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Plans, spent way too long learning them all on my main.


I play with my son and I have a ton of plans on my main but I also have tons of caps so most of the really essential plans, like The Fixer, I buy with my main and give to my son to pass off to my alt. What would be really great though is if we had a storage container for our account sort of like Diablo and other ARPGs. It doesn't need to be really big just something we could dump between characters on our account.


You can do this with Fallout 1st... load into a private world with one character, drop what you want to transfer on the ground, leave servers, change characters, immediately join a private server with the new character... the loot bag from the original character will be in the same place and the new character can access it.


Most other MMO'S have a bank system for this, maybe fallout should follow suit...


That makes total sense but terrifies me to try at the same time lol


i’ve actually done this plenty of times. it was the only way i could get ahead when i was a noob on my first character lol. made a new one (been playing two months now) and transferred. i was iffy but you can always use the donation boxes for most items when transferring, if you want to feel a little bit more secure


I was nervous the first couple time too, but it does work... test it with random junk first just to get a feel for it.


W comment W teaching


We should be able to share all of this between two characters. Maybe not plans but at least caps and gold bullion.


Plans definitely! More than caps and bullion! They are unlockables, not a resource.


Gold bullion plans sure.


The bullion plans should be account wide there is no reason for them not to be


I agree just maybe not regular plans.


No I totally get regular plans not being it’s part of the economy and something to go find/ work for and a reason to do events. But the bullion ones are so extensive to get and additionally are part of scoreboards that you missed and some are atom purchasable, the bullion ones seem like multiple slaps in the face for missing out and not spending money but spending time in the game which is one of the key metrics they look for, so it’s fine if you only have a single character but it really doesn’t make sense if you want to start an alt with friends or just try a new setup ect, it’s just punishing for no real reason.


Not just bullion plans. The non-tradeables. I.e. the covert scout armor should also be account wide since you cannot trade the plan if you somehow get a duplicate, and you cannot trade the armor pieces either.


Yeah another good point, honestly anything non tradable plan wise should be account wide


There is an advantage to this though. Unless it was changed. You can intentionally only learn the weapon/armor you want to drop as legendary and passively farm them with the much smaller loot table. Although some plans like Pipe Weapons are learned by default.


This is exactly what I did on later characters. Not learn ultracite mods so they keep dropping (and I can sell them for some caps to the people who need them). Not diluting my legendary drop pool with things I'm not interested in like bothsmith armor etc by simply not learning the plans. Not finishing quests that unlock hellcat armor. Think this only goes for stuff added later, seems everything that was in the game from the start drops regardless.


This is the only reason for me. I'd like to go through the progression again, but not having all the decoration plans is a deal breaker.


This is a double edged sword for me, I feel this on one hand but on the other I want to unlearn all the weapon plans I learned before knowing how the loot pool worked


I actually kinda like this aspect because it gives me a little hit of dopamine every time my alt learns a new mod from scrapping or scores a super rare plan from an event (like Ultracite calibrated shocks). My main is over 1700 so I learned literally everything there is to learn long ago, I don't get any of the satisfaction you get from learning a new plan.


The better question is: what is the reason you make a new character? To dump stuff on them as a mule :D Well I also started a few months ago and have no reason to play as a new character, there are still a ton of things to do for my main character. But people who've been playing for a long time might enjoy starting all over and do the quests etc


Exactly I have a second but don't use it...yet. As amule, as in, not to advance just to carry, it is useful. Or, it can be a way to replay with new insights. But it isn't something that's really important or even interesting until you get your main thru the gauntlet of quests.


Yeah I have a mule, she's like lvl 90 though, still on Rose's quests, sittin for years. But I could use her if I wanna make a GHOUL! wooo


True, ghoulish seconds is a good idea.


More camps.


I finally switch my heavy character to carnivore/melee and now i think there is literally one reason to main 2 character is to have one as carnivore ant the other as herbivore.


I’d rather have the option of restarting quests, but I’ve started new characters so that I could do them again. Oh and as mules.


I had not even thought of this approach as a solution to running out of space for my hording. Brilliant.


