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A little tip turn in one at a time 👍


When you do get the option unlocked, be careful - when you turn in technical data, she takes *all* of it from your inventory, and only gives you credit for turning in once. You need to put all but one in your stash, and take out one at a time to turn in. Easy to do because there's a stash box right across from her.


Turn it in to Valdez (I think). Inside Atlas, up left side steps.


That's the thing, I've unlocked her and got The Fact Finder from her, but the option isn't popping up even while having technical data on my characters inventory.


If i remember correctly you have to finish main questlina and then some side quest related to Brotherhood.


Ah okay gotcha- in that case I better get cracking 😅


You need to complete *Defiance Has Fallen*, first BOS quest in the original main quest line, to start the technical data quest. Once that quest is active you’ll be able to use to drop slot in Camp Venture. To turn data into Valdez you need to complete *Motherhood of Invention* in addition to the Defiance quest.


You have to do the quests at Abigailes Bunker, I had the same question yesterday and had to do some digging to figure it out.


Gotcha. Thank you for doing the digging on it! Guess I'll have to put in some time on those


Take it to Camp Venture if you haven't unlocked Scribe Valdez with the Brotherhood questline.


I just noticed you say you have a stack of it *in your stash*, but you're not getting the option to turn anything in. By any chance, do you not have any in your inventory? The quest actually deactivates if you're not carrying any - try taking *one* technical data out of the stash and see if the "quest" pops up.


I did try that :( Even with just a singular one in my inventory it isn't popping up. It seems like I just need to progress the brotherhood quest further.


You need to do the original main questline, not the one at fort atlas.