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You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to go have fun and help out Grahm. If you're just going for the prizes he knows! :p


RNG can read your mind .


Impure, lootcentric thoughts send you to the worse drop tables.


It's true. I want unyielding armor, rolls 50+ times getting every other three star multiple times beforehand.


I crafted 160 pieces of secret service armor to get a full set of unyielding, just the appendages mind, because I already had a chest. Of those 160 pieces, I ended up with one left arm, two left legs, one right arm, and three right legs, one of which was a three star, and a crappy one at that. All the rest were either one or two star. I think the loot tables just tend away from unyielding for some reason. On the bright side, I haven't had any issues with hitting my scrip limit for a while. And, to be honest, the unyielding was what I was most after anyway, any other legendary effects are just a bonus in my mind, but I would really love some kind of SPECIAL bump from them. As for right now, I'm done rolling Secret Service armor for the time being.


Unyielding is a one-star mod, if that helps. coulda rolled 100+ times, lol.


It’s like that principle of quantum computers where observing it affects the outcome 😂


Lmao I feel like a dick for how I got my weenie wagon. I loaded into the game right as the event was ending and got the plan


Sure......just rub your weenie across OP's face. He's feeling bad enough already.


Lmaoo this is why I haven't been sharing this story here. I genuinely feel bad from seeing all these posts. To make matters worse, I didn't know the significance of the weenie wagon at the time either and almost sold the plan for 25 caps


I got my first one the exact same way.


I did a day where I just did events and didn't worry about rewards or anything. End of day had the wagon and the fixer plans, both things I had been working to get and angry about still not dropping, that day showed me, stop worrying and just enjoy things, and the good things will come your way.


That's how i got mine 🤣


Yeah same I did a million then last minute before logging off traveled to one and got it as I loaded in!


I've AFK'd every event and got 2 weenie wagon plans! But maybe Grahm likes my company cause I stick around and beat on the drums for hours while everyone just immediately leaves him when they get their rewards.


Human stay with Grahm. Human make Grahm happy. Grahm give human weenie wagons. Grahm make human happy.


Funny enough I didn't get a weenie wagon till after I bought one


120 meat cooks later and no Weenie Wagon. In the end, a kind soul on the Fallout discord hooked me up with the plan. Bless him and may his silo runs be ever smooth sailing.


And some people are out here saying it's not a rare drop lol. It can definitely be hard to get!


RNG is a fickle mistress. I did maybe a dozen+ cookouts total and got the plan twice. Learned one, sold the other for 2k caps which judging by how quickly it went was probably way too cheap. OTOH I think I'm still missing both legs from the Megalowhatsit.


Weenie Wagon plans average around 20-30k. Definitely undersold but I’m sure you made someone’s day! I found mine for 8k and am super grateful to that shop owner; I’ve been grinding this damn event every day for a week and all I keep getting are plushie plans 😅


There are 48 rewards that all have the exact same odds. It's like rolling a 48 sided dice every hour in the hopes that it lands on Weenie. It's a rare reward, but the laws of RNG dictate that some players will be leaving Grahm without a Weenie, while others will have gotten 5 of them.


Yup. I didnt see a single tato salad recipe or chally back pack :/


I've never had bad luck with meat week. Fasnact on the other hand...  I have over 400 under my belt with only one loon mask to show for it. Edit: changed weak to week.


The amount of times I did that stupid event to try to get the deathclaw mask and never did...oy.


It's coming back this month, God help us all


I only got it after I bought one off of someone's vendor. Figures, right? (My alt owns it now.)


For real. I bought the Pepper Shaker and weenie wagon. I got the pepper shaker and 2 weenie wagons yesterday. The wagons sold quick, still trying to offload the gun.


Same here (an hour ago)! He told me he’s got a couple from infrequently running the event. RNG is a fickle skank.


I could never get the fossil display 😭 had to buy it off a vendor for 6k.


There’s have been about 5 times this last week I did the meat cook and didn’t get any rewards. My servers have been super glitchy


There’s been about 5 times where the event just doesn’t start. Not sure why.


Primal cuts glitched a few times for me.


Got it yesterday, literally at the last cook I was going to do. I may have audibly gasped.


