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Calm down Tenpenny


You too can just nuke settlements that spoil your view!


Well, the camps in the new expansion are are all safe right? If they try and nuke anywhere in expansion area the game "eats" the nuke and triggers new boss event.......or at least that's how I understand it 😂


I'd say so. I pissed some guy off (he wanted PvP and I didn't but kept being a pest... It ended 44-1 🤣) so he tried nuking my base 3 times and it kept making the new boss event appear


Can just imagine him going "I'm gonna get this guy so good" then immediately "oooh the new boss events on, what a coincidence" rinse and repeat 3 times


In a nutshell, yes.


Do you have to complete the quest to do that?


No. Just lob a nuke down there.


And here I’ve been holding off until I finish the quest because for some reason I hate quests in MMOs.


I don't think so tbh


Also can’t nuke the forest region near 76


What happens if you do? Does it prevent launch or does it launch and then just not trigger anything and you waste a nuke?


You can't send any to the forrest, area isn't selectable on the map.


Which is horseshit. I needs my cobalt.


You'd think the enclave, who is able to produce the serums, would be able to sell the flux needed On a side note, green thumb does get you double flux from plants so that may help


I imagine this is temporary. Because I only started 76 last fall and still have not got to the point of nuking, I'm waiting for it to come up in the story. But my first thought when the expansion went live was to see how often the area was just getting blasted repeatedly. Because that would have been hilarious. Well now that I think about it... maybe they won't make it nukeable because if like the forest, the place was supposedly never hit and is thriving in wildlife then nuking it wouldn't fit. AND YET.... you can nuke plenty of other areas that don't show extensive damage, like Whitespring. So 🤷‍♂️ guess we'll see


You won't get the launch a nuke quest from following the main story quests, you need to visit a certain cave in the south east east of the map to initiate that quest line.


To an extent. Depends on how close the camp is to the manor. The new region boss can be nuked directly, and I dont think the vortex eats the nuke then


Tenpenny role play lol, build a fuck huge tower in white springs and have your buddy try to snipe anyone that gets close. Send lackeys to Nuke places for you


Don’t like their CAMPs? Nuke them


*banjo stops* We don' take kindly to yer kind o' folk 'round here.


Gizmo, grab me mah shotgun, we got another one of those city folk wander too far


I'll grab th' *heavy* shotgun. Time ta teach ol' fancypants here a REAL lesson. *grabs the pepper shaker*


I’ll bet his hot sauce is made in New York City


New York City!?!


There was an HOA.. But then a cave cricket ate old lady Silverman. Things have gone downhill quick since. I mean, have you seen how tall the grass is at the Peterson place? And those clowns lined up down the drive at the Whitman house?! Awful. Just awful.


The cave crickets ARE the HOA.


The Super Mutants too.


And the Lost are the Neighborhood Watch.


Your telling me the lost that have been coming to my base were the watch? Oooh.. oooh noo... seems I've got explaining to do.


The supermutsnts are HOA? Then what does that make the behemoth that keeps invading my camp? HOA President? I have a farm, if you make me change it I'm taking my food and adhesive elsewhere 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Hahaha, indeed, that’s HOA President Karen Green


Beautiful, I have some pretty strong bulle- I mean words to say to her. Last time she tore down my seedy shed I was using as a cooking shed, not cool 🤣


80% of the camps I see on a server are these two things, 1. A big flat floor with every different type of workbench. And there's a fancy version of it with resource collectors. And then 2. The same damn thing but with walls and a naked camp ally lol.


Where does Adelaide fit with the naked ally sure she’s got some paint on her but the um “interfacing” suggests she probably wishes she wasn’t wearing any clothes 💀


No camp ally will be better than Sofia Daguerre


I just can't shake these nightmares, floating in space forever. Just Why?!


But....this is my life now...and I *love* it.


I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favourite comment on the Reddit


I should go.


We'll bang,ok.


Not with that profile name we won't!!


Kind of a win-win in my book


"Why didn't anyone tell me that is what I sounded like... I... Should... Go..."


See, negativity like that is why I go for the wander as a camp ally. Sure, she plays guitar incessantly and she says goofy shit, but it is POSITIVE goofy shit. My life sucks enough irl with out my digital friend constantly having a ptsd breakdown.


I mean you could do her questline & help her lol


Robussy > flesh


Praise the Omnissiah


Robosexuality is a sin!


If thats true, why do toasters exist?


Clank clank clank <3


Eh, I've got plenty of those under my belt as is. At least Addy doesn't judge me-- and aggressively death lasers any trespassers before I can even find them. Basically; I'm in.


