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Would instantly turn it off and never ever turn it on. I already turn VC off by default and as much as I love FO76 the last thing I want to deal with this community in an unmoderated voice chat


And that's just people who are intentionally using the VC. I'm having to constantly mute people cus they're talking without realizing (or caring, I guess) their in-game mic is on (like they're on Discord or a phone call), they're playing a video we can hear, or just constant crackle and static. Put that zone-wide and not just team/area? Noooo thank yooouu. I'd hide in my shelter.


Complete shit show. Would love and hate it for that reason alone.


People like the guy who built the Flying Swastika camp over Helvetia for Fasnacht will abuse it. I'd love something like that too, but ass holes are going to ass hole.


Please no I already don't like when people have there mic on blasting music, yelling at each other or there fan on


Fuck no


Hard pass


Most server wide game chats are dominated by people blasting terrible rap or leaving their headset down next to a fan or barking dog.


bit pessimistic but i get where you're coming from. i would though just mute those people and enjoy


Great idea! Boot into Fallout 76, and spend 5 minutes muting everyone whos voice chat is randomly activating without speaking, sounds like a swell experience!


have you ever seen opt in opt out features before? they're usually in the setting along with the other voice chat settings...


Have you seen Bethesda UI's? Why do you think newbies struggle to get their CAMPS displayed? Yeah, your idea is straight up dumb.


Just my experience on other similar games. Personally I think the loneliness of 76 could be solved by adding player guilds/factions. It's the best part of games like eso, warcraft, gta etc.


No fucking thank you. So many people that DO use voice just have it on auto and we hear EVERYTHING. I don't want to hear people eat across the server.


honestly, i can count on one hand the amount of people I've heard speaking in f76


Yeah me to, because I turned it off after the first one.


The players who want to chat are already chatting in private group chats by various means. The ones who don't would mute this and pretend it never existed. Theres a fair few groups outside of the wasteland that get together and chat away, may be worth finding one that fits you.


Would be prob as bad as a call of duty lobby lmao. Still to this day there are ppl that hot mic bad. Can hear everything going on in their house.


No, thanks but no


You must be new and never had the pleasure of Fat Darth Vader, Kid who likes using racial slurs, Guys who just spoiled the last episode of House of the Dragon, Woman who screamed at me to leave her camp, Newbie begging to trade, and Dude who thinks it's cool to blast Norwegian death metal during SBQ. NO.


To be fair, Norwegian death metal is a solid choice for the sbq battle.


That would be cool to see it implemented as a mini quest. Sort of like the requisition drops, but instead the player goes to a radio antenna, to link up with the transmitter there and record a short PSA to broadcast over the pip boy radios. In the event it becomes a nuisance, it would prompt player to choose of they wanted to listen in and hear what's being broadcast, or choose to ignore it and not hear the message.


Though the idea is good, I don’t think it’s a good thing for any gaming community. Not just for people who say dumb shit, but some folks aren’t aware of their background noise.


Troll central


Server wide, no. Maybe region chat.