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He just hack, wack, choppin' that SQB!


Don't turn this post over you ain't heard nothin yet


'Hack, whack, choppin that beast' will be in my head every fight now.


Given what the song means, this gets weird real quick.


What is that song about?


It's about fuuuuckin'


That was my first guess.


A guy who goes around having sex with married women.


Choppin that meat


“He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’!”


Ol’ SpookyPebble he’s a crazy man…


Melee builds be like: Don't want no jailhouse, shotguns, fish hooks, golf clubs I got my spears


Doing my duty O7


I use a power fist for my main weapon, I keep the CS on me just to make my life easier lol


I wish some "unarmed" weapons can be used in PA. Why can't I solder a Moleman Claw to my Hellcat armor?


PA literally has the best unarmed weapon, your fists. The most damage, no repair cost, and a good portion of energy damage when you equip Tesla Bracers in the arms slot.


I'm not convinced it's the best, especially if we're talking DPS as my gauntlet does a little more damage and way higher swing speed, and especially if you consider losing unyeilding while wearing PA. BUT, even with all that, it's actually pretty close in terms of just damage, especially with a running start you can one punch anything up to and including deathclaws maybe even more than that, pretty much anything that's not a boss,


Well, huh. TIL. I've been mostly sticking to one handed because I got the Gladiator card early. Guess I never really crunched the numbers. Thanks for the tip.


Because that wouldn't work, you'd have to WELD the claw to your hand (or forearm "wrist" plating) or it would just fall off if you tried to punch though anything thicker than a sheet of paper


If you haven’t tried a Gauntlet yet, try a Gauntlet with Shock Pads


You should make sure to shoot her with a stringer before she lands, that way those cold shoulder users will get some extra damage in.


You mean a Syringer? Right? And yes I use endangerol syringer regularly


Flipping autocorrect got me


Ducking gets me every time.


Syringer, pepper shaker, cold shoulder, chainsaw and repeat!


Add some parmesan and salt and you got one sweet meal 😂


Honorable mention to Sheepsquach Shards, highly slept on


I'm doing my part! Im glad people appreciate the freeze. Gotta keep that SBQ from using those wings.


Lots of eyeroll worthy posts get made calling people saint, angel, etc because they dropped stims or overpowered weapons for a noob. People who cripple the queen, though, they really do deserve the praise.


I get annoyed when she's up in the air I can't do much damage with my long range weapons. Soon as she's on the ground I'm like a dog on heat. Here comes the death claw gauntlet slash, I still take a lot of damage up close too there's no dodging those wing attacks.


Every act of kindness and helping nature deserves praise my friend ❤️


Some more than others.


Every melee build selling the pepper shaker plans for 1 cap 😂


Can you explain how pepper shaker is good for SBQ? I saw a melee guide (Angry Turtle) that said to get one for downing her. Found a Vampiric 90% lower weight one and bought it (also grabbed a plan), but when I used it against a regular beast I could not for the life of me figure how how that was supposed to down it quickly. It has a double barrel and fires energy ammo currently.


Turtle makes it all look so easy but I also struggled with the concept, you should run enforcer card and one gun army cards ( increase crippling cards). My PS also has limb damage and I still struggle to tell if I’m keeping her down. I’ve lowered my reticule from her wings tips to where the wing attacks to her torso and now she sticks around ground side for tea. Either my reload or her switching phases still sees her airborne once or twice but I’m sure there is a difference but maybe all this time in the wasteland has made me a little crazy so I don’t recommend to solo her with this info.


This actually helped me a lot. I don’t think he explained it since it was just an off comment about keeping a shaker around to cripple her on a melee build, so you saying to run Enforcer makes it click for me. I was just shooting it a million times with no cripple perk cards waiting for something to happen lmao. I also didn’t realize this was a shotgun since mine fires energy ammo and I didn’t realize it could be a heavy AND a shotgun. I’ll take off Marathoner, put on Enforcer, and try your aiming tips on some regular beasts to see how it goes. Thank you!


A good cryolator is super helpful. 


