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It's not that I'm saving them, they just accumulate. I think I have around 270 at the moment. Really need to convert them to perk coins, but sounds tedious.


Tip: Professional Drinker. It's a 3-cost 1-star Endurance perk without multiple ranks and it's the only option in that filter category, so you can just mash the level up button a bunch of times to accumulate dozens of copies, then mash the scrap button afterwards to get the coins.


Same thing with Aqua Boy except you don’t need to filter to find it since it starts with A


It's not the same, Professional drinker costs 3 levels and gives you 6 perk coins when scrapping, so it's more time efficient than Aquaboy. I've been wasting so much time scrapping Aquaboys. Edit: I tried it - I was wrong and you were right - it \_is\_ the same as Aquaboy. Professional drinker doesn't cost 3 levels, it just costs 3 Points when using it.


I was wrong. See the edit on my other comment.


Great tip! Saw some Youtuber with like 2k level ups and 6k coins, like damn he's set for life if they ever add new legendary perks.


I wonder if we'll get some with the ghoul stuff. They're bringing ~35 more perks and that there will be perks that only humans/ghouls can use that the other cant, but I don't know if they've said if any of the legendary perks will be exclusives... I mean, the existence of What Rads? suggests that they might add at least one exclusive for them or something... Regardless - don't worry about holding onto some at the moment. We'll need em early next year.


I will simply not pick any perks from now on. I assume all radiation related perks will be useless for ghouls, maybe there will be some full health buffs.


Yeah, they're kind of adding an antithesis option for bloodied and stuff. Ghouls will heal from radiation rather than take damage from it and stuff. Nuka Grenades, Gamma Gun, etc might become pretty interesting lol... I'm already pretty fond of the Gamma when it works.


you’ve just saved me so much time dude


I didn't know I needed to know perk coin "cheese" but thank you kind stranger!


THIS. WTB a button to just auto convert level ups to perk coins. I shoulda put that in the QOL thread I was reading earlier...


I'm honestly surprised they haven't added a 2 perk coins "card" that grants the coins when you pick it. That'd at least let us skip the card scrapping phase.


This so god damn hard. I still have to level up my legendary cards, but I don't even bother with the perks until I got at least 50 saved up. Then its just tedious picking them one at a time, and then destroying them again one at a time. Its the same with alts and there being no "mail" system like traditional MMO's. Giving things to alts or transferring stuff from them just takes an crazy amount of additional time than it needs to.


I was thinking it would be fairly simple for them to add a single “shared” slot to the stash that shows up in any character you’re playing. Just one slot with no weight limit that maybe has a 24hr timer before the item is returned to sender so it can’t be abused as extra storage.


That's a pretty good idea, sadly it can't be implemented because of system's limitations. However they could sell it to you for a small fee, what do you say?


I do this same thing. Not intentionally saving, just accumulating and try to convert them every 20-30 that are stocked up


I had like 350 level ups and almost 300 unopened perk card packs. I JUST opened about 250 packs to max out a few more legendary cards and make a new build. It took HOURS and it’s why I had put off doing it for so long. And now they’re just gonna stack up forever because it’s gonna take a long time for me to forget how fucking tedious and boring it was. I’d rather get a root canal.


I find levelling a high star card (eg: one like adrenaline) up to max then scrapping that to be just slightly less tedious. 270 though you still have your work cut out for you lol


if you buy the same perk over and over it auto asks to upgrade. just pick a 5 star perk and buy rank repeat about 10 times. then scrap the 2-3 cards. repeat procress. thats how i mass dump perks edit spelling


This right here. ITS TEDIOUS AS HELL. Just give me a convert all level ups to coins option.


I started the process of converting my unused levels into a copy of every card at every level and yeah, it's tedious. I also think I underestimated the total levels required to pull it off, so I've paused the process and will be targeting cards that actually see use first. Also, I'm maxing out all my animated cards.


I've been starting to do that also. Figured it would be good for fine-tuning different builds.


Exactly. At this point (543) they’re just not worth using.


Same, I saw that I had 100+ last week, got it down to 50 before it got too tedious to continue. I should get rid of some more tonight.


That's 540 perk coins. It would probably take 3-4 minutes to cash them in. Upgrading legendary perk cards is what really gets you into the end game. But it's also really nice to get some other regular cards leveled up too. Then you can have multiple builds to switch to whenever you want.


Mmmmm... pork coins


I was trying to make the point that sometimes you have to trim the fat... or something.


