weapon with 150 ammo! Twoshot 25fire rate 15 reload Tesla rifle with double ammo passive. Not the worst but twoshot is a terrible effect so its only good for tagging. Anti Armor 25 damage while aiming 15 reload Laser Rifle. While the effect combo is not terrible (still inferior to 25 firing speed) this Laser Rifle has NO HIDDEN EFFECTS meaning it isnt even a new weapon! Zweihander with executioner, 40 power attack dmg, 40 power attack resist. This weapon looks awesome and has a new model but that is completely ruined by the executioner effect. The Zweihander is a 2handed melee weapon, its 1 or 2 shotting most enemies so why does it have executioner other than the memes? Apparently there is one more but I cant find any info on it. I assume its trash


Unfortunately the one you missed is the best one coming by far. Bloodied Railway Rifle with hidden effect of double magazine (20 mag instead of 10). This is an excellent weapon that is only marginally weaker against bosses than a Quad, and it's free from the questline as I understand it. I forget what the other two stars are, but I recall them being decent as well.


Oh that one is good but its also not doing anything interesting that current railways can't do.


Bloodied with double ammo capacity is literally something you can't do. If you're already using a bloodied railway, this is just better; if you're using a quad railway on a bloodied build without a second railway with some damage perk, it has a very real chance of being nearly as good for mobbing and better for high dr targets.


Ok so railway builds may have gotten marginally better, now they're best in the game, oh wait they already were


Almost like they don't play the game at all.


Can someone spell it out for me? What does this mean for the chainsaw and autoaxe?


Sounds like 2 handed Melee will be doing double the damage they were. Not sure if that hidden 50% debuff was only on PTS or if it's been in the live servers for a while. I just want the crits to actually work and I'd be happy tbh.


Are you sure the debuff was referring to users of the ax and not to enemies being damaged by it?


Would also be nice if hack and slash worked with vats on chainsaw and Autoaxe.


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't 🤷‍♂️


Collateral damage works for the shredder in case you were not aware. It's absolutely fucking nasty during radiation rumble


Please give us the Ghoul’s Revolver and buff all revolvers.


so the union pa plans are coming back to  Giuseppe ?


I hope so, but it doesn’t say if they will be available to buy in the live servers, so let’s wait and see.


We should riot until we get bethesda to buff the weapons that are too far behind (shotguns, pistols, snipers) instead of constantly nerfing anything that isn't comando


Why a 50% nerf to shredder? 😔


Because it was likely being counted as a 2 handed automatic melee weapon and them removing the hidden -50% damage to that class of weapons means there’s no change to the damage output. That’s just my interpretation.


Very much this. Those two essentially got a 50% damage boost by removing the hidden nerf so the mods are just rebalancing them so they should perform the same after the patch.


I sure hope so .


fix buried treasure


Whats wrong with buried treasure?


Not everyone digs it.


It's a glitch fest. It has maybe some of the most fun writing in any Fallout quest, but it's glitchy as hell and is liable to break constantly


They won't




I've always been... cautious, on the idea of melee builds in games like this. The benefit of ranged weapons is that the enemy is waaaay over there, and you're not, and you can keep it that way. Does melee do enough damage (either before or after these changes) to make up for the inherent risk of having to smell a ghoul's breath right in your front-facing face-holes? Also with how frantic the events are, ranged is the only way I can get a hit in on some enemies to get credit :D


Just use vampire auto and you are mostly unkillable, unless you got staggered or one shot or that never landing SBQ.


Cripple her wings and she will land. Works 100%


It is absolutely bonkers how much dmg I do as 2h auto melee. I am \~lvl 175 and I melt everything. I welcome my enemies to get close to me because they aren't going to last more than half a second.


I've had tons of fun running an Unarmed (Powerfist/Guantlet) build. Since you can't use them in power armor I have perks that help me run faster (there's one in Charisma and Agility) and I usually have no problem getting into anyone's face and launching their heads from their necks with a power attack. With good armor, mutations, and a happy helping of deathclaw steaks there's not any real danger. I do however keep a cremator on me in case of things like scorchbeasts that I can't reach unless they land. Could sub it for a Cold Shoulder or other 'good without investment' weapons as a backup. The only real downside, like you mentioned, is it's hard to tag things. At this point I don't need to worry about exp, but I usually whip out the cremator with multishot/grenadier and tag everything in the immediate area then crack some craniums


I'm still trying to get a good war glaive to test 2h, but "unarmed" fist weapons are disgustingly strong. I use a traditional low health melee build with a vampire gauntlet and there isn't anything in the game that build can't solo with his covert scout set. He doesn't even have the best gear in terms of defense so it will get even sturdier


Auto melee weapons are insanely overpowered in this game if you spec for them. Their only weakness like you said is getting tags. Wear power armor (get power attack damage bonus), mod your arms for less ap usage while power attacking and then hold down your trigger and go to town just turning everything to paste.