I'm trying my best to be a swiss knife build for such events. I main chainsaws and have a vampire/AP combo always on me, endangerol syringer for the debuff, crippling plasma caster for the wings, cold shoulder for the slow on land, if no one else is slowing her. Canned coffee and tea on the ready for maximum buzzing. It works pretty well and gets the job done in a few minutes every time!


You shouldn't need the Plasma Caster when you have the Cold Shoulder. Just run rank 1 of Enforcer and use the Cold Shoulder for crippling; you should get the cripple in 1-3 shots. Save yourself a little carry weight


Cold Shoulder, like most shotguns, has shit range. You're not going to be hitting SBQ while she's fully in the air. So something with range, like Plasma Caster, can go a long way towards helping cripple her wing until she drops to the ground, where Cold Shoulder can keep her down.


You don't need to do damage to get the cripple with the cards, you just need the projectiles to connect, even if they only show 1s as the damage numbers. I've crippled plenty from the sky


Yeah, no. For one, shotguns are bugged so that sometimes the projectiles do 0 damage, even at point blank range. It's a problem with damage falloff calculations, they've supposedly got it fixed in the content update coming this month. Second, not everyone has those "chance to cripple" perks equipped. Without them, you gotta do damage until the limb is at 0 HP.


Pepper Shaker man. Pepper Shaker. Its meat week. Get with the best crippling gun in the game.


Enforcer and One Gun Army are HILARIOUS with the Pepper Shaker. Enemies jerking around like they're getting electrocuted lol


You're welcome ✨ Team work makes the dream work lolol


I am still baffled how few players carry an endangerol syringer. I always bring mine. 2 days ago I actually got into an earl team with a total of 4 endangerol. He died in roughly a minute or two. 😂 Bring endangerol! You can learn it by scrapping syringers!


I always bring mine, then just go hog with my anti armor, ffr gatling. It's not much but it's honest work.


I have been selling them at 100c at my vendor and i do sell 6-7 a week. Hopefully people are using them somewhere


I always forget to use mine.


I'm a heavy gunner but could i equip the cold shoulder just to get the chilled effect on the enemy then switch back to my main, or do I need shotty perk cards?


The cold shoulder is great even not specced for shotties. I’m a melee build and still have killed mirelurk queens with it.


Yes, you can. Even if your DPS with the CS is low, you will still proc the freezing effect all the time. I see high lvl players tag a boss then switch to things like holy fire all the time.


I run a Cold Shoulder SPECIAL where my crits hurt worse, and my guns cranking out 30 or 31x8 with the first damage , cryo is 27x8 if i get the prime Reciever plan i can help better. But the Cold shoulder is well worth the atoms. I can take out majority of the beasts in game fadt- and to top it off im a menace to Deathclaw and Cryptids due to the cold shoulders legendary perks. 👌


SAME - I run all of the shotgun perks recently, collecting them all lolol 😂


I RP as a cryptid hunter. My next goal is to get my camp set up as a hunters shack


So its essentially a Pay 2 Win weapon? Pardon the ignorance, haven't been keeping up with FO76 massively for a good bit now lol. I know obvs atoms can be earned, to *a degree*, before anyone starts firing shots. But the question is asked nonetheless.


I just started up again with the game after not touching it for years. I was able to get enough atoms to buy it pretty early and ran it starting from lvl 35 or so. It's not a broken weapon by any means, but it's an accessible legendary with great utility perks that you can also get in game.


Appreciate the open minded response, just the impression I got from comments made it seem like its a busted meta weapon for that build lol. But hey, its reddit, the place where people downvote you for asking in order to *fucking learn*...really is bizarre how people act around here 🤣


Cold shoulder can be acquired in game without any irl currency. They cost stamps and you can earn them via expedition. For people who do not wish to grind for stamps,they can get it via atoms. I am gonna ignore your ignorance and confirm that there is NOTHING .. AND I MEAN NOTHING... which is p2w. Took me 7 months but I have a build which can solo Anu content in the game. And yes, I grinded for my Cold Shoulder a while ago. It was worth it.


