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The animatronic black cat for looks and the mirelurk smoker for all the fantastic meat at no cost lol.


... There's a robo-cat?


Yeah it was released with the Halloween items a few years back in the Atomic Shop


omg thank you, i need... aw it doesn't walk around https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Animatronic_Black_Cat


No but when you interact with it, it sparks I to motion hisses and then tries to scratch you before lying back down, adds some atmosphere to a build none the less


Damn how did I miss it? I really want one!


You can request it from Bethesda :)


Their current rate of response for atom requests is about 2 weeks.


That robo-cat is the single most clicked object in my camp lmao. I can hear a hiss before I see a vendor pop up and I know someone’s in the camp. People LOVE it


I'm bummed I missed the Mirelurk Steamer... it looks very cool as well.


Yeah, same here, I can't find it on their support site to request it either.


Fusion core recharger is my favorite, since I'm in power armor for events. Also love the Mirelurk smoker for the carry weight boost the smoked fillets give.


I’m picturing you running up and sucker punching a Watoga Assaultron then just standing back and absorbing the beam like Superman absorbing the rays of the yellow Sun


As a full time power user with the perks to do it. Ya that's pretty much how it goes. "What's that about lasers? Now that you mention it I am a little low on power and health"


i wonder how many fusion cores i actually use to run my full time power armor, im hovering between 30 and 40 but thats with a gatling laser also


I hold 5 fusion cores on me but really 1 is all that is needed properly done. As soon as lasers are there you are recharging. As for the gatling laser i would hold 10 or so for it and have the fusion core recharger. Make sure to not run the cores dry and you will never have to worry. Also you can sell off excess fusion cores off for caps.


I accidentally deleted my vampire’s gatling laser when cleaning out my inventory before a Zetan Invasion event. It had an Atom Shop skin on it and I accidentally clicked the “yes I do want to drop this even if it gets deleted” button 😭 Every module now goes toward rolling another one. Not going so well


I was rerolling my Gatling gun that uses 5mm bullets and it took me a while to get vampires on that but it also got explosive bullets but I got vampires first try on my auto axe


That is literally what I do, yes.


I just use the Electrical Absorption Legendary Perk for recharging now. Assaultron laser beams are my best friend.


Holy shit, come again? I will have to look into this


Es nice.


Yeah, Electrical Absorption gives you 10-20% recharge if it procs while you're in PA, on top of also being a stimpack. And it procs off any form of non-self inflicted energy damage (changed after people were using the cremator on themselves). And rapid fire sources like beams, turrets, or flamethrowers are even better because each tick can proc it.


Laser turrets are like instant recharge.


Such a great perk to have


I farm cores at one of the power plant workshops, I can get about 7 an hour I think passively.


Craft Gatling lasers, free core with each craft. Also, run ops or expeditions with it, I get 4-5 cores per 6 min run. Edit: craft lowest lvl Gatling lasers, so less materials used. If you’re not using them and just making them for cores, have all science perks, scrapper, and super duper so you get like half of your materials back.


WHAT!! as a pa user who uses rr with vats I run out of cores so fast and don’t really want to buy the recharger…tysm for this i had no idea lol.


I love my fusion core recharger too and I'm working on getting the smoker if I can manage it.


Dude I only use PA for events (SBQ and the new Iron Trio's), and I still dump fusion cores lol. I use batteries included, but I still gain more than I use without ever recharging. Sort of annoying. It's the same issue with "where the hell did all these stimpaks come from?!" when I go to sell shit


My Scrap box. I'm dreading canceling my 1st subscription....


LOL this too


Yeah, my buddy told me to just get it for a month, fill up the boxes and resubscribe when the boxes are empty, but it’s just so damn convenient


I told myself I'd have it for 2 months and then just live off what I've hoarded, not a hard task as I'm currently selling junk I've got 1000s of but never touch lol I just hate throwing stuff away...


I tried that, it expired, so I got the year subscription. Worth it given how much I'm playing now and the extra atoms are nice. Makes it a different game.


Ooph. I've enjoyed 400hrs in a disturbingly short space of time so the 2 month period makes sense and I've certainly got my moneys worth, but I can't see myself playing at this frequency for much longer and if I'm just dipping in and out every few days I can't justify the expenditure on top of every other subscription/monthly payment life entails.