I didn't spend any perk points for 400 levels once my build was done and made a simple macro you toggle on and off with one button to collect them all. Walk away come back and dump it in legendary perks.


If you mean unpicked perk cards, then yes, I'm sat on 90 atm. I don't feel like I'd benefit from any more invested into legendary cards so I figured I might as well save them incase I ever want to try melee/archer builds.


My main lvl 1193 has 658 lvl ups awaiting attention


Sitting on a bout 50. I am level 236. I only use them if I need to add a perk I dont currently have. Makes setting new builds up easier.


I had I think 150 levels saved up until yesterday where I went and just picked about 100ish Aquaboy perks and got perk coins and maxed out Master Infiltrator just for the time save of never having to lockpick/hack again.


I just picked up that card yesterday and even at lvl 1 it’s amazing not having to worry about lvl 0/1 stuff anymore.


Only thing stopping me is accidentally clicking on some locked level 0 object in someone's CAMP. Boom. Instant bounty.


I have the attention span of a squirrel and forget what build I was leveling up by time I level up again, it’s more of a failsafe I developed over time. Now I wait til I have 5 or 6 and max something out.


Level 425…I have around 240 to open 😉👍


I save them till I have enough to upgrade one of my legendary perks


342 Level ups and 168 Perk packs


I’m around 57 or so.


I thought I was wild for saving 20 or so, now I know I need to be stronger and add another digit to that number


Hahahaha same here. Turns out being a high level player means it becomes a chore instead of a luxury


I used them for perk coins.


Have around 300 with nothing to really do with them.


Rifht now, I have about 150 level ups, about 25 card packs, roughly 300 perk coins. I used to be a full health heavy gunner. Switched to a bloodied commando. No need for level ups to unlock anything, don't need any more perk coins.im level like 720. Already rank 64 on the season and I don't grind. I'm just doing my thing. Honestly I'm just wasting time trying to get the damn red asylum dress. Once I get it, I'm not sure what I'll do next.


Have 352 unspent levels atm.


Sitting on 143 hoping the add an easy way to convert then to perk points.






Then you should turn them into perk points to level up your legendary perk cards


I don't save them on purpose, but I'll forget about them and randomly see I have like 10 just sitting there waiting to be redeemed for perks. Sometimes I'll find I have a couple of unopened perk card packs, too. Most of them I just convert to points anyway.


Yeah. About 500 levelups on one char. 2-300 on the other three 😁


I have only 14 level ups now. but I'm maxed on 25/26 lego perks. only one to go.


If I don’t currently need perk coins, there’s no point using the levels


I'm about lvl 222. I have like 137 saved.


Search YouTube FO76 streamers, then look at their perk points for leveling up cards. Most have 1000 + cards waiting to assign/ convert to legendary




I have 172 level ups saved up lol, I've liked my Heavy Weapons Cremator build enough that I haven't had the desire to try other builds. I made a cold shoulder build but I only ever really play it when I get a daily/weekly challenge to kill \[x\] amount of creatures using a shotgun.


You and I are one in the same. Started this character with cold shoulder and am now using cremator and holy fire. Granted I only have 62 level ups saved.


I am about level 560 and I've had 100-200 for a long time. When I obtain animated perk cards I will upgrade them so I have an animated card of each rank otherwise no reason to spend them.


At the moment I'm saving mine till I get my last legendary perks I'm 210 but need to be 300 and getting bored of west tek as I don't have nuka grenades


I have 75 saved Idk what to do with them


I'm not saving them. I just haven't used them.


I wish there was a way to just convert levels into perk points without having to pick a card and then scrap it. Thats a bit tedious


I haven't lvled up in over 300 lvls ago... currently lvl 777


~350 level up points, and I've saved around ~125 perk packs. I just don't ever feel like using them. I've pretty much perfected the builds I use.


Uhh *whispers 617*


I have around 1700 levelups saved up and my current character level is around 2400. Unless they release multiple new legendary perks, I don't think I will spend them ever. At least not until the ghoul perks come with the "play as ghoul" feature in 2025.


I have nothing to spend mine on lol


Not purposefully, but once you get past 100 each individual level up becomes a lot less impactful, unless you are actively trying to restructure your build. Plus you tend to level up either turning in a quest or during combat. The latter it's easy to forget you even have a level up until you open your pipboy later. I often end up just sitting on levels as they stack up because I have nothing I immediately need to do with them. At this point I'm mostly trying to pull all of the animated cards and have them maxed out, so I usually wait until I have a card pack to level up, that way if I pull something I'm missing I can spend levels on maxing it out.


