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Full health doesn't protect you at all, the exploit is stackable so if you get hit 8 times you're gonna lose 400hp


Is that 8 times from the same syringer or 8 different? Ex: endangerol requires multiple syringers to stack


Not going into details, but if someone is afk they can be killed from full health with only a single syringer unless they are running the Healing Factor mutation. edited because Rule 8


Glad I have every mutation because I am lazy


This is the way


Is there a way to apply a single syringer multiple times? would be useful for not having to carry 4 endangerol ones.


Not in a way that is of any use in the Earle fight, that's all I'm gonna say.


8 different syringers. But they could be by the same player. If it wasn’t syringers, it would be them pulling enemies over to kill you. It’s why my base at Meat Week has a hidden underground section where I AFK. You can also AFK while dead if you rubber band your controller on the respawn map screen.


No need to rubber band, just turn your controller upside down with pressure against the sticks.




Better than a rubber band




Who said "pounds of pressure"? I'm certain they're just talking about setting it upside down, not actively crushing it into their desk. There is absolutely zero risk to setting a controller upside down, you probably apply more pressure just using it normally tbh.




Given neither option has a chance of damaging the controller I'd probably just flip it over since it's slightly less effort. I think you're both underestimating the durability and overestimating the weight. Xbox controllers are generally .5-.6 lbs depending on 360, One, or series x. PS4 controllers are about .46 lbs and PS5 about .6 lbs. None of them really weigh more than the amount of pressure you use to move the sticks, definitely not more than it takes to click them down (RS/LS R3/L3). I get what you're saying, you want the least damage possible, but they aren't going to collapse under their own weight, the risk is zero with either method.


Who said anything about adding extra weight? And where did you get "a few pounds" from? 1. Turn your controller upside down. 2. Put it down. (If that didn't work, now use one finger to push the controller slightly forwards or backward, which will move the sticks.) The controller's own weight is all you need. You've probably accidentally moved the joysticks while watching Netflix or whatever. They don't need "a few pounds of pressure" to move.




Do both and come back to me with how this is magically more pressure than a rubber band. You're overthinking it. By a lot. It's way better for your controller to just flip it over


Depending on how far you press it, it could be more or less pressure than the rubber band, the rubber band is certainly worse than the level of gentle pressure I apply to it.


off topic but I kept world hopping and I came across the same person twice (glitch?) whose camp was near the cook off and I couldn't find it at all and if tried to fast travel to it, it got more expensive the closer I got. right on top of it on the map it said 17 caps and then just wouldn't bring me anywhere


I had some dork lure a feral ghoul over to me last night, while I was afk on one of the meat spits. Ricochet + fire damage to melee attackers on my armor killed it almost instantly. I only know it happened because my controller started vibrating on my desk & woke me up. I had lost no health, luckily.


Unlike every other event, Meat Week afk people are actually contributing while on the drums or turning spits. It's not like leeches just standing there doing nothing at other events.


Except for when my girlfriend and I went to the event late Saturday night and it was 3 people AFKing in the middle of the area not doing a thing. I showed up late because I accidentally joined SBQ (which also had nobody there), and when I saw what was going on and that she was barely keeping the bar from going down solo we were like screw these guys and let it fail.


Good. 👍🏾


an exception can be made for Fasnacht as there is usually so many players theres not enough to do, so many can justifiably afk that event


This is a shame because the cookout is the one special event where AFKers can actually help the event.


Drives me nuts when there's only 2 of us drumming and some asshat is standing doing nothing the entire time. All 3 drums together helps slightly more.


I wasn't even afking, just the only guy on drums, and at two seperate events (diff servers too) this one guy would spam thumbs down, then whip out a chainsaw and cut into my side. Like what you doing guy, I'm currently doing more than you.


People make me want to turn my mic and tell them how the event works. probably make things worse though.


No big. I don't take a stack of junk with me and I still get the rewards if I'm dead.


I afk'd the other day while making some food, came back to see that I was dead, and a guy was using my drums. I have no idea if he caused it, but idk.. it awoke the raider in me. He earned a nuke for his camp once I located it.


Yup, I’ve found myself dead a couple times, oh well.


I get that we want to inform people but I feel these posts just make things worse. Now people who didn't know about the glitch are going to take advantage of it. These posts are a double edged sword because it's like the D.A.R.E. program. You're just teaching people how to do it.


True, but it's also because of posts like this that I didn't die when someone showed up at my camp last night.


True which is why it's called a double edged sword.


Yeah, for reasons that I won't go into because "how-to" guides of exploits aren't my thing, but Low-Health is only more vulnerable than Full-Health. The only real advice I have is to scrap your junk more often than usual.




I downloaded the Tiny Glade demo (which is awesome) like two days ago and they've patched it five times since.


I totally get where you're coming from as well, I'm just not personally comfortable going into the mechanics of the exploit too much beyond the very basics. Affected players definitely need to know it's not them and the sooner Bethesda fixes it the better, for exactly the reasons that you outlined.


So break the rules of the sub to get even more trolls doing it


Not sure how clearing up the misconception that it only affects bloodied players and not full health builds is "encouraging the use of exploits", but I edited my original comment anyway.


my bad i shoulda posted under your first comment where you explained how to do the exploit...dont know why peeps feel the need to explain how an exploit that effects players works on posts that are clearly made to spread the word to trolls. Yall eat right out of their hands.


