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Flat. Land. It’s something of a fabled myth in 76.


GAMERS: Ooo a game where we can build a base piece by piece? Awesome! Where is it set, Florida? Illinois? Kansas? BETH:No, Appalachia west Virginia GAMERS:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


I just look for flat enough when I'm done I don't have floating foundation supports. Albeit my current camp has a couple but I like the location enough it's staying for now.


Was just wandering around last night and found myself at the monorail elevator. Was thinking to myself the terraces are really flat for anywhere that isn’t white springs and has good views. You have the structures to work around or incorporate and I was wondering why you don’t see many camps there at all


I've got my primary one on top of one of the monorail columns just up from there, and it's the only location where I regularly get the 'Your CAMP could not be placed' message. All of my camps tend to be in the middle of nowhere, but that particular middle of nowhere seems to be fairly popular.


SAME 😭 Mine is at the column that has the junk extractor, and I built it in/around the structure. I get mad when I see the person who took the camp spot has a boring camp. It's such a cool spot!


If i get the "someones at your spot" notification i always visit with an upturned nose, in awe that something so ugly could ever be my spot. I get extra pompous and eat a preserved pie pinky out


Mine's on top of that column. :D


A camp i would be proud to lose my spot to.


That's why so many build on the golf course 😄


I only build into the High Voltage electrical towers, so that's one thing I look for to answer OPs question. But the *reason* is so I have an excuse to build a floating camp and not worry about flat ground - it looks like the tower is holding it up.


Took me forever to find this spot, wandered the entire map. Ended up settling in the top of The Mire next to a pond that always spawns high lvl anglers. I may have to repair my camp multiple times a day, but having a nice single level camp that doesn't clip the ground is so worth it.


I was trying to find some flat land in a desert-like area. I want to build like a western town camp but there's no such area that I've found.


Flatlands Shelter was made for you then


Proximity to a train station


That's what I did, and I now realize that I need to have one camp in the middle of nowhere because often times BOTH my camps are blocked because of how popular the locations are


Obligatory, psa. You can start an expedition and leave it to the white spring refuge no matter how encumbered you are.


I've kinda stopped going to train station camps tbh. Idk why but I've noticed that every single camp built next to a train station tanks my FPS to single digits and sometimes even crashes my game.


This has happened a lot to me recently with camps built next to Whitespring train station


Exactly that one. I don't see train station camps anywhere else and every one at the Whitespring destroys my fps


Build literally right next to a train station, lol.


A structure that's already built that I can make part of my camp, and that will sort of dictate the style of it. Right now, I've incorporated a ramshackle (but intact) two story farmhouse a bit off the beaten path near the center of the map and I'm living the country life. Picnic tables, a nice garden, the old man who wants you to pull his finger. All the high-tech stuff is hidden away in my shelter.


I love that!


Views - I’m on a cliff overlooking toxic Larry’s and I have an amazing view. I have a sofa right at the edge of the platform which gives a great view of the nuke dropping for the SBQ event. It has a lead deposit, which is a bonus, but for me it’s the views. I stumbled upon a camp over the weekend at the top of one of the monorail towers and it had the best views I’ve seen in the game. I even had to message the camp owner to congratulate them.


>Views - I’m on a cliff overlooking toxic Larry’s and I have an amazing view. I have a sofa right at the edge of the platform which gives a great view of the nuke dropping for the SBQ event. >It has a lead deposit, which is a bonus, but for me it’s the views. That's exactly where I'm set up. The view is great but I'm about to go crazy with all the grass, bushes and branches clipping through wall and floors and the rocks and dirt piles that block foundations.


Ah I don’t have any of that with the way I’ve laid it out. I have the fire station on the right (back facing Larry’s) and then concrete foundations hanging over the edge of the cliff. I’d like more room but at the same time I can’t be bothered building anything in it so there’s that.


Could you share some screenshots? I don't recall a fire station, is there more than one lead deposit up there?


It’s the atom shop fire station, not one already existing up there


A view or scenic location and no enemy spawns.


Is there an easy way to move a built base (without risk of losing it entirely if it can't be placed) to a new location if we find a better one? I built a great base on a cliffside with a nice view, and doesn't have that big of a footprint as the base, but am wanting to relocate it to a better cliff spot that I think it'd fit but (1) not sure if it's possible to fully move a build that's larger than blueprint limits, and (2) don't want to lose it for good if I try to move it and the new spot doesn't work


You should prepare a bit before moving an entire base, store doors, electricity and as much other loose things as possible. But you need to be prepared for not beeing able to place it. Maybe make a partial blueprint. Personally I just rebuild.


