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Tbh I don't think it's worth 500 stamps. It's a neat idea for a gun but I found it to be pretty underwhelming in practice. It should honestly be dropped to around 200 stamps but it's price is based on it being a past scoreboard reward. Imo it should be made into a quiet weapon and given a full auto option. That wouldn't make it crazy good, but it'd at least make it feel better to use.


Def not as good as the auto axe is for the same price.


The CB is good for one thing: Crowd control. Leave the chamber empty and the stun effect will occur if you simply bash an enemy with it, and/or have Ricochet. I find it useful on mob(s) events. The stun gives me a chance to use heal items or reload a different weapon.


You should try using thrown weapons when it's empty. The MIRV grenade makes for some light show.


Bash? No thanks


don't rush it do 1-2 runs a day or every other if you make it miserable for yourself ull burn out 🫡


That’s my current grind. 1-2 a day saving up for when Union power armor comes back.


if they hadn't "fixed" things I'd just drop you 2-3 sets 😅


Untradable unless you're using a glitch.


yes sir hence if they hadn't "fixed" things


I've been finding random union armor pieces at primal meat events on the ground. If people don't loot it spawns the loot on the ground. Found 3 pieces


Are you sure? Last I knew they can drop, but are impossible to pick up.


You can pick them up. In the same vein, people can also drop the parts for you.


Yes, but as I heard, the current bug makes the Union power armor pieces turn into other power armor, like T-45 or Raider Power armor etc...when you pick them up


Interesting. I wonder when that changed. I thought they were grayed out and not able to be picked up


I have 3 pieces in my stash currently. Just started playing again after a long hiatus since release. Never had or bought any of the plans.


I picked one up too, not sure why you're getting down voted?


Probably mad I let people know and added more people looking harder around primal meat events on the ground. I've loaded into servers to about 100+ acid and various other junk about every other server hop


Yep 2 runs a day and keeps your ammo up.


That’s the way I did the Pitt and AC grinds. More than that is far too much.


you can do multiple exps a day?


as many as you want


Yes there is no limit.


and I'll get stamps for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE?


Yupp. That is how I have gotten like 5k-ish in a few weeks.


you shall loathe the day thou shared this information.


Circuit Breaker is a novelty weapon. I get a lot more functional use out of my bloodied explosive crusader pistol. Save your stamps for something else. Maybe in the future you’ll have so many stamps that it’ll be no problem to purchase it, at that time.


The Circuit Breaker is *okay*, but I think that overall the Crusader Pistol is far superior....bit cheaper and a bit shorter grind if you catch Minerva on the map with it in her inventory.


I just got the Crusader Pistol plans last time Minerva had them, but haven't gotten around to making one yet (being away from my computer for a couple weeks). How does it compare to a good Alien Blaster? I'm having a lot of fun with my current Gunslinger build with that, but I'd like to give the Crusader a shot.


I like both of those guns. I feel like it's hard to do a direct comparison with the Alien Blaster, the Crusader is more like a stronger version of the 10MM Pistol. I like the AB, but the Crusader feels more like a gun in the traditional sense, while the AB feels more like the Thirst Zapper- sort of like a toy.


>Im level 65.... My goal was to get the circuit breaker and play the whole main story with that gun. It seems like you had a vision and a want, I say still go for it!


Yeah but i Will be super high level when the farming is over. Playing the main story as a level 100 something feels just not right.


It's not my recommendation at all, but that is where they are.


It's basically a 10mm pistol that can't be modified to automatic, uses fusion cells for ammo, and has a barely noticeable / borderline useless proc effect on the last shot. It's not very good. But it does look cool, and it has a cool yellow projectile, a nice sfx and can melt enemies into yellow ash instead of the normal blue or red ash piles which does looks lit.


I thought it was something for your camp this whole time haha. Like some sort of aoe electric spreader.


Doesn't it also have a small aoe effect??


Yeah a stun effect on the last round


Comprehensive and accurate assessment! I got it from the scoreboard. Sits in my stash, I never use it anymore.