I like doing quests. That was my only reason for starting a second character. Who's now actually a higher level than first, but I play both. Started s third even


I tried way back when to have a couple characters but it’s just way too much trouble. I did take a long break and restarted when I came back. I’ve stuck with that character but it’s the only one I use. If plans were shared between characters like how atom shop purchases are, I think that would solve the issue. Then again, things aren’t how they were back in the day so going to the DMV as a low level is not terrifying like it was. Primal cuts in the mire at level 20 because you chose poorly and wound up on the wrong side of town. I miss that. They never should have leveled enemies to the player.


I have to agree with the last statement. I remember the first time I played 76, how scary it felt to travel around beyond your level. Going to Whitesprings as a low level was terrifying because the ghouls were level 20+. Even the deathclaw at the island was a bit scary because it was a bit stronger than you when the quest sent you there (wastelander had just dropped when I started). It added an element that’s missing now. I also wish they would’ve put the refuge somewhere else lol. I miss the empty Whitesprings resort - with just the robots.


I'm a new player and the fact that enemies leveled with us bummed me out enough to consider not playing at all. I'm glad I stuck with it because I still really love the game after all, but yeah 100% agree that having to carefully consider where you go and what you do with your character is more fun then everything being conveniently within your ability range everywhere you go.


I spent so long doing random shit that by the time I got to that island I one-shotted that Deathclaw with a QE90 Double Barrel lol.


Once you have a high level and purchased mutation plans, you can change the build as you like. so there is generally no need to create a new character. the only need is to keep items/chemistry on the new account.


I was lazy and just mutated fully and use the perk which reduces penalty... Is it inefficient? Yeah. But was it quick? Also yes.


Same except most of my mutations were by accident because I'm a goober and forgot to equip starched genes when doing things like spam collecting dirty water or irradiating myself again for my build.


Find Toxic water instead, collect all the toxic water, dump all your junk in stash then spam click it. You'll die and respawn with new mutation, log out and back in, spam click it, die, log out, back in etc You'll have all mutations in few minutes!


I've tried, several times. I can't be bothered going through all the quests again that I've already done multiple times before on past characters. Currently still on character 6 of 9 long term ones. The first couple of characters were early on, since 2019. These were back when shuffling perks and adjusting your build was a total pain in the ass and I realised I broke my character's along the way. It was easier to just start over than to wait to level up just to swap one Perk point. Then I got a character that was solid and I liked it, but then One Wasteland came along and screwed my character up, so I started from scratch again. Then I took a couple months off of the game, came back and thought, meh, start again. Farted around like this a few times until Character 6. Got it solid, the punch card machines existed and I was accumulating a lot of stuff and had 7 build slots to work on. When new features came about and the new starter stuff was introduced, I was curious, so created characters 7, 8, and the last one 9. Each were dumped by the time I got past level 100 or so. One was around level 250. Character 9 was when they brought in the skip to level 20 stuff. The plan was to run character 6 and 9 in tandem to double my builds and camps I could choose from. But every single time, when I get to the Free States Questline and have to do those BS fetch quests back and forth across the Mire, I'm done. I can't go on anymore. I've done that BS so many times, I can't stands no mores. 😵‍💫 So back to Character 6 and staying here. Currently Level 970.... Highest level I ever got to, lol.


There’s only 5 slots so I can’t make another


This is my issue also, lol


Same... if I had more slots I would make at least 2 more characters, but stuck with 5 right now.


Cuz i don't want to play those boring never ending quests again


Pretty much this. Plus the perk system is so flexible and forgiving that it’s easy to change specialisations on a whim. You don’t really get locked out of anything. 


I don't want to do the DMV quest again.


Oh my god that one actually pissed me off


To me, Rose’s quests take the cake as the quests I don’t want to do again. I didn’t mind the DMV so much because it at least made me laugh, but Rose’s quests just never seemed to fucking end. And I had to listen to Rose the whole time.


Meanwhile I brought my sixth character over lvl300 because the first levels are by far the best to me. 


I have 8 characters (2 accounts). The youngest is only level 22, but I also have one just over level 1000. You can earn treasury notes as soon as you leave the vault, and turn them in for gold as soon as you make it to foundation or crater.


achivements my mind is very weird and i played during the beta so half of the games achivements didnt carry over due too ethier already completing the quest or level and in my mind i think it shows im an og






When does that happen? I did all the Rose quests to get to Meg and have done all the raider quests right up to the point where I have to choose to side with them, but don't have flamethrower trap.