Says who?


Weak flesh bearer I assume.


I praise it at least twice per day. And each time before going killing Goliath.


There's a bug with Sofia that when you switch to your alternate camp, sometimes I fast travel there and she's in her underwear and she doesn't know me. She says, "oh, visitors." I'm like, this is how you dress for visitors?! Quit and come back, and she's dressed and knows you again.


She’s the only one I have. Are there other people to have in my camp? Sorry I’m still new to the game


Do the Beckett questline! You get a sweet 50 cal machine gun at the end. Beckett also sells alcohol And you get a little bar stand to put in your camp.


When does he sell stuff? My only options for him are talked about offing raiders or to customize 


Tell him you're thirsty. I think that's the option. Something like that. You need to finish the questline though.


Man why can’t we have multiple allies in camp!? I can understand only being able to have one buff active but let that be dynamic and then let the other followers hang out. I want to have Beckett’s bar, featuring Wanderer on stage, Gramps drunk in the corner and Adelaide providing…autographs, upstairs.


I was setting up a house and saw some lady with guitar and then some schizo raider who wanted to set up a ham radio at my camp. I took both of them but you can only have one so I just perpetually keep the commander out.


You can get Beckett in the ash heap. If f you go to crater and go to the core and go down, look for someone named raider punk. And then the settler forager inside of foundation where Paige is. a And then the settler wanderer that you can find randomly.


Thanks! I kind of want like a raider/apocalyptic ally to go with the theme of my camp


There are other ones you can buy from the foundation gold vendor, but you have to have max reputation with them. If you haven't already, do the quest about the raiders and settlers. By the way, you can do both of their quests up until the point where you have to ask them to help you with a... I don't want to spoil it.


Theres a point you have to choose sides!?!


In case anyone doesn't yet know, allies nuding up is usually from swapping camps, but you can make them clothed again (assuming you gave them some) by entering and exiting your shelter.


Dude I don't think the naked allies are always players fault. I have a free states themed farm in the mire and I've got the revolutionary outfit on my raider punk and every god damn time I go there this dude is mixing drinks on my brewing station butt ass naked


I don't know if this applies to you, but I get it when I switch camp slots. Popping in and out of the shelter fixes it for me. Worth a shot.


Yeah this solves it for me. I was trying to show my camps to my brother and had to keep insisting I wasn't keeping my allies nekid. Now, if I notice, I pop in and out of my shelter. I'm very thankful that the kid can't be customized because that would just be awful.


It could be worse, I got a naked grandma junko strolling around and offering me food at my mini mansion. 😂


On one hand it's not a huge deal. On the other, I put the commander in the mistress of mystery armor and have her room decked out with comic stuff and when I open the door to give someone a tour of my house and they immediately see the commanders dirty astronaut undies as she stares longingly at the Alistair armor with her left arm bugging out rapidly smacking her own crotch/ass... That camp stays down or the commander is confined to her spacesuit


I would be embarrassed lol. I feel like they think you do it on purpose


Don't kink shame the commander


It happens when you switch your camp to any camp with a different ally. When you switch back, any custom outfits will stay in their inventory but unequip themselves, rendering the ally naked.


It's not. Sometimes they just load in weird. Beckett and Daguerre in particular are apparently pseudo-nudists.


The naked ally thing is a result of switching active camps after giving an ally a custom outfit. It stays equipped, but for some reason doesn't display until you manually reequip it.


Pfft. My camp ally is currently Del Lawson and he's sporting a cute dress. I have a cute house and a garden though.


As someone who pretty consistently has a naked ally. I can attest the outfit doesn't like to load on my follower, and I'm just tired of manually changing their clothes


Fyi, my camp has a diving board. The swimsuit attire is on purpose, I'm just terrible at interior design. I also built in the secret little cave behind the tiny waterfall, for those who want to sit quietly and listen to some tiki music for a while. Even gave them some little friends so they don't get lonely.


Are you on PS5? I've seen a camp like what you are describing and it is BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't believe the attention to detail.


I keep dressing him but he just gets naked again. The best is coming back to camp and finding him naked, sitting in the port-o-potty


I did this for my second camp slot just in wayward for new players, I obviously put SOME decorations and thought into it so it’s not some bland thing taking up space but no vendor, free boiled & purified water , canned dog food, acid, a mystery nuka machine, corn and blackberries (and of course all the work benches)


Mine is basically 1 but a bit raised from ground level and at the edge of a cliff for a nice panoramic view lol


I don’t get why people don’t just stick the majority of their workbench’s in their shelters. I get maybe having one for breaking junk down if you don’t want to shell out to get the scrapbox but I’m constantly running up against my build as is


the worst part is when you have a very well designed and decorated camp and it cant be loaded because there's someone's else camp there. you decide to stay in the server and go take a peek at the camp that blocked yours. then you gesticulate in awe: "my camp was blocked because of THIS?"