That depends entirely on if you compare it to the railway you’re using right now. It won’t stack up, because the Railway *is* the gold standard for DPS builds. You might see similarities between that, auto-melee like chainsaws and auto-axes, and flamer/holy fire builds, but no pistol is actually going to shot-for-shot put up commando numbers. They just will not. Circuit Breaker *excels* at event and team-based crowd control. It does okay numbers, but its final shot in the magazine does an area effect stun that stops crowds for a second or two, allowing you to delay them from objectives and allowing the other builds to come in and clean house. It’s an essential part of a support build and playstyle featuring pistols, along with a cryo Alien Blaster for doing damage numbers, and a pyro Crusader for Friendly Fire healing. But if you’re sitting in commando right now, and that’s the playstyle and damage output you’re looking for, stop looking right now. You’ve already found it.


The holy fire i love that weapon! The railway? Not so much. I would use holy fire if i had choosen heavy guns over commando.


It’s never too late to start working toward. You’re only level 65, and no build choices are permanent. If you’re running expeditions successfully with your railway and not loving it, just start working on Heavy.


I got it off the scoreboard and imo it’s honestly kind of ass The stun doesn’t work half the time, the damage is crap, the firerate sucks… My laserpistol outperforms it in every aspect, from firerate to damage, to ammo capacity and range. The yellow projectile is kind of cool, but that’s about it.


With the autoaxe being 500 stamps and setting a benchmark of what a weapon of that a price can be. It's hard to say go for circuit breaker. I unlocked it last season. I played with it for a session and then I scrapped it.


Already have that one i bought it from the atom shop same with the cold shoulder


It has a cool effect and can work well with other stuff but it's probably not as hard hitting as you think it is


Grind in this game is only bad if you make it so. Like doing endgame content over and over so you have fancy weapon before you even have perk cards to make build. People complain about limits but then there are people like OP who see a gun priced at "month of doing 1 quick expedition a day as par of regular daily quest schedule" and decide they rather have it right the f now.


Man plays looter shooter game, is surprised some people want the loots


Yeah I also really don't get this mindset either. Remember this game attracts mostly grown (like 30's and 40's) adults who always seem to have the "I work 4 jobs to support my 9 kids, 8 days a week" excuse so they're just incapable of grinding anything out.. which is what a game like this practically demands.


A lot of people say it's straight up bad, but I personally think it's under rated. I like to switch up weapons a fair bit running expeditions, and on the right build it will match the dps of a Quad Fixer or Handmade in short bursts. edit: People seem to downvote every time I say this, but actually try it with Calibrated Capacitor on a 33 Luck VATS Crit build with max Gunslinger and Science perks instead of just using a default craft on your ballistic rifle build for 5 minutes and going "this is trash"


I wouldn't dream of down voting someones choice of weapons... there are Archers out there after all. When I say a weapon isn't worth it, It's because If I need build that is so specific to a single weapon, I'm not going there. I'm more generalist in my builds so I can have decent results from an array of weapon types. There can be a lot of fun had in making a poor weapon strong with the right perks and mods. It's just not *my* idea of fun.


It's only really useful for the stun effect, so you can use it as an on-demand stun by always keeping the magazine with 1 bullet left until you need to stun something, then switch to your Circuit Breaker, fire one shot, then switch back to your main gun to do more killing.


The most sensational game is waaaay faster than tax evasion and is quite doable as a solo It takes you like 8-10 mins max just skip the enemies in the second act and go direct to defeat the Baatsui Twin In 1 hour you’ll get half the stamps you need And to not get a burnout just do hour events (Meat Week till today) and other stuff so you don’t get bored


I think you’re right that MSG is faster if all you’re after is stamps. I like spending the extra ~4 min doing Tax Evasion though because I come out with so much more extra ammo. 5 runs with the cremator and I’ve got 10k excess fuel to drop into my vendor that sells in 24 hrs. tops. MSG is ammo positive too, don’t get me wrong - but TA is better, and speed running for stamps in general seems like a route to burnout. I’ll usually only do more than one at a time if I find a team running it that’s really efficient.


Yeah I play with Minigun (5mm) and I get off with like 2k surplus rounds I play with a friend (I’m level 190 and he’s 80) but when we noticed that every MSG he gets like 2 levels that is our way to go


But i gotta complete all the side stuff for max stamps right?