I do the exact same thing as OP. Yesterday I ended up cashing in enough to get 150 Perk Points so I could max one of my Legendary Perks. This is a very tedious thing to do by the way.


I'm trying to do this for the Ghoul stuff next year. I keep spending them though lol


I have 50 saved up right now, spent a few this morning.


I probably have more than 300 atm. I don’t have much to level up anymore.


I have over 500 saved. I don't recall the actual number, though.


How do you covert them to perk points?


buy card, scrap card


Since the level 85-89 I've been accumulate the perks cards packs and some specific card, I'm currently 219


Always have always will


I got 20+


I try not to keep more than 15 or so unconverted to perk coins. I do want to hold onto a little reserve for trying out new builds, but it’s been a fair while since I couldn’t make what I wanted out of the cards I just happen to have already.


I do too, but it's more out of laziness than anything else.


I got about 400 saved up on one character, I had my build completely dialed in by level 150ish, and have received enough perk points to max out the legendary perks that I want to max out. Now sitting at lvl 670.


The only point to save level ups is to see a noticeable difference when you finally equip perk cards, otherwise, there's no real point to saving them, since you can always use the card machine thingy in every train station to swap your build.


I have around 80 after using a bunch the other day to level up some animated ones


I highly suggest doing so once your legendary perks are done. It’ll help when the ghoul perks come out next year (I’m banking levels now since I figured we’d never receive more than three new perks at a time; that was a mistake).


Yeah I've got somewhere around 100 just sitting there, I just happen to like my build and already have enough cards to swap out for certain tasks I don't need them until I get around to trying to over optimize my build, or do a total new build.


One thing that's motivated me to do something with them is actually opening the card packs to get animated cards, then spending my levels on levelling those to max. I have all of the legendary perks that I want maxed.


I get a bunch of cards I don't need then scrap for perk points


I guess I'm the only one maxing out cards? 😂


Not really saving them, just tired of opening them, I see there's an "open all" feature now, but I think I currently have 80 waiting to be opened.


They will build up then you use some for turning into perk coins to level up legendary perks. That is a very important thing to do if you want optimal builds. The rest is for making builds. I have a commando build, heavy guns build, crafting build, and one for camp building.


I'm leben 200 or so and have 85 saved up


I’ve been saving them so that I always have enough to level the perks when I get the animated card.


The last time I actually looked at the number 400-and-something. After finishing the final form of my build, I only used them to buy cards so I could burn them and get perk points for my legendary cards.


Not saving intentionally I’m just lazy lol.


I don't even bother unless I know I have enough to upgrade a legendary perk. I collect animated perk cards so the ones gained from level ups are worthless to me.


If youre under level 50 then you really should just level up to get your Special stats…. Over 50 yeah most dont “save” level ups, we just stop opening new perk cards because most of us find the build we like and dont need to bother opening up the cards. Its not saving them for anything, its just not reason to open them


You have a new perk card pack! Would you like to open it? No, just like the other 143 I have I haven't opened. Leave me alone


I don’t save them, I just don’t use them.


I can't remember how much I have i hit level 380 about an hour ago, just never thought about it, but I save mine if I ever want to do another build and need the perk points for it.


I had about 95 until I scrapped all them for perk points . Yeah I do the same sometimes


I have like 200+


I had 7 or 9 before I decided to try a two handed build with the new scythe in the battlepass and God dam does it kick ass, granted I have a full set of unyielding sp that helps a shit ton but eat a glowing steak(+80% melee damage if you have carnivore) and it's fun af so now I'm running a heavy build/two handed melee that uses chems and alcohol cuz the raider collectron so many chems I just decided to try if I could and it's my fav build so far


I’m saving a ton of level ups to craft another build. Starting to get bored of mine.


I have like 60 right now.


I do this. And when I mentally can add up the equivalent levels to perk points is when I get perks. Otherwise I just let them sit and gather dust as I continue to level up.


I’ve got like 50 of them plus a good amount of random perks. My heavy gun, rifleman, and commando builds are all pretty locked in. Should I just convert all of them to perk points for my legendaries? Or are there any other fun builds I should save some perks for?


After like level 150 I was pretty settled with my build and just forgot to redeem them lol. I clear them out once in a while but I think right now I have 100+


I think I have 800 perk coins but as was said, they just accumulate


I have over a 100 of them. Not sure what to do but I guess I'll use them when I create a new build.