Or when your shop camp gets blocked because people keep putting their survival tents down at the Whitespring Railway station, and for some insane reason, the game gives the survival tents a giant circle despite the fact that you can't build anything in it.


Just move right down the track. You dont have to be right on top of the station. I actually avoid most camps that are on top of it, as they tend to be players that scalp low levels.


And then it's just a camp unit with no actual camp built there yet


I've taken hours, if not days, to perfect a camp, and I have to leave because some hobo built a shack with a vendor I can't even find and he has the camp item I've been searching for for weeks. 🤨


This is what drives me crazy. I don't care if your camp looks like a crap shack, just stop hiding your vendor! I don't want to have to search around for 5min because you've hidden it at the top of your 20 floor "mansion" or you've surrounded your one register with 5000 other items so I can't see it.


I have 3 registers out front with big light arrows pointing at them and i still see people running around looking for them.


Anything that isn’t skinned with the generic vendor always confuses me for a second I forget they have smaller versions, and versions that are just robot guys holding their coats open, and even versions that are little registers like yours 🥲


Tbf I want the shady robot for my camp but I missed him in the shop


[Finding the camp that blocked yours](https://youtu.be/sMnmQuLzoks)


I'm working with desk fans and duct tape, Karen. I'm doing my best.


Do you know where I got the wood for these walls? From PENCILS! Do you know how many pencils it takes to build an entire house? Far fewer than you'd think.


You don't like shanty town chic?


I love it, but y'all want modern mansions with every single uglyass camp item you can display including the non lore friendly ones


Ain't my fault they make all the nice resource generators and stat boosters look completely incongruent with one another and any single color scheme or theme.


You got something against every square inch of my camp's walls being covered by Santa's ass?


Look I don’t know art or contemporary decor but I know that opossum head screams class on the wall of my creepy white people doing weird shit room.


I’ve been meaning to remind you, your HOA dues are late for the Mirelurk pest control initiative to clear them out of the community pool. If we do not hear from you in a week, we will put a loan on your CAMP module. After that, it’ll be sent to the Supermutant collection agency run by Graham.


Nah, Graham retired to focus on his meat. Gail and Ra-ra run Collections now.


I will pay off rah rah with candy.


I can forgive ugly camps if they are functional and the vendor is easy to find. What I can't forgive is bad spawn locations. For gods sake give it a test before you start building and don't build on top of where you will spawn. I've spawned in underwater, inside foundations, clipping through the ground, at the bottom of a cliff with the base at the top. Just place your camp then run off and fast travel too it to get an idea of where people will come in. It's a bit different depending on distance and also different for you vs other players but it will be a good enough ballpark.


Issue is sometimes there us more than one spawn, I made my base and it's 50/50 whether you spawn at my front gate or staring at a rock wall


My creepy wizard tower in the middle of ominous green fog is OSHA approved


I take lots of pics of other people’s camps. Many very beautiful. Been contemplating posting an album


I just suck at creative building 💀


The trick to being "creative" is having inspiration material. Find someone's design you like and either improve on it or copy it wholesale "Good artists copy, great artists steal". I think some people get the impression Picasso was joking in this quote but that's literally the artistic process and always has been


Every artist is a cannibal Every poet is a thief Both kill their inspiration Then sing about the grief


Same 😭


Trust me. I wish my house wasn't floating, but this cliff over looking the beautiful...*checks map* Federal Disposal Field HZ-21 was too good to pass up. If they let me stack foundations, I'd gladly spend the spend the steel/concrete to make a plausible base for it.


You might like r/fo76settlements oops its r/fallout76settlements


I think you mean r/fallout76settlements


I’ve got a pretty sick copper extractor spot with my cliff side PA garage but nobody ever visits because it’s at the very top right of the map lol


The only annoying thing being up there are those three flies.


My camps come in two fashions 1) Fuck it, put something down here for fast travel. Shelter, Vendor, Food Stuffs, Ally. Throw in a shed and some turrets so spawns leave me alone. 2) I really like this spot. Let me build my dream house! Oh, I can't place this here. Oh, these walls don't work how I want them to. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Collectron, entertain me! "You and I stick together like excess adhesive." Love you too, buddy


Hobos keep your shacks off the golf course.


... No!


I have the Tavern & Helvita Meat Market setup nice with the new summer camp bus crashed into my meteor.