Taunt for 10 kills and find a bear marked in your map, both are quick


2 things kill the runs pace tho. The one where the NPC gotta get blood. And the dam tomato one. Only fast one is the shark den


I actually find the tato one quicker than the shark den because of how long you have to wait between waves of competitors, the trick with tato throwing is to stay at the top basket and use "Fire in the hole" perk


You don't even have to hit the people in stockades... just hit the stage near them. It's quick and easy even if doing solo (with decent stealth, I carry the fixer and crouch and nobody can find me beside the tato basket).


I find the escort job is actually faster solo than with a random group. Randos will stand in front of the escortee or stand in doorways. Sometimes the escortee gets screwed up just on general principle but most of the time it's because somebody screwed up. And with Siren theater just run upstairs, crouch as you enter the theater, and throw the tatos from up top using Fire in the Hole (as per previous comment). Or kill a bunch of competitors and then crouch, whichever one works better for you. I like to kill about 5 competitors just before taking the stage to build up Adrenaline. One tip for emoting after killing a competitor is to wait until you start the emote and then move to cancel it. Seems to go a little smoother than moving right away, especially with a melee weapon.


Oh yeah, hate the tomatoes one but I've gotten it pretty rarely.


Is it that time of the day again where I exhort the virtues of The Human Condition again? Yes, yes it is. It's the latest addition to the expedition pool and super easy to solo in the same time people solo MSG. Fire is your best friend here. Everything that spawns here melts to fire. The main missions go as follows: Part 1 can be 1. collecting 5 medicine packs and putting them in a chest (the quickest of these, they're everywhere and look like chem containers) I like to go through the underpass because there's 4 in there and a 5th just after you exit it. 2. Throwing water at three burning objects (this is like the tato thing only a lot quicker because the hydrants are right next to the objects you need to throw the water at and you also only need to throw 3 times) I recommend going left first because there's two objectives on that side and you can then take the third on the way to the Community Center. 3. The electrician. It's an escort mission, but in my experience way quicker and less buggy than MSG's. The area is smaller and very open (less things to get stuck on), easy to oversee and best of all the muni doesn't get scared by enemies and will just continue working. You can usually leave while they're walking towards the 3rd objective and hustle it towards the community center to enter immediately after the quest completes. Part 2 takes the longest and can be confusing at first. options for it are 1. killing an overgrown warden, collecting the key it has and freeing two groups of civilians. Quickest of all of them, fairly easy to find. Most common door spawns are in the library, the sauna and upstairs. 2. find and activate 3 turret terminals. areas are typically either library, swimming pool, gym or upstairs again. I recommend the master infiltrator legendary perk for quick unlocking. follow the turret wires and eventually you'll start remembering the spawns. 3. Find three supply caches in the library, gym and swimming pool areas. They're shopping carts with a yellow tarp covering them. Have a red blinking thing on them. Part 3 is insanely easy and it just involves killing an Overgrown boss ... That dies in 1 hit from a cremator. So just hike there (same area as the electrician escort), carpet bomb it and run back to City Hall. For the bonus actions, the first involves wiping out a group of enemies attacking City Hall... which you will have to go through to talk to the mayor at the start of the mission so it's a shoe-in. 2nd and 3rd you get from talking to Buttercup and you do both in the community center. 2nd is to collect 5 dossiers spattered around the Community Center. I like to run upstairs and to the right, starting with the one in the toilet cubicle and then a straight line until you drop down into the library where i pick up the 5th dossier. 3rd is to collect camera footage from a random camera inside the building. 99% of the time it's on your route for the main objectives. If you get the free civilians objective it *can* theoretically spawn in an area you don't have to go to, but it's not far out of your way. And that's it. You can do it easily in about 7min if you memorise the routing. (If you want to see an example, check my last post (i swear this sounds like i'm shilling for my own video but I legit don't care about that, the only reason i even made the vid is because nobody else made one for Human Condition and I think it's an underrated expedition))


Escortee is dog shit yes but theater is the fastest. Just stay stealth and throw them from up top. I can stay stealth and do it in PA.