Thats gratifying to hear, seeing as there wasn't any P2W to speak of before I took my break from the game. Hence the asking of the question, I was worried all id see is a swamp of folks running this gun like some bad AI copy paste job 🤣


I’m a melee auto axe build that carry’s a cold shoulder too haha. That thing is a beast even not specced for shotties. Glad I got it.


Im doing my part o7


Your welcome


As a Cold Shoulder user and someone who's experienced people not using the Cold Shoulder, my top 3 that I like to be frozen are Strangler Grafton Monster, Imposter Sheepsquatch, and Strangler Mirelurk Queen


it’s awesome to watch the mir queen lay down and take the beating


The most amazing thing is only one need to have cold shoulder to convert it in a big bat frozen furniture. I love being that guy


I'm doing my part 🫡


As someone who ran SBQ twice today with a Cold Shoulder and Syringer - happy to be of service.


I started using it just for the freeze effect. I thought I was being annoying 😅 glad to know I was being helpful


I keep the Cold Shoulder in my loadout specifically for the slowdown on SBQ. I know I’m not doing damage but that’s beside the point. What matters is other players aren’t wasting their ammo trying to hit SBQ, they’re doing the damage for me as well. If I can put her on the ground do that the other players can bum rush her and also hook up melee players who don’t want to miss out on rewards, that just makes it well worth carrying Once I had a dodo bird headed kid message me telling me to quit using the Cold Shoulder on SBQ because I wasn’t doing any damage and that he was going to ban me for using it. Long story short, I’m still playing with no bans and I told a FB fallout 76 group about him, provided screenshots to back me up, and I’m sure everyone in that group roasted that kid for complaining about the Cold Shoulder


Your welcome i drop tent grab it and all shotgun ammo and i always hope someone bothers with real dmg (side note to other colds you can sight tag the queen in air to keep the cold built up and sometimes it bugs her back to ground)


I use Cold Shoulder on most evens because my dps doesnt matter all that much when 10 players are already taking care of its health. I like when players turn in my way and spam some heart / okay emotes but really deep down inside I know its the team efford and I try to choose best way to participate. Same on radiation rumble, I put my Chinesse Stealth Armor and collect the waste... Someone has to do it. Besides, its 1000% better than trying to fit my .45 bullets / choochoo nails between 40mm grenades, molotoves, flamer fire and sometimes even mini-nukes. It is so quiet down there... Fun fact is the moment I try to go back with ore, at least one player thinks I am a mob and spam me with his full arsenal 😅👌


Oh sure, and I'm just chopped liver out here with my three Endangerol Syringers. /s


This is so metal


Currently saving my stamps for Cold Shoulder but I do carry 4 Endangerol syringers on me.


It’s worth it for the atoms if you plan on using it on alts too


Saving my atoms. I'm most likely never going to make an alt, don't see a reason to make one.


Ah, okay. 🙂


That's me. Just keep adds away from me lol


Do you even have to ask? I hardly get a SBQ event where there isn’t constant explosives at the sight of adds


I asked here for the most simple but effective build to start the game. Got recommended Cold Shoulder and it’s been amazing and easy.


I don't even have the Cold Shoulder yet, but at 56 I've realized that I can one-shot VATS cripple most enemies including scorch beasts that is to the perks I took. Nothing more fun than cutting a higher level mob down so they can't chase you and during events or making sure to keep the mobs off the firing line. Everyone can be useful if they know their role.


I run in with the 2shot/ffr/25vats cryolator w/crystallizing barrel and the SBQ’s are frozen solid immediately. Same with Ultracite titan. Though I always worried I’d glitch them out and others would be upset..


That's me! 🙋‍♂️ As a fellow melee player, I don't do a heap of damage to the SBQ so instead I just empty my Cold Shoulder into her. I get anywhere up to 20x8 or 10 or whatever it is per shot so I do a decent amount of damage (at least 80-130 per shot X2) while I'm at it & it helps those who attack from a distance too


You’re welcome ! First thing I do is freeze that little shit when it lands lol


I use a deathclaw as my main or a buzzsaw but still need a long range secondary specially for scortched beast queen. Have to mix it up even with specific builds


No probleme


Thank you for telling me about this. My buddy who I always play with has recently made a disgusting war glaive build and I wasn't sure how to compliment him. Now I know.


