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Are you in the nuke zone or outside of it? Most enemies should drop one of the stabilizing ingredients. iirc human enemies (like the blood eagles in the ash heap) will don hazmat suits when a nuke drops and thus won't drop these matsterials.


I've tried both outside and inside a YouTube video said to farm this super mutant place but alas no materials I'm low lvled probably around 60 so it's kinda hard for me to solo drop nukes


How come I die in my super power armor when the blast hit and they change clothes and survive?


When the bomb drops you'll die regardless if you're inside the zone, you want to enter the zone after the bomb goes off. You'll want PA, a hazmat suit or the Chinese stealth armour for the rad protection.


Ooo I know but I mean how come they survive


They don't enter until after the bomb drops, then they'll wear something with strong radiation resistance, and they'll pop radaway when they need to.


Aaah oké lore wise saved!


Killing enemies inside a nuke zone has a chance to drop Hardened and Glowing Masses, and High Radiation Fluids - but it's only a chance. If you nuke somewhere like Morgantown or Whitespring you get lots of Glowing Ones (when the dead ghouls respawn) to farm materials from.


Can flux stablize itself in your inventory because I have some stable flux but I was never able to get and stablizing materials


No it degrades to Inert Flux. You do get Stable Flux as a reward for doing enough damage to the Scorchbeast Queen at the Scorched Earth event.


Okay that's definitely where it's from 😂 thank you


Joining boss events gets you stable flux, but you have to deal 1k damage to the bat queen to get it, don't think you have to do that to the other bosses.


things to look out for in nuked zones High radiation fluids, glowing mass, hardened mass - drops from enemies inside nuke zones radiated plants - from gathering plants there - equip green thumb perk for double harvesting once you have it all 10 plants + 1 rad fluid + 1 hardened +1 glowing mass , you can stabilize it at a chemistry workbench under nuked flora


All I want is a jetpack why such grind 😭😭


When im farming stabilizing materials (high rad fluids, hardened masses and glowing masses) i drop a nuke in the Ash Heap that covers the Mount Blair Train Yard, Welsh and points in between. Then i take a bloatfly syringer along with my daily driver and go through in CSA. First syringe everything you see, then kill it, then kill the bloat flies to increase your yield.