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There are so few recipes I don’t know at this point that 500 or even a few thousand if it’s a build item caps is a drop in the bucket to turn a “plan:” into a “(known) plan:” I MUST LEARN ALL PLANS!


Honestly this is probably the answer. I'm more than happy to try and find stuff myself unless the price is good, but I imagine those players whose camps I come across with outrageous prices are just basing it off those who have been around a while and aren't as stingy as I am. If you've been playing the game since it came out and you're still missing stuff, even 5k caps is going to be chicken feed given how easy it is to amass caps in the game after a certain point. They're relying on more slowly getting a big payout, whereas I go for the fast and cheap style of sales.


This is the way.


Damn man, come to my CAMP, most every plan or recipe is 10 caps.


I found a guy with like 30 legendaries for 10 caps apiece and bought them all and then he posted like 20 more and I was like oh I'll buy those too THANK YA THANK YA THANK YA


Same, unless i know a plan is super rare or an item i worked my ass off to get, it goes up for about 50. Mole miner gauntlet and mr handy buzzsaws go up for 1c lol


Me too


I learned every single plan in this game. Don't go that way unless you're a hardcore plan collector. It's pure pain trust me, it took me over a year to have them all and a lot of sources to keep up with the new plans..


A year! I've been playing for five years and still don't have all the plans.


It's one thing how the items are priced in the game and how valuable they are to players. SBQ Ultracite plan drops are not worth 1000's and new glowing masks are worth tens of thousands times the indicated 10 caps. Generally I'd say that most wouldn't sell any recipes if they were priced at 50 caps. I say it makes more sense to price most stuff lower than indicated and sub 100 cap stuff somewhere 100-150. If you need that recipe, it's still nothing really and it's not absolute waste of a vendor slot.


Or plans like the mole miner gauntlet at 350 caps. They should really change the value of plans to actually reflect their demand. No need to estimate demand just make such plans worth like 10 caps, seems like the easiest update they can do


I don't really see it as a problem. Overpriced junk doesn't really hurt anyone more than a wasted jump to vendor and everyone is happy to find underpriced treasures. Values are also very subjective and volatile, especially for new items during events.


If you come to my camp after I stock my vendor you'll find all plans and recepies for 10-100 caps and a drop bag of all the mole minor gauntlets, buzz blades and wooden stools. 


It's funny to see people selling ultracite pa plans for 500+ caps. Like they started stacking bad at 50 caps and didn't move for me until I went to 5 or 1 lol


I feel like setting items to 76 caps is the key to moving them. It’s an obvious reference and I think people chuckle and are willing to pay it. Todd tax takes 7 caps so I get to see +69 caps over and over. 76 is overall low and even low level players can generally afford and see it as reasonable price. It’s higher than 0,1,5 so people less likely to buy me out to then resell and makes people actually think if they want to make the purchase. SBQ ultracite, most other PA plans, random armor mod plans all seem to fly out of my vendor at 76 caps. Of course some plans like buzz blade and mole gauntlet never get put in. I won’t let anyone pay anything for those lmao. Similarly with preserved pie. Rarely ever sold them but one I set the price to 314 (pi) they get bought all the time. Mixture of it being relatively low price plus the meme/reference makes people willing to buy.


I throw those in the donation box,totally worthless jetpack plans too.


I haven't played in ages, since not long after Wastelanders update I dropped off and only recently came back. Been slowly cleaning stuff up, refining things, and I think it's time to just take all the known plans out of my vendor and toss them. Even at super cheap I think all the stuff I have is, mostly, so old that anyone who has been around for a while has them, and anyone else doesn't care/need them. Treasure maps I can sell, and on occasion stuff I pick up while playing currently will sell since I price everything cheap, but all the stuff from before I left seems to be totally outdated. Best to just clear it out and make space for more junk, since people love buying junk.


Important thing to keep in mind for new players: Some of the mods for Ultracite PA *are* extremely rare and *those* have value, so look up how valuable your mods are before you just chuck them - don't start hitting yourself over the head later...


I saw a dude list every ultracite plan for 10 caps each and nabbed one of each. Was so happy. He had like 10 of each. Surprised someone was greedy and took them all to turn a 1000 cap profit off each plan


That's what I do, all pa plans (actually all common plans) are 9c and they slowly trickle away to people who haven't learned them yet. Every once in a while I get a chuckle when some greedy halfwit buys them all out thinking they're worth something.


Made me not feel bad when i unlocked the ultracite pa a week later. I just gave those plans to my friend since he plays casually. Ive never been a chem user in any fallouts, so i always sell those dirt cheap and they sell like hotcakes 😅


Right. Curious if it depends on if you launch nukes though. For players who don't you generally have to spend a lot more time grinding out scorched earth than otherwise


I don't really launch often but I join everything but earl when someone else does


Ultracite tesla coils enter the room. But yes, most ultracite plans are regular drops and should be very cheap. Every ultracite PA plan with an in game value of 1200 caps and above are the rare and ultra rare ones.


