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I would watch some YouTube videos, TBH. VATS is extremely powerful. You need to select the weak point (usually the head) and just hold down the critical button. It sounds like you might have been using a heavy weapon? Most heavies don’t work well in VATS. High AP cost. That is why commando builds are the undisputed champions of boss fights, sadly. Almost all of your damage will come from crits because they bypass damage reduction. Damage reduction on Earle is like 90%.


It’s the aiming I don’t understand, all the percentages for the limbs come up, but I don’t feel like I have any control cycling though them. Does the critical button also take shots like the trigger? Do I need to be pressing both, or just the critical button?


I am on PC. I can cycle body parts with my middle mouse button. Once I have one selected, when I move to the next mob, it is *still* selected. So I don’t have to keep scrolling on every mob. Critical button does not fire. On PC it is spacebar. Whenever I am firing in VATS, I just hold down spacebar. You get used to it. 👍🏿


Ohhhhhh you have to HOLD it down AND fire separately! This is the info I’ve needed, it does not explain this at all in the game, I kept tapping it and having nothing happen lolZ


TBH, a lot of stuff in this game is unclear. When I started playing, I made extensive use of forums and YouTube.


As a player who has been present from start. I started my bloodied build just 3 months ago. I waited for a full set of unyielding armor. It is OP with proper perks. I run VATS perks for crits and target changes. It's worth researching but another players ideal build might not be the best for you. Play the way you choose.


Ah ok, so maybe I’m a little early on a bloodied build then. Well if just take a better understanding of the VATS for now, but looks like YT is my only hope


VATS is good for landing Criticals (CRITS) and is instrumental in disabling an enemy, be it a limb to stop mobility, or just an overall critical one tap hit. Since this is a game online, its intent is lackluster compared to previous entries, but still has its moments. For example, target a Scorch Beach Queen’s wing(s) during her boss encounter can disable her upward mobility and keep her grounded. Stealth builds would find VATS, or striking criticals, a key to their success. If you’re going Bloodied, you’ll already be putting out a lot of damage so landing a CRIT or using Vats won’t be your center strat. This game isn’t as overly dependent on teamwork as it might look and play. You can be an introvert (me too) and still find ways to be apart of a team. Lvl 192 in 2 years?? Play some events my man, and slap Inspirational perk card on and join a Casual team. Hope this helps.


I have a hard time playing with others I don’t know, and I didn’t know about the events right away, trust that I play them non stop now! I’m so used to RPGs offline that I did all the main missions first and didn’t even realize what the events actually were haha




Holy Schnikes!! Thank you so much, this is so many other things I’ve had questions about in one tight little jacket!