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Player vendors.


It's the best way to actually get what you want for sure


1. Daily ops. By hitting at least Paladin rank, you will receive 2 legendary items, and every run after that gives you one more. 2. Horde events, uranium fever, boss fights and other events all spawn legendary enemies guaranteed. 3. Player vendors and trading. Need I say more? But this is half irrelevant as of next Wednesday. The new update adds legendary crafting, which uses cores and modules. I’d start buying modules now, from the purveyor for 50 scrip each. You’ll be able to pick the number of stars and the gear to apply it to. But if you take nothing else from my post, listen here: Do not, whatever you do, upgrade a good one or two star legendary to three stars. Any upgrade completely scrambles the effects on the item, turning a good item potentially into utter trash. Make a new, non-legendary version of the item instead and craft that you a three star.


playing a LOT helps. You'll acquire items from killing legendary enemies and rewards but also things to trade for legendaries as well. Scorched Earth gives 2. one guaranteed 3\* from the event and a drop from the queen. Plus mobs can be legendary. Riding Shotgun event has a guaranteed legendary and the chance of more. Last week i had 5 in total in one event. Horde events have a legendary boss usually. AWOL Armaments in my experience always has a legendary last enemy. What level are you and platform?


In addition to what other people have said, the next patch will give you another way to get them.


Radiation rumble is good rng for legendery enemys and uranium fever has 3 legendery enemys always


Some events give legendarys as reward. Farm legendary enemies. Daily ops reward legendarys. Player vendors. It's worth checking the trainstation vendors. Found yesterday a BE1per railway rifle at whitesprings station.


player vendors 3 star enemies scorchbeast queen/earle williams and mumbles.


Pray to atom.


Riding Shotgun has one guaranteed legendary, but there’s a chance more show up during the event.


I do the Horde events and Leader of the Pack and the camp ally quests that give the weapon cache. They give mostly scrip fodder, but it's something. Also keeping an eye on player vending.


Anything in particular you’re after?


Vendor hop if u want legendaries now. Other then that, grind events, hunt for Legendaries.


player vendors, the wandering guitar player, any public event (some are better than others), Mrgph. running whitesprings usually yields 1-5 legendaries.