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Not all of this is for me, but some of it very much is. I think that’s the double-edged blade of having a unified theme each season; Feast when it’s your style, Famine when it isn’t. What has been your favorite season so far?


I’m just blown I missed armor ace, favorite t51 skin ever and can never get it now


I feel the same way about the white Nuka Cola armor skins for when Nuka World On Tour was launched.


Strong Pepsi vibes on those skins lol


No Nuka, only Pepsi.


Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger!


No fries, chips!


I actually get that reference.


All I wanted was a pepsi, just pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me, just a pepsi!


Apparently you can write Bethesda and ask for any past items. They'll say it costs x atoms, deduct? You must have enough in your account before you say yes.


It’s only for a select few items on their list and armor ace is not one of them unfortunately


It's been almost 2 weeks that I requested two items and I haven't gotten them yet added to my account.


Hilariously, in the last 5 minutes I've gotten an email from support


This makes me excited. I put my request in 2 weeks ago as well


that's because the performance metrics they are using encourages the support rep to cherry pick the tickets that are easiest to close KEKW (I worked in customer support a long time ago so I know what goes on)


Ditto. I just want my damn space suit and it’s been two weeks since I confirmed my request.


Waiting for my rocketsuit too. I think they're busy with the update. 🤷


That and I don't think they were prepared to deal with the amount of players joining in due to the show.


It took 9ish days for me when I did it last month. Went thru in the middle of the night too for some reason. Did you respond to the prompt asking you to confirm your cool with them taking the atoms out?


Ah right


They will probably comeback at some point


Again, I will say: Bethesda needs to allow use to buy access to past seasons. Pay ~2000 atoms and get an entire season to play through.


They won’t do that. They’ll eventually add two bundles into the shop, one will have all of the base rewards from “X” Season, the other will have all of the Fallout 1st rewards. The rank 100 rewards are usually reserved for special bundles or standalone purchases for limited times. They did this with seasons 1-9 in various ways.


Well the final reward the Rip Daring score board two seasons ago, the hunters lodge is on sale in the shop rn from that scoreboard


I hope so, and not just the Armor Ace Assault. I just want a dark blue set of T51 that is not Tricentennial or Mothman


Don't give up hope. They brought back some of the other stuff like that in bundles or individually on the atom shop recently. Particularly for FO 1st.


Not into scouts. I love national parks, but that has nothing to do with scouts for me. I'd prefer more naturalist stuff like Camo outfits, or new herbivore recipes, maybe some more naturalist style camp items. But I get it, the scout thing is cheesy and fits in with the "stuck in americana 1950s" vibe. I've liked a lot of the past season themes, the sci-fi stuff, the journalist explorer vibe. I'd also be into more urban themed stuff.


Yea this is more what I was hoping for but this one still has some cool stuff. Really like the quiver pack. Some more survivalist forest stuff would’ve been dope tho


I JAMMED out challenges for the quiver lol


I gotta pipe in to support this, not enjoying the scout stuff but that quiver backpack is cool af


I do remember when the game was young they had some armor sets that were kinda like Ghillie Suits. Think I have em for the Wood, Leather and Combat Armor sets


Oh god, the plastic confetti streamer ghillie skins? I remember those.


This bundle is on the store right now actually


The season that accompanied the launch of the Pitt, mostly down to the tremendous union armor paints


I hate myself for not grinding the Pitt scoreboard when I had more than enough time to do so


This one by far. Don’t like the new season system but I absolutely love the outdoors theme for this season and all the rewards are great. Can’t wait to get that Thrasher outfit.


That’ll be a good one to toss on around thanksgiving


Nuka world on tour is my favorite season and what brought me back to 76 after a couple years absence.


I think the problem is that all seasons have been kid-themed. Cosplay, aliens, scouts... None of them are mature content.


Are you not pleased with your robot hooker from the last season?


I am pleased.


She’s more than a HOOKER 😭


Unexpected Grandma’s Boy moment.




They're not hookers! They're massage therapists!


Correct, she screws...er, sells screws


thats so we can fix her




There’s not much to add, you can fuck the robot from the last season lmao


Todd bless. Finally the fallout 76 sex update all of us desperately needed.




