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When the asshole/bastard/mf (i hate this guy for this bug) is stuck, backtrack/tp out of the vault and enter again, he should be in the next position.   Finished the quest easily with this method.  Also i always say, report these kind of bugs to bethesda and they don't care, but if there is a beneficial bug for players they patch it in some minutes even without reports :/ 


Literally, they’d rather us not get modules easily than fix the issues with their main story quest


I'll try it, and thanks. The first time, I went out and back in and it didn't change anything. Since then, I've been logging out and back in, and THAT sets you back to the start. I'll try it your way the next time. You're not kidding about Bethesda and the glitches. This is a glaring, quest breaking issue with a major story line that's been there for years at this point. If they haven't fixed it by now, they're never gonna.


Logging out resets the quest. Fast travel out instead.


Don't log out. You have to run all the way back to the entrance and leave then come back in. Usually this will move johnny or whoever is stuck. For me it was Johnny. I had to do this 6 or 7 times. Fortunately the Johnny on the wrong side if the door early on was my only bug but it was still annoying. Not sure how long this has been on the game but all I could do was give the Bethesda eye roll and be persistent. After how long the crashing at the big city bug was in FO4 I'm not surprised Bethesda has not fixed a MAIN quest in 76.


I had that exact problem. And I was getting real frustrated. I found some guy online who randomly told me “fast travel straight to the Wayward. Then turn around and travel back.” 😂😂 So I did it. He might have been having some fun with me… BUT It did work.


There is a vault 79 ft point nearby, travel to that, then run back to the cave, it's only a minute.


Swap characters and swap back. It was a viable fix last year at least - been in this softlock before, absolutely


Tried this so many times it doesn’t work for me 😭


Fast Travel to the location and reenter. It fixed it for me and things went seamlessly


I'll try it.


It worked for me. Had to do it 4 times before it fixed itself


Yes, persistence is key. Also restart the game over and over until it works. It’s sad these bugs go ignored.


I had this same issue the bug lasted days of off and on trying I regretted it too ngl I did cry cuz I was frustrated and wanted to get it over with


There is a pretty cool weapon you get after this quest line, which makes it all worth the trouble. I won’t spoil it, but it can be missed if you don’t do things a certain way.


More importantly, it can be a good alternative to one of the meta weapons when modded right.


If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar issue with the settlers. I went to start the raid and you're missing a person and supposed to get a radio message when everyone comments she isn't there yet. I had to quit the game and reopen it to get the quest moving again because leaving and coming back didn't help.


I didn't have an issue at that part but 3 times after destroying the enemies in the first part, everyone just stood there with their one liners.


Thank you Todd Howard. It just works!


This bug isn't as simple as most people seem to think it is. It's not *one* bug, people. It's multiple separate bugs. It is a combination of tracking errors on Johnny, delayed conversation bugs, as well as the game trying to activate multiple quest markers/advance the quest at the same time. I hate to say this, but with this quest: SLOW THE F\*\*\* DOWN!!! Stop rushing through every moment of the game, slow down, let them talk, trying to rush through quests is actually the cause for 98% of the quest related bugs in the damn game because you people can't bother to slow down once in a while.


I've seen generally that trying to skip dialogue ANYWHERE is a bad idea, even if the game lets you. I think that, in two different cases, combat, or damage, or something, is causing the NPC to be out of place to start the next bit of talking. Someone else here suggested leaving, or fast traveling away and back to reset it. I already know that logging off just restarts you at the beginning. Gonna try again after sleeping, then going to work all night. The IRL stuff always gets in the way...


I was about to rip my face off last night doing this quest over and over. Just go super slow, stick to the npcs and dont skip any dialogue. Worked first try when I did that.


Hey I had this happen to me. So what I did was not skip any dialogue, just let them talk and then when they got stuck next to the intercom, I killed all the robots except one or two eye bots, I exited the level using the elevator and then reentered. Afterwards the glitch fixed itself. I also didn't talk to Meg either about Johnny.


It is buggy but you can easily work around it with little effort. Any time the npcs get stuck or won't respond just fast travel out then fast travel back to 79 and reenter. That will force the npcs move to their proper spots in the vault and they will start talking to you again. Second, carry a handful of nuka grenades. Those blast through walls so if you encounter the bug where the robot won't exit the spawner BOOM, problem solved. It also fixes the problem of killing the turrets you can't see to shoot under the bridge. I encountered all of the bugs but had no problem completing the quest.