> resubscribe when the boxes are empty Subscribe in-between Season changes that you didn't have FO1st on both to take advantage of FO1st free atoms on the scoreboard. For example, I didn't have FO1st last season and subscribed a few days before Skyline Valley dropped. So, I took all the exclusive FO1st items from the Rip Daring board and now I'm planning to finish the scoreboard before the 2nd week of July hits.


I subscribed for one month, saved up a bunch of scrap, and haven't run out now several weeks later. I just sell stuff instead of scrapping it.


Hmmm, I've found not much sells outside the obvious and the rest just takes up storage space so I stopped bothering listing it.


Sorry, I meant sell to npc vendors.


Oh I get you. It's just a pain, by the time I sell any food I've made but never use, or all the grenades etc, there's barely any of the 1400 cap left and I'm running a low charisma build.


Yeah but even with 1st I'm still maxed on caps, storage, scrip, everything. I have to go on regular buying sprees to keep caps from being maxed.


At some point I just stop looting most things. The only tedious part is picking through loot and avoiding the loot all button.


If you bulk the junk together at a tinkerers workbench it helps a lot with selling it. Allows you to price it out in your vendor at better deals than price per piece. If I've got bundles available somebody usually buys the lot. Like with say Steel. Even at 1 cap per steel it's hardly an enticing offer. You bundle it up (for steel it's a 30 stack), now you can sell it at under a cap per steel. Not every junk item can be bulked, and it requires some plastic to do it. I've had way more success selling bulk, gotta relieve some stash space somehow.


Should be a basic game feature. It’s genuinely scummy that they have forced players to use a subscription to play the game in its entirety


Meh, it is what it is. It's not a typical FO game so whilst it's taken me awhile to adjust, I don't expect to play it like one. If they release FO5 as a single player, but with a storage limit, then i'll be deleting this so they don't know who burnt down their HQ...


They wont make a storage limit on singleplayer, thats stupid. The only reason it exists in 76 is to help with server stability.


Oh sweet summer child...


Yes I get that its for money too. But doing it for a singleplayer game makes 0 sense


Starfield... just Starfield.


Sacred Mothman Tome


I really just enjoy hearing my Scrap Collector's lines "You look like a pile of scrap.....Which means I love you" Stealing my heart, this bot is.


I have been so obsessed with the collectrons that they’ve even started appearing regularly in my dreams. Their lines never get old, somehow, even when they’re threatening to burn down my camp.


Probably the birthday cake. I don't need crops anymore


Same. Also the tea maker And the bubbles octopus.


Bubble maker needs to be unlimited placements. That would be most of my budget for sure! Tea and coffee makers and cryo freezer I love as well


I use crops for adhesive, which is for repairing my melee weapons


I buy it bulk at vendors to keep my caps down


I don't have the same 'problem' with caps.


You will. After you play long enough you gather enough things you cant keep your vendor open but a few days a week.


My Mole Rat generators. They don't do anything other than look neat.


You're telling me that the mole rat generators don't generate mole rats? I'm disappointed, Todd.


It’s the damn tato generator all over again!


If my camp had just one item in it I would pick the company tea machine.


I wish it was available in the AS. the AP regen and amount of thirst it quenches.. don’t mind me if I buy from your vendor and take some tea on the way out👀


Just a PSA: you can buy it from the vendor in crater.


Shit, that’s all you had to say🫡


You can buy the tea or the machine?


The machine. I think it’s 1250 gold


My tea machine is there for visitors, I don't drink the stuff.


Same. My water, popcorn, tea, coffee, dog food maker is free to use. I only lock the fetch collection and the ammo maker machine.


I usually get all my thrust meter from my tea lol. I leave it unlocked though so sometimes I have to resort to cola, but not often since lately I’ve been on private world because I’m sick of trying to complete challenges that everyone else is also completing making it a slog to complete some of them when every enemy you need is dead and world item is looted lol. And I just haven’t been playing much anyway because I’m so burnt out from the lack of time in between the last few seasons. X.X


That thing is overpowered as hell I love it.