ASSUME THE POSITION - Fisto (and also Adelaide)








Well, that explains KLEO from Fallout 4


A lot of adults love aliens…. Right ??? My friends and I are nearly 30. God please tell me we’re not the only adults that love aliens


Yea aliens are sick. Really like that stuff but got a bit tired of the event. A creepy side quest with aliens would be dope, discover why the settlers Brahmin are disappearing or something. Maybe that’s too on the nose lol


have you not stumbled upon a gang of aliens in the wasteland? i did at lvl15 right next to my camp and got fuckeddddd upp in a real bad way probes and all


Yeah haha I’ve been jumped by the alien gang before but a lil side quest would be cool too. Not that I want them to waist precious development time on that, hyped for the new content as well. I just like aliens lol


Yeah, the fatigue is understandable. A Brahmin abduction quest would be great! Definitely a bit camp, but a touch of camp fits with Fallout and could be executed really well. I like how creepy and atmospheric Skyline Valley is in game, and I wish there could be an alien quest with a similar unsettling vibe and otherworldly atmosphere. Probably won’t ever happen, but I can dream lol


>None of them are mature content. What are you expecting a cannibal holocaust theme? And this is more summer camp then scout themed, well mixed.....hence the hockey masks.


I mean I'm going hard for the loose piles of meat and intestines.


Hockey mask and machete, you got Jason right there,


I'm not big fan of the new scoreboard, but what kind of "mature content" do you want? Do you want a placeable severed head and porno mags?


I mean. Now that you said it out loud …


Tbh I'm surprised we haven't gotten more pinup style wall decorations similar to the nukagirl one and that we haven't gotten any severed body parts for Halloween


>we haven't gotten any severed body parts for Halloween For Halloween, yes, of course....


...yes. I want the meat bags full of severed limbs from mutant camps in FO3. I want profligates on crosses like FNV. I want to build a kingdom of blood and skulls.


i think a summer camp/lake theme for a summer season at the same time as a national park map expansion is very fitting. plus its always nice when a season expands on a group/location in the game.


Exactly, I love the idea that factions can come back. Or even be player led, would love to see something that reflects that in game or etc eventually. Or give players the chance to revive factions and get more npcs for them (and while its a huge dream Id love to help lead a faction or smth just for roleplay purposes)


yoo an event where players choose between several player-central factions and at the end of the season whichever faction has done more events/gotten more points/or SOMETHING decides how it will effect appalachia. THAT WOULD BE HYPE


Hard agree. Maybe it's because I did Scouting and worked at summer camps growing up, but a summer of scout/summer camp themes is really cool to me.


Ok but I prefer that crap to 27 versions of a surfboard for my camp.


Thank you! I finished at rank like, 110? I had to buy a bunch of worthless surfboards because that’s all that were left.


i legit just quit when i realized i couldn't afford everything without grinding for another 10 levels or so, which meant about 2~ weeks of flawless challenge completion gameplay. The new ticket system is just anti player and soiled it all for me.


I actually liked those surfboards, but only because they were working shelves. I just wish they hadn't been surf board shaped 😂


Bingo. I cannot for the life of me find an alternative shelf option


All the alternatives are in the Atom Shop for more than I want to spend for a shelf 😂


Uhhh yeah me too... 🧐 Where did you say they were in the atom shop?


They normally pop up once and a while. I don't know if they're currently there. Utility wall shelf or something like that.


Theyre deeper than the atom shop ones too. I used one to hang the pots thing from in my camps kitchen


Or balls. Lots of balls. There are people for whom these are a dream, but I do not personally dream of balls.


I dream about balls, but not that kind :(


I think a Pionner Scouts season based around camping and the summer is fitting for Fallout 76s summer update based in Skyline Valley (aka Shenandoah National Park) I personally really enjoy the theming as we don’t often get a lot of Pionner Scouts stuff.


Yeah I love this shit. The scout/mountaineer survivor shit is the exact vibe I go for, this season is built for me. I agree that I dont care about the racecar bed and prefer the more... practical/serious-esque scout/survival stuff. But we've had like 17 seasons, they cant *all* fit the vibe that every person is trying to curate with their character. Such is life.


Yeah but it's an awesome racecar bed.