What is the maximum I should pay for Primed Receiver plan for any guns?


Honestly? It depends how bad you want them. If nothing has changed the SBQ should drop an unknown prime receiver plan after scorched earth. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plan:\_Prime\_handmade\_rifle\_receiver](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plan:_Prime_handmade_rifle_receiver) I would put it into my vendor for 10% of the in-game value, so at 50 caps. On the other hand, if I would really want the plan, I would also pay the daily vendor cap limit for it or even more. It really comes down to your personal opinion. My opinion would be, play the game until I get the drop and pay nada. But I was never after the small damage boost prime receivers provide.


Yeah, there are definitely unscrupulous vendors out there but this does feel like an ignorance-not-malice thing. I have no clue what recipes cost. If I have ended up with two in the couple years I've played, it might seem rare to me but in reality it isn't and the rngod just never hit me a certain way. Obviously people extort, but a plan costing as much as the estimated price is often just indicative of having no clue.


I have no clue what anything is worth


im basically the opposite of those players, i dont know how the prices should be so everything is probably terribly underpriced. only thing i do know is to set ammo price to 1 per piece


Similar - I price pretty much everything at 10% of the default price in the game. I’m never particularly short of caps either …


Yeah, I tend to just lop the last digit off of the default price and I sell stuff pretty much every day that I'm on.


I have everything free but have the camp hidden


I raise the price on event plans and decent 3* legendary items but that’s about it. Everything else I’m slashing down to 200 caps at most. All (non event) recipes are 10-50 caps.


That's what I usually do, I don't want to make things to pricey so I sell it maybe 50-75 caps below what the game recommends and sometimes I get ppl who buy my entire store and I feel like maybe it's too underpriced but at the end of the day, I just want ppl to enjoy every part of the game


That just makes it their stashes problem hehe. I do too with most things, some exceptions, if someone buys it to resell, great, I have free stash space and a few caps. Game recommended prices are a bad measuring point though. Some of the 50 caps valued items are worth a few k or a few 10k, some of the 500 caps valued items are so common you're hard pressed to find someone picking it up even if you drop it.


I hit lvl 300 earlier this month and only started keeping a well stocked vendor a month before that. And in that time I've learned it's sometimes tricky knowing how to price things. I use the [plan pricing tool at FED76](https://fed76.info/plans/) and the [main pricing tool at FED76 ](https://fed76.info/pricing/) for weapons and armor as guides. But I still end up dropping prices on half my stuff before it sells. But there are players who are just plain greedy, too. But maybe they're just role playing that way to remind us the wasteland isn't all roses. 😂


..there is no point. The forum is full of those threads, just ignore these players.


I sell ammo for 1c and all duplicate or unwanted plans for 20c. Good 3stars for 100-200c. If someone buys to re-sell idgaf, I'm just trying to move stuff. What are people even doing with caps where they feel the need to sell for thousands?


I am currently buying all the serum recipes.


That's what I'm wondering too. Like most things you would ever *need* are so easy to acquire in this game. And anything that would need a significant amount of caps is so beyond required that I really don't get the fuss. Besides most extreme value items are going to be traded via barter. I don't understand the obsession with caps


Yesterday I cleared out a guy's 2-3 star weapons and armor that were all priced at 100-200c, it was right before I was about to get off and I still had like 500 scrip left to trade but no weapons to trade until I found that camp. There was some good ones like unyielding or bolstered that I re-listed in my shop, at a fair price since I got them at a good price myself. I try to put those a bit higher so people who actually need those enhancements can get them instead of people looking for cheap scrip like I do.


What is even the point of selling plans for 20 caps though? At that point I’d rather just dump them on a low-level or throw them in a donation box.


I do that too.


>At that point I’d rather just dump them on a low-level or throw them in a donation box. Honestly, good call. Imma do this today.


Hey. Thanks man. Have a good one. 🙂


300 caps ain't shit. I'd drop that easy peasy if I want the plan.


500 caps is nothing, if I see any plan I haven't learned for less than 1k, I buy with my eyes closed. It's not like there is a lot of stuff to do with caps other that that


Why does anybody sell anything at a high price? Easy, there is always somebody who will pay for it, that's why.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but, who cares? All that means is that I have a higher chance of selling the same items for far less at my vendor. Throwing the word “scammer” around implies that they’re doing something dishonest. There’s nothing dishonest about pricing something at a price you want. It’s up to the buyer to decide if that price is worth it to them. If it is, they will buy it. If not, they’ll jump to a different vendor. People seem so obsessed with what someone else is doing when it doesn’t affect them. In short, if you don’t like their prices, you don’t have to buy from them.