I have made 5 alts. Done her quest on all of them its not all that bad.


I no longer have an xbox, which is where my main toon is. I now have PC but cant bare to start again. Ive got 1000s of atoms on my xbox acc, groll weapons, 40k plus ammo for all my guns, scrap for days, rare stuff, an epic camp, the list goes on. Essentially the fact beth cant swap my acc over, means i no longer pay for 1st and dont play the game. Shame but it is what it is. Will be doing a giveaway sometime as i cant let my gear just rot


I was the same as you but ps4, I just decided to bite the bullet and play on pc, kept holding hope they'd transfer saves however I can't ever see it happening :(


> Will be doing a giveaway sometime as i cant let my gear just rot Hold off just a little while. Bethesda has said that crossplay might not happen, but they are looking into cross progression.


I always hated the (lack of) logic in any game with seasonal content that forces you to make a new character each season. I hate coming up with new names and I get attached to my guy. That's the thing I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about Fallout. Also, certain things (plans) simply take way too much of not-that-fun grind for... not that powerful items. As a Bow user, the entire grind around Reputation is horrid and since I am new player I even got off easy, doing most of it passively through Eviction Notice and Moonshine Jamboree. And even the elemental arrows Compound Bow isn't all that powerful!


I have too many plans and starting over is unnecessary even for an altaholic like me.


Because 5 is the max


I’ve started several. I usually don’t fuss about the rare plans, feel I’ve gotten it on the main thats good enough and this time I can just play with as weird a combo of weapons as I feel like and live in a shack.


I make use of all 5 available character slots, and its so much more freeing to have a perfect meta build of each weapon type without compromising my stash space and perk load out with contradictions that bog down the build to be worse. Not to mention I get extra camps that I can theme around the character!


Because you start from scratch. Other games have a shared stash/mailing system between chars and faction reputation boosts for additional chars. I would play more chars with different builds and looks and themed camps and I'd probably buy more ATX-items but once again Beth is targeting the own foot instead of customers.


Ghoul ain't out yet


Bethesda has made it a terribly hollow experience; plans/scoreboards/inventory, nothing is shared. The only benefit is you get access to specific gear since gear only drops if you know the plans and the less stuff you have the more rare stuff drops. So while you can use this character to religiously farm for preferred legendaries and apparel, your time character building is all but wasted unless you wish to play 3K+ hours getting everything you want from drop pools before building camps, learning new plans, crafting mid tier armors. Essentially avoiding everything that Bethesda would profit from ironically.


Main reason I'm not is so I can wait til they release the Ghoul update whenever. Then, make a character, grind to level 50 (minimum level requirement I heard for the Ghoul Quest) doing Events and just surviving/scavenging. THEN, do all the quests as a Ghoul and see if there's any difference in dialogue. I'm especially wondering how the Brotherhood is gonna react when I come up


Switching from Xbox to PC was brutal. Not only did I lose my veteran's outfit and all the Atom Shop purchases I'd made over the years, but I lost all my event rewards and such too. Bethesda *needs* to tie - at least - Atom Shop purchases to your Bethesda account.


I have 5 and these are the builds on each one. Level 60 started as a unarmed build but i found it reeeeeaaaallly boring so yesterday i removed all my mutations and swapped into being a heavy gunner without PA using the gatling gun! Working on buying must have mutations again. Level 55 rifleman/gunslinger. Level 118 power armor heavy gunner (non mutated) holy fire, cremator, and foundation vengence user. This one i made to farm for the circuit breaker. So its only high level because i spammed expeditions. Level 60 rambo run and gun commando with energy weapons and SMGs. This is my main and the one i have done the most quests on. Level 70 shotgun build. This is my daily ops character and event carry. Prob my strongest character, using cold shoulder pepper shaker, and a full auto combat shotgun with vampires and armor pen and a ultracite dubbel barrel shotgunw with vats hit chance. Im working on getting the gauss shooty and pepper shaker mods.