I’m seeing a lot of hate around the season rewards, idk, personal opinion but I like the theme and the rewards. They’re not *all* great, but some I genuinely look forward to getting


Same! They aren’t amazing but I’m excited to get my hands on some of the camp items (ammo decor, board games, and other little camp items that I can add. I’m also excited for the archery themed things (my main character is an archer)


I generally hold judgement for most camp items from seasons because you never know when they will come in clutch and be perfect for an idea in a camp or shelter…but after the change on how season rewards are earned and getting shafted with the short notice, it just feels bad having to put in so much more effort to get the same, if not worse, rewards as usual.


I totally get and respect that. I just been wanting to do cabin/camp theme so for me it’ll work for what I’ve been wanting to do for my next camp unlock


You’re playing the wrong game. End game is old dudes fighting over red dress trades


Asylum apparel


I'll cut a bitch for more Wolf Fedoras


I personally love it BUT am pissed over the roadmap saying the theme here is fishing: where TF are our fishing rod items or anything to do with fishing then? I at least expected a camp item fishing poll that you can interact with to cast & eventually get a fish or junk maybe. Just crazy to me they could say this month is fishing themed but have no fishing related stuff at all.


Man when are they just going to let us go FISHING damnit


Hear me out, what if there was a boss you could summon by fishing in a specific area with a specific bait, and it'd be like a Scorchbeast Queen or Earle fight. Terraria did it, why can't Fallout have its own OP mutated fish boss?


A few games have done it and it’s actually pretty awesome I’d love for fallout to get a version of that


So this scoreboard was designed when the last one was designed also. They hired a new guy and I bet presented two usable scoreboards. So unfortunately we were always stuck with this one. However with all the backlash upon last seasons release there is a possibility the old one will come back next season.


There is? I can't remember a single decision that Bethesda made in order to make less money. The new Scoreboard is great for nickel-and-diming the player base, them going back to the old one would be an unprecedented move.


I think the funniest thing about the new score system is that it only encourages you to spend more money at the beginning to avoid the grind, but there aren't actually new revenue streams being created (since you can't buy levels after 100). So at the end of the day, I'd be shocked if the new system generated any more revenue than the old one (outside of new/returning players because of the show)


This season you will be able to buy level after 100. I don't have the source, but there's a post in this subreddit about it


I thought those road map themes were for community camp pictures? Like for them to share as a theme. I never thought they were the theme of the pass.


ohhhh, I misunderstood I thought that meant Bethesda would focus on releasing atom shop stuff on that theme, like roll all the helvetica butcher stuff around again for BBQ month in july + some new, enclave stuff for august shop etc. That makes way more sense if its just for community photo stuff lol


I’ve wanted a fishin mini game in fallout for a while now. Would be cool to get some mutant fish as a food item lol


Kinda like surf boards and beach themed stuff.


I get why they did it but def not a fan…for me tops still is the Enclave-Presidential season last fall, love the pre-war lore and pre-war Americana from the fallout Universe.


I was still on haitus when that season was out. It was big sad when I found out I missed my flavor of content. Hopefully, they cycle the stuff I missed back through sometime through the atom shop or something


I started playing like two weeks ago and missed 90% of the Rip Daring stuff but at least I got the tiki music box


That's how I feel about the tire succulents.


I’ll come build them in ur camp for ya if ur on ps 😌


I reinstalled just about 2 weeks ago and was just a couple levels away from unlocking the stein, still a little miffed about that lol


I missed every single season and only rejoined last season near the end of it. I wasn't happy :/


… Im fucking thrilled. I love camping.


Same here. I don't understand how people think outdoor stuff are only for kids/boy scouts/summer camps. Even better, a fair amount of horror movies happen at near adult camps or in the woods, mix some Halloween and camp stuff and you've got something there.




The Evil Dead franchise, all the movies where teens and young adults go vacation in the woods in cabins, cults, etc etc.


I mean, there's an armor made of a dead mutated turkey, I'd say it's alright


That’s pretty metal


The lack of weapon skins is the most disappointing part for me.


Sometimes, its the simple things. I like plushies ... and beer stiens :)


I don't like that this season's stein is in the later pages of the rewards.


My favorite season was Fight For Freedom it had some down to earth looking stuff. Wish Bethesda would give us more normal outfits and skins rather than plushies.


From launch, I can't believe they have to yet expand order of Mysteries, for example. We could have got an additional questline, an Atom Shop bundle, scoreboard goodies. Seems they're more into KD Inkwell now than the Mistress. Another one is a Free States questline. One of the original factions for the game and it seems they've been forgotten.


