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I have 3 main camps. Each has a theme. Camp One is a Brotherhood Outpost; it’s located outside Fort Atlas. Camp Two is a Free States Trading Hub built in the Mire. Camp Three is a Communist Spy Bunker in the Ash Heap. I like themes and good views lol.


Currently 16 camps across three characters. I bought all the extra slots with my first character, got that character to the point that I had all the legendary perks I wanted and had built five unique camps, so I started a second character and did the same thing. Both characters got up to around 350 before I switched to a new one Now on my third character, level 368... just found out I can buy five more slots so I've bought a sixth slot and started on another camp on that character. It's actually a rework of one of my favorites with my second character- same place, same concept of Red Rocket repair station one side of the road, Nuka Cola themed building on the other side, but with significant changes to how the interiors are set up. First time I built there was a nuka cola cafe, this time it's going to be a souvenir shop/museum. I'll be holding on to this character for a while since although I've gotten all my perks etc, there are new quests and areas.... and I have four more camps to build! Editing to answer the other part of your question- for each character, the first camp is across the street from the Slocums Joe that's a little bit down the road from the Wayward. Each of the three camps incorporates the red rocket gas station near the bus, but the rest of the camp is completely different. And as mentioned, I'm rebuilding in the same area as a previous camp with my current character - the road near Charleston station, on the other side of the area with water where a lot of people build. It lends itself beautifully to putting the red rocket station on the side with the living big tree, incorporating the tree as part of the station, then putting a two-story building on the other side of the road. The other camps are all over the place- there's one way up in the Míre, top right corner of the map, another one at the top of a waterfall there, one way up on the cliffs at the very upper edge of the map a bit West of the golf course, one way up in the hills at the edge of the map south of Welch, one built into the Halloween houses, a haunted mansion in the middle of nowhere south of Dent and Sons, one on the side of the lake south of Lucky Hole mine.... Currently I'm scouting the edges of the map in the new area for a good spot to build something unique. The one thing all my camps share is that I strive to build them so that they look like a natural part of the game world.


Camps built near enemy spawns give you free ammo and loot. It's great if you AFK a lot.


But camps built near enemy spawns also harsh my mellow. I'm tryna unwind after a long day of making questionable moral decisions.


Real. Im lucky the worst enemy to spawn near my camp is the dreaded chicken.


Dear God, not the chicken, anything but the chicken !!!!!!


Just 1 per character. I was considering making camp 2 a small blue printable tent camp that I could slap down in areas that catch my fancy but with the new tent on the scoreboard I don't think I'll bother. So just 1 nice homebase to relax at from time to time is good for my characters. I kind of wish we could share camps with any character on our account because frankly I really outdid myself with my mains camp.


Currently I'm sitting at 50 total camps. No, I'm not joking.


Do we need to call someone for you? I hear there are charitable organizations that help people like you.


I very much like building camps. I find joy in it. Most games I play are ones that allow base building.


Currently have 5 camps across all four of my characters. Have been thinking of getting another slot so I can build another camp in the new region as I don't wanna uproot any of my current camps.


5 😅 It doesn't feel like nearly enough because there is always somewhere new I want to drop a camp.


been playing for 2 years, level 400 and just this weekend make a second camp, decided to be a basic b*tch and settle on the greens of white springs


I have 3 camps with 3 shelters that are mostly done. 2 of the camps are fully finished and one is in progress in the new zone. Each has a theme and one is themed to blend in with the world


I have four but really want five, I was bummed to have to tear down an older favorite camp but Shenandoah just has too many spots to build! First base (now the oldest) is a UFO base floating over the junk deposit just not to of graninger farm, themed to look like a little trading shack who’s prior residents got abducted. Second camp is out in the ash heap and started as the West Virginia Family Center prefab and quickly became a little post-apocalyptic hub for a small family or maybe small 2-3 person community. Then after Skyline, third base went up at the waterfall by the commies and had a cool tower theme to it. My most recent (and favorite so far) is a bigass greathall that I kinda made with playing with others in mind, 2 of most crafting stations, a full SPECIAL area, etc etc.


2. One is my home, the other is basically just a survival tent. Work benches and stashes plus vendor for when someone is in my spot.


5 camps for my main. I love to build


I have 4 per character, usually one or two because I liked the location, rest are for resource gathering. All themed.


10, well technically 8, since I use one for event builds and another for messing around otherwise I have 8 fixed locations. I would say they are strategically placed around the map but that would be lies as I have two camps right next door to each other as they are part of an old community build which has reduced in size to 3 players but that's an entirely.diffetent subject.


2 one in the toxic valley acid location and one near the rusty pick with aluminum location. weirdly i often run out of both, more on aluminum. coffee machine on the extractors / vendors . feel free to grab some stuff


I have four: - My beginner, scrappy wood CAMP between Point Pleasant and Flatwoods, back when I was scared of nukes. It’s themed around someone still kind of clinging to life in the vault. Pretty chill area. Only low level enemies who are all taken out by a couple turrets. - My summer camp build on a cliff just north of the new area, I get to have good weather while still getting a view of the storm in the sky and the valley below. My fav! - A barcade near White Springs that’s full of buffs - A work in progress in the cranberry bog, kind of a cryprid hunter’s estate. Very annoying between the trenches and getting attacked by a scorchbeast whenever I have a build session.


5 and I want to buy more


My main camp is at Charleston Station and has a Responders theme. It has access to water, a nearby vendor, prebuilt structures, Grahm, and serves as a handy travel point. It sees a lot of traffic. Camp 2 is near the cathouse outside Morgantown. It has access to plastic, serveral creature types for dailies, and again, makes a handy travel point. Camp 3 is on the lead node near Sunnytop Ski Lanes. It has lead, a nearby vendor, and is fairly handy for travel, although I am thinking about breaking it down and moving to Skyline Valley. Camp 4 is on the Aluminum node in Cranberry Bog and is Vault-Tech themed. It has access to Watoga Station, Snallygasters, Deathclaws, Mirelurks, SB queen events, water. Once again, it is a great travel point. Camp 5 is just south of Aaronholt Homestead. It is convenient for travel, but more importantly, has a ton of Cranberries for my herbivorous character. The theme is spooky.


Camp enthusiast here. I currently have 8 active Camps, probably grab a 9th if possible. 3 of them I’ve spent years working on and will probably never tear them down, the other 5 are always up for debate when I stumble upon a new location while wandering. If I find a new location with a great view, good landscape for a themed concept build and looks good on the map for other players to see/travel to, I will tear a camp down to build a new. 80% of my play time is working on my Camps. Removing old camp items and adding the new etc. I don’t mind if my camp is in an area with a lot of hostiles, I currently have a camp next to a fissure site so I have lovely scorched beast neighbors. I just keep my C.A.M.P near the fast travel location so I can “repair all” as soon as I load in from doing events and such. So to sum it up, if I have some sort of “lore friendly” build idea, I will build where it will fit in. Even if it’s the most hostile place In Appalachia.


I would love to see your camps!