Just like in real life, some people are absolutely garbage when it comes to salesmanship. But levels have nothing to do with anything since you can grind from level 1 to 300 within a week or two with any number of 76 communities cheering you on. This isn't limited to new players, either. You'll find players from back in the beta who know tons about the game and have loads of stuff, but it will never ever sell because they can't price their stuff properly.  I have a player on my friends list who has had the exact same 40ish items in their shop for about 3 years now. Never sell anything, and it's mostly junk that is just taking up space in their stash box.


Exactly. It's like people selling shit on Marketplace etc. "Here's this 10 year old tablet that can't even update to the newest firmware and barely works. I'd like 95% of what I paid for it new." People are clueless. Your used shit is (usually) worth less than half. Most of it is worth much less than half.


I just woke up, so I thought you were talking about r/Fallout76Marketplace and got really confused...


Might as well be talking about that sub, it’s full of troglodytes and poachers looking to take advantage of people. Hop on the sub and check the recent trade posts involving the new Glowing Masks and look at some of the offers, it’s ridiculous.


>I have a player on my friends list who has had the exact same 40ish items in their shop for about 3 years now I sell stuff for several thousand caps all the time, and in turn, I can buy stuff for several 1000 caps. I just sell for an appropriate price, and then things at other vendors don't seem so expensive. I'm not a piece of garbage just because I don't sell a quad fixer or a vintage water cooler plan for 20 caps. If someone does that, they probably would think things are too expensive because they have a bad vendor.


I have this guy in my Dms who has a gun for 40k listed and I'm gonna sneak into his lobby and buy it someday because he won't go down on it at all and I know it will be mostly wasted caps. I don't even want the gun I just hate the energy. One of those who says consoles have lower drop rates than Pc. Basically a scammer in my eyes.


If it's not a Groll I wouldn't buy it. Let him waste space on a gun nobody will ever buy. If it is a Groll I'd absolutely buy it :)


Yeah what a total waste I love it but I hate the taste


Foo Fighters!


The 40k caps is due to a bug that if you bought an item it let you access the seller’s entire inventory, so you price something at 40k to prevent that. The bug was patches but people do it in case it comes back.


I have a couple rolls of toilet paper for 40k since the pandemic. Both for inventory security and as a pandemic joke.


Thats a damn good joke. I'm so doing that now. I have to, lol


When I see people with a vendor full of items at the default value, I kind of get it; time is precious and guessing the right price can be tedious. When people overinflate the prices on basically worthless items, though, it just tells me that they are happy for a third of their stash weight to be occupied by mole miner gauntlet plans forever.


Someone bought 20+ of those off my vendor at 5c ea last week.


You’d be surprised. I have a lot of plans priced between 1K-10K and I have to shut down shop at least once a day to avoid maxing. If it wasn’t for my “high prices” I wouldn’t have half of what I do. With that said I’ll also be the one to buy a plan for 10K if I feel like it’s worth it to me. That’s what you’d call a free market where people are allowed to sell/buy whatever it’s worth to them.


I’d like to also note that on the flip side I have all recipes priced at 10c and common plans all under 100c.


Oh you just answered my question nvm lol


Correct, ultracite plans actually go to donation boxes. Along with Mr.Handy buzz blades and revolver ivory grips.


I bet you don't price plans like ultracite arms for 1000 caps? It's probably more plans from limited time events, no?


You get a 1400 cap allowance per day from the train vendors. It takes you probably no more than 10 minutes to acquire this. My question to you is... Why do you think everything should be cheap given how worthless caps typically are? I know which recipes are worthless and which are not. Tasty Squirrel Stew? Hell ya I'm selling that for a few hundred caps. That's a recipe people want, and if you wanted it at a particular moment in time... Like right now, where squirrel bits flow freely... You could spend a couple hours running around the world looking for it. A COUPLE HOURS. Or you can spend 10 minutes harvesting water, sell it to the vendor for 1400 caps, and then give me a quarter of that money. Like what? You think this is obscene? Really, I think the problem with someone like you OP, is that you piss away your caps or haven't really zero'd in on the strategy for acquiring them. As an established player, I don't blink an eye at high prices and frankly it annoys me how quickly I acquire caps... I feel like every time I login I'm on the verge of hitting 40k and it just stresses me out. I can't get rid of the shit quick enough.


I'm with you on this. Came into this post and was surprised that 500 caps was what people are complaining about. It's like complaining that people are on the beach selling shells for a whole *two* handfuls of sand rather than just one.