I don’t have the creative skill set or patience


My C.A.M.P. is made to be functional and accessible, not pretty :) for pretty, visit my boyfriends, but mine is meant to be used, not looked at. And my finely dressed Becket agrees.


This is the way. Functional and accessible! Camps that are neither are the worst.


Vendor in the front, a utility room with Stashes Workbenches (and Abraxo Washer and Dryer) in the main room. Small side "living" room with Beckett, bed displays and Drums. My F.E.T.C.H. guarding the exit and the entrance to the treehouse (resource generators/Mothman Sanctuary). Crops in the back. Simple and clear.


Hey we almost have the same house plan lol


I can see you too are a person of culture.


"Meant to be used, not looked at" is the name of my sex tape.


Go to the new area and get the “public shaming” note, leave it at ugly camps


Is it wrong to be ugly?


I’m level 35 and have no money or an idea what i’m doing xD i’m just exploring the map and from time to time i do a quest xD


Good shit keep on exploring and doing quests, you don’t need to worry about camp stuff yet


I bet someone doesn't like yours either.


I like wires everywhere!


Because the world is nuked and we are building with logs and scraps of tin?


Then explain the shag carpet and floating houses


Those stairs are REALLY strong, dawg.


If you start an HOA in my silly Fallout MP game, I will nuke you and nuke the ashes, too.


Mr. Abernathy locked himself in his room again so I let the old coot rot, that's why there isn't an HOA anymore


I’m quite proud of my pub. It’s the wildwood tavern but fully decorated inside, pool table, upright piano, bar stools chemistry station behind the bar. I’ve barely played the quests and have never done an event because I spend the majority of my time in my camp just hanging out or building Then I accidentally moved my camp and it deleted it entirely


Because I hate how the building system just doesn't work. And you have to glitch a lot to make things nice


I had the exact same thought yesterday, 1 or 2 storey cubes with no windows and a vendor outside full of basic plans at full price


HOA means hateful old assholes, and if someone established one in F76 I would nuke it right away. Not everyone has the talent, inclination or time to make complex camps. Let's not be HOA to them.


Man I try my best but my brain refuses to prioritize form over function. I need to let my partner do it for me because she was always the builder in our Minecraft worlds haha


I actually call my box house near Morgantown Station Ugly Box House. I know people can’t see the names of the houses but it’s always been a crappy box house because I have no sense of style. I put little lettering on the front saying ‘It’s not much - but it’s home!’


Old man HOAs is dead


My camp is 10 industrial water purifiers, with a fusion generator slapped in the middle with no regards for proper wiring, and 1 hut with all my faculties. It’s convenient 😂


Fuck HOA. They will get nuked. Lol.


Guy thinks he is part of the white glove society smh


Hey, mine is ugly. I own that. But I’m newer and I haven’t had fallout first, so I just don’t have as much stuff yet to make my camps aesthetic. I have a goal in mind but gonna have to get some more atoms.


How dare you assume all our camps are ugly


HOA isn't welcome in real life. Imagine it in a lawless Appalachian wasteland.


HOA should be illegal in-game and out. 😂


Oh come on downvoters, this is pretty funny lol


I don’t care what anyone’s camp looks like as long as it isn’t just the machine and a crane sign when you’re level 40+


I designed it in honor of your mom


Because building in this game is shite. Can't put a roof on a bunch of pillars ffs


THIS. I recently remade my camp so it finally look somewhat nice and it was a massive pain to do anything. Even basic thing like placing a wall next to an other wall take 30 seconds of moving pixel-by-pixel until you find the one where they magnet together. I played quite a few base building game between Minecraft, 7 Days to die, Raft, Grounded, Valheim, and probably a few other. I can safely said that FO76 is the worst yet even though I bet it has more budget than all those games put together. I honestly don't blame anyone with a crappy C.A.M.P. after that, but I make sure to give a nice CAMP emote where I find one with extra effort.


If I were to say which of my Camps is the most ugly, it probably be the one in the Toxic Valley. Probably my least creative one, but I made it look like a little western shop in the most water barren part of the wasteland.


I made my allies a house. I get the Abandoned Mine Shelter that I turned into a scrappy little cave home. If I put it right up against the slope foundation, I can make it look like a cute little bunker and put a nice glowy sign at the top :) Aesthetics is the end game!


cause 90% of your time you running around in the wilds and doing stuff so yeah my base looks awful but i am okay with it if its practical. Just going home on the work benches, putting stuff on sales or in the storage chest and maybe collect stuff like water...so yeah i dont even look at whats other there is in my base.


