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>mini secondary camps Do you mean survival tents? Those aren't secondary camps. And they have a similar distance between them as a regular camp.


yes, sorry, survival tents i meant i just couldnt remember whar they were called


Oh. Survival Tents. Yeh, the no-build areas around named locations in The Valley are huge.


It sounds like you're talking about the Fallout First Survival tent. First, that's *not* a secondary camp- a camp, by definition, is an area you claim and can build in. Secondary camps, which are not limited to Fallout first members, are a full-fledged camp slot that allows you to build a second regular camp in a different area. You can switch between the two camps at any time, you just can't have both of them open at the same time. You can also purchase up to eight more additional camp slots.. I currently have six, and right now have 16 camps built across three characters. Second, Fallout first has always included a survival tent, so it's a bit puzzling that you're referring to the function as "new".


i called it new because its so limited in the new expansion area, the locked out areas are huge around areas that have a building in already, in old world locations you only had to walk around 5 secs, or so away from a map position to be able to place your survival tent


Lol someone needs a grammar check.


yeah, its a consequence of loosing 3 fingers in a car accident, when i rush to stype stuff faster than i should i make mistakes


Now you got me feeling bad and shit. I’m sorry. 🤣😭


nah, its all good, dont worry