Tatos are easy af. Just get the hang at throwing them. I just straight up aim at the ceiling and bam, tato to the face. Takes 1 minute to finish.


Tomatoes isnt even bad, you don't need any special perks either. Stand at the top one, you can hit all four from there, for the back ones you need to aim fairly high - once you get it the one time you'll know where to aim and it doesn't take long at all. Whenever I run this expedition with others they're always scrambling around to each tomato pile while I just stand completely still and get all 4


Huh? The tomato is super fast, you can hit all but one of them from right next to the basket so each target takes 5 seconds to hit 3 times. If you have marsupial you can quickly jump to the basket for the last guy and it only takes 15 seconds.


You can hit all 4 standing right next to the top basket, lol


Yes but they are quite easy to do 10 emotes Finding the teddy bear Complete under 15 mins You get 15-20 stamps


I feel your pain. I’ve decided to try and get a Cold shoulder. I’m at 20 stamps.


I am a newer player lv ~160 and I can solo Most Sensational Game in 6-7 min (9 if its the stupid escort at the end), its super fast even when solo imo. Maybe I'm just bad at tax evasion but its way slower for me. But yea, I just ended up spending my Fallout 1st atoms on the Auto Axe bundle because 500 stamps for a single item seemed oppressively grindy (plus the bundle had a coffee machine which I am fully addicted to in this game as in real life).


Homestly, if you’re a First member using the points to pick up items with large premium currency costs is the way to go. When most bundles are just cosmetic, saving the time and money is much smarter. Even a freemium player can probably earn enough points faster to buy it through the store than grinding the stamps…


When circuit breaker was first revealed/leaked I had high hopes that finally there was a pistol that would be endgame viable like Cold Shoulder. It's not exactly that. The effect just isn't that powerful against big stuff compared to the freezing effect imo. But it is a fairly useful effect in horde events. I used it a lot during primal cuts for example. I got mine from the scoreboard, however. A "grind" I was going to do anyway. Knowing what I know about it I don't think I'd grind for it if there was anything else I wanted. Biggest drawback I have with circuit breaker is unlearning that video game habit of reloading immediately after every kill 😆


Want nothing else. I have the auto axe and cold shoulder already.


Go for it. It does look cool. I've got the diamond skin on it, it's fancy


There is a Diamond skin HOW DO I GET IT. It sounds SO COOL


Not worth the stamps but expeditions are worth grinding for modules. If you have other stuff to spend the stamps on then don't get it first. But if you are grinding out modules then a by-product of that is all the extra stamps


The grind you're complaining about is completely on you. You want to play the entire main story of the game with one shitty ass weapon for no reason. Why?


Have you seen how it looks? It looks amazing! And sounds amazing. I know its vad but who would not wanna use it!


I mean that's fair


the trick to using the circuit breaker is dont use it as a pistol, use it as a melee weapon, if you keep the mag empty you can keep bashing things with it and repeatedly get the explosion, also as long as the mag is empty thrown weapons cause the expolsion and richochet even triggers it, i would assume that welded rebar/tesla coils do too


If you’re on psn I can help run you through some expeditions whenever I’m on


Sadly no :( i was going to get it on playstation but many told me the community on there is not that big so i went with xbox and PC. I might buy it on PS5 in the future maybe to make some alts


If you're on PC, I'll happily help out with expeditions if I'm online. You can add me abhinavc123. I also need more stamps for some of the plans.


That unfortunate 😞. I didn’t hear about the community being smaller, I’ll be here if you do! Sorry I couldn’t be more help


The only things that are worth getting imo is the auto axe and Union PA armor which is currently unavailable. Other than that I just spend stamps on the cheapest plans to clear the loot pool.


The newer expo- The Human Contition is easy to solo, there's no timer & if you get the escortee version, they never get stuck! Also Circuit Breaker is very niche, fun to mess around with late game, but hopeless as a daily driver.


I've tried a build with the circuit breaker twice now and they were both disappointing. Even rolled an AA version and was let down I got it last season so didn't have to pay stamps for it. 500 is way too much imo


What? Didn't know you could put legendary effects on it? I like mine anyways. Works just fine as it is.


