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I have 4 alts. All within the range of lvl 100-300. I made them back then, when you can't have multible skills with one toon. And so I created all of them with diffrent skills, like meele, heavy, comando and energy.


Yeah, before the punch card machine, this made a lot of sense.


My punch card machine swaps each of my 5 characters between their primary build, and their camp/crafting build. No way am I going to spend money buying slots to do something that 4 alts can do.


Plus you can split up the gear that way so your not stuck with 5 play styles worth of gear in one stash box.


It still does to an extent because swapping builds, gears and legendary perks can be an annoyance.


Yeah mine too. But trying to change them up.


Melee and heavy are pretty easy to switch on the fly, I had a build that could go from shotgunner, unarmed and heavy in a flash.


Came here to say the same thing. 5 characters all around 300-500 with different builds. Kind of pointless now, really.


Not really, just think if you tried to play all those different builds off of one character and one stash. That's why I still use alts. It's not so much a mule as it's a fully functional character with its own build and say it's a stealth rifleman then I can take the non stealth rifleman gear and put it on another character that said gear might be better for. It's better than 10 builds and play styles with different armor and weapons trying to fit it all into 1200 storage with aid items and apparel.


Same here - I will say that although the card machine makes it easy to swap builds now, I still enjoy having 5 different characters because I only need to carry certain gear for each, which frees up stash space, and also from a roleplay perspective I have 5 different characters with different motivation and play styles, etc … I didn’t mind redoing the main quests for each character - it gave me something to do in the game - The worst part has been grinding the legendary cards for each character that is a lot of work … (1 lv200, 1 lv300, 2 lv400, 1 lv500)


I have just 1 alt, named Alt, who will be forever lvl 4, as they just get used for the daily level up in custom worlds.


Mine is called Freelvl just for that purpose.


I have a heavy tank that I use when I want to join groups, a stealth archer for when I want to wander by myself, and a character that holds all of my stuff that's too good to get rid of but not worth selling (my growing collection of Ghoul Slayer's gamma guns and Stalker's melee weapons need to be kept safe somehow)


Before punchcard machines, alts were about different builds. Now they are just another character to play when your favorite reaches all his daily caps.


One commando, one heavy. Was before the punch card, but mostly I'm too much of a hoarder to have that many guns on one character. Besides, more camps, more to do in terms of collecting rare items and plans and such. The big chore was redoing the rep grind from wastelanders. Fuck that noise.


i have multiple alts so i can play various builds.... ive never believed in one toon to do everything, plus easier stash management