Yeah you've got a point, I'll be more vague about it in future


Hubby and I may have got things right. He's bloodied and I'm full health with solar armour. We both were afk on drums (next to each other) and some player shooting us with the syringe.  Got nowhere as my hubby just healed enough from my armour to save him. By the time the player had shot him again hubby's health was up enough to stop him dying.  Stood there ages watching the guy wasting his ammo. 


lol the hate for afk'ers is real


Afking on drums? Drums give event contribution; read the load screen instructions.


If there's one thing I've learned on this sub, it's that a lot of people are illiterate when it comes to the UI.


Not just this sub.


You dont say!!!! Thats why people afk drums 24/7 lmao


afk drums or the cooking spits, i usually pick up some trash then run over to the spit to turn it


Most times there is nothing else to do with so many people.


I'm full health and, whilst I don't afk, I love to man the drums. I get shot by idiots with syringers a lot, it doesn't do shit because of healing factor, doesn't stop them from keeping it up though. Stupid people abound.


These folks also want to use the exploit if you use the Light Footed perk to avoid their trap CAMP, as I once experienced. All I wanted to see was what they were selling and for how much.


I was wondering how a bloodied teammate died at the event when he was afk there. Crazy.


I mean it ends tonight, right?


It ends june 4th 1600 UTC, or 1500 UTC is the last time grahms cookout is up


Don't they still get rewards if they are dead


Yes. But they will be disconnected for being idle before the next event. Usually players going AFK do it for multiple hours while they are at work or overnight.


If it didn’t take hundreds of cook outs to get the peeper shaker I’m sure there wouldn’t be so many people afk, but I have multiples of almost every event plan, but zero pepper shakers. And it’s the most boring event, so I’m not gonna sit there and do the dumbest tasks hundreds of times when I can spin the meat spit, and help just as much.


The Pepper Shaker is an old plan and you’ll find it in vendors now that the event is over. Just go vendor hopping. FYI: everyone is after the new Weenie Wagon plan as it is a resource appliance that produces canned dog food.


Ive tried AFK’ing 4 different ways now and get timed out after like an hour every time.


Same. I use a hair tie between the 2 joysticks and come back to check an hour later and I'm back on the main screen and controller is shut off. I don't understand why it times out if both joysticks are moving my character? I mean, I can play for 6 hours straight without timing out...what's the deal?


Right? Its weird. Idk why we’re getting downvoted either lol just saying AFK’ing hasn’t been working




And if you go AFK during Fasnacht, find a good hiding spot. Edit: sorry, WHEN you go AFK at Fatsnatch, find a good hiding spot. Fixed that for the downvote fairies.


Or go AFK on the respawn map screen. They can’t kill you if your character is already dead. 😉


What is dead may never die


Loser afkers get what they deserve


Cry more


You probably need help


On the note of going afk. If you could sit on the cooking station instead of the drums given a choice it would be greatly appreciated for those of use who tune up on the hour at the event and still participate.


I personally don’t really think you should be allowed to afk at events anyways. Like participate lol 😂 what’s the point in playing a game if ur not gona play it. But anyways lol sucks about the syringer thing.


The drums is participating


Usually I’ll show up at the start of the event, hop on drums or a spit if there’s any open, go get myself a drink and then half the time the event is done by the time I do that


Well for one, the event doesn't need everyone to complete it, so it's harming absolutely no one. And some of us have to work, or do other things but also want the rare drops. My wife has been logging me in on the hour every hour well I'm at work to help me get plans, she works from home and works been slow so its been great. Secondly. Drums and spits both help thr event and your character will still do something well your afk


I get it, I just personally don’t see the fun in being afk but I know everyone plays different. It’s just an opinion lol


It's not supposed to be fun. It's a way to get more event drops. They're afk anyway, probably working.


Yeah I get it, I would just rather be there doing it. But I do understand though.


Is killing rodents "fun"? I don't think anybody is playing Meat Week for fun. They play it to get rare shit


I mean, I play it for fun. 🎵Meat week, meat week🎵 But I've never minded the AFK farmers. At least here they're doing something productive. Fasnacht is probably going to drive this guy nuts.


And sometimes there are too many people killing the rodents. I might as well afk when there is a large group.


> I would just rather be there doing it I'm afk'ing while working. Might as well play the drums, collect drops, and boost a casual team while I'm working.




What if I happen to need to dump right before the event starts? What If my wife takes longer to leave the house on the hour? Kids need tucking in? There are multiple acceptable answers to why someone might need to. I will AFK under those situations, especially when you try to hurry but 12 people are there and it finishes in 2 min. I also tend to AFK on the drums, but secretly I'm watching everyone run around like a critter with its head cut off.


It's meet week they are participating by being AFK


I was killed like that a few days ago. Apparently I was wanted while playing. I later found this player (+lvl 800) crouching. I aimed at him and he ran away like a rat. I only remembered the nickname "honor+" which fits very well ;)


This is hilarious, guess I'm not the only one that doesn't like people going AFK.