Never did that before but I started now.


Got 93 levels I need to do something with, and I’ve maxed out the legendary perk cards I want. Not sure what else I can use these for.


I have the perk cards I want, im lv205 and have close to 50 levelup saved now. I just move things around, dont really need anything new. legendary cards get a bump when I can. It is tedious to deal with too, I hardly bother


I'm not but that is because I still haven't even reached 300 on one of my two characters. I'm still using all of them to get perk coins to upgrade my legendary perks.


Im just shy of 50 and its not that im saving them I just literally don't kown what to spend them on.


78 of them, I'll eventually burn them for perk coins


Yup, I have about 60 levels save right now. I normally only use the points when I want to try something new or if one of my legendaries need an upgrade. Ether way, bank those level ups until they have a purpose. It’s not like there’s any specific need for a level up passed level 50.


I have hundreds of unused levels.


I'm level 245 and have 50ish level ups waiting. I'll convert them at some point..


Yeah I have over 100 saved for switching builds


I don't save per se but once I complete a build I tend to let them accumulate so that if I want to try a new build I have levels to spend.


Level ups or perk points? I've got hundreds of perks points but I have no idea how one would put leveling on hold...


I’m still kind of a new player I’m level 57. What do I do with all the extra cards I have? Hmm maybe just give me a quick tldr on how leveling and perks past 50 work lol


I mostly save up to 20 to try new builds. If I get bored with the new build I end up scrapping for points


Level 130, 27 points chillin


I'm level 170 and I've got like 85 level ups lol


I'm level 1197. Every card is unlocked, maxed out as many legendaries as I could possibly use and I'm sitting on 170 more level ups. I wish I could spend them somewhere else like my mule or something


I got over 100 at level 350, probably end up using 25 more then convert rest to points


Kinda, they just pile up then you just pull for legendary or animated perk fodder


I don't do them until they get annoying enough to force my hand if I want to mess with some perk cards or something.


Up to 56 myself. Just stopped bothering until I can cash out on legendary perk upgrades.


My main is almost level 2,000, just have like a 1000 level ups lol


I do the same as you. Save them for either new builds or to cash in on legendary perk upgrades.


ive got like 500 lmao


I save up maybe 5 before I'm like "hmmm I probably should get some new perk cards"


Yeah, I just let them accumulate. Occasionally I'll decide to try some weird build and need to get a new perk, probably try my hand at a gunslinger or bowman at some point just because why the hell not, but no real reason to spend them.


I feel like after you have a build set, it causes you to just never spend the lvl ups


Pretty much everybody lol


I feel most people do that. But I have over 350 saved


I do save my level up until I need some particular card. I always have at least 5 level saved just in case


Have 72 or so now


200 and all the cards I'll every use.


I just hit lvl 200 and have 101 levels waiting.


I have some. I don't know what they're for or how they work.


I have around 250


I have a bit over 3k. I don’t save them proactively. I just don’t have anything else I need them for anymore. lol When I was leveling I’d us them strategically to get the cards I wanted!


Yeah, play the way you want. But those are 10-20+ leveled perk cards that would probably be game-changing for you... depending on your current level. Letting them sit there does nothing for you, and using them just takes minutes. Not hours And for those saying they have hundreds just sitting there: if you were to use those on legendary perk upgrades, I can't even describe the difference that would make for your character. Of course none of that applies if you've been playing since launch and already leveled up everything


Like 100. They just never added a way to easily convert them to perk coins so I never bothered




...level ups?


I have all the legendary cards leveled up so I've just been letting them build up, I don't need the perk coins.


I stopped paying attention at "hundreds". I keep them on hand in case I want to try out new builds. Maxed my perk coins courtesy of last season, so I don't need to scrap them for coins.


Before level 50? Don't because each level up only offers perks at the level you unlocked them! Post 50? Hundreds of them because my build is complete, I only open more to change over to animated cards or to break down into legendary perks!


Yes, I have 200+ levels saved up. I have the build I want and I'm level 720+, but good to know if I ever want to switch it up, I probably can.


I am saving my levels & card packs for when the new ghoul perks drop next year so I can get them and level them up day 1. Hopefully the new perk cards are animated!


I have 342


Same here!! I have 32… I attributed it to my indecisiveness


I save them but I have all of the cards I just level up once in awhile I'll open the perk card packs to save me from seeing


I just opened 100 perk packs at once so I have 500ish sitting in my level up queue.