I ran out of slots.


I make'em all the time, they get to store all my junk


Quests, serum luck from vedors,base building, weapon rng,exp grind, and more that i can't think of, but even so, i may do it again but highly unlikely.


Yeah cba


Mainly plans. Farmed long enough 9n my level 2150 main


#The Grind Don’t want to regrind for gold, stamps, plans weapons and armor.


Also for the quest lines to unlock stuff like nukes and Riggs


I'm a bit of a completionist and don't like playing where I feel like I'm repeating the stuff too much. It took a lot to learn all my stuff and get my gear and I like doing it all on one character. I'm not keen on having to repeat and speedrun story to unlock gold or grind daily ops and the same amount of events to double up how much scrip I get.


I’ve only made two characters, both with very different play styles. One character is full health, using gun builds, the other is a low health melee character. I feel like it is worth making a new character even just to try out some of the other builds in the game


I already have 5 and they won't allow me to have 6


I think you don't need to go through all of the quests. Just do the vault gold. My second character leaves most quests untouched. Only got the vault raid in order to buy plans from Reg.


I actually enjoy nooby characters so I have one I reroll every time I hit about level 25. I then dump all my low level gear for noobs. It's fun.


No shared stash, currencies (caps, gold, atoms), or account-bound collectibles (plans, recipes etc).


I have too much stuff I've learned that would cost too much for another character. Plus the memories of all the things I did with friends, some no longer here, would be kinda tarnished.


Ill be making a new character when we can make ghouls


A7 airlock code & pet rock


Number 2, man. I don't wanna lose plans. I'm desperate to redo the story now that there's so many arcs in the game (I'm from the beta) and there's decisions I would change, but God damn do I not want to lose all the shit I've claimed


Why do I need to make a new one when I can change my current one?


Because I can respec free


I made a new character a few months ago when I came back to the game after 4 years . Now I switch between characters and they have wildly different builds . It's much more fun


Legendary perk cards upgrades are not share, and plans not sharing to whole accounts. I don't find going to level 300 for all 6 slots, but getting those maxed is just as bad as getting the roll of Legendary armor you need.


Because the perk card machine... why TF would I want to start at level 1 with no plans, recipes, or anything. Some of the quests are annoying (stupid rose robot). Several things are just locked until you jump threw hoops, like gold bullion, reputation, and many other things.... If I wanna play shot gunner, perk machine. If I wanna play commando, perk card machine. If I wanna go Heavy, perk card machine. If I want the game to be hard again, strip naked and perk card machine... 1 main character + perk card machine + mules > repeating the waste of time fetch quests + waiting on event plans + trying to justify why this is a good idea Your answer = perk card machine


I have 5 characters, all lv 200+, but none 300.


I haven’t reached Level 1000 on my current character. Also, I just can’t stand redoing a lot of the quests again especially the Tadpole/DMV ones.


This is why I won’t switch to pc I really don’t want to start over even though the experience on pc is probably 10x better then old gen console


Because I already have 5? Ok 3 are mules but we don't need to talk about that. On a serious note it's because I don't really have a need to. I have 2 main character that covers everything I want to play.


I started in lockdown on PS4, and hit level 500+, started again 2 years ago with GF on xbox and haven't got it in me to do it all again😂


I'm scared😭


It depends on what your second character is for. For me I’m slowly working towards the other achievement for the endgame choice. Any new new plans I get I give to my main, seconds go to second character and 3rd goes to vendor of main. I also use my second as a alt for rolling RR’s in hopes of a groll and on my main I roll fixers.




Don’t need a second character. Now if they limited everyone to one C.A.M.P. then I probably would have.


Plans, alll the plans.


The only thing that puts me off is the plans for base building.


It is a good idea to make at least two more, one as a mule, and one for PvP. They don’t need many plans 😁


There's really no need to. With the ability to have multiple load outs and switch perk cards as needed for crafting, repairs, and what not.


I agree with your points. I do have a second character + a ton of mules. It is a miracle I got as far as I have with the second character. My main is 2000+ and the second is 450ish. I do enjoy having the second character though. It’s nice to switch to her and play a different build, without having to mess with the perks station. It’s also nice to replay some of the quests. Only getting to fight Dr. Blackburn one time is a tragedy. The grind to get a new character built is a huge slog though, if you’ve already done it once or twice


I've 3 different characters, all around level 250. I get bored.


