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Do the encryptid event a bunch or post on a trading sub like /r/Market76


If you've completed the Lying Lowe/Lowdown questline, the plan can drop from Encryptid. The only other way is to buy one.


It can also drop from mutated party packs once you finish the quest line.


The Fixer can't be scrapped to learn mods. It's not actually a separate/standalone weapon, it's a named and customized combat rifle. So you need to learn combat rifle mods in order to modify the Fixer. As far as obtaining the plan, it drops either from the Encryptid event or from mutated party packs.. but *only* for people who have completed the Lying Lowe quest line and gained the ability to craft assaultron recall cards and start Encryptid. However, it can drop more than once, so players who've already learned it will sell additional copies in their vendors.


Thank you for this info!


You're welcome! I learned it the hard way on my first character... bought the plan, made some fixers, and then found out you can't scrap the darn things.


When doing the event does it matter if I do it in public or solo?


If you're not familiar with the event, no way in heck do you want to do it solo. But no, it doesn't matter- and you don't have to trigger the event yourself (other than the time you have to do it to finish the quest line) to have the plan drop.