I’m at 200 and have 68 waiting. So yeah, till I’m tweaking my build they can just hang out there lol.


I have a dear friend who loves the game but doesn't love the perk system so she just trusts me to put her build together for her. She saves all of her level ups now, and then every couple weeks or so as a fun little treat for me I can log in on her account, cash in 75+ evels worth of perk cards to upgrade her legendary perks for her, buy any perk card she saw/heard about that she wants to try. That kind of stuff. Its actually a huge thrill getting to cash in so many at once, like I'm playing a gacha with way too much of the premium currency in my account and no one to tell me I can't spend it hehe.


Lv 1862 The last time I had Lv Up is around Lv 9XX already...


Its been a goal of mine for some time now stack points, but i can be too impulsive at times tobwait it out 😅


I only have 4 or 5 unused level ups at level 389. I keep trying out new builds. Rifle vats, heavy vats, melee, etc. Keep going back to Heavy Gunner PA build though. Hard to let go of the Holy Fire. Best weapon in the game imo.


I try not to go to far but I do have 200 or something. I am slowly building up my legendary perks which require perk card blood sacrifice. That all being said, I'm too lazy to keep on top of it


Haven’t used one since level 60ish I have literally 1100+


not really saving on purpose..but im sitting on around 545 or so...the thought of converting them to perk points is daunting...plus most my legendary cards are maxed..but.. hit lvl up..pick a random card..convert to perk point..my thumb hurts just thinking about it...no thanks.


Yes. Mainly because I don't know what build I'm doing. I got through fallout 4 with a semi auto pistol build based around the deliverer but I don't know what to do in fallout 76 as I was told that pistol builds can be not as good as the others in fallout 76. This has actually caused me to kind of stop playing the game much to be honest.


Absolutely cause who knows if sometime a new bug happens that makes one perk completely broken and needed (looking at u lone Wonderer back when it still worked when not in a team) Also I use them to get perk coins when they are needed


I think I have like 49 of em saved, but I am level 500 with all cards maxed so I just have nothing to spend them on.


I saved up a few hundred then I made sure I had every perk card at every lvl then I cashed the extra out for perk coins now I'm saving for when ghoul perks come


Yeah, if my build is working well enough for me then I'll just go weeks without actually using them.


I have 80-something level-ups accumulated because they locked the third loadout behind a paywall and I can't be bothered to do the math on what level of each card to get for a new build.    Praying a rifleman buff comes along to motivate me. 


I’ve got like 1730+ pick a perks that I’ll likely never redeem.


I save mine for a rainy day


I saw somewhere that they are planning on adding more perk cards so I've been trying stock up again.


I save them for gum when I need to complete the pre-war food challenges 🥲


Yeah, my build is already perfect, and have near max legendary perks, so yeah I'm saving until I have enough for those perk coins!


I figured we all did


I have like 140 banked right now. I have no use for more perk cards.


I save level ups until I see a "hole" in my perk card sets somewhere. (Having something at 1 and 3 but not 2 for example.) I *had* 17 saved up then decided to try something new. Heh


My main is level 743 and I still have 530+ unused level up.


I try and save my points until I know what direction I want to go with my build; just cashed them in for "What rads" maxed though because holy cripes that is SO useful


My main is 705 or 706. I think I'm sitting on 200 or 300.


Since I finally reached 300 and finished my build, I’m just building up for ghoul race perks.




I have 160 banked, was planning to do the same as you!


Once you get to a certain level it doesn't even matter anymore.. level 710 and have 165 perk cards to choose lol 🥲


I'm only level 104 and I honestly don't see any reason to use my level ups anymore considering I like my build already and it's not like I can add anymore special points without taking away some


I don’t really have anything to use them on. It’s been ages since I’ve created a new build.


I think I have 300 odd saved and at least 100 perk packs. I don't need them so I save them incase I want to try a new build. I like collecting the perk packs and don't want to turn them in. But I should as I need to get more animated cards for my build.


I don't need them, but I save them up for those bubblegum challenges. Open 1 lvl-up pack, get a gum. No need to search for them this way ;)


Same, my build is complete. Kinda stack them now in case I Wanne try something else.


After I have shotgunner/commando/heavy gunner builds I save up the rest cause really after all the perk cards between all 3 builds everything else is fodder for upgrading legendary perks


Yeah i got 87.


Out of curiosity, how long to level up legendary cards? I think maybe I'm picking too many builds instead of sticking with one and levelling up and picking duplicate cards to scrap each time I level for points towards legendary card levels.