I got out of the vault and ran and it was so slow, I always jetpack mutate jump around so fast, I couldn't even clear a small rock so I gave it up,


I'm only level 70 something, but it just doesn't feel like a game where alts are all that useful to have when you can just change builds/equipment on the fly when ever you want with your main. Maybe the extra storage space for non-1st players, but transferring items looks too much hassle to warrant. I'm probably missing the reasons people *do* want alts though.


No point. Theres no classes like ESO. And even then in ESO I can put "Plans" into my stash to learn them on my main, whos a Nord Warden. Maybe to redo quests but at that point i might as well be playing other games at that point.


Lack of slots


Gold bullion


I just don’t have enough time to play as my main character now. I sure as hell don’t have time to play as another character


I can't make anymore characters because I don't have anymore slots! Kinda bummed I kinda want to make a Ghoul when that's available but I don't really have any character that I think it would fit with.


I've used all my character slots


The only thing that stops me from making a new character is that they put a limit on it. I'm already at 5, and the game won't let me make more.


It's not needed. The only reason I have 2 characters is because of stash space. One character is my Power Armor Heavy Guns and the other is Commando/Melee. If I had enough stash space I would just have one character.


Honestly all the rare plans I have on my main character I really dont want to try and find/buy them again. Like I'm talking about the TV aquarium and weenie wagon level of rare plans, it's just too hard to leave those behind since their so hard to get.


I won’t make new toons cause all my slots are already filled on both accounts.


I made a new character, came out of the vault and then thought why am I doing this? I decided to go back to my main for the exact reasons you’ve listed.


I have another character but i mainly stick to one because i can just hop between builds


Time sink.


Because I don't have a 6th slot 🤣


I have 5 characters because you used to not be able to swap SPECIAL as easy and had no perk loadouts. Makes much more sense to have one now but different builds needed different characters back in the day.


I have a few characters. But I wish once we had one character over level 50 that we could have new characters also start over lvl 50. Like how in GTA Online once you had a character over lvl 120 you could make other characters lvl 120


When I had got a pc I had to start over everything I worked hard for on ps4. I just find it a headache to have to start from ground zero and have to grind out to get a lot of what I had on an old character. I just find it easier to play a game knowing you have what you need (I had to do this for other games as well)


I'm not making a new one simply because I don't want to delete my existing ones. 3 are pretty high level and I'm nearly done with all the quests with most of them.  The other one is not as high level but am planning to bring her back into use soon, just once I've done the main quests on the 2 I am still finishing up. That leaves 1 character. I have a fresh out the vault one on this slot. I use them for custom worlds - sometimes I get the urge to replay the story so this is the closest we have to replaying a quest. Saves me deleting and starting again over and over. 


Becuase it's useless. There is nothing permanent about a character you can't change. In the early days, you needed multiple characters to run different builds because you couldn't just swap perks around. One character for rifles, one for melee, maybe one for power armor. Now I go to a perk card machine and just click a different build. No need to waste time and effort evening another toon, doing every mission again, trying to find every plan in the game again.


I’m a lazy cunt lol


My first character is the one I'd had since beta. I made a new one to see what the game was like now from the beginning. Now I kinda regret it, because I forgot how grindy some of the missions were lol


I made a new character earlier this year as I moved from Xbox to PC. Wasn’t that bad.


Dont see the need. Its not like in other games where different characters have different abilities and shit. I got everything i need on my 1 character to keep it interesting, different power armours, different standard armours, variety of different guns and every perk i can think of to play with these different styles.


