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It's a drop from Beasts of Burden. You might be better off vendor hopping. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Holy_Fire


So it’s a flamer? I always thought it was a mod you can put on a flamer or cremator. I guess I thought wrong.


Holy Fire is a named weapon, not a weapon effect or mod that can be applied to other weapons. It's a legendary flamethrower that drops only from the Beast of Burden event, with specific legendary effects already applied. You can get it by playing the event, or by finding it for sale In another player's vendor. The Cremator is a completely different and unrelated weapon.


I could have sworn I’ve seen other players cremator fire the same colour flame as the holy fire. Or was that just the holy fire? But thanks for clarifying


you can mod the cremator to fire blue fire balls


Gotcha. The Cremator does have a mod that changes its flame color to the same color as that of the Holy Fire... I can see how you got confused.


I went vendor hopping for it. It didn't take long to find one for 4000 caps. I've seen some ppl say they've spent 15k or more for it.


Yeah I found one too from server hopping in a player vendor for 7000 caps. A bit steep but I just went and bought it. Getting tired of server hopping. Happy I got one finally


Drops from the public event Beasts of Burden, and can generally be found in player vendors for anywhere between 5k and 10k caps. Just make sure to check the level if it is in a vendor, because if a lower level player found it, it can be as low as level 30 and will not be as good. You are more likely to find it for sale towards the higher end, I have sold a few for 6k each and they tend to sell pretty fast.


I see people selling the Holy Fire and Elder’s Mark. Is it because they have passive effects that are separate from the legendary rolls? So they’re better than the normal variants


They both have the "Cursed" hidden effect. Cursed weapons have a 15% damage bonus, and also a 20% fire rate bonus, BUT they also break faster than their non-cursed counterparts.


Do you have anymore to sell by any chance?


Unfortunately no, but what I can do is reserve the next one I find for you and send you a message. If you still need it we make a trade, if not il just stick it in the vendor as always.


As an add on question, does the event that drops it, Beasts of Burden, actually spawn anymore since the new update? I havent been able to play it once in the last few days.


Yes the event is still on. Did a few of them not long ago. Until my game crashed and got an error when I tried to log back in “Failed to download config from title storage” WTF? Does anyone know what it is ??