Is it a thing now? Its the 9th post this week about someone complaining about vendor prices.


What do you mean overprice? 500 caps is not money in this game. High level players always run around at cap limit and don't care if it's 50 caps or 500 caps. You pretty much don't need caps for anything anyway.


Unless you know it's a really good roll or plan, just knock a zero off the end of a price to get plans/recipes movin'


Probably because people have no idea how much anything is worth. Especially in this game that has absolutely nothing when it comes to a player run market tracker. I'm way too lazy to look anything up, so most plans end up 10 caps in my vendor.


Cmon man are you trying to tell me that 200caps per fusion core isn’t a steal?


I mean, tbh, I have no idea what is valuable to other players or how to price them accordingly, and I am not going to go to some website to look up current rates and look up every single item just to try and price them with the dogshit vender UI


I’ve got fo1st for now so all my ammo and junk goes into the stashes. I scrap all legendaries I don’t want for scrip and sell chems/food items I don’t want to the train station vendors for caps. So the only things I ever put into my vendor are plans I’ve already learned… and since I don’t need them I just sell them all at 10c. Idk if it’s rare or not when selling em because it doesn’t matter after I’ve already learned em. On one hand my poor trench coat vendor is always out of stock. On the other it’s always a low level player buying up all the plans when I do have some for sale which kinda makes me happy.


I have a feeling most ppl just accept whatever price the game suggests


I know exactly what you mean, I mostly have plans in my shop that I offer for 50-250 caps, depending on whether they are standard or event plans. And sometimes I see people with the same plans that I sell for several thousand caps.


I've spent the last few weeks trying to find ANYTHING to spend my caps on. The difference between 10 caps and 300 caps I wouldn't even notice. That's not a brag, just an explanation as to why it's not "overpriced" even if it is from certain perspectives.


I've always sold all spare plans I get for 100 caps and recipes for 20. Nothing more. I like everyone to at least get a chance at grabbing something they might not have and that they'd really want. 🥰


The normal prices are 500-1k, the adjusted to newbie prices are 50, 100. Not to be mean, but as a vet who had to lower prices then saw them all bought out by another vet only to be sold at higher prices. The prices are for endgame players. I personally dropped 20 k on the hotdogs vendor cuz I couldn't find it and was expecting to drop 40k.


I still don't get the point of putting things like the Weenie Wagon plan in vendors for 40k. There's no way the seller is sat there with zero caps so if anyone does come along and buy that they're probably gonna lose out on a lot of caps. It bugged me when I lost out on around 3k earlier this week when someone bought up a load of my plans while I was already at max caps, so I'd definitely be pissed if I lost out on a chunk of a 40k sale.


That never even occurred to me, I think I better go on a shopping spree


Instead of doing this I just keep the plans in my stash as emergency savings instead. I've never run into a situation where I couldn't get caps though.


It has to do with an old bug that let you buy someone’s entire inventory.


The trick there is to put something worthless for 40k. Someone that's desperate for the wienie wagon might actually buy for 40k and you could have listed for 20k-30k and got the same amount of caps depending on how many you have atm. I tend to hover around 30k caps so I don't sell things for more than about 10k for rare plans. If something is genuinely worth 40k caps you wouldn't put it for sale until you spent most of your caps. Even then I'd only put for 30k because no one plays with 40k for long


Yeah I've seen plenty of people list worthless notes in their vendor for 40k. Doing it with something that people may actually pay 40k for seems like tempting fate.


And then there’s me with absolutely everything for under 100 caps (and most of it free) but no takers. And my camp is public too


I sell out. I'm just outside whitespring so even if not on same team it's only a cap or two to ft.


The economy is terrible. I'm at max caps, I'll pay 300-500 for anything I don't have without a second thought, but I don't understand why anyone would sell for caps at all. I have some rare plans and good weapons I want to get value from, but caps are worthless and the trade market is insane. They treat leader bobbles as currency, which only exist because they were duped in the thousands. Rare apparel seems like a better standard, but those were duped too. I don't know if people can still dupe, I saw a comment that it still happens, but the "old money" won't give up their stockpile of red asylum dresses and TFJs while treating brand new, presumably less-duped, items like the new glowing masks as worth a fraction of their duped hoardings. I've basically given up any concept of trade, I'll get what I get, buy anything for caps that I can, and be weighed down by things that should have value but can't be moved.


Agreed. I realized that I had a bunch of stuff just sitting stagnant in my stash and realized there was no point to collecting good weapons I will never use or multiples of things. So I hacked my prices because I really don't care about caps and I don't need multiples of an item. A plan I have already doesn't have any inherent value to me and is actually a deficit because it takes up stash space I could use for something else. I decided I'd rather things get used. I hope people will use the stuff they buy from me.


