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Low drop rate, just keep turning then in


Does turning in more than one at a time up the chances? Or is there nothing i can do but keep trying


No, you might get a smidge more caps or XP, but not a difference in what you're going to get


No just more xp/caps. The drop %’s for both single and multiple are listed on the wiki. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Forbidden_Knowledge_(Fallout_76)


I probably turned in like 300 over the years before I got my first paint. Then the 2nd one dropped a week later. I've easily turned in 100 more since with nothing.


Only turn in one at a time. Turning in more than one does not result in anything different being rewarded, you just lose all the data you were holding. Also, and this is just a working theory, the response Scribe Valdez gives you might make a difference in what is rewarded. I've given her a little over 425 data and if she greeted with the response congratulations on your promotion, or the response of is there anything new to enter on your scroll I usually get better rewards like the bomber jacket. It's not a guarantee and I don't know if it's a fluke, but all other responses get me the lesser rewards. Again, just a theory of mine, I might very well be wrong but I would be interested to know if it works for you. And a good place to farm data is in the desks in the military section of the enclave bunker. Or the round file cabinets at sugar Grove. One run through mouth usually gets me 3 or 4


Knew about the military section thats how ive been doing it, didnt know about sugar grove though so ill have to add that to the rotation


You're not doing anything wrong, and you're not particularly unlucky. They have a very low drop rate, and it generally takes a lot longer than just a week and a half and a handful of technical documents. 50 really is a handful compared to the number that most people turn in to get the paints.... Editing to add - not being snarky here, just matter of fact. I have three characters well over level 300, my current character is around 380, and over the years I've been playing I'm sure I've turned in several hundred technical data. I believe I've gotten a total of seven paints across those three characters.


50? okay,,,


Yes? Ive been grinding for it for about a week and a half straight atp


These things have a low drop rate. You might get lucky grinding for a week or two, but it's more likely to take much longer