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assuming we're comparing the version where the robots don't die in 20 seconds due to the "bug", then I consider them all about the same. More variety is nice to have even if the event isn't super exciting.


It's an incredibly boring fight, move every 30 seconds, shoot big robot, move to next robot and repeat. I was hoping the walls in the arena moved and forced all three to fight you at once but all it does is stop me from shooting the robot for a few seconds.


My favorite is the SBQ. Get your thousand in on her and then farm the adds until everyone else puts her down. All outside in the open rather than in a instanced or controlled battlefield.


Thousand in? Is that how much dmg in order to get max xp?


Max xp? No, thats just to get the event rewards. There is no minimum or max xp. 


Better than the big mole, worse than the other two but only because there's not really any trash to kill for extra XP. Overall it's a good boss, I enjoy the event.


I enjoyed it more before they found out that an auto axe basically melts them with the right loadout.


I prefer it its fun if people try to split up properly or kite the bots to be in one segment etc. currently they die isntantly due to the radiation dmg thing that can be nice as well but I prefer it either way


Anything is better than Earle since it's impossible to kill him for 90+% of the playerbase. Neurological Warfare is easy and a bit boring, even when people don't cheese the rads, but that's no worse than the other 2 in my eyes. The Titan has an additional mechanic which is nice, but it too doesn't do anything extra. SBQ is just a waiting room for her to land, which sometimes bugs out and doesn't happen for 5 straight minutes if people run around. At the end of the day, they're all bullet sponges with next to no mechanics. Earle is probably the only proper interesting fight, which is ironic since it's by far the worst one due to balancing. All other 3 boss fights are still side monitor events that require next to no attention.


I’d rather do SBQ but I like getting three Legendaries for absolutely no effort WM1=win if someone wants to waste a nuke on an event I’m not ultimately bothered about. But then if I didn’t enjoy SBQ and Ultracite Armour I’d probably prefer NW


Quicker, that's for sure 🤣


Well now that they can be killed in 40 secs, yeah, worse than all. It was fun challenge before that.


I think it's great. Once they sort out this rad issue though it will go back in the line behind SBQ. Right now I'd rank em NW>SBQ>Encryptid>Earle>Titan. Once the robots are the bullet sponges they were intended to be, then I'd put it in front of Earle.


Worse. It really is just standing there and shooting a bulky thing until it dies. At least with the other events there's a lot more smaller minions to attack. On one hand NW is a lot more straightforward but it's a lot more boring because of it. The smaller minions also means better rewards over all. SBQ minions drop stuff you need for stable fluxes, Earl has wendigos dropping their typical loot and mole miners are just fun to kill and watch fly through the air during Titan.


Right now it's better than the others. Soon as it's "fixed" they will become a massive waste of ammo and broken weapons. The 3 3\* scrip are nice, but I think I'd rather run Encryptid 3 times with the possibility of more legendaries, more cores, and more notes than run a silo for 2 pieces of flux. If I desperately want flux, I'll nuke WS and run around in a zone for 2 hours.


I'd say it's probably my favorite overall. That said, most of the big boss fights are "stand there, shoot the thing, kill some adds" so it really winds up boiling down to how long it takes. The robots powering each other up when they die could have been more interesting imo. It seems like every group I've been in after the first day has just been of the mindset that you just burn them down one at a time and be done with it. I feel like the robots have the least amount of annoyances though. They can't fly off out of range, they don't fear, they don't crash the fuckin game (at least they haven't for me yet), and you really can't "mess up" the nuke placement.


bugged af and no fun if people abuse bugs - also loads of deleted comments here


There isn’t? Not on my end anyway


was a bug on reddit


could be decent if weapon droprate was higher and people didnt abuse bugs to cheese it also bots should have different fighting styles each


Yesterday the first 2 robots got melted so fast the 3rd one decided to stay inside and not come out, waited a bit but the doors never opened so I bailed, the event continued to stay on the featured tab for over an hour after everyone bailed.


Slightly worse than all in design, but at least it won’t glitch through the ceiling and get stuck like earl or crash 3/4 times like titan so at least you can usually get rewards from it even though I have missed a few from crashing, so I guess that brings it up to 2nd place for me behind queen


It's fine, I just really dislike that you can't see the nuke blast zone for it. I get that it doesn't produce the same ground effects, so maybe a different color on the map? But *some* type of indicator would be nice other than hoping you see the events all pop.


For me Titan-SBQ-Robots-Earle in that order


It’s the new shiny thing. In 6 months they will all be equal.


I love it


Scorched Earth - excepting seasonal events (Fasnacht, Invaders), new hourly ecents or double mutation events I'll drop.whatever im doing and join. Have all the rewards but love the flux and the event itself. The only one ill fire the nuke to start off. Seisimic Activity - if I'm not particularly engaged in something i may go 50% of the time. The possible crashing is the only thing that makes it iffy for me. Colossal problem - pass. Any rewards i don't have ill just shop aroind for. Earl is a bullet sponge and i always seem to end up in an instance either by myself or with 2 lower level players and we can't take him out. Assuming.he doesn't glitch into the wall or floor. Nerogical Warfare - with the current bug ill go outside of fas, invaders, double Mutation, etc. Don't have many of the plans yet and ill take pretty much free legendaries for 2 minutes of my time. Once the bug is patched I'll probably pass. It's like fighting three Earl level bullet sponges.


I actually prefer the Titan, because you’re on the clock and that makes it a bit more interesting. Although it might just be novelty value because that one gets triggered least. The Storm Goliaths are… fine, but they don’t do a whole lot other than be tank-y (before the exploit). Still, flux is flux.


its my new fav event...once its fixed. earle is fun...but limited attackers isnt as much fun.I can kill him too fast .. and suckish rewards. queen...sux..everyone has to drop tents in her landing zone so she just flies around forever. big mole is fun on melee but i hate the stagger, and immune to damage pauses. the bots were fun until we all started killing them in 20 seconds ( including myself ) .. but the first few battle were pretty fun.


Very boring and uncreative. All other bosses are more fun. They all have plenty of adds for more chaos and exp. Here it's just a couple of very eventual robots and some lost Lost.


They needed to do something closer to the Titan where you can't melt it so quickly. Either that or they need to double the health or something. They go down way too fast.


Super easy boss fight


It's awful, I don't know who made that and was like "OMG THIS IS GREAT!" Between that new event and the new season, I pretty much quit playing. It's unfortunate because I loved the game, but it is what it is. At least I'm more productive in my real life now instead of just giving a corporation my time and money.