For practical reasons, the coffee machine, birthday cake, mirelurk steamer and Nuka cola quantum collection. For esthetics probably power armor display cases


I’ve completed every season since 5, but can’t remember for the life of me when the birthday cake and quantum collection came out. Where would I find those in the build menu? I’m gonna see if I have them tomorrow because I didn’t realize how useful they were.


Birthday cake was a special event for the anniversary of 76 launch last year. So you might have it just haven’t noticed it is hard to pick out if you aren’t looking for it in the build menu since it uses razor grain flour and Brahman milk which let’s be honest most people don’t lug around I don’t know if you can still get it you can check atom shop but I don’t think it’s there. The collectron im pretty sure I got for gold Buillion from Samuel at foundation


You can’t get it anymore unfortunately


I just started really getting into the game a few days ago. Why do you like those things so much? I saw the birthday cake at a random camp a few days ago


Generates quickly, so easy food and clears 20% of the hunger bar EFFECTS +3 CHR +90 (3.60 HP/s for 25)s +300 (12 AP/s for 25)s Pop one of those while using a chainsaw or auto axe or even just sprinting and that AP gauge is so much easier to deal with. It’s also considered a cooked meal for dailies and it isn’t effected negatively by carnivore or herbivore


Recency bias: my favorite non-utility item is the bus you get with the summer camp shelter.


It is pretty damn iconic


The Spore Plant Bed because the animations crack me up.


I had to look this up, I had no idea those were beds. That’s hilarious!


I love showing people the plant, and watching their reactions!


Mirelurk steamer for the 60 carry weight bonus as a carnivore and the weenie wagon for making the "eat canned dog food" challenge significantly less tedious.


With carnivore and good doggy, dog food is practically a bootleg stimpak.


Whoa, I have both of those and never realized this.


I'm kicking myself for not getting that steamer.


FWIW, you can buy the radstag dressing station at the Crater gold vendor and grilled radstag gives you carry weight.


Adelaide she helps teach you about interfacing


LOL ok this one’s good.


Radstag Field Dressing Station +50 Carry Weight from Grilled Radstag has stopped me chafwalking the map countless times.


Amen, I just picked it up, the raider grind was finally worth it.


The sheepsquatch poster, but my custom blueprint with "my brother" covered up so it reads "Sheepsquatch ate my ass!" I post it up everywhere and I get lots of messages from people who needed a laugh


That’s amazing 😆


The Turkey Buzzard, currently in the shop. The caged owl is really what I want, but it's not in the shop🥲 anyway, that buzzard is pretty cool, and definitely a great addition to my camps.


The second that owl becomes available again, I’m pouncing. That’s my dream item. I’m trying to get all the birds. Turkey Buzzard is my favorite in game and real life for sure, and it looks good with that big display nest.


I didn't get the nest(regret now), but I've got it perched at my treehouse camp. I just think it's neat, and wish it could follow me around🥲


The Mechanical Derby Machine, plays that little tune and gives a nice INT buff. Always use it before I head out of camp!


Love how it’s instant!


Probably the sketchy-looking Red Rocket robot in a trench coat. It's very well-animated, and it still makes me laugh when I see it.


Every time I see those in a person’s C.A.M.P it’s always sketchy. I swear people always put those in the crevices of their base.


This is one of my favorites too.


Im gonna say either the Collectrons or the Allies or that Mothman Cult Book you can read from last Mothman Equinox Event. Collectrons because i like how they add life to your camp by walking around and even having different quotes depending on which collectron you use. Plus they can gather junk, food, chems, ammo, and even weapons. And if you use the right collectron you can have them collect 2 types of items for you instead of just 1. My favorite collectron is Communist Collectron because it has unique voicelines, but it can only be set to gather 1 type of items and not 2. Allies because again they add life to camp, and double as mannequins that walk around. Allies also sometimes use objects in your camp, like they can play instruments or use crafting workbenches. Allies even have special interactions, some give you buffs and some have their own special shops for you. They also defend your camp if its attacked Mothman cult book goes great in my mothman cultist themed camp, i have 3 of them set up in front for my Mothman statue so it looks like we’re worshipping Mothman. Plus it gives you an XP buff when you use it for a few seconds, so its became a camp mainstay no matter what my camp is themed as


Idk how I forgot about Collectrons. I love collecting a free 12 Nuka Colas a hour.