Ps, been doing 4 or 5 a day since meat week started.


I just server hopped until I found someone selling the plan in their vendor.


I didn't get the Wiener Wanker either.


The what?


The Pecker Wrecker......wait, different game


I've just re-named mine to The Pecker Wrecker... +50% to Humans, +50% Limb Damage, +15 Bonus VATS Crit Chance. Seems fitting, no?


That would be the Tenderizer, nope?


Kinky minx


I paid 15K for it and got in the next one. It was a good lesson.


Why don't you wait until after the event to buy it? Since you still had time to unlock it


Prices skyrocket afterwards.


Oh shit I'm gonna be rich. I have one extra weenie wagon plan


Yes rich, I'm going to go from 37,656 caps to 40,000 caps and then turn off my for sale sign.


Im only missing one or two parts from the skeleton display that I’m never going to use lol. Got multiples of the other plans for trades. Congrats. I got my one middle of the night feeding my newborn. Little bud is my lucky charm.


People are already selling for 20K so you did well, I am waiting to put my spare Weenie Wagon, Pepper Shaker plans and the numerous spare skeleton parts up tomorrow which should help fund my other habit of collecting all the other plans I still need from the vendors lol


The price would sky rocket after the event goes out of rotation


found it yesterday at a vendor for 120 caps! couldn't believe it :)


Same boat as you. Did as much meat week as I could, whenever I am home. No drops. Looked at LFG on Xbox. Some dude selling it for 20k. Bought it and stopped doing meat week.


I will suck someone's dick for that plan. So many events..


Guess it really *is* Meat Week


Looks like meat's back on the menu!


I always collected greens, chitter chunks, you got it. One time I said f it, went afk, banged the drums and got it that time.


I was on an alt the very first occurrence of meat week. I decided to go check it out on them instead of transferring to my main. Got the weenie wagon. Been to at least 8 a day since on my main and haven't gotten it.


My newest character, on my reroller slot that I reroll now and again, literally got the meat wagon on his first event. Pepper Shaker second. On my reroller character. Of course. My heavy gunner who's also my 'lucky' character also got it in the first four tries. Then I turned to my bloody character, who is my first and oldest character and has more plans and the like than any other character and for the next two weeks ... nadda. He never got it. RNG is a fickle thing.


I had really bad luck this time lol there were a good few I don’t think I even got any plans 


He can straight up drop a pepper shaker or tenderizer weapon and no plan. I only had it happen 5 times out of 100ish tries though.


I never actually got the wagon from the Meat Week event, but I did, however, get almost all of the megalonyx plans and the pepper shaker plan, which I did not have so I can't complain too much. I found someone selling the weenie wagon for 20k caps and I was almost max caps so I just bought it and now I have it


My 5th Meat Cook gave me the wagon. Also I got like 6 Pepper Shacker plan, and 3 Tenderizer plan. They will be sold or traded later. Got some plushie, but not all, and a few skeleton part. And a lot of grill that I started to drop for free for others to take.


If you're on steam I can build it for you


I got it 3x and sold 2 for 17,500 combined Still no Tenderizer in 65 attempts


I feel so bad for everyone who didn’t get one. I think the game knows when you’re chasing a specific plan and chooses to give you dupes instead. I got the weenie wagon by accident. Didn’t even know I had it till like an hour after I did a run of Grahm’s. Didn’t realize it was valuable until three days later. Then there is the alien disintegrator from the beyond event last month… spent the last week of the event grinding out the event multiple times a day just to end up buying it for 6k caps at a player vendor the day after the event ended 🥲 RNGesus works in mysterious ways.


I play this game to play the game. I don’t look up any plans for the events. I just do the events and see what I get 😂. If my time in WoW taught me anything, it’s that Rngesus knows. I nabbed a weenie wagon and some dupe Brahmin Backpack mods with a Chally moo moo mask. I’m very pleased. The actual Chally moo moo backpack kinda sucks ass


I got a bunch of the old plans (Pepper Shaker, Tenderizer, Tenderizer Mods) and the Nuka Shanker & Stand. No Weenie Hut, No Bone plans.