This sounds to me like you're talking about the Ra Ra quest, which is funny. In your description, I recognize the bugs I encountered in THAT quest.


Did you get it fixed? I literally just did this shit last night and had the same issues. I was about to have an aneurysm but finally got it and fortunately after that there were no more bugs


Just finished it, it's a surprisingly short quest once you figure out the workaround. When it glitches, fast travel somewhere else (I don't think it matters where) then back. That sets the NPC's up where they're supposed to be. Do NOT log out and in, that'll take you back to the start of the quest.


Feel free to keep complaining after you've been given the work around. Doesn't matter to me, I completed it afterall. The same method should work on the RaRa part but I didn't encounter any problems there.


Keep at you may need to keep leaving and returning to start it but once it's goin be patient it'll work.


The “bright” side is that the Settlers version was just as buggy in the same ways when I played it a week or so ago, if that makes you feel better about your choices haha.


I have so many photos of me next to the vault door because of this. So many poses. My favorite are the jump poses as the vault door is being blown off. No help here, sorry.


It literally took me nearly a dozen fast travels out and a couple server hops to get all of the checkpoints to register properly. Most infuriating quest in my entire time with the game. Definitely kill all the turrets instead of talking to Meg. The later doorway bug took me three or four tries to work. After that I made a point of not skipping any dialog. I had it bug out again at a later door and fast travelling sorted it on the first try. Was a huge relief being done with that one.


You basically need to do a high charisma build if you want to side with the raiders, because Johnny Weston is an unrepentant asshole. And the Raider boss Meg loves him and his death would get you in her bad side. It sucks but it’s the way it is.


I can't even get far enough with the quest to have that problem, but it's good to know. At this point, I'd skip the whole mess if I could.


Does it? I had him killed and she didn’t really care


no, it doesn't matter (like most choices in this game). maybe for "roleplaying purposes" i guess... but I honestly never talked to Meg again after that mission because there is no reason to.


Another tip for this mission, avoid going anywhere they can't walk. The path finding is terrible. So walk down the stairs, don't jump over the railing to the floor. That mission drove me nuts.


When the game got stuck, i didnt leave the game. I just went back to the door and left the instance and went back to the guys. Worked


My game crashed when doing this quest and all the npcs disappeared from the vault entrance like a month ago so I’m permanently screwed. I even contacted support and was just ignored after sending screenshots and video evidence.


The only major bug I encountered is that I sided with Crater and didn't get the achievement (and that was the only reason I sided with them in the first place :/ )


Just completed the entire thing with the same issue. I just let it sit there for maybe 1 to 2 minutes between each dialog response and it worked fine. Even though I couldn't hear anyone talking I just waited it out every time and wven8ingot through it.


Get a 2 shot fat man with all the perks for explosive damage works like a charm


I'm about to do the vault raid on my 4th character. I've sided with raiders twice, and had quest progression issues both times. I'll just side with foundation going forward.


I've been playing for just over a year and always put off the quests where you have to choose a side. I finally decided yesterday was the day I would make my choice and sided with the Raiders. I feel your pain.


The workaround IS simple enough, once you know. Fast travel somewhere else, then back. Stoopid that you have to do that, but hey, It Just Works.


I figured that part out right away. My biggest problem ended up being the fact that the game now crashes any time I talk to someone or use a workbench so I have to keep restarting.


Yea took me a minute and a a few utubes to figure it out fast travel to cave entrance then re enter should fix who ever gets stuck most of the time it's dumb ass Johnny but have had ra ra and the super mutant forgot Her name also get stuck be patient u will ge thru it wish Bethesda would fix this


Damn raiders mission is seriously bugged


Oh my gosh this happened to me. I waited so long to finish that mission because I was getting my rep up. Over the weekend I tried doing it and leaving the vault and going back never reset that bastard Johnny. I literally had to start that mission no less than 35 times on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before it finally fucking worked today. Jesus.


I think I've posted about this on here but can't find it right now, but I was stuck there too and finally had to photomode-glitch through the door to destroy the turrets before they annihilated the people I had to keep alive in 3 seconds.


I had the biggest problem too but youll get through that first part and itll work fine after you all get in


Check your game settings and make sure world radios are turned on,


Ju. G


Same thing happened to me, but it’s because you walk away from the conversation between Johnny and Gail too early. Leaving and re-entering from the elevator fixes it though.