It’s kind of insane the Free States are one of the few factions who have just not gotten any new content whatsoever. No events, seasons or quests themed or based off of them. It’s even more crazy to me that aside from Mothman and the BOS, they’re the faction that has gotten the most atomic shop items


I wear a Brotherhood of steel spec ops outfit and i feel out of place with all the wacky outfits people wear in events


I agree that seasons definitely need a complete over-haul & much more variety in rewards. But, plushies are for adults. Someone isn't less their age because they like soft, cute things.


I’m ready to get downvoted for this but I’ll chime in… The influx of players with expectations grounded in previous games find it hard to recognize how much of a soft edge was added to the game to appeal to the core audience of it. They added tons of plushies, giant heads, wacky skins and the list goes on. That’s what the community outcry was for. Just look at Fasnatchs popularity, we have so many paper mache heads now! And that event is the goofiest of all it’s great!!! So yeah, the games been curated by the player base over the past years.


When I started playing, I was kind of annoyed by all those things, just personally, and within a few weeks I was completely converted. It’s fun. I can’t imagine the game without it now.


Pretty sure Fasnatchs popular because of the value of a lot of the masks


Yeah they are valuable because people want them. People don’t want them because they’re valuable.


Almost exclusively. Trading sites are gross when you see that sort of thing. Its the main reason I roll my eyes when the AFK discussion fires up and suddenly half the playerbase doesn't have time to play and NEED to AFK to get them or they may die as a person.


Kinda sad that the new tent is rank 95, though.


It's like that with a lot of games, post-release they always turn into a fulltime clown show. Seen that with a lot of MMO's. I do like the 'juvenile' stuff and the toys and what not, but I agree its too much sometimes. Not literally everything has to be a joke all the time.


Yeah... It's what most players looks to enjoy in MMOs these days. See what Blizzard did to WoW visual style and what they choose to focus on the gameplay. The game was originally conceived with an art style made to look like a dark fantasy comic book, with heavy themes and based on a war between two factions. Now its like a Disney show with tons of cute creatures for you to be or to collect as mount... Also there's a "Pokemon" minigame that makes no sense at all in the setting.


>I would like to be an adult surviving and rebuilding a post-apocalyptic world. We're seventeen seasons in. They need to have *some* variety of content between seasons. Also, if you look at the lore surrounding the scouting groups, a lot of it is focused on surviving and rebuilding in a hypothetical nuclear apocalypse, as well as indoctrinating children. >I'd like seasons, items and events focused around the fascinating, stylish, morally grey factions that Fallout has in abundance. There have already been seasons built around this, like *The City of Steel*.


Honestly it feels like the hunter's bundle was originally meant for the pass and then they went: "We can make money off this" and put it into the store


I’d be happy with a Brotherhood of Steel theme season (again? I think there was one in the years before I joined) that lays it on thick. They did add some communist themed stuff recently. The one I’d really die for though: Pre War Propaganda themed season. Like, we see the posters here and there and have read many references across the lore and games about the US government, public conditioning etc. Let us bask in the ugly realities of pre-war US government et. al.


I suggested bethesda just give us playable children already as they give us soo many children toys and furniture but our characters are in their 50's and the mods of this subreddit deleted it


I personally agree but let's be real: they know what sells. Analysis of the microtransactions in 76 (and any other game) is probably a full time job for someone and that analysis feeds into the development cycle for sure. As long as light-hearted items sell better in the Atom store than more serious themes, we'll keep seeing more of them both there and in season rewards. In fact one of the only advantages to the new ticket system for rewards is it gives us the opportunity to provide hard facts direct to Bethesda about what kind of items people want to see. When an unpopular item ends up at the bottom of the list for claims we're less likely to see that kind of item in future seasons.


Pfft it's a job for multiple teams of people, guaranteed


Shit, if you're creative enough, any season can have something worth earning. Yeah, happy camper season isn't exactly enthralling, but I can definitely put all that meat to good use in my cannibal raider camp, so why not then.


I want more metal walls, scrap walls, scrap decoration, lots of stuff hashed together from scrap, fires, flames, gadgets. Proper wasteland stuff. Not a visit to Toys R Us showroom


No doubt


Personally, I am a very happy camper this season. I look forward to collecting the rewards, and I am happy that there are more atoms to earn this season.