Guess it’s time to try out two-handed automatic melee weapons after this patch lol


Wut? We take away 50% and then add 50% so its balanced now? 🤔


Also known as "busy work"


This way the displayed damage will be accurate.


text chat when


I just started playing melee with Auto Axe. Does this mean it’s been nerfed or buffed?




How is it buffed when it lost 50% power????


> Removed a hidden -50% damage debuff from all two-handed automatic melee weapons They removed something taking away 50% damage and then removed something giving 50% damage. Tbh I'm not sure how it's a buff either? Just seems like it's gonna do the same damage to me? Am I too dumb to understand this? Just seems like they buffed base damage with no mods but it will do the same damage modded up.


The -50% damage one was just a mod for the Chainsaw. "Chainsaw Dual Bar mod damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%" Auto Axe is only buffed


Good point! I actually don't like that... I prefer using a chainsaw for the aesthetic but doesn't this just mean the auto axe is strictly better now?


Basically yeah


so if they removed the 50% debuff for auto melee (basically adding +50% base dmg), then added 20% base dmg for the auto axe, does this mean the auto axe is getting a +70% base dmg buff?


Just the base is getting the +20%. But still the Auto Axe just seems flat put superior to the Chainsaw now   Makes sense from a dev standpoint to make the weapon you have to spend premium currency (Atoms), or play the game longer (Stamps) to get be better    Still seems kinda lame though


Is it really? If we assume base damage numbers for all weapons are 100, then the chainsaw just went from 50 (50% hidden debuff) to the actual intended 100. Previously, you'd get the true 100 damage by using a dual bar which doubles your damage output. Now, you can add a dual bar to your already intended 100 damage, for 150 total. Seems like a massive buff?


I would love to see some crossplay


Sounds like it'll never happen. Game wasn't built to support it at all with the bolted on multiplayer, and it's grown in scope and complexity over the years. Pete Hines discussed it a bit recently while doing the whole Fallout tour thing and was very, very skeptical that it would make financial and technical sense for the game.


Wonder if cross save would be easier my wife and kids play on Xbox I'm on PC, get kind of jealous sometimes they can go explore together and I can't unless I start over.


I could see them doing something like account transfers. Move from one platform to another and move everything from the source to the destination (characters, atom shop purchases, atoms, unlocks), charge a fee for the transfer and limit how often it can be done. They might have something like, everything in the destination is lost with the transfer.


Yea I figured, i think it would be an awesome update personally. Have some friends that are spread out.


When does this go live?


Minigun Shredder mod damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50% okay now make it so it works while you're shooting. as a returning player, finding out that the shredder only works when you're out of ammo is so weird. completely defeats the point of having it on a gun that shoots bullets. it should be extra damage when stuff is in melee range, not "a jank alternative to a chainsaw for melee builds"


Have you used it with the basher perk? Ammo schmamo, that gun literally shreds. Pretend it's a melee weapon and become trogdor


Wait, maybe I'm not understanding the wording all that well, why is the acquisition of Union PA becoming so limited?


only on the pts. those who got it as a season 10 reward can't try it on the public test server, only those who bought it for stamps, but I assume when it goes live, it should work for everyone who has the plans


Tbh it never made sense to buy it if it could just drop you the whole set. I feel like it dropping was the bug


It SHOULD only drop pieces that you have plans for. Then it’s just another way you might get a roll on a piece that you like.


Yeah that would make sense


Is this just for PC? I don't know what Skyline Valley PTS is.


PTS is public test server. Skyline Valley is the next big update. The PTS is done only on Steam, but the changes apply to all versions of the game when officially released.