It's not overpriced. It's priced according to them. You exist in a post-apocalyptic world. If the pricing doesn't suit you, then you don't need it. I've sold weenie wagons for 10 caps and I've sold weenie wagons for 40k caps. Value is only what you give it. I would trade my Q/E/25 fixer for 10k nuka cola right now but not a tfj because it looks shit and has no value to me.


They do so that crybabies can whine about it on Reddit




if your prices are high I'm not staying to look at your camp.


People with more than one accounts, their sub can wait much longer to sell their items


Some people also price their items fairl but not cheap. .


Is there a community price lookup tool like other mmos like RuneScape have? My biggest problem is that I have nothing to reference price wise when making my vending machine and the game suggests a price I just use that price.


How come some people don’t use the search feature? No offense OP but this gets posted often.


300-500 caps is cheap. I spend more traveling around to shop camps to worry about spending that amount on something I want or need.


Anything less than 5000 caps is a drop in the bucket in Fallout 76. If you've been playing long enough this isn't even a complaint. Raid a Blood Eagle camp. Sell the weapons. Sell the armor. Sell everything you don't need. There's your money back. If you can afford Fallout 1st for just a month you can spend 4 weeks hoarding all the resources you can ever hoard, if you have that patience. Makes things alot easier having resources in the thousands and not needing anything in life.


I see low level players selling thing incorrectly because they're follow Ingame pricing system. They will have work benches for 250, Ivory pistol grip, Raider and Mole mine gauntlet often way over priced. To me it's fine, their new and don't know. Most the times I see vendors with respectable and fair pricings for all their items. Then theres the higher level people. It's like these people accidentally type another number. The cheapest thing in their vendor can be 3k. These people even sell ammo for 2-10 caps a BULLET. it baffles my mind that they think this is appropriate. Do they even sell things? Those items must have rusted and rotted sitting their for so long. I understand valuables being expensive but your just a dirty scammer.


I use the same rule in every game with an in-game economy. The price is set for the highest bidder. You may want it for 100, but someone else will pay 500. If it sells out too quickly, I sell the next one for more.


They price them that high because people will buy them. Or they won’t… It’s a business model decision, based on what they value and want from their vendor. I want to move weight out of my inventory ASAP. I want to provide other players access to items and plans I enjoy or have value, but not for my build. So I sell on the cheap and fast moving inventory side


I'll generally sell stuff like stimpacks for a few more caps than I can get from npc vendors. Stuff like plans, I'll sell based on what they are. Plan for a bench? 10 caps. Plans for anything remotely useful? Generally a few hundred under what the game says the price is. Caps are hard to come by, but I don't wanna drain the pockets of people who were in my same position just 10 hours ago


I sell almost everything at 5-20 caps.


Perhaps you are overlooking a simple basic rule in economics which is start high and cut prices based on supply and demand. I don’t blame anyone for having what I want and charging what they are willing to part ways for it. The difference is likely that comparing high level players who have so much it’s a burden, and then there’s those making their way in the wasteland working their way upwards. Just be classy to one another and don’t be such a commie.


I just shove stuff in my shop for whatever the computer offers as a default value. I don’t have time to fuck around with trying to make fake money in a game.


It’s like selling $10 bottles of water. You’re exploiting multiple demographics: - Uninformed people who don’t know the value. - Desperate people who know the value but don’t feel like they have a choice. - Lazy people who know the value but will pay a premium to get it now. - Rich people who know the value but don’t care that it’s overpriced. It’s kinda shitty behaviour but the ludicrous game design decision to max at 40k caps encourages high level players to “dump” caps so they’re probably hoping for a payday with the occasional benefit of scamming a newbie. When anyone complains about it the greasy little weirdos start ranting about free market capitalism, so best to just ignore them.


How is it a scam if you put something in a vendor and someone agrees to buy it at the price you ask? People LOVE to throw the word scam around. I agree with your point on the cap, I’ve bought plenty of overpriced crap when I’m on the cap limit, and then that person ends up going over the limit, etc


I’m a relatively new player and I overprice almost everything unless I want it gone very quickly. The amount of times someone has bought a holy fire for 8k or plans for 200-500 caps over the actual price. It takes a bit longer but I get more caps for less work 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I would rather overprice something than underprice something and then find out later down the line.


I do this a bit (not crazy high mind you) mainly because I don't actually want you to buy anything unless you actually need it. I don't need the caps at all thanks to the 40k limit. I'm sitting on so many plans I don't even sell because the limit sucks so bad.


I put everything for 30 caps come buy it all so I have room for junk thanks


Is there a frame of reference for prices that you would like to share with everyone?