Zero dropped for me and I did upwards of 12 meat cooks a day over the 2 weeks. My partner had 3 weenie wagons drop and bought 2 from vendors (giving me 1, of course, but still no rng love).


I have 2 weenies!


I got it during the first couple of times I did the event and didn't even notice lol


[No joy, here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhNQ9cv5K7Q)


my gf got one , Bought one for 20k on the discord cause after 70+ events i had no hope anymore , my gf just got 2 more... yes... she had 3 freaking drops one after another from 3 following events... # 3 drops. i guess she doesnt play the lottery anymore cause the luck is gone.


I was going after the fossils. I think I got 4 pieces and a repeat but not a single display base so making the parts I do have is pointless 


Got the wagon twice. Still havent gotten costume the Chally outfit though. Got several Chally masks though. 


I didn’t get it. :( I found one in someone’s camp but they locked it up tight. I just wanted to see what it produces, if it’s like the other stuff, I doubt a lvl 3 lock is really necessary.


It produces dog food at a moderate pace


Bought it for 2500 from someone's vendor! I see some paid less but some paid much more so I am happy with the decision.


Happy cake day!


I didn't get one, but I wasn't grinding for anything. I'm really not a grinder in this game, just have fun with whatever I happen to get.


I did the event so much I got double everything- including pepper and wagon. Except one. I NEVER got the hunter backpack. Today I was just around exploring new location and I came across a camp that wasnt marked. In the vending was the plan along with a shit ton others (none of which I needed) for around 100. Thank you whoever you are for competing my set and for a great price.


I got a ton of Weenie Wagon plans. I wanted the pepper shaker plan and never got it.


I'm so sorry. I think I must have gotten yours and 3 other player's. First sale I made some caps, the next 3 I tried not to be a slum lord for caps.


None here 🖐 Did I get the Tato Salad Recipe 10 times Yes!! 4 Tenderizers...check. Not even a vendor having one in it's offer for a ludicrous amount of caps :(


I got three, but I did run two accounts for a lot of events and set them AFK for a lot of the first week


The only reason I have the weenie wagon is that my friend got duplicates... Otherwise I was in the same boat - did it so so many times from the day meet week dropped and never got it


I got that plan 4 times. Learned one, gave one to a friend, sold the last 2 for like 15k caps. Helped me with my build a bit.


it dropped for me immediately after I paid someone 12,000 caps for one


I got 5 wagons, but no Dino stand or torso


I heard it was a difficult plan to get, most of the people I've heard complain about it are on ps4. If you're on pc I have two extra weenie wagon plans available. I'd be happy to trade


Xbox :/


I couldn’t get it and did it about the same as you. Tons of plushie dupes but no wagon


These damn plushies...


Just have someone who has the plan to build it in your camp for you. Easy.


I never got it, I got a lot of duplicates though. Bits of the fossil set particularly (arms and legs, never any other bit. Huh?) Such are the whims of the rng gods I suppose.


I honestly didn’t try. I’m a little burned out so I haven’t really played


I didn't get it bur after all the mess here I'm not sure that I want it. I have enough free food going that I can't see the need for a noisy hot dog flavored water producing metal box.


I understand this thing is fairly rare, but my girlfriend and I each got 3 during Meat Week. We both sold the 2 extras. I did AFK a few times and that helped.


I got it on the single event I did with my one herbivore character. My characters who could use it, on the other hand, just plushie plans.


I got two. Maybe three? I'm sorry, maybe I got yours on accident.


I got very lucky yesterday and found it at vendor for 12 caps


I feel bad when I've bad 7 drop in two weeks 😬


If your on Xbox I can place one in your camp for you


I haven't gotten a single one from the event. Although.. I did find 2 in a vendor for 1k each, sooo my luck isn't too bad.


My son got the plan but I didn't. I did so many more MWs than he did.


I got it on my very last run last night. I knew I wouldn’t get up early to do it before reset so I said if I don’t get it oh well. BAM event ends I crossed my fingers and omg it happened. I got almost everything I think in the end.


