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Anything’s possible, but they’ve always been in the game.  Supposed to get one every time a perk pack is opened.  If you’re thinking of becoming a collector, good luck.  FWIW, BGS has some work to do to flesh out some remaining animated cards missing.  Likely an oversight.  


I think I only have 5 or 6 left to get.


I’m not sure how that’s possible. Every perk pack has one. You’ve earned over a hundred packs by this point.


They are good and bad. I feel compelled to keep animated cards even if they are useless with the goal of getting all of them. I desperately need to level my legendary perks though so all those coins would be nice.


They've always been in the game, and you get one every single time you open a perk card pack - you get three regular and one animated. You're probably not the *only* person who opened a hundred or more perk packs without noticing the animated card you got each time, but you have to be part of an incredibly tiny minority.


I kind of wish the animated cards just didn’t exist, tbh. So many were entirely unobtainable for a long time. Some are still unobtainable. Then, once you acquire a good number of them, they can start causing fps issues while your perk card menu is pulled up. Been tempted to just scrap them all, they offer no actual value and start to impact performance if you have too many.