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Why would a player buy these recipes from Modus, and then on-sell them at a loss? Doesn't make sense.


If youre looking to buy the plans you can get them from Modus for 17500 caps with maxed hard bargain.. not sure anyone would sell the plan for much less.. the serums you can pick from as little as 300caps


..a couple of years ago, serum plans have been duped. Maybe you are lucky and get a plan cheap but I havnt seen those a long time.


serum recipes be expensive. cheapest i seen them were 10k a recipe.


On top of the fact that virtually nobody is going to buy something for 17,000 caps and sell it for less than 11,000 caps, trading posts aren't allowed in this subreddit. You need to take this request to one of the two Trading subreddits. I take it you didn't bother reading the rules when you joined this subreddit?