I actually have multiple characters already, I played the game on launch and really enjoyed the atmosphere of it, did basically the entirety of what was available with my main character and then made another one and another one after that with the idea of focusing on different builds and roleplay elements. But now I won't go back to them. Partly that's because there's more than enough to keep me entertained on my main character since I just recently returned to the game. I've got gold to grind and plans to buy, scrip to grind and rolls to make, stamps to grind and camp building stuff to unlock. So I'm content with just the one character, especially now I've sorted my build out, and trying to go to either of the others just feels so bad. No mutations, not able to refine their builds because I'm lacking cards and levels, haven't even done the gold quests or anything else. They were started as casual side things when there wasn't that much going on with the thought that if I stuck with it and played a bunch I'd inevitably get them all to a decent place. But I didn't stick with it, and so now they exist in a weird limbo, with too much time in them for me to want to just delete them outright, but not enough time to make it feel worth anything to actually play them right now.


Reason 1. Plans that require reputation to unlock. I could start a new character right now and within an hour or two I could just rush the quest line with the Wastelanders DLC. It will take me a few hours but it can definitely be done in a day, raiding the Vault with either faction. Specially if you have help. But now I have to grind events and random events to slowly raise my reputation. I can use certain glitches and exploits if they are still available to speed things up. I can only get a certain amount of gold each day. Not counting what I can buy from Smiley. But if I remember correctly, I can only buy from him once a week. All the camp items, weapons, or mods locked behind reputation that I need will be a long grind. I get it. I understand you want to have fun and play the game, and you’ll be doing events and quests regardless while you play. But it will be annoying knowing you’ll have to spend a lot of time just to unlock the ability to purchase them. You still need to reach a rank just to buy it. Reason 2. There is no longer a need for it. I have a second character because my main character was a melee build, who easily transitioned to a heavy gunner. Most of my skills were the same for either weapon. So it was easy. But if I wanted to use rifles or pistols, I didn’t have enough points in perception or agility. So I had to make a new character that had those skills higher, while deducting the other skills I wouldn’t need. This was before they added the perk loadout. So one character was meant for one build, and the other character would server a different build. I kept my second character because I already maxed her out on everything. But now, there’s nothing stopping me from making my main character any build I want. I used the perk loadout and have one build for heavy guns and one for rifles. If I get bored, I can just edit one of those loadouts and change it to 1 handed melee. Pistols only. Jack of all trade build. Full health build. Unyielding build. Etc. I’m not going to mention having to buy and find all the plans again. Having to grind for the legendary weapons and armor you want. Because that’s obvious. Doing the quests all over again. Etc etc.


Takes a long tome to get setup, plus so many things have FOMO attached to them its not fun. Nothing shpuld not be avaliable or go on a rotation. You miss so much. Like, i want to play on pc now but my ps5 character has hundreds of hours and no way am i starting over on pc. I am just waiting for Cross Progression/Save (what ever its called). The crashing on ps5 is just so bad, really want off to go to pc. 


It's not time yet. By that I mean, every year, i do the 1-100 challenge for 24 hours straight for children's hospital network stream called Extra-life. So I make a new character and get to it.


Your mentioning of backpack quests caused me to have a visceral “nope” sensation 🤡


Why create a new character, is the better question... You can change outfits + loadout + appearance. There is no reason to start over unless you just want to do the missions again.


Because I made mine exactly how I want. If I made a new one, I’d just make the exact same thing. Gold, don’t care. Scoreboard? Definitely don’t care. I’m just running around the wasteland and enjoying chaos.


I like having 2 characters but I’d never do more than that. With 2 I feel like you can cover most builds, on my commando I can also play bloody shotgun/pistol, and on my heavy I could switch to melee. I also like having 2 characters just because it’s fun, I like the characters and their lore, their camps and completely different playstyles + extra dailies and crap to do


Personally I wish you could make more than 5 characters. I love coming up with new ones to try different play styles, etc on and don't want to delete any. I wish there was a way to just archive a character and keep 5 active.


I literally have to reason to make a new character. If I want to build a camp in another location I can swap to slot 2. If I want to have a different appearance I can change it from the pause menu. Swapping builds is so easy you can even do it from the survival tent in this scoreboard. It’s actually kind of awesome that I can try out so many different playstyles without having to make new characters. I have so many fucking fallout 4 characters that are level 20-30 something that I abandoned because the build wasn’t working out.


Unlocking those things was fun the first time. Having to do them again? No thank you.


One time grinding the perk points is enough for one live.