Was lucky enough to have a friend grind this for me hahha, bless him


No weenie for me, gonna be scouring camp vendors for a few days


Bought it a player vendor for 50 caps. Yep, 50 caps. Saw it for way more than that at other camps obviously.


I got one, wanted to get 1 on my lady's account but it didn't drop xD


After many cookouts and constantly seeing the word weenie wagon on this sub I still have no idea what it is


I got one, but I really wanted the Chally backpack


I didn’t get it either. So many events.


Got 7 or 8 pepper shaker plans now. It's never what you want. Gave up and bought a wagon.


I just played the barrels and got a weenie wagon.


Think I've gotten about 6 of them. Can't get the entire megalonyx set.


Also, no luck. I probably did the event 30 times or so. Was not AFK at all until the last two days. Once I realized that I would not be getting all of the plans I tried beating the drums for part of the day. Still no luvk


Just finished the last Meat Week event and no Weenie Wagon. I've received every single other reward at least twice, many of them 5 times plus.




I had put off trying this event for the longest time because I’ve been investing my time in other games lately. I hopped on FO76 last weekend right as the event started. I did the event only once and the plan dropped on the first try. I was confused because I had been hearing about people farming for days trying to get this.


I got it Friday and as I had finished the season promptly stopped playing until the next update.


I have been grinding Grahm's meat as I never did any until now and played since beta (with a couple years off) and have been doing him every day for at least 12-18 a day (I set my alarm to ensure I get there). I finally got the Weenie Wagon a few days ago, the shopping cart grill today so I now have collected the whole pokemon set! And just got another Weenie Wagon...


If this comment doesn’t get buried and someone sees it who wants it, dm me (I’m on ps5), and I’ll build it for you when I’m available later.


I've been doing the same. Absolutely nothing until today. I almost missed it and spawned at grahms. Get the immediate message that event was completed. If I had been a second later I would have missed it. Checked my inventory and hey presto I got a weenie wagon without lifting a finger or even participating in the event. Absolutely no contribution at all. I could not believe it.


My bf got it back to back. Bitch was just banging on the drums too. Made me so mad lol, I made him give me one cause I got him the Nuka Shank.


It took me until yesterday to finally get it. I did as many events as I could daily for the full two weeks. On a whim yesterday morning before I had to head out, I said screw it, it’s coming up on 10am I’ll try and if I don’t get it, whatever. Finished the event and finally got it. Did a few later on in the day and it was all things I already knew so I sold them for cheap. I had been checking machines prior to getting the WW, but no one was selling one, and the plans I didn’t get were generally more than I was willing to pay. The markup is kinda crazy.


Yeah I just logged on for presumably the last time the event pops before reset and I got the Chally mask. Haven't had the Weenie Wagon or the Pepper Shaker once in two weeks. Fortunately a nearby camp was selling the Pepper Shaker plan for 3775 so I snagged that. I fully expect to see Weenie Wagon plans show up in player vendors for 20k+ once the event is over.


I got the weenie wagon my very first meat cook, then proceeded to get all the meat plushies(regular and rotted), and the entire megalonyx skeleton and the display rack for it. My meat week butcher shop thanks the RNG gods for this bounty 😂


I’m selling one for 25k at my vendor


I never got it by drop, I found it for 300 caps.


Didn’t get one from an event drop. Ended up server and vendor hopping for about an hour and finally found one for sale for 12k caps


Got mine on first week


I somehow got one on the first day


I needed to use the generosity of a fellow clan member to get mine. Never saw a drop of my own.


Haha I think I have the worst luck! RNG must hate me, I have no idea how many events I’ve ran but it’s substantial. I have every other plan except for a few of the weapon mods. Worst part is I have also been vendor hopping looking for someone selling the plan at reasonable price and have only seen it once for 39999 caps…. I was actually sitting at max caps after someone bought almost a full set of bones for my vendor so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. I figured I’d at least get the plan on my next event to help recoup some caps, but that was 10 events ago and still no weenie wagon plan…but at the end of the day caps come and caps go.


Do I need to do the prime cuts event before Graham’s cookout?


i've sold about 12 of those. lol Didn't even bother getting prime meat after a while and got pretty much the same drops!