All of the above, since I can build multiple camps. The only consistent criteria I have for the 16 camps I've built across 3 characters is to blend them with the landscape- in other words, I want them to look like they're natively part of the game.


This is how I feel. Depending on what I want to build I’ll keep an eye out for a place that matches that idea. When the camp is finished I want it to look like a diegetic part of the world, not an out of place structure that awkwardly sticks out.


Yep, sometimes I operate that way... I think I want to build a Halloween theme haunted loking place, for example, and start looking for a good location for it.. , sometimes I come across an interesting location and start thinking "what can I build that will fit in here?" I also like to do variations on a theme in the same location - all three of my characters have had their first camp in the same location near the wayward, and all three camps incorporate the red rocket as a pre-war gas station next to the road, but the remainder of the camp is completely different. One has a sort of haunted red rocket on the side of the road, unlit with almost nothing in it.... just a counter, a cash register, the animatronic clown behind the counter as the cashier. The rest of the camp is a rustic cabin on the other side of the creek. Another has the red rocket as a repair shop with all the workbenches in it, with an attached back addition with a bedroom and a small gym ( weight bench, exercise bike, punching bag). Next door are the offices of crane treasure hunters, which is also the opposite for the repair shop. Gramps rocking on the porch, a Bluegrass Jam set up inside next to the fireplace, a cashier behind the counter, and various snack machines. And now that we've got the ability to have 10 camps total, for Camp number 16 character number 3 is recreating one of my favorite camps from character number two with the same base idea of the two main buildings - red rocket on one side of the road, a Nuka Cola themed commercial building on the other- in the same spot on the road but with very different Interiors. First one has the mobile home up on the hill behind as living quarters, and a nuka-cola cafe across the road. New one has a back room attached to the red rocket, and the nuka-cola establishment is going to be a souvenir shop rather than a restaurant.


Exactly the same way, I only have two camps at the moment as I like really out there builds. My main one is an enclave encampment and the other is a small town built into one of those huge power lines. Even built vertically into it and named the town “Tenflower”


I'm still at a low level. Under 50. Built around resources is number one. I have a camp built around a wood resource. Another around a steel and copper resource. Near a free fast travel spot is number two. Anything beyond that is an unexpected benefit.


Your camp is a free fast travel location. Wouldn't it be better to be away from an existing fast travel location for better coverage?


No. It's free fast travel for me only. It's not free fast travel for my customers.


Yeah I wondered whether that was your reasoning.


But it is a free fast travel for your fellow team mates


Yes, but I want lots of customers coming to my vendor. I want them to have a good incentive to visit my camp and shop.


Then if that is your camp's location priority, I would suggest putting them closest to the free fast travel points.




My 3 bases are setup for me to get the ingredients I need for food buffs. One near a bunch of Blight, one near a bunch of Brain Fungus, one near a bunch of Mothman eggs.


any sort of lands that doesn't stop me from placing my camp because it's 3 degrees off from being flat


my main site when i first started was very strategic, a bottleneck entrance where my turrets and i could nail any intruders/attackers multiple approaches so i could randomise my return and not have any traps waiting for me isolation and off a main route so fewer random encounters a good location in an area which had no existing free fast travel points multiple commonly required resources nearby i could farm There were a few other reasons but i scouted out for a couple of weeks before picking one and those were the main considerations for it. My second CAMP, well just for the great view :D


I have a couple scenic camps, but the one I default to is the second camp I ever built. It's a crappy little convenience store right across the street from The Rusty Pick -- appropriately named the Crap Shack. The proximity to TRP is great for foot traffic. Many people use it as a free fast travel point, and when you land at the exterior the first thing you see is my camp across the street. Makes the place feel a bit lively as people are often coming and going. Here's an album: https://imgur.com/a/DJD7EUY I wish I could do more to decorate it, but I've long since exhausted my camp budget so the 2nd floor and roof are a bit utilitarian.


I literally just picked a random spot and built a house, I set up a nice little vendor with a slot machine, tinker bench and a stash box fo people to use but my doors are locked. if someone becomes wanted ill be back at my base in 3 seconds to scope it out and slaughter them, after all it's my house, not theirs


I look for what feels right tbh, I have a campsite in the woods , one overlooking cranberry bog with a great view and one integrated into morgantown so I feel like a part of it. If you want vendor traffic go for something central or close to locations people visit (close to nuke events, rusty pick, whitesprings) you don't really need to look for a place with water tbh your production doesn't increase with more purifiers only your capacity does and there are optiosn that don't need a source, one scrappy one placed on dirt and the vintage water cooler which doesn't even need power.