I used to love looking at the number of plans a vendor had and if I see a high number I’d hop them to see what I’m missing. However now that I have a good amount of known plans a high number usually means that the plans are super overpriced and no one is buying. I no longer look for sellers with high quantities of plans. Sad face 


Not all of us with tons of plans have our stuff overpriced. I think I've got like 200+ but all my stuff is cheap. Like all the cappy and bottle things people price at 1k are like 235 or so in my vendor. I always sell my stuff for cheap but still priced enough that I make some caps on it.


10 caps, that is the price for everything, if it has a different price it's because I was clicking to fast and made a mistake. All plans, all legendaries, even an occasional god roll, all chems, stims etc. I think I still have my 40k insult card, but that feels almost like a legacy item at this point, I can never go back.


We should have a Yelp review for camps. To warn other players to not bother visiting them. Or to review how they decorated


I've been listing guns for 50caps a legendary star. Honestly I have no idea how much I should be selling them for.


Some players just throw up items at the prices the game recommends thinking that is what the market is selling it for at that time not realising the game isn't designed to tracker cost values when it comes to player sales


Most people just don't have any idea of how much things are worth so they just sell at a random price or at the "very accurate" price that the developers have put in


On every vendor i have a sign with "ask for trade or discount" Just 2 guys asked me in 2 months.


At my vender, only thing I upcharge is legendary weapons I repair to 150-200%. I add another 100-200 caps onto the price. But all my plans are marked down by almost 1/2. I try not to overcharge unless it’s a really good outcome of some legendary weapons


Ran into a camp who had everything for 1c. Damn near bought all his junk


I'd assume someone will probably buy it eventually, probably what they're thinking.


I don't get it either. I personally price my stuff within reason, like most chems are around 25-30 a pop, conventional ammo is 1 cap per bullet, explosives around 10, ETC. My most expensive pieces tend to be stuff like Power Armor Jetpacks or Plans but even then they never go above 250 caps


I only upcharge rare plans and plushies, as they're desirable.


On a positive note, I found vintage water cooler plans for 12,500 last night. First time I’ve had a chance to get it. (I’m very new to the game)


i price all my plans at 5 caps, regardless of the actual value or rarity. as for clothing and armor, never more than 25. weapons never over 150. fusion cores at 25. i like to sell things off so i don't have them taking up inventory space.


I have quite a few overpriced things in my vendor but it's because I put those things in there early on when I didn't know the going prices for things and I've been too lazy to go through and change them. Shocker, no one ever buys them


Capitalism HO!


Some just stick with in game suggestions. I normally knock a 0 off. Only interesting thing I have found is a poorly rare enclave gun. And common plans and recipies


I used to look up quality items to see what to properly price them at. Then I got tired of looking at up and just decided to sell most of my items at a flat price based on type. Do I get a huge amount per sale?  Nope.  But it amuses me greatly to provide a camp where you can randomly find very good items at the exact same price as others of its type, even if I could have technically gotten 5k caps or whatever for the item.


I price pretty much everything around half what the vendor auto prices stuff at. It's almost all plans. Noone buys lol


I always drop the price to half of what is default unless it’s 50 caps, then I drop it to ten. The only time I’ll raise it is if it’s particularly rare or if it’s a good legendary roll.


I sell pretty much everything from 10 to 50 caps. Might have a few nuke keys for like 500 just because. All my plans are something I already have had and don't need. I'm always hovering above 30k in caps, so it's not like I need the money.


“Because that’s what it’s WORTH.” “Okay, well, not to me. Bye!” (Continues sitting on hoard)


I didn’t even know you could set prices until yesterday. It was whatever is default. 😹


I have all my stuff super low because I don’t really care about caps. Plans at 100 each, recipes at 50 each, 3 stars at 300, 2 at 200 and 1 at 100 but obviously that means I get level 1000+ just taking everything as its all low price.


Anything thats overpriced in my vendor is typically from timed events or world boss drops but iv got a sign up by my vendors to message me on xbox if you'd like to offer something for those overpriced items. Most times I'll happily take half caps, junk, flux or something i find interesting lmao.


I'm knocking basically everything down to 10% of its suggested price (unless it's pretty rare, then I still underprice it, but not by 90%). Cranberry jam recipe, suggested value 50? Yeah that's 5 in my shop. Wooden stools suggested 100? It's going for 10. It's not like I don't get a bunch of recipes or plans to replace them just by playing. I actually want to clear through my inventory, not sit on 10000 single-action revolver ivory grip plans...


In my world I sell as this. If the recommended price is 100 caps, sell for 10, 500 to 50 caps, 50 caps to 5 caps. I sell ALL the time. Especially new players. Most food recipes I price at 5 caps a pop. Newer players buy all the time. If I'm selling scrip, 100 caps a star.


