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It's a power generator. It generates power. It does not generate tatos (as I think I saw someone post earlier that they'd misunderstood)


Yeah, someone made a rant post about how it was a lie, they were deceived, Bethesda is evil, blah blah blah. I think the post may have been deleted after a couple of people pointed out that the information on what it actually did was right there in the listing, if they had simply bothered to click on inspect, read the description, and look at the three detailed pictures which clearly show it being used to power other Camp items.


Rank 21 of season scores, assuming you haven’t unlocked it yet. Costs 55


It's a Season reward- 3rd screen, if I remember correctly. It's a small power generator that runs off of rotting tatoes. It's essentially a skin for the small generator, but you need a couple of tatoes to build it with in addition to the usual materials. Editing to add - once you've unlocked it from the seasons menu, to build it in your camp you want to go to generators, look for the small generator and then use your right key to scroll sideways for variations in appearance.


With the other generators. In the power tab.


You have to open the build menu in your C.A.M.P., a workshop, or a shelter. It will be with the rest of the power generators since it generates power.


It's basically a generator that produces electricity and not tatos. It should be in the atom shop


You're getting down voted because you're incorrect about its location- it's a Seasons reward, not an atomic shop item.