That sucks. My main weapon is the chainsaw


They’re removing a 50% debuff and then reducing damage output by 50%. If this goes to the live servers you shouldn’t see any change to your chainsaw


Oh, okay. The way they state things can be a bit confusing


fretful compare angle fear thumb historical detail plucky observation crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh is this fixing the Union Power Armor at all?


So what specifically does this mean for a dual Bar flamer chainsaw? Seems like overall going to be a nerf? Was this really necessary


Great. Union power armor to complete!


I'm slightly restarted, is the auto axe receiving a buff, a nef, or something in the middle?


They did some busy work so that on paper it will break even.  No matter what, though, they stay nerfing shit so expect a slight downgrade in damage to be brought in line with other weapons because we aren't allowed to have nice things.


I don't understand why they would nerf something that works perfectly fine, it's also the only weapon I use lmao


What does the turbo mod for the auto axe even do? Trying to figure out why it exists. Per the stat sheet in-game it literally reduces the damage of the axe and that is the only thing it does. I don't see any changes listed here for it, so why is it a thing?


Who knows what will happen that patch but the turbo mod esentially made using it in 3rd person the same as using it in 1st person. In 1st person right now the auto axe and I think chainsaw? default to having maximum swing speed so using the turbo mod would only actually do something in 3rd person.


"Union Power Armor should now be craftable by players who have the recipe" I always cringe when I see the word "should". Either it still isn't fixed as I do not see it listed, or they have two sets coded. One for players who earned it from scoreboard and those who later spent stamps for the plans. And all they did was fix it for the latter. So someone who bought them with stamps verify if they can/can't craft it either?


Is it true that shotguns are getting a buff (how big is beyond me)? I saw some comments a while back but i can't seem to find anything concrete about it


Hi, Ever since the latest big update whenever I open my inventory the game freezes and lags big time, always when there’s an event or when more than one player is nearby.. I also notice my PlayStation gets quiet when this happens, when before the update it would hum louder when using my inventory and everything ran smooth.. I’m on PS4 Pro with SSD hard drive, default settings in game.. I do have a ton of stuff in my inventory (food, aid, notes, etc) Could anyone comment on this? Please and thank you


Anybody happen to know how long is the PTS out for? How many weeks long are they typically?


Do you think we'll need to wait until Skyline in order to get access to the Union Power Armor or once these fixes are tested will they be coming to the live server sooner?


But they won’t fix the gauss shotgun glitching out 24/7 not letting me run or heal and instead healing enemy’s when I blast them? Nice


Auto axes are already crazy op, especially in food buffed pvp. What are they thinking?


I didn’t want to be the one to tell you but... *no one cares about PvP in Fallout 76*


Oh no you absolutely care, this community dreads PvP and cries about any instance of it


Pfft whatever. You might as well be playing minecraft.


Minecraft had more pvp than F76 lol




***"I'M LeAviNg!"*** Okay then. That was always allowed.




Sooo auto melee is getting nerfed? Also this is nice and all, but people are confused about treasure hunt. Seems like a pertinent thing to post rather than letting them spam the reddit about. 


they're removing a 50% damage debuff which lowers the damage. It should be stronger now


so the damage is back to normal then? then they proceeded to remove 50% from dual bar chainsaw and shredder.




so they are nerfing auto melee.


They're nerfing the mod not the weapon itself. It be virtually the same amount damage


Autoaxe is just getting a straight buff tho no? (just wondering if im understanding this correctly)


Correct 20% damage increase


Wouldn't it be 50% + 20% from the removal of 50% and 20% increase on unmodded?


Yes actually you're right


i didnt see that, so yeah it does get a buff.


no. there is no hidden -50% on live.


that would be incorrect. dual bar is a massive damage increase.


>Sooo auto melee is getting nerfed? Um...why do you think that's the case?


Dude, math. Currently auto melee has a 100% buffer with a 50% debuff. They are getting rid of the 50% debuff. And that would make it s true 100% buff. So 50 percent more damage. They're making it the same, just simplifying. So get rid of the debuff and reduce the buff by 50% gives you the same number before all the debuff and buff combined.


omg math. they are reducing the absolute damage of a dual bar chainsaw by 25%.


no, they are removing the 50% debuff from base dmg, so Essentially +50% base dmg, then removing 50% from the dual bar mod, so +50 - 50 = 0% change total


there is no 50% debuff on live. once again, they are looking to nerf auto melee.