Ever since I learned about spamming railway spikes in the ammo converter, the converter has caused me much less heartburn. Instead of tediously going through the menus to sell the ammos that I don’t use, I solely feed it spikes and dump the rest of my unwanted ammo in donation boxes


I need to know more about spamming spikes. How does this work? Lol


Railway spike ammo has only one ingredient: steel. So, it’s easy to build a ton of spikes and use those for ammo points. Use the Super Duper perk while making the spikes. If you have the Ammo Factory legendary perk and a FO1st ammo stash then you can have just all the spikes you want ready to feed into the converter for points. And while the converter menus are cumbersome, just learning where that one ammo type is to sell is much less annoying


As someone who knows the pain of hotkeying company tea 10x stack for two years, by hand - company tea machine is my only friend in the world


Weenie Wagon! Get your free canned dog food here!




Ahh yes. I couldn’t tell you how many plushies I had to scrap in order to get more C.A.M.P budget lol.


Right now it's my bubble octopus


The cardinal birdcage. I love birds. I wish I had Fallout 1st solely for the Cardinal. Turkey Vulture is a decent consolation


Both of these items are by far my favorite as well.


F.E.T.C.H. because this is probably the closest I'll get to having a dog in 76.


I’m pretty sure you can tame a canine in the game with the right perk’s slotted. Maybe I’m wrong.


It's just not the same as Dogmeat, tho.


FCG is nice because I can have one powering my whole base. My personal favorite is the one of the 3 Earle heads on the spikes that move and flick their tongue/blink. I just like how animated it is compared to most items


Just got one of the new pine trees and it makes my c.a.m.p look so much better. Don’t know how I survived without it.


Giant red dino, what's better then a massive red dino hovering over ur base


Mirelurk steamer 💯


Ah yes the saucy boi


Weenie wagon


Adelaide for being first really adult oriented companion and her saucy voice lines. Coffee and Tea machine + cartography table for adding atmosphere. Turkey Buzzard. I want a pet lizard, which I missed, but I think it is unobtainable now and for all:(


Spore plant FTW.


Giant Sheepsquatch plushie.  My favorite plush of them all.


In lite of a recent Post. . . .the crater embedded with a vault door.


If we're talking practical, the mini generators that came with the coin operated kids rides. Quiet, small blueprint, easy to hook up, AND it comes with a version that parallel's the fusion core generator power wise. If we're talking decoration, the carnivorous tree. No real reason, I just think they look neat.


My favorite would either be the tiny fusion generator or the Mr Pebbles plushie.


Fusion core recharger and cookie jar. I smash s'mores while recycling. Saving the planet and my sanity, in one fell swoop.


Fusion Core Generator is a game changer for me. Only problem now is i need to fill the time i used to spend farming F/Cores.


The Pressure Plate


Light up pink flamingos.


Bear table. Bought it today. I wasn't even going to decorate at my new camp, but then I saw the bear table.


Spa. When i go grab a drink, a smoke or whatever. Had back to camp and jump in the spa for a well rested. It also has enough space to cover with stuffed toys and kitsch. Love it


Display chess board ftw


Train set.


The "Sheepsquach ate my ass" sign Or is that not an actual item? Lol!


The ghoul chair. Really any furtlniture piece that adds life


The potted sundew!


The water slide, it's clean wholesome fun.


Company Tea machine. It's vital.


If I could get that vulture painting in real life, I’d spend so much money on it. And naturally I love the actual Turkey Buzzard (vulture) that just came out. I’ve also always wanted a fortune telling machine, so it’s fun to have one in game. And yeah, practically, the fusion core recharger.


Mothman throne for afking while looking badass


If we don't include the scrap box then it would be the coffee machine probably. Favorite prefab would have to be the seedy shed.


The crying freezer for gameplay reasons and The lizard enclosure for fun.


My betta fish lamp


Pallet wood flooring


Makeshift Mega Mansion for building. Mirelurk smoker for utility.


Carved Eagle Weapon Rack. Purely because it allows me to put heavy guns on the wall and it looks neat. Murica.