It doesn't work like regular legendary rolls. It seems to change when you go to build them and then you can make as many as you want with those same effects.


I'll have to check after work tonight


I only do expeditions when i want ammo, it makes it feel a lot more casual and i think i have around 600 stamps after a month.


Stamps are the current end game currency so the grind is going to be a pain, especially if you just started. I'd ignore the stamp grind and just do it passively like many have said. Personally, I started the grind for the auto axe and then they offered it in the atomic shop so I bailed and cashed in my stamps for other fun stuff, i.e. the world's biggest slot machine.


It's not worth it. I had a pistol build for a month or two and I ended up using different ones more often. It shoots fast, but doesn't hit hard except the last round, and even then the stun effect didn't seem to work most of the time.


I would drop that goal and do something more fun. That gun is not worth the grind.


Gunslinger can be a lot of fun. Get a couple western revolvers, max their stats and throw some legendaries on em and they can be cranked from their base DAM. Try for an executioner's. If you go vats/stealth you can one-shot Sentry Bots with a crit to the fusion core with 2706 damage. If you go bloodied or already are, it's even more. Use gunfu, you'll be dropping six scorched with a clip. Fight's over before you even know it. It's great.


I’ve got a pistol build. When I got it from the board I made one, tried it in one location, haven’t used it since.


The circuit breaker is weak, the only thing it has going for it is the last shot electricity, and even that only works once on an enemy, so it’s waaaaay more novelty than it is practical, imo.


Get it? Burnt out. Trying to get the Circuit Breaker. Ha. Ha.


I don't think so. It's underwhelming imo. Even when using it with nades and exploiting the last round/mirv nade thing.


I haven't played around with the Circuit Breaker but I will tell you based on my 7000 hours of experience that the harder you grind, the more disappointed you'll be in the end. Don't drive yourself crazy, it's never worth it. Find something you like NOW, there are lots of viable builds to match everyone's play style.


Well the other gun i want is the crusader. But i can only do one daily op a day. So i cant really farm for it which kinda sucks. I just bought the gauss also.


Crusader pistol is fun for sure. Minerva sometimes has the plan for bullion.


Will minerva have some super sale like next week? Will she have the crusader then?


Falloutbuilds has a full list of where she'll be and which loot pool she'll have at any given time. Can't post links in this sub so just search it up. Looks like you missed it in her sale at the beginning of May and she may not have it again for a while. Though I'm not 💯 on that, I have everything so I've never bought from her.


Boardwalk is faster and easier then the others you could do one a day and be fine compared to the others


live cooperative groovy tan languid ancient label tease arrest marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just got it and its fun. But man is it weak compared to my heavy gunner build i have been doing expeditions with. Going from heavy gunner to pistols is a joke hahaha. I feel so weak non tanky and overall like a huge noob. I might just go back to my heavy gunner or commando build lmao. This farm have gotten me to kinda hate pistols lol


smart different wide steep squash apparatus subsequent governor offer crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really tbh its fun but not good


Haha 500 stamps for a sub par weapon. Bethesda moment right there


It was a season reward, all of which tend to be a bit pricy in their given currency. I would recommend leveling up a bit and focusing on your build rather than back to backing expeditions. If you get a good public team you can easily run an expedition in under 10 minutes (give or take luck on certain objectives), and solo in 10-20 build dependent.


Thing is my build is good. But its not the build i wanna play. I run a full auto railway and the normal meta commando stuff. Its soooooo boring i dont like commando. But it makes the farming easier and faster


You can make pretty much any build work in 76, so that's kinda my point. There isn't really a reason to be using a build "because meta" unless you enjoy it, and you may find more enjoyment in finding a build you actually like (it just takes time to find all the legendary rolls, perks, etc. especially when you are in the 50-100 slump)


Very subpar like the gauss pistol is better and the same amount of bouillon from Minerva lol


Yea do the twins. 19 minutes Inc loading screens, grab teddies etc. Kill twins. It's alot easier and quicker imo.


lol, how long are your loading screens? I often get sub 10 minute runs if I don't get stuck with the stupid escort mission.


Fat fingers. I meant 10 minutes.


Do i have to do all the side content to get max stamps?


