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Next time just quit to main menu, wait 10 seconds and load up on a different server.


So there's nothing I can do to reverse the damage without completely relocating the base? It was a floating glitch base so I literally cannot move it or scrap it and at level 70 it's not easy getting the flux and wood to build it again


Repair it. That's all you can do. Block and move on.


Damn I'm gonna have a rough time getting this flux again though


After you rapair. Get rid of the rad shower, it's not worth the flux.


I had it there as decoration on my base as it's supposed to be like a museum type thing and it looked like a metal detector


Power armor stands also look like metal detectors..


It's bright yellow


My bad, meant to say displays* [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Power_armor_display](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Power_armor_display)


I would but 1800 atoms is a bit iffy when I'm already using them to buy decor


If you have to go through it to see said museum, not many people are seeing it


Its off


Welcome to pvp


Thought 76 was supposed to be a nice player base but it seems everyday I'm being attacked griefed base trapped or all of the above I'm probably just gonna start playing private servers soon


Not everything is sunshine and rainbows in a wasteland


I can make a new sunshine though


Smells like a con for flux to me.


Wait until he's busy in an event and give him a nice nuke right to the Camp.


Not an option his camp is in a no nuke area and I don't have the nuclear key cards


Quick noob question: Is this even possible if I have pacifist mode on? I thought you can only damage each other if you engage in PvP.


There is an exploit to bypass that to pvp someone's base, and one that bypasses to kill those of us with bloody builds.


Change bases that're active or load a new server as Donmongoose said. Griefers like this were rare but I am seeing more and more reddit posts about them. Also, report them both on xbox and via ingame menue for the harassment and exploiting. They knew they were exploiting given they needed their little friend. Unfortunately without having cross play I can't help you on xbox with the repairs.




For resource farming I am going to suggest do a brief run through whitesprings (interior) get circuits from phones. Go through the various workshops, claim (but do not build on them) to get the resources and a plan. Do the first defense on the location and then move on to the next workshop. ***STASH YOUR STUFF*** between workshops. But this will break even or give more caps if doing both defense and initial claim. target claims for a low level; Tyler county, George junkyard, Sunshine Meadows, Lakeside Cabins, Posiden energy, charlston landfill. These are all easy to claim easy to do first defense without risk of seeing scorchbeasts or anglers. Yes, they are PvP areas, however when you get your scrap you're stashing it at camp right after the claim and the first defense. Get all the workshops that are not yet claimed that are in the newbie area then jump to a new server and do the same thing. You should be making small gains in direct caps and small gains in resources. Most of those plans will sell min 25c (or more). Claim is 20c but if you're setting up camps and joining public groups you should be good on caps still. If someone hops to fight on the workshop you're just changing server after either dying or bolting out of the workshop. Yes you might be losing some scrap from the claim but the plans are what you're after, not holding those PoI. Edit; For flux you'll likely be waiting for others to open up events till you get the stuff for that. Unfortunately that is one thing that is events or farm in nuke zones to craft.




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Goddamit so I can't even give people a reason to kill em?


Not here. And killing someone who is prepared for PvP is also almost impossible.


Only reason it's such an annoyance is because it's happening like everyday and I just can't figure out how they are doing it


It doesn't happen every day, but I think it's not a secret any more, so I can explain how. You need two players and a camp made out of rocket launchers. Then you put the camp near the camp you want to destroy and the buddy opens PvP with the camp owner. The launchers lock onto the other guy and he hides inside your camp. What damaged your camp is the collateral damage, so there is nothing to prevent it. So, if you ever notice this before it happens, just wait till they were set up and then switch to another camp and send them on a wild goose hunt. If they follow, repeat.


Wasn't that because they were the ones shooting


If they managed to damage your camp just with regular weapons you must have had pacifist off and shot back. Then it's your own stupidity that destroyed your camp.


Again I was building and I'm not dumb enough to shoot a level 1000 I've had enough bad experiences I don't know what happened or if they had a hacked client


Then I have no idea what happened.


You can turn pvp off entirely.