Lots of good ones here, so I'm not going to be very original. Adelaide, the only ally I like more than the Super mutant. Collectrons, I'm currently in love with the robo dog, but my favorites are the BoS and Raider collectrons, their lines are great. Honorable mention to the Communist one, I have a commie character and it fits so well. Here's one I didn't see: Enclave PA Display, and Enclave turrets. The turrets, just seem more responsive, and I think they look so cool. The Display is fantastic and lends a lot of cool factor to my Enclave character. Regrets: I didn't make it to the Cold Turret during that season. :(


Downed plane generator for its aesthetic/vibe (NOT for the itty bitty power that it generates, lol) and Mothman moth sanctuary because of a constant need of acid for flamer fuel :S




Adelaide’s desk, for reasons I cannot discuss


Any of the game machines or resources.




I quite enjoy the new Goliath armchair. It’s a perfect pun and a fun camp item.


The Red Rocket prefab that I got from the atomic shop.


Not gonna lie my F.E.T.C.H with the mod to look like a normal dog (who makes mechanical sounds) is by far my most favorite item and all the item who gives you things like the weenie wagon and the coffee maker and wanting to unlock the pemmican one


The mushroom cloud lamp. Also the grandfather clock. Reminds me of spending the night at my grandparents house.


Fusion core recharger, weenie wagon or scrapbox


Ghoul chair or the worlds largest slot machine they’re both pretty unique and cool items


Fusion Core Recharger, to keep a stable supply of cores for my PA and Gatling Laser. Also the Collectron. It's just so useful!


Fusion core recharger. It allows me to stay in my POWER ARMOR forever


Sucker for the animatronic clown. I have some really good spots for them in shelters and my CAMPs.


Roulette table!!


Fusion core generator? Do you mean the charger or did they actually put the ability to make them in game?


Snally plushie. It’s so hideous and adorable lol.


Personally it’s the fortune teller machine.


I love the snow weather machine, a new addition to my camp but it really ties the place together


All the plushies! Especially the Graham plushie and the behemoth plushie. Also any animals. The cardinal, the owl, etc.


The simple bramble. The king of camp building.


Coffee machine for that sweet sweet AP regen. Railway rifle go BRRR!!




I love the little wavy willards octopus bubble machine. That's been one of my favorites for a while now, and I'm happy it came back around so I could get it on my PC account. I love the noise it makes for the CAMP's, too, that with the juke box, bone chimes, and the water wheel going at all times makes for fantastic CAMP ambiance


I have the Santa bot. I really hate him. He talks too much but I needed the junk. My most used is the fusion core generator. I go through 5 or so fusion core per gameplay. My first time, I didn't know the fusion core gets delete if it goes down to 0. So now I switch them per big events or whenever it's about 10-20%.


The small Vault-Tec generator, they generate 3 power which seems like most powered objects are in that range. They’re stackable and dead silent




I like my communal firepit. Just pop a squad, go afk, return with a 5% exp bonus in my pocket for events or mass crafting.


The caged owl, which I don’t have but want so bad.


Blessed adhesive tree sap collector. Also my pipe organ. It’s annoying to place but it is so much fun to play with.


wooden duck


My secret door. I was in my camp the other day. And I waited til a visitor was using the vendor at the bar. Then I slipped through my secret door to the basement and turned on the thunder machine. I heard him exclaimed "how did you get under the floor?!" And he was searching outside the building for a doorway.


My favourite camp thing is my Hunting Lodge over everything else and I’m glad I bought it. Looks great with mounted heads on the walls and other furnishings in line with the theme


Molerat generator specifically the fusion generator skin. There's something hypnotic watching the glowing molerats run on a wheel, and the one that stumbles over and keeps on running.


The coffin. I put it on my bed so I roll into it when I sleep 🙃


The flamer trap. Anything else is sup par compared to it!


Coffee maker or Company Tea Maker


Mine is definitely the cookie jar. Randomly generates sweets... always got something cute to give people who visit the camp.


Mutated Fish!


Do building sets count? If so, the haunted building kit. Otherwise, probably the flamer trap, button, and CAMP module because of the utility for merging objects.


The Buff generators like Mothman Tome, Instrument Chairs, and Arcade Games.


Hmm probably my Cryo Freezer and Scrapbox, I can't live without either of them to be honest lol.


I love my haunted bell tower 😍


My banjo... I like my banjo the most.


Animatronic cat and fruit bowl


clean sink


Raider and communist collection station, between those two.


I like the bubble octopus.