I would love to play on PC, but I started on PS4 and since my atomic shop purchases don't transfer there's no way in hell I can justify moving over. I would lose nearly a grand worth of atomic shop purchases and scoreboard items.


I need more character slots to make a new character.


I -did- have to make a new character because when I transferred to Steam a lot of the achievements didn’t register. Once I got them again on the second toon I turned her into a script mule.


because every single second i spend on a different character i’ll be thinking “this is time i could be spending on my main” getting xp on a secondary character will feel kinda bad knowing it’s xp that could’ve gone to my main.


Because I'm lazy. But,now that I have some rare apparel plans and other rarities to sell since my main is at cap limit, I may just make a mule vendor.


Plans and perk coins.


I have three characters. My main ended up being the second one I made. I did enjoy going through the world and quests again but when I came back to 76 this year I got bored of my new third character. I think that was mostly cause the beginning of the game is so different now. It used to feel like a cool challenge to survive and scrounge for ammo but with all the changes over the years the early game is just as easy as late game so it lost it's luster for me.


I can't transfer my gear. I'm a full health build with God tier non tradeable bloody weapons. Just sitting in my stash. I'd love to be able to give them to a secondary


I don't want to start all over, but also on ESO, I had three characters (trying the three main lines), and I got completely confused whether I had done something yet, etc. I know that sounds dumb because you can look at your events/quests and map to see, but it didn't match with my memories of the game, so... confused.


2. I started a new character and ended up getting a bunch of event items that are very rare drops... but then I wanted to come back and I'm just shit outta luck. I wanted to play through the story again and I should have just focused on that but, ya know, side quests get the better of you.


I like to have different character aesthetics! My highest level is Morrigan so always wears the plague doctor mask and trench coats to look intimidating. My mid level is more "female rage" so the antique (ancient?) wedding dress and glowing scorchbeast queen mask. Lowest level is Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb books so she's thick and wears greaser outfits and skulls to look like a necromancer himbo almost lol My boyfriend makes new characters so he can build all their camps up. That's what he LIVES for and his camps always come out amazing.


I might start an actual new character next year when they release the Ghoul and I can just give that character a lot of my extra plans to him that my main has which will help a bit. The faction rep and perk coins will really be the only annoying thing.


Laughs in 5 toons.


Scoreboard rewards are character wide lol


When a game allows you to be everything there's never a reason to start a new character unless you want to for fun.


I only made a new character because my original was from launch. I came back with the tv show and was super confused. Loaded in to my original lvl 60 character and about 400lbs over my carry capacity with zero idea what to do, instantly got demolished by a flatwoods monster whilst waddling my way back to my camp. My guns did zero damage, my build was clearly a mess, it was all just a terrible time. Started fresh, worked from there. Now I'm lvl 160 or so and this second character is my main :)


I’m not doing all this shit twice.


The reason I do not make a new character is primarily because there is no pressing need to do so. The introduction of the punchcard machine means you can experiment with every build possible for no cost. Many things that are locked behind a quest and possible to miss can be bought--the 'Slug Buster' is a good example. I would far rather pay a couple of thousand caps than start from level 1 again (or even 20!)


Laziness. I wanna start an assault rifle type class…eventually


Already have 10 Lol


So I made a second character that is built different then mine but I don't care about plans on that one. I just do the daily stuff on her and if I'm not in the mood for heavy guns or melee I hop on and play stealth. Then I send all the patterns over to my main to look at first lol.


I never make a new character. Doesn’t really seem to be a point especially in this, when you can have multiple builds saved and easily switch between them. You can also change your characters appearance if you get tired of it. Also I don’t like doing double work lol


I have 2 bank toons 1 for items to sell off as script and other holds appeal gear for other toons. I have a lvl 200 main heavy PA build. A 130 commando (was made when raiders etc came out to get a fresh start) Lvl 40 still in progress a bloody bow/bloody meele build I'm still 50/50 on it. So tbh I can't make more I'd love more but oh well..


What is the point of a new character? Genuine question. If you have the ability for different loadouts, what is the benefit?




at first it was annoying, then i realised i could i just use my main to build everything for my secondary so it didn't really matter. made the quest line easier for sure. then i made a 3rd for just carrying both characters extras lol


There’s no point to new characters besides mules and messing around at low levels


I can't even complete some of the main quest on my main character ( Buried Treasure ) cause of bugs, aint gonna go thru that with another character


Maybe I’m weird but…. Can’t you just make a new build and play style? Or are you trying to teach yourself the game again?