My first camp is always under the highest tower near dogwood die off.


Flat ground. Which is impossible to find in the mountainous appelachia, and once you do, you can bet your ass it's frequently taken.


My Main is on a hill with a great view, kinda far away from a free fast travel point but near a location where you have a lot of quests later on so people could fast travel to my CAMP and check out the places near by so they have something to fast travel to for their quests


View mostly, but also cheap fast travel from the nearest free Fast travel location so people can check my vendor without having to spend 20-30 caps just to possibly find out I'm not carrying what they're looking for. I try to keep as many different plans stocked as I can, and unique items that you don't find most places, but I also don't want people dropping a handful of caps just to be disappointed when they get there if I don't have what they want/need.


water, flat land, and proximity to a train station/ scrip machine. preferably far from any free fast travel spots to save caps going to obscure areas


No-one else to occupy it!


fits character storyline and camp theme.


Next to free travel site and a high traffic area. nice flat open land and if there is a cool landscape feature to work into the build, even better.


Right by ol reliable West Tek so I don’t have to pay the fast travel fee I saw someone else post about making it look natural, couldn’t agree with that more. It’s the only reason I buy plans or atom shop stuff




I like blending my camps seamlessly into the environment. Where it feels like you're just walking up to another part of the map. When I decide where to build a camp, I try to keep that in mind. My favorite location right now is up by the Aaronholt Homestead. Where the three large grain silos are and the shed with the Power Armor, you can set up your camp where it's nearly touching the silos and the shed. Build a farmhouse and a barn and it looks like it was meant to be. Flat surface. There's a junk pile back there. The Power Armor spawns randomly so I farm that.


Usually near an ingredient I use, like blight or starlight creeper. Otherwise near a free fast travel, usually Atlas. But sometimes it's just for me, like a camp that's on the side of a cliff so high that I can't build on the land above or below the cliff. That's just for fun.


Views and a central location. Not sure why I'm bothering about central location anymore since caps for fast travel aren't a problem, but it's a habit now.


Proximity to quest or major locations to lure unsuspecting dwellers into my trap—I mean, CAMP.


Lead xd


Resources I need. Flat land


I can't remember why I chose the spot I did, but once settled my gameplay loop morphed around the locations and resources nearby, making it kind of self fulfilling. The view is not that important. My balcony looks across the farm near the cat house. I guess it's the resources and the convenient gameplay options. I can just hop down the hill into Morgantown for resources or events or just to follow the monorail sniping ghouls. There's the golf course and Helvetia is nearby as well as Arktos, even Monongah. I tried setting up near the creamery, and then in the valley underneath that big-ass bridge, but there was nothing much to do there except look at the scenery. I mean, Charlestown might be the capital but there's bugger all going on there I have a camp at the extreme bottom of the map for if I have to waddle home after an event in that part of the world and it's posh and everything but it's not the place I want to be when I shut down for the evening.


My current camp is on a cliff that I only picked cause of a copper gathering spot. It is a fairly cramped spot but it has such a nice view.


I found an acid (spawn?) when acid was a big bottleneck for ammo production. I dropped my camp there and haven’t moved it for 5 years or so. It’s close enough fast travel to the southeast and farm scorchbeasts and stuff down there on a regular basis. I’ve thought about moving it before, but ultimately I just leave it there because there’s no real big benefits to moving it.


My main used to be proximity to train stations but it led to my camp being blocked a lot then I realised there is a train station by whitespring which is a free fast travel spot. After that I went for views, made me a deck camp by the foundation hills from which I can see the east side of the map. 😁


level area, not too many objects in the area than can not be moved, nice view, interesting area to build (ie junk /existing structures), and for daily driver camps, proximity to water for cooking (food build for life!).


My main camp is farming a junk pile next to Alpine River Cabins. I get plenty of scrap from the pile, and Cogmeat helping. It's on a main road, so I get plenty of traffic at my vendor. There's a lake behind it with enough bloodleaf and fungus to get daily challenges. There's a Blood Eagle camp within artillery range. Yes, the scream machine at the cabins is annoying, but I think the recipe, bobblehead and magazine spawns that are there more than make up for the inconvenience of having to turn the damned thing off every server hop.


The vendor, mostly.


Flat ground also. I also like to be around non-threatening creatures. So the fox, possums, cats, chickens etc.


My main camp is setup by a train station on a flat road, it’s my house/patio bar with a pond where I have a buff shack. One is a junk/water farm that was just a cool riverside location. One is tucked next to a creepy church and is my “cryptid museum”


What’s a buff shack?