I built myself a bedroom but the rest is a big rectangle. I got a rug in my bedroom and I feel like it really pulls the room together. Got a nice little garden outside and some other resource stuff on the front porch. Come visit. I have coffee and pastries.


One person’s weed is another person’s favourite flower….i really like the variety of camps I come across and popping into a few somewhat functional or mundane camps makes the good ones even more enjoyable. Recently entered my first underground camp and was m i n d b l o w n!!


Sounds like Commie talk to me. You're not a communist, are you?


I decided to take an immersion approach with my camp. It’s a nice log cabin along the river. I wanted it to look like someone actually lived there.


Some people are not really into camp building and just the gameplay. I'm the former but not everyone does it. Always nice to come across a really nice one though


If people start a 76 HOA, I'm gonna cry. It's already tough out here, man. I don't have almost groll weapons and rare apparel I can sell in my vendor to afford to pay then HOA Fees 😭😭😭 Gonna have to start slinging Berry Mentats..


I live in a roadside rest stop bathroom. Times are hard.


Give me a break. I'm old, have little kids, and no time. I hate when I get in to play, but have to spend basically all the time I have doing inventory management and/or camp shit.


My camp has all it needs; 40 gorilla statues and a scrap box.


Why is your face so ugly? But I mean, seriously, “ugly” can be a viable reasonable goal in camp building. It’s post apocalyptic. I have camps intended to look like a meth head junkyard of sorts. Now of by ugly you mean some uninspired square of BOS or enclave walls half floating with a bobblehead display, comic book rack, and mediocre weapon in a display case inside, then, yes, boring house bounties are an acceptable punishment


Fuck HOAs, always and forever. Whatever the question is, the answer I almost never HOAs


Real. I made my camp sexy 




I quite like my undecorated boxes full of resource generators next to water purifiers and harvesters, thank you very much.


When I have to build my house out of trash, I'm grateful the irradiated rain stays off my head at the least. Not to mention my home security system deciding door to door salesmen are a threat.


A HOA you say? I have a nuke with your name on it.


LOL my camp is literally just a place for me to craft/repair and sell stuff. You’d HATE it


I like my hoarder camps. My favorite one is my riverside garage and I just load it with decorations. I am sadly one of those people who leave the Christmas decorations out all year because I wanted to display the Christmas village. Actually, I also made a Halloween themed one and like that one too. Idk man, I like adding lots of things to my camps.


Speak for yourself, I spend more time on my camps than actually playing the game


Thems fightin' wurds!


Where is your camp again? Second, completely unrelated question. Can I drop Nukes in the Valley?


Some people don't have time. And also, I do the best with what I can, but the building tools are so janky and I'd imagine many of us can't be bothered to merge or break walls, etc to set everything up nice. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I struggle making ceiling when I try to build anything a bit fancier and not square ... so I just go like "fk this shit" and go killing


Because we’re all a bunch of mutated backwoods hicks…


To answer your question: First, and foremost, I have terrible taste. Second, I'm an engineer by nature, so function > form Third, the building system in the game is ASS, so when I do try to do ANYTHING to make my camp look decent, the item can't be placed, or it sinks into a wall, or some shit. I built a camp this weekend, left, came back, and there as a fucking TREE growing through the floor. It wasn't there when I was doing all my building, it just decided to show up after I'd spent an hour working on stuff. My camps will continue to look like shit. Sorry, not sorry.


Nah HOAs are what causes the first nuclear war, don't want history to repeat itself. Let the scavengers make their house in peace, atleast they make yours look better in comparison 🤷‍♂️


Function over form. Not all of us are architects or landscape designers.


I will nuke you if you ever bring up HOA’s again.


Because I’m playing Fallout not second life.


90%of camps are no effort, I hear you juice.


Hey if I wanna build a box with random knick knacks plus a communist collectron and Leo in a red dress,pompadeur wig with bottle cap sunglasses because I didn't get the lite Adelaide companion then I'm gonna.


We build what we want. You should be banned from the game entirely for even suggesting an HOA.....


Calm down Karen.


Fine. Have your floating houses with every stuffed animal in the game sprawled around randomly and your shag carpets. You’re all hooligans. The wasteland has no place for shag carpets or cliff side half-floating suburban houses and massive greenhouses covered in neon. You never played Minecraft and it shows.


Hey, in my defense the uneven and irradiated shitstain creek was taken. Cliffside is choice no. 2.


Calm down big fella, this is Reddit


Was doing some events yesterday and this guy went to look for me and tell me my camp was the ugliest piece of shit he ever has seen. Remade camp after. Your post gave me bad aftertaste