I used to sell a lot a few years ago mostly weapons and armor at the time my prices were 100 for 1 star, 500 for two, and 1000 for three stars but the market has definitely changed to if somebody wants it bad enough they will pay whatever for it!


Because of idiots. The vast majority of humanity has the IQ of a box of soggy grapefruit. If it didnt work, people wouldnt do it. I've sold the v63 weather machine plans (its for a f*n poster) for like 5k caps like 3 times. People do it because it works.


If you sell a Chemistry station plan for anything other than 0 caps, you're a terrible human and I hope your pillow always feels hot at night.


More plans= people visiting your vendor. If I don’t gotta keep restocking it that’s great


Yeah I don't understand it either. I sell all my plans at 11c and some very rare ones at 1111c max. I don't know why people sell their plans that high.


i use a discord bot to price most things, if it’s a low price i’ll either use that price depending on the item or use the suggested price the vendor uses


Because they failed economics class




I see wedding rings that go for 4k a lot Just go find them instead at this rate


I sell everything for 1 cap. I don't want any extra plans.


I took my own time out of my own life to earn the plan I’m selling. I can se the price whatever I damn well please.


If I find any plan or recipe I don’t know for under 5k, I’ll buy it. Imagine I’m not alone in that either.


If everything is overpriced, they are not serious about selling at that point in time. (Good) Plans are also another way to store cap value.


I always sell my plans at 50 caps, keeps things simple 😄


I will just turn and walk away I wont even wave at you as I leave your Camp. 😂 And the amount of people with that “You’re a Dumbass!!!” note for sale at astronomical prices is absurd. Anyways I price almost everything around 10% of suggested value and all recipes are about 10-50 caps. I assume most people that have lots of caps already have 95% of the plans and recipes. So who are these people selling to? Definitely not me! If that item’s value says 50-100caps and you value it at 500+ caps, it is time for me to take all your resources and walk away after leaving all your lights off and doors open. Damn Allistar Tenpennys! 😆


the price on that note is intentional and is not meant to be bought, a long time ago there was a bug with vending machines where buying everything in the shop allowed people to steal from your stash, selling sn item for max caps prevented this and is now standard practice for if the bug should ever return


All plans in my vendor are five caps. If I already know it, it’s going in at that price.


Yeah I saw it too and I have no idea. Food recipes are so insignificant in selling they aren't worth more than 10 caps.


A lot of mine it's just the default amount the game selected, sorry if they're overpriced but my desire for caps is way lower than my desire to adjust prices one at a time for all that shit.


My question is why does no one stock ammo anymore??


Imo, unless it’s ultracite munitions, ammo is super cheap and easy. I’m sitting on over 9 million total rounds snd explosives and about 200k is for my actual gun I crafted, the rest was accumulated over 300 hours of gameplay. It’s gotten to the point I just put all extra rounds in donation because I don’t need it. Shotguns are notorious for making you swim in extra rounds, sometimes a 1500-3000% increase if you have a one hit kill build since many enemies drop 15+ rounds….


I don’t get it tbh. I personally find it more efficient to sell things by what they’re worth. By the time you find the one weirdo that buys the your the dumbass note, I would’ve maxed my caps a dozen times already.


These people think people are going to flock to their vendor to purchase AN item, but in my experience unless you have a god rolled rare item people are going to be buying cheaply in quantity, likely for scrip trade in. You need a sales *strategy.*


If their base is at a train station, the golf course, or near the overseer camp on the road is barricading garaunteed horrible prices.


I haven't been playing much lately but I always sell stuff for cheap. I just want to but a few Nuka's for the kids, ya know?


I saw one camp on xbox where the person had dozens and dozens of items priced at like 35-40k each... mostly weapons and armor.... but like how is it even possible for you to get paid if people are spending the entire cap limit on something? Whatever caps you have will put you over and you'll lose the rest.


its just caps. you can always get more.


Because they suck and like tricking new players. I even see 1000s have ridiculously overpriced plans and the only reason is hope someone who doesn’t know the value will buy them


I've seen serums going for 200 and some for 2000...


rule of thumb, if your recipe is more expensive than the price an NPC has, you're doing a terrible crappy job as a vendor yourself lmao. Why would I buy a raider jetpack for 10k from a player when the NPC sells it for 6k? But I guess players are just being predatory on desperate players who need to learn every single plan ever.


I see some players selling serums for RIDICULOUS prices, and I usually just drop them for low level players for free..... there's no need to overprice shit. I see Skyline valley plans for 15K caps, and found the same plan at someone else's vending machine for 150 caps....go figure!