Didn’t get it and couldn’t care for it honestly. Doesn’t fit my camps vibe


I did not get one. I saw a plan for it in a CAMP vendor for 20k caps but I couldn’t afford it. I’ve never had anywhere close to that much money. I think the last 5 grahm events I did all gave me dupes.


I ended up with four weenie wagon plans but not a single pepper shaker plan or mod, which is what I was trying for. And don't get me started on the plushies, I have at least four of each plan at this point


I managed to get two back to back towards the end of the event when I gave up on it. But back during mothman I wanted the tome so bad and never got it. I swear the RNG knows what you want and holds out on you. Works in mysterious ways


If anybody needs a wagon I can just join you and build one on your camp. I don’t have any extra plans, but we all deserve the wagon


Thankfully, I did not get the WW.


I've done that event about 10-20 times on Xbox, and I still haven't received the weenie wagon plan yet.


I got the pepper shaker in the first cookout. Never got the Weenie Wagon. Oh well, I guess lol


I think every plan dropped for me eventually, except the wagon and the meat cleaver plan (didn't care about that one), but it took a lot of attempts. Maybe one of the plushies as well, but can't remember which one. Picked them all up from vendors though, with the wagon costing 2120 caps (no idea why it was a random value, but I did not care). I'm glad the event is finally over, to release me from my meat week compulsion. Loads of spare plans to appear in my vendor over next few weeks (but no wagon plans).


Brother the weenie wagon and pepper shaker are only for the people who join the meat cook for fun with friends.


No wagon No pepper shaker 6 bloodied chefs hats, 4 of them in a row Oh and I'm missing both of the fossilised legs


Didn't get it, didn't care. Dog food is very common where pre-war food spawns anyways.


I did less than 10 meat week events and got 2 weenie wagon plans. It took me 2 days to realize why it wasn't giving me dog food, though!


I got 3x weenie wagons. No megaonyx base or parts besides arms. Rng is a bitch. Edit: I got 4x pepper shakers too


3 wagon plans the first week. Never got tenderizer or pepper shaker plans and bought them from a vendor


I got it 4 times. Learned 1. Gave 2 to my friends who play regularly, and the last one to a random player who’s camp I really liked lol


Newish player here (40 total hours) Still learning the game and didn’t really know what meat week was + was preparing for the new Destiny 2 DLC, so the only time I played was last night. Did the cook off event thing twice, but after I didn’t get it I decided to check out my lobby’s vendors for around 5 minutes before hopping off and the last vendor I decided to check had one on sale for 200 caps. The reason everyone wants it is because meat week only comes once a year and because it’s super rare right?


I've never had much luck in my life, but I got 4 weenie wagons this event so I think i may have used up whatever luck was saving up.


I am missing both legs of the Megalonyx and a rotten ground meat plushie. I am hopeful I can find someone willing to trade other skeletal parts (I got like two of each if the ones I already had lol) or new plushies for the stuff I missed. It was a fun meat week!


No weenie wagon drop for me either :( my partner got 2 back to back so I got lucky and we traded. Neither of us got the swarm of flies plan either paid 5k caps a piece for those. I got the wasteland hunter backpack 4 times tho.


I haven’t gotten a single thing and I’ve been doing this since the event started! I really want that weenie wagon :(


No wagon. No pepper. No none rotting plushy. Trust me when i say I ran the cookout ALOT


I don't think I got a single new plan drop this time around.


I'm pretty sure I got a weenie wagon the first time I went to the cookout. I'm not sure if it was from the event, but I also got a grocery cart grill. I didn't know the weenie wagon was so sought after. I just kept playing the even because I love hearing Graham say "Chaaally" he loves that and correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't any brahmin meat at the cook out is there? Graham is a man after my own heart. Cows are awesome.


New apparel? Never saw plans for that but I got the weenie wagon & 2 parts of a skelie


Well, I use herbivore. So I've actually gotten several.


I haven't.. I haven't done the event though, so that may be a reason.........


Ive been probably doing the event five times a day and never got it. I left the controller to shower and came back and had it. it's like he knows


I haven't participated nearly as much as last year & I managed to get the Weenie Wagon plan 3 times, so it's just RNG.