It’s like a love shack, but for buffs. I have all my camp items that give stat boosts down there and it’s a little shack on a lake


Water for at least 5 purifiers for my water camp, Open flat spot with a junk node for my junk camp. Those are my mains at the moment.


Flat (ish) land and heavy player foot traffic, I have a pretty good set up in the empty lake with outdoor instruments for passing players and a shop stocked with plans and food making supplies like salt/pepper and spices and such


I went through a couple. First one I was annoyed like 3-4 Scorched would pop up. The second one was right beside one if the Meat Week spawn spots, so ***IF*** I could get my spot, I'd have Fog Beasts and Radscorpions smashing my stuff. I moved again. Now I'm well up northwest of Vault 79. Thought it was a nice, quiet, combat-free spot I found! Nope. So far I tackled a Flatwoods Monster, a bunch of Liberator Drones, a Mothman and a Legendary Diseased Sheepsquach. 😑


Used to be resource driven. First water, then one with acid and lead. My next one’s gonna be for the scenery though with no vendor for when I’m full on caps.


Flat land/place to have flat land, near vendors, good view, in a place that won’t be constantly shot up or attacked 😸


On a road, near point of interest so anyone on a mission and passing by can stop and scrap and get supplies. 


Near a train station, workshop or major event. I prefer when it has a unique geological structure like a pre made structure, cave, waterfall, etc. Or it follows a theme. Of my 5 camps, 3 are walking distance to a train station, 4 have unique environments. I don't worry about resource extractors and the ones that happen to have em usually go unchecked.


A good resource node to set up an extractor. More than one if I'm lucky.


Easy to find vendor...




I like popular spots.  I'm a people person in 76. I want foot traffic for my vendor to make sales, for more players to see my place and say nice things, to not be fucked over by gamers (nukes and pvp abuse), etc. I build directly across the street from Wayward in the Forest, centered on the road going to the Brotherhood checkpoint.   This spot let me make an entire *town* of a camp. Players get stuck hanging out there for long periods of time, to the point where half the server ends up fucking around in my town. Bonus points if the wandering trader is in, or the random event of Settlers heading to the Wayward (literally half dozen NPCs just running together). My town comes to life.


I like to find a place with a view, and just make it work from there. Also, my last one I specifically looked for a place far away from everything else, just for shiggles. I want to try my hand at something more wild and creative for my next camp, and hopefully make it blend in. My current one blends in like lipstick on a pig lol.


A place I can set up a semi-thematic camp. First ever real camp I made is Hotel Cliffside and is a hotel on a cliff near where Foundation eventually went. Second is a mini pop-up Wavy Willard's near White Springs, usually default unless I load in to someone else being there. Third is a Brotherhood encampment on the road near Vault 76 that any new players can use as temporary safe haven that looks like it belongs in the world. Fourth is a semi-floating shrine to Mothman in the swamps (they needed a East side branch).


I have one for the view, one for traffic, and one down by the abandoned mine shaft #1 for the blight soup


I shoehorned my cabin in the savage divide next to a derelict raider lookout I’ve got views of the white spring and the NRG bridge


usually a good road with some flat land next to it, I like having a roadside connection, if there's spots for extractors then it's golden. The cranberry bog has a lot of good road room


Different things for different camps. If it's a farm I'd like blight, silt bean, or starlight berries. An adhesive farm needs enough water to place purifiers and it's a plus if it's near anglers. Some spots will spawn passive animals and sometimes those animals might be squirrel. My shotgunner ran short on aluminum, so I found a site where I can put an extractor. Extractor sites are popular, so sometimes it's taken. I do like extractors in an industrial theme. Small pre-existing structures or NPCs can be nice additions, they're like free decorations. I do look for spots along roads if I think it suits the build. I picked a site recently because it has a small trail that hopefully looks like people walk up to the door. Of course, the trail goes right under my camp and out the other side. Logically, all shop and trading post builds should be near roads or at least a trail, but logic isn't a top priority. I don't worry much about location in terms of customers. If somebody has caps to burn and I bothered to stock my vendor, they'll find me.


Resources, usually nuclear, acid, or lead


School district.


Location is everything when it comes to camp placement. My main toon currently has 7 camps located across the map. Each one located to minimize fast travel cap costs. My 7th camp is currently a place holder until the next update unlocks the Skyline Valley. I am leaning towards a north central location within the Skyline Valley. This way I can get cheap fast travel all over the new zone.


A safe place from the nukes lol


For the most part near a train station. Two camps near train stations (just north of Whitespring Station and by the pond at Charleston station) and one in the Mire if both of those are taken.


It must have a noose. Just in case my character decides to end it all.