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I just bought my fixer plans an hour or so ago for 1000 caps, i dont know if thats normal but i don’t see it pop up much, i would say just check every vendor and hop a bit


I think I paid the same when I nabbed mine.


The market subs are probably a better home for this post, but I can't imagine there's too much disparity between platforms on fixer plan prices. Try r/market76 if you don't want to vendor hop.


I have seen the price vary heavily on PC Depends on the vendors generosity. I can say for sure it has been sold as low as 100 caps. (I personally managed to catch it for this price just before the player went offline. Never got to thank them, and they had several copies.)


I also just switched to PC from PS 😂


It’s rough lol I was like level 400 on PS. Starting new is wild.


I know exactly what you mean I was around lvl 360. Missing all my gear and having all these quest done wish I would of started on PC


2000 to 5000 caps is what I've usually seen, very occasionally somebody has it on sale for a few hundred. Personally I'd keep vendor hopping until I found one for no more than 2500.
















Omg yay!!


I know they used to be like 5000+ when I bought mine last year but I could probably see some scalpers upping the price with all the new players coming in