Man, we can’t even get 24 hours into a new season and already people found things to complain about. Shits wild


This season is definitely my cup of tea. I see where they incorporated it, but I’m just not geling with it. Maybe like 4 items. But hopefully a future season will resonate with me.


Yeah, I prefer a mix. Fallout is wacky, zany and ridiculous but also dark, horror and depressing. One of the parts I love most about them.


Give us more emotes


Agreed. It's basically the same problem that Call of Duty has. I play Call of Duty to satisfy a certain type of military fantasy craving, not to run around as Niki Minaj shooting a Godzilla. Fallout 76 (and many other games) suffers from this in the same way, it's just not as crazy as CoD. But it's till there.


Bring back the glitch that allows my excavator to have a jet pack please


I feel the exact same way, I would like more military content personally


I agree the content and camp stuff is a little happy go lucky. I'm into the grittier portrayals of post apocalyptia, but if the game were more realistic horror survival, then the atmosphere and community wouldn't be the same


It looks underwhelming. It's a shame I missed the Enclave season, I hope the old stuff cycles through the atom shop


It sucks but Ive seen a lot of people that wantedor pioneer themed stuff cause they're into it. So I guess this is for them, hopefully next season is more everyone's theme though. Honestly I just want a raider themed season or another enclave themed season lmao


I can agree with this. All of the cosmetics I’m actually interested in I have to wait to cycle back into the atomic shop. I prefer cosmetics related to the factions. Granted I personally won’t complain about it as it seems there are quite a few people out there that do like it. It just means I’ll have more tickets to spend on the lvl 150 convenience items.


There's a lot of flurries at Bethesda. 😂


So *that's* why there are so many weather control options...


Game rarely feels Fallout. I'm not interested in the scout part but the outdoor stuff does fit the area and summer but the lore is not what I'm looking for when I see something labeled "Fallout". The rewards are weak especially when you see how much stuff is locked behind various paywalls. No new unique power armor for finishing the season but there's a really good one you can buy for 30!!! FING DOLLARS???!!!???


76 goes in a totally different direction, being even more goofy than Bethesda already made in other games of the franchise. I personally try to disconnect how "arcade" the systems in 76 are in comparison to the other games and kinda enjoy how lighthearted it is in the multiplayer side of things. Playing as a single player game you actually have a game more aligned with what Fallout was intended to be, although it could be more creepy.


I like plushies, but yes...this.


Plushies need a better build budget. Daphne deserves them all.


Minimum 3 or 4 comfort items per child isn’t it?


It's literally a Boy Scouts themed season...


Pretty sure that's what they're complaining about lol. 


I agree with a lot of this.


I tend to agree, I would like to the cosmetic stuff becomes usable in a way it's helping and improving your life in the game


I've been frustrated with the change to scoreboard so I'm actually relieved this pass looks awful to me. I can finally play the new content not worry about daily/weeklies and enjoy other games lol


Etleast last season offered up something as useful as the Cremator. This season it's the pemican maker? Idk. I'm not finding anything in the rewards pages that's thrilling me one bit.


I checked out the season 'rewards', checked out the new area, got super annoyed at the new enemy voices then closed the game and went to play something else.


As a new player Im still trying to get over feeling screwed with the season change. I had read somewhere that it would be July 1st, so was working my way up and hadnt spent anything really. When I realized this morning that I had been wrong I tried to buy my ranks up to what I was wanting. Nope not working, I logged in and out (completely closing game) as I had read was a fix at least a dozen times. While I was screwing with that the season ended and server shutdown. Im sorry, how the hell is it hard to clearly put up on the season the specific date that its ending. Now Im looking at this Season and its rewards compared to last and Im like why even play.


Guess that guy from EA decided that FO76 audience are 7 yrs old kids


Thank you for this post it hits the nail on the head


I'm in the same school of thought.


I see it in a positive way : no reason (except for the tent) for me to nuka grind the season for the first time. But yeah the rewards are meh.


I, on the other hand, avoided half the board from last season because it was so edgy (the autopsy table, the mutilated brahmin rug, stuffed gorilla hunting trophy). Over time I think they can cater to a wide audience and it's okay if some of this particular board isn't your style.


