• By -


Imma continue to stick all my trash in it for the loot goblins to suck up


Anything that's actually useful to someone is fine


Sounds like someone wants all my holotapes and some fossil legs


Nah, just all your legendaries and the armour off your back. Don't forget, this game is really difficult and because I didn't do my chores like my mom asked, she logged in and demanded I hand over all my stuff for a week. So I need all of your stuff, otherwise I'll tell everyone you were a big meanie and Hateful towards low levels. I literally just started playing tomorrow and Rad roaches keep chewing my ankles off. This isn't Rust, bro. You're supposed to give everything to lowbies. And I'm the only one allowed to take from the donation box. Y'all best step back. I might not have much, but mom didn't get my Beserker Brass Knuckles 😠


Found the loot box camper.


Did you look in the mirror?


I'm afraid you can't dictate player behavior. If folks want to dump stuff in it, they are gonna do it.


Well of course, but I am gonna shame every single person who puts Fasnacht Residue Analysis and 7 identical Raider Journal pages in there


And we will make fun of the loot goblins and the spammers that hover the loot box acting like greedy little children fighting over a mere morsel of pixels.


Awesome, and then you get banned in this sub for breaking the rule of naming and shaming multiple times. All for what? Because you nabbed the Jane Doe Holotape and was forced to listen to Rose's voice again? It's just a damn video game. No need to get all Emotional over it. And we don't need you dragging your Drama all up in here over such a trivial manner. Grab some perspective and calm down. (In before the **"DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!"** )


If I get banned for this, so be it :D




To be fair, this was a joke post - because of the sheer amount of PSA posts since the TV show. However, if my one line post offended you then I'm not sorry.


YOU don't know if someone wants 23 copies of Kenneths journal


You know what, you're right


Are you one of the loot goblins that spams the "take all" button after the event? Did you get pick up every single holotape that I had stored since the begining of the game plus the 1000 blank holotapes I dropped? Or was it the same server where someone dropped 6000 railway spikes so you had to waddle your overencumbered rucksack to the little tent you had on the hill? Either way, trash, garbage and nonuseful items will be placed in the donation box so you and every other loot goblin can deal with it. If it's an issue, you can take your time and actually click the apparel button or search through the garbage for something useful. Quit bitching about people giving away FREE stuff.


No, I am one of the people who put in masks and plans for people and see various literal trash in there


Awesome! Congrats on feeding the loot goblins looking for exactly this. Don't hate the people feeding trash to the bin when its the goblins that are the reason for our actions. You're basically victim blaming and we all know where that gets you.


To be fair, this thread was more of a joke based on the huge number of "PSA" threads that have started popping up since the TV show - though it seems no one actually got that, so it probably qualifies as a failed joke :p I really don't \*actually\* care, it just struck me as odd


Yeah, joke was missed.


That it was - and that's on me, if no one gets the joke, it was a shit joke


One person's trash is another person's gold!


I know this has absolutely nothing to do with it, but did you know one of the current known Fabergé eggs was bought at a flea market with the intent of melting it down for its gold value and ended up making the buyer rich?


I mean… who doesn’t want the full collection of wizards fortunes?


I do want that


Correct, it's a dumpster. That sucker can hold tons of scrip 🤣


You're not wrong, Basket of Holding right there


But its not a mask donation box.......Its a donation box


It's literally named Fasnacht Mask Donation Basket :-)




I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


✋😑🤚 Alright everyone. Simmer down a little. The OP is right. It is not a Trash Can. Which is why I place one Fertiliser at a time in there. When I'm all out of Fertiliser, I drop in a roll of toilet paper because I'm done. Because for me, it's my Shitter Box. And strangely enough, there's a bunch of you silly people just gobbling it all up. It's a little weird, but I'm not really one to judge since I'm the one taking a public dump in the first place. 💩


I'm so going to crouch ontop of it and deposit toilet paper in there the next event I do. This is hilarious. "Shitters full," lol


Make sure you're down to your underwear and your back is turned towards the other players. If you have a Mic, make plop noises and grunts for each deposit.




Well, it's named Fasnacht Mask Donation Basket :-) For the record, put whatever in there that might be useful, but Fasnacht Residue Analysis is hardly a donation