I always put them cheap if it's a known plan, enough for me to gain caps but not much to break the others pockets


They probably do sell these items, maybe not often but if a newbie comes along and doesn't know then they might jump in and buy something for a dumb price. I overprice items myself, but only event items and only because those sell stupidly. especially anything to do with the new boss fight in the map expansion. my reasoning for that is that people are lazy and some just don't want to grind for these items, so I'll help but it won't be cheap. I put masks from this event up for sale at what I feel are ridiculous prices (600, 700 caps a piece) and they sell like hotcakes. Everything else in my shop is reasonable and sometimes even dirt cheap.


I used to sell all my plans for 5 caps - but then i realised that when i buy plans I don't really care what price they are - if i don't know it, i'll buy it. - and then I realised that most other players don't care either .. if they dont know it, they'll buy it off me. - repricing things (up or down) is just not a decent way to spend my time So now everything goes in at the suggested price - if someone wants it they buy it every few months i take all my plans and drop them in a donation box, and start all over again I sell way less than when it was all at 5caps, but i probably make the same caps over all.


It is not overpriced, you only have not enough caps. The same as in real life. There are no expesive goods, you do not earn enough. Simple solution is to leave such vendor and search elsewhere.


So I'm not gonna lie these days if there's a plan I don't know even if it's 30k I just buy it


I mainly only sell chems, concrete scrap, and the occasional plan if I have more than one


I finally bought the fusion core charger and I was sitting on 23 used fusion cores. Too lazy to do the events to charge em. But I charged them up at camp and finally sold them all freeing up around 100lbs of weight so I can store more bulk junk 😆


Because that's the price it gives me when I stock my vendor. I have 200+ plans to sell, I'm not going to research the going rate and adjust. Ain't nobody got time for that!


In YOUR vendor YOU get to decide the price. And you don't have to justify it to anyone. Personally, I sell ammo for 0 caps. Plans for 9 caps. Recipes for 3 caps. Useful/quest junk for 9 caps. Serums for 376, and other chems for 76 caps. I have reasons why I chose these prices, but I doubt anyone cares. Just like IRL, if prices are good -- BUY, if prices are not good -- MOVE ON. You can wonder why people chose certain prices, but the real answer is for many different reasons.


My recipes are 50 caps seems like a steal to me I won't lower it the game set that price and I agree with it.


I don't sell anything. I hoard and hoard and hoard.


Everything in my vendor is 11 caps. One for Todd and 10 for me! Yes, everything.


We need average price sold per item in the default price selector. But man, spreadsheets are hard, amirite Bethesda?


I price mine at 25% off except for ones I know are somewhat more rare. The only things I do price a bit higher are weird stuff that I know people won’t pay the price for it usually at 9999c and ironic enough someone eventually buys them. I lost about 15k the other day because someone just hopped on my vendor and bought both items listed at 9999 and I was 4k caps away from max caps hahaha


This always comes up. Look Mr. Guy, you can sell 120 items with no timer. I’ve got items I’ve had that used to be rare, I’ve got items back from the first 6 months of F76 coming out that I thought were rare at the time. I don’t do a good enough job filtering through my old stuff. I’m sorry. I usually just refill it when 10-20 things sell. This ain’t my job, I come to have fun and clear scoreboards. Don’t take offense to every small detail. Sometimes the answer is not malevolent, I just don’t care enough to fix the bottom 1/4th of my vending machine. 😂


Some players overprice their items on purpose for foot traffic. That way the vendor still attracts people but they don’t have to restock or extend into the 40k caps limit.


Players can set prices as they wish. You may, of course, decline to buy from them. What I'm willing to pay for an item is up to me. Recently spent 9999 for an Anchorage Ace. I had the 10K to spend and I wanted to try the weapon out. Turns out to have been a great purchase as I love the weapon. I found a vendor the next day that had the same gun for 5K. Ah well... caps are just "funny money" and it's easy to make so many that you have trouble spending them all. I made up the 5K difference in a day or two and I continue to enjoy the weapon, so the purchase was worth it to me at the price paid.


This is why I don't run a vendor. I'm sure a lot of those prices are default values. Other over priced items are just laughable. But the economy is such that player vendor prices should not be something that matters to anyone.


Well there is no way to find any info what a fair market value on things is as far as I know…


It’s also a good way the launder caps to a friend.


Don't worry. Just come to my shop. Everything is 50 caps.


If it's 300 caps, they're not being nice, they're just selling scrip. If it's 3000-10,000 caps, they're not gouging, they're selling viable gear and plans that people will want. People with a bad vendor may think that's overpriced because they don't make a lot in their vendor, but if they priced things by what they're worth, they wouldn't think that way.


Because caps are almost meaningless at some point and they probably don't care if/when it sells, and becasue they can. No one else is obligated to buy it.