I have used a few characters since launch and really can't be bothered to start over, especially when you can use the punch card machine to change build.


My character has 80-90% of the plans ingame, and i have enough wepons to play all the builds i want.


I played the game for about 2 weeks back in Season 2 about 4 years ago. It was fun but it just didn't hit with me. When the show came out both me and my son, who is also a big fan of Fallout, decided to get into Fallout 76. When I fired up the game for the first time on Steam back in April I was surprised to see my old character from 4 years ago was still sitting there at level 35. I ended up starting a whole new level one character with my son since I couldn't remember pretty much anything from four years ago. My new character is level 235 and I've burned through pretty much all of the quest content and there's nothing to really do except Events and Expeditions. I ended up loading up that old character to just goof around and I've been having fun bouncing between the two. Most of the Season Rewards are tied to account so even the stuff I unlocked back in Season 2 is available on every character and the handful of things that unlock from the Atom Shop or Season Rewards that are tied to a specific character (repair kits, ammo pack, resource kits...) I just dump on the lower level character since I have tons on the higher level. This is sot of a weird case where my new character is my primary toon and my old-ass one is my alt.


Technically my character rn is my second, but that’s only because I played the first month the game was released then never went back. I made a new character after the show came out and I’m now I’m 130 or something and have no reason to make another. I don’t want to grind plans and armor and weapons all over again.


All my character slots are full…


Technically speaking I DO have a second character. it will never see the light of day ever again though. I had made it on xbox roughly around the time the game came out stopped playing and hadn't gotten very far in the story, very basic few quests. Went to play with friends who were playing on pc, waited all day only to find out you can't cross plat. So I went to pc and now I'm alone because this group of friends always does it, they did it with destiny 2 where they bugged me to play and I was stuck all by myself at the end. I have no interest in a second character on pc either. I just don't see the point.


Bc I don't want to start over mainly lol. I've got my character how I want her with all the things I deem necessary and the thought of doing all that again when I can just as easily just switch builds for different aspects of my character


Because there’s no point when u can make new builds whenever you like?


I have a second character. i created Toby for cheevies, he only gets used during double xp weekends and even then, i forget about Toby. Toby sucks. Toby level 20ish Main Character: 670ish.


outside of not having all my cool rare stuff that aren’t shared between characters, i’m also just super attached to my main girl- however i have made an alt just to choose the raiders for the steam achievement lol


Because I have no reason to plus I can just keep leveling for perk cards


I realized this when my friend asked where I get the fermenter and alcohol crafting station then I was like, where DID I get those lmaoo


Time: I barely have the time to play the one character I have, much start a new one from scratch No need: if I want to try a different build, move points around, swap cards and carry on.




I only make a new toon to store extra gear and caps on. They’re all level one but due to exploration xp end up level 15 without even trying soon enough.


All the items and plans, i literally have like 100% of the useful plans and maybe 90% overall, and getting there was a long and fun journey i wont repeat


I started a new character recently and while it's nice they have access to legendary perks of the bat the lack of plans was disappointing.. also having fallout 1st I was hoping the scrap box and ammo box would be shared by character being that it's unlimited.


I started on Xbox, got to level ~200 at release, then quit for years. Bought the game on steam and can't bring myself to play it, even though I'm a pc gamer. After getting to 40 or so on pc, I booted up the Xbox to check that account. I'm still working on my Xbox account because I have so many plans, weapons, etc


I gotta start a new character mostly cause of one quest in the wastelanders storyline that I didn’t do cause i sided wit crater


I craft weapons and upgrade for my friends and randoms. I've spent several years gathering almost every known weapon mod and every single weapon recipe. I'll never sacrifice the ability to go up to a level 12 that just bought a single beer from my camp and say "What kind of weapon do you like" And then drop a fully speced level available weapon on the floor for them.


I just don't see the point of making more characters, and losing all my progress. The only reason I'd make more is to act as mules, that's all.