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You can linger as long as you want. One minute or one hour, whatever. There's no expectation. Play however you want. Dude was being an asshole. Forget the wanker and move on.


Absolutely. OP, you're not in the wrong if you linger, and you're not in the wrong if you don't. There shouldn't have been anything preventing the higher level player from finding you elsewhere on the map, before hopping back into voice chat to let you know they had something for you. Y'know, other than the decency to not be an ass an hour later...


We're not at church. We can all leave when we want. Lingering is up to you.


I got other shit to do, so as soon as I see the Rewards pop up on screen, I'm out. But other times I'm AFK on the banjo, so I'm there for a couple fasnachts in a row without moving. That wanker was just looking for a reason to get mad, and you happened to be the lucky* winner of his misplaced aggression. *bad luck is still luck. it's just bad, also.


For this event, with all the angst around the donation box, I teleport away the second it ends. But generally I linger for a few just to bask in the camaraderie of a job well done. But like others have said, do whatever you want! No expectations.


That donation box is my new trash name.


I appreciate the replies! It was the first/only time anyone had spoken to me in game and my nerves had me worried I'd been playing/participating in events "wrong." (I get that you can't really play wrong, just have fun, but there are definitely unspoken "rules" when it comes to different aspects of the game.) I do a lot of googling on the etiquette of the game and just want to make sure I understand how it all works socially. It's not my strong suit unfortunately. So thanks again!


It's just these type of public events the special ones have alot of afk players and some players just hangout during the down time till the next event. Your not ment to linger really but you can if you want. nobody is going to think your just begging unless you start begging for stuff or sitting at the donation box.


I linger just long enough for the rewards to pop up, then I raider salute everybody and poof, I'm gone.


Life is meant for us to stop and smell the flowers/napalm/rotting feral ghouls and grab a nice nuka cola. If you linger maybe a higher level player will drop you a treat😃