Yes. All optionals


Nothing is worth the grind. Play what's fun and enjoy the rewards you get. The game isn't hard enough to necessitate any specific gear.


Devils advocate, or grumpy old man yelling get off my grass, the grind with Atlantic City is ridiculously easy and more lucrative compared to what the Pitt was originally. Wastelanders have it so easy these days! Nah, I appreciate Beth realizing nobody was even doing expeditions at all and adjusting fire. But I’m still not grinding 500 stamps for the circuit breaker.


Honestly no. It's ok, no more or less. It's better to get revolvers, crusader or Gauss pistol instead.


Are revolvers out of all things better then it? Wow then it must be really really bad


Why aren’t you doing TMSG? Way more fun and fast.


It isn't no, it's a fun toy to play with but has no actual use and is worse than the base 10mm pistol!


A) circuit breaker is not worth it B) even playing solo, The Greatest Game is faster than Tax Evasion. If you make your RR a quad, you can take out each of the twins in one long burst. If you have good sneak, you can set off the fireworks without any enemies noticing you. I'm commando and I switch between a Quad Fixer and a Quad RR to do the whole event by myself. It's nicer when people join you for sure, but that's why you create an Expeditions team, and wait for people to join you. But don't wait too long between events because they'll leave.


What build are you using where you can't solo the greatest game in under 15mins? I've done it fine on my bloodied, heavy, shotgun, and Melee toons. I'll never do any of the other expeditions because that one is so good for farming.


The boardwalk is the way to go. Very linear and no back tracking


I think you only get all the fun you can get out of it if you only keep one bullet in the weapons magazine. The electric effect only triggers with the last round, and there’s also some perks you can equip to maximize the electric effect and it practically becomes a Tesla rifle


The gun is trash Not worth the time, but doing expendetions is worth it for the scrip modules and legendary gear you get from it


And here I am with like 3k stamps spent, Sitting on 1k rn, hehe. I honestly enjoy the expos, though I only do them in spurts, in the beginning I could easily do them a whole day. Now tho... I have to mix it up and I only do 4-8 or something a day.


Check out angryturtle's YouTube video about the "don't hit yourself" build. The circuit breaker is THE best afk build weapon.


The grind you're complaining about is completely on you. You want to play the entire main story of the game with one shitty ass weapon for no reason. Why?


I wouldn’t pay 500 stamps for it. It’s a fun gimmick, but I wouldn’t pay 500 stamps unless I was completely out of other things to do with them. It’s a novelty.


I got the circuit breaker as a scoreboard reward. I made one, slapped the fancy paint on it, and put it on the wall because it's pretty. Haven't used it since. Tesla energy commando all day.


I just hate doing expeditions period. Worst part of the game. More repetitive shit for piddly knickknacks.


I can help with the grind if you're on PC, feel free to add me, IGN same as Reddit


The gun is not worth it. I feel like a crusader pistol or enclave plasma pistol would be better.


The crusader is not easy to grind for. I cant do more then one daily op each day. And i have no clue when minerva Will have it in store again


That's my bad I forgot the Crusader plan was like that. They got some weird fences around some of these plans.


Nope. It’s not a top tier pistol. Its best use is to have no ammo for the gun and to bash with it to trigger the stun explosion. Even then enemies have an internal cooldown so they can’t be chain stunned. It’s a unique item for sure. Just not that practical.


Don't use gear and builds you don't like, particularly if you're in a grind you don't enjoy. It just makes everything worse. Your current build sounds like it's following the DPS meta for a VATS build (aka someone else's build). I think you'd be happier building into your end goal right away. Every new perk you slot in will have an immediate, noticeable effect. It'll be its own grind for sure, but at least it'll be yours.


Yeah i hate my commando build😅 my most favorit ways to play are. Pistol build, HEAVY GUNNER! and melee. Commando is the furthest down the list


It sucks. I was disappointed.


Maybe weapons that was in the scoreboard should be kept exclusively for people that participated and earned it since a lot of people are whining about either the grind or the option to purchase it with atoms shows up after they grinding for one.


Horrible idea


Definitely is a terrible idea. All weapons and armors should be available to all players. But some people disagree