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If they nuke the new event in skyline you want see the radius like everywhere else. If the events were killing the 3 giant robots those are triggered by the nukes.


The thing is other events were mixed in. Like the cryptes one. Safe and sound. And all that.


You need to tell us which events you mean by "and all that",. Encryptid is 100% a player triggered event; it never happens on its own, and can happen at any time chosen by the player (unless another player has triggered it within the last 3 hours on that particular server). Safe and sound is a regular event. You need to give us the exact names of the other events you saw before we can tell you what was going on.


You are able to manually start encrypted


To clarify that for people who aren't familiar with the event - Encryptid (not "encrypted"... yeah, I know speech to text/ autocorrect always messes it up) never automatically starts. It can *only* be started by players who have completed the Lying Lowe quest line.


In order for us to answer your question, you would need to let us know exactly which events you saw. However, I'm guessing from the fact that you said you saw three nukes launched, and later in a comment you said one of the events you saw was Encryptid, that you saw four events triggered by players and one regular event. There are several events in the game that can be triggered by dropping a nuke, and Encryptid is also a player triggered event.


Nope, sounds like you experienced the opposite of 'this event isn't popping up!' I'd make the most of it and get as much xp as I can!