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No. It's a modification like any other, not a separate piece.


no, you don't get the SS jetpack as a standalone mod, if you have bought the plan and leant it, you can mod any future SS chest piece, will just cost the materials not any more modules


No. You can’t do that with any mods. However you can keep rolling the the torso piece that the jetpack is on. Most players consider it wasteful but I say play your own game. Having said that I got stuck with a Zealot jetpack for over 200 levels because i didn’t want to refill the armor and I didn’t have the right flux for another jetpack.


Since you haven't crafted the jetpack yet(I presume?), I would just hold off until you craft a piece with the effects you want.


I don't think the jetpack requires modules to craft, does it? It's an armor mod, not a separate piece. Obviously rolling a new chest piece will use modules, but you can just craft a new jetpack once you get a better chest piece. If you've got a chest piece that's good enough to use until you find your god roll, I wouldn't wait to mod it with the jetpack if you've got the required materials.