Quite annoying when they freeze her in the air though, it slows it way down and stops adds too.


I always switch to Cold Shoulder after a Scorchbeast/SBQ lands, so that the freezing effect keeps them rooted to the ground for a longer period of time.


You're most welcome! It's incredibly rewarding for us to see you guys chopping away ^^


I always carry two syringers and a cold shoulder on me at all times for bosses.


I run a cremator with heavy barrel and grenadier so I run a cold shoulder during boss fights to balance my karma, lol


I started making a shotgun build. Not complete yet but I have been enjoying it. Though I sort of miss my power armor with this build.


This is the way, ground her then milk her👍


How does it keep the creature down?


My friends and i built triangualted bases down there to fight her and we just pull out our cold shoulders lure her over to our kill box and freeze her in place and just watch 3 towers of turrets along with all the players that show up just mow her down with ease its incredibly fun and fun to watch the sky be lit up from all the lazers and missles.


It me. I useful


Side note is it drop able I never tried


I gotchu boo ❤️


I’m a melee player who used the cold shoulder at this event. I know not every player has one, and the rewards are the same once you inflict the requisite amount of damage on her. I pepper shaker the wings, then keep her down with the cold shoulder. It’s all about efficiency.


No problem 😊


Pepper Shaker + Enforcer to cripple her and bring her down to the ground, cryo damage (cs or otherwise) to keep her down.


I use the Cold Shoulder a lot and not sure what procs the freezing.


As a melee I always bring my gauss shotgun with enforcer. Cold shoulder is nice but I despise the long reload, pepper shaker is the best for crippling, takes literally only a second, but I also like a weapon I can bring out for other occasions like explosive mutation, the Bain of melee. Gauss shotty seems like the best for all around side arm for melee.


I am both said royalty and melee chad. Does that make me your king?


Are you the real butcher Pete op.


Endangerol and cold shoulder🫡




I always try to run her with CS for that exact reason! It keeps her right in one place on the ground and you can get up in her face for max damage 👌 Just wish it worked better on Earle!


I use the cold shoulder for everything, and nuka grenades


Happy to help and do my part


I wish the cold shoulder wasn't so insanely good, i can't bring myself to use any other weapons😭


Sometimes I use chainsaw and rip into her, and sometimes I use cold shoulder. Depends on my mood and what everyone else is doing.


I love my Cold Shoulder Shot Gun I use it 99.9% of the time. Love it!!!


I run enforcer and the CS to get her on the ground then go brrr on her face with an autoaxe


Thank you for the appreciation post 🙂


I've been mashing cold shoulder during events. Can anyone sell me some ultrackte shells?


I love blasting the SBQ in the face with my cold shoulder lol


Cold shoulder main here, it was my first atom purchase. Played at launch and said I would never spend any money on this game because it was so bad, and they finally got me. Honestly, not mad about it at all hahaha Glad players like me can make things easier for anyone!


Glad I did the work for the cold shoulder great gun tbh


I run the cold shoulder and endangerol syringer to lower damage resistance!


That’s not bad honestly


You can do this with every weapon with cryo effect on it, or am i wrong?


because i'm low level (at the moment 74) i decided since level 45 to help the big level guys with the bosses the most i can with cold shower and syringer dropping those defences, you guys carry HAARD the damage so it's the least i can try to do


Oh I’ve been shooting her wings lmao does that help at all?


I've started using 4 Endangerol Syringers. I feel like a god now. 🙏


Hey don't forget us with the cryolators too


Amen! I love it when I'm on my melee character and can just sit there grind on her toes


I always felt underpowered with only 8 shots. Then I realized the freeze helps out the team


I hope people like me who hold 4 syringers to reduce SQB's or Earle's ballistic resistance will get some recognition as well O7


I honestly don't like when the SBQ is killed so early can't farm as much


I still can't use any other shotgun. They all pale in comparison. Hail the mighty shoulder of the cold.




As one of those people who carry around a cold shoulder just for boss purposes, thank you for acknowledging my permanent lose in carry weight. As a former melee user I can see how this would really help your cause. 😁