I got multiple wagons. Multiple plushies. Ran cookout so much. I wanted the weapon, no where to be seen.


No idea, but don't care


my friend got one and gave me it because I vocalized my want for it every single event end the other day I finally got one myself and plan on giving it to them next time they're on. every event since then has been bloody chef hats but i cant complain


Had 1 drop and bought 1 from a vendor for 500 caps!


all I want is someone to place it down in my camp. i'll even give you twice the mats as compensation. i just want something else i dont have to search for. please?


I got the Weenie Wagon very early on in this recent event, but it wasn't until this past Sunday that I got the Pepper Shaker plans (did a good amount of grinding for it) -- of course, I'd bought a Two Shot Pepper Shaker for 5k from a player vendor out of frustration late in the 1st week ...


I got my first within the first day, since then I've had a few more, gave one to a friend and sold the others. The Dino display case was the harder plan for me to get, I got that last.


RNG showed me no love


Is there something special about the Weenie Wagon? I’m pretty sure I got the plan a few days ago but didn’t think much of it. (I’m still kinda new)


It's food on-demand that doesn't expire, and (with the perk) essentially covers you off for maximum food and high healing. That it lets you do an occasional daily challenge is a bonus.


I've got mine and it's wagoning weenies so HARD!


I got one when all I was looking for was the Pepper Shaker. Oh well. At least I can eat dog food.


Me. Did every event I could and not one. And I'm too broke for the ones I've seen on sale.


It dropped for me last night. Saw one in a vendor for 30k. I started thinking "It's just a dog food machine, it's no biggie, this is blown out of proportion" and stopped caring about it, didn't waste the caps. Just walked around, helped some newbies defend some workshops over in flatwoods bc I had nothing better to do. The final Meat Week event I was going to do takes place, drops the weenie wagon. All I could do was smile.


Haven't gotten the pepper shaker or various skeleton pieces. I got two Weenie Wagon plans though. I won't be selling the spare cause one of my friends is going to start playing 76 on pc when the steam summer sale happens and I'm pretty much going to give him any event plans I get one extra of.


ive had 5 times now. Sold each for 25 - 30k.


Yep I never got it, luckily a friend of mine got it twice and gave me a plan.


I bought it for 30k like a chump, but I never got it otherwise, so I'm not mad.


I didn't get it. A little disappointed (because I wanted it for my snack stand).


Didn't get Weenie Wagon or Pepper Shaker as a drop. However managed to buy the Weenie Wagon plan from a vendor for 12k (which is a good price considering how much people are charging) and picked up the Pepper Shaker plan for 50 caps in another vendor. So I consider myself pretty lucky.


Ended up getting two plans and sold one for cheap. It's all luck that's all.


Bought it from a vendor yesterday for 20k, and it dropped the very next event. I’d be annoyed if it wasn’t pretty easy to make caps.


I grinded this event like crazy, well into the hundreds and didn’t get a single weenie wagon to drop, unbelievable. Its the worst luck i ever had with an event and thats saying a lot. This game has the most insane RNG


I genuinely had no idea of the value of it. I would have sold it on to those who wanted it more if I knew lol


I didn’t get it legit. But one of the last meat cooks I was doing I saw someone doing the hand wave over emoji and I went over and there was a bag on the ground. The plan was sitting in the bag and they just gave me the ❤️ and I grabbed it. I love the people who play this game and if this was you I thank you very much. I just lost my dog I had for 19 years, almost half my life, so I’ll take anything to put a smile on my face right now.


I found one for sale while vendor hopping for 15k. Bought it, and got another from the next Meat Cook. Holding on to it for the time being.


Took the entire week but got it last night. Don't know how many events I completed, but the RNG felt much worse than 2%


If you’re on Xbox I’ll build it in your camp


OP if you still need it and are on PS you can have the spare one I got last night free of charge.


Server hop I got my seconed one for 500 caps youll find it. After meet week you'll see all the plans in vendors just wait if you don't get it now you'll get it in a few days


I don't have it yet. I don't know if it's based on participation or what, maybe I'm just not applying myself enough. lol.


I accidentally scrapped my Chally suit after I finally got it yesterday…