I'm all for this one, it made my gf excited for the season as that's everything she likes. All the housing items look great, and she loves to collect plushies. Me personally, I'm excited for the hunting equipment and the survival tent.


It feels like they’re really leaning into the comic book theme (Grognak etc). I can see why, but agree it feels a bit cheesy now. I was thinking today after the Skyline Valley update that 76 is starting to feel a bit too “wacky”: first the scorched, all the monsters/cults/mythical creatures, now the Lost. Idk maybe it’s just me, but fallout has always seemed grounded in a type of funny, bizarre reality. Lately it’s been a lot more magical, less post-apocalyptic and all around more cartoony


Fortnite 76


Im with you 100%


This scoreboard is super mid. It’s not even rude to say.


Yeah I have little use for yet another plushie.


The plushies and toys are some of favorite items. In the previous board I liked the basketballs, and in this one the Marshmallow plushies look nice.


Plushies and other things aren't necessarily juvenile. You can like them as an adult! Frankly, you can do whatever you want forever as long as it doesn't hurt anyone


A BoS outcasts season could have some potential 🤔


I just want some military stuff that isn't themed. Sometimes I see an absolutely amazing-looking piece of military tech before realising it has a big fat Enclave "E" right on top of it. I don't want Enclave stuff in my BoS camp lol.


Bethesda's business model: Imagine a baby in a crib all fat dumb and happy, that is us, the players of Fallout 76. We lie in our crib, mesmerized at the mobile spinning above our crib with all manner of shiny things, bright things, colorful things, the old shiny things are replaced by new shiny things every so often, we love the new shiny things, we want those shiny things! That is the Atomic Shop and Seasons rewards. Bethesda coos at us as she spoon feeds us new content a few times a year, not enough to satisfy us, just enough to keep us hungry for more. We are so happy that we don't even notice the two IV's in our legs slowly draining our blood drop by drop, gotta do it slow so you don't kill off the baby. That is our money used to purchase Atoms and assorted new content.


I just want cat themed stuff. I just want a cat


No. You aren't. I get that there are plenty of people in this Fandom that probably love this stuff. I even like some of the plushie stuff because it can be used to break up harder design aesthetic, but it just doesn't appeal to me. For that matter, neither did the surfing and Tiki culture stuff from last season. I suppose we could weave together a story about the BOS bringing this stuff with them from CA. But Tiki culture is mostly a West coast thing. I am not sure what story you could use to figure out where all this child culture is coming from. Perhaps it is something that calls to more feminine humans? Idk. To each their own and Far be it for me to piss in anyone's cornflakes. I hope there is a crowd for it and they are having fun.


Ive hated the challenges since they made the scoreboards. What a waste of resources when those items should be earned thru meaningful in game actions. Not plant 5 crops, 5 floor decore. I want to go to a location for a challenge where the area is buffed, getting thru it is a real challenge and then im rewarded with an outfit. Seasons and battlepass play in general is scummy and youth today are to igorant to aknowledge that, so here we are.


I love role-playing as a scout. Its a hoot bows, hunting rifles and Bowie knives.


I LOVE this theme. Its very Fallout-y, reminds me of the Zion DLC from NV. This is a step up from last season's very lack luster rewards.


It's definitely not very Fallouty. Did you ever played any other game of the franchise? lol


Disagree on the plushies, I collect everyone I can for the most part. But I am disappointed with the season tbh, especially since it's seems it's less rewards as well.


Not at all. There needs to be variety to the seasonal themes and the types of players you play the game. We just had a pulp comic/adventure theme. There have been Enclave, military, alien/cryptid, The Pitt, Atlantic City, and Nuka-World themes as well. I personally would love to see more, varied themes centered on various slices of life or even other Fallout in-world brands (RobCo, Super Duper Mart, Corvega, etc.).


No this game isn't specifically made for me alone so I accept that there's gonna be stuff that's not to my taste.


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


>I don't want to be a scout. I don't want to collect plushies or furry mascot costumes. I don't want to sleep in a racecar bed beneath a wall of toys Well I fuckin do!


Consider the fact there has been quite a few past seasons that had that focus, I really doubt majority feel that


Nah, man... you aren't alone. If they wanted to make a camp scout themed season, then they could have had a Pioneer set, and a Camp Burner set. A Scouter set, and a Scouter Hunter set. A Camper set, and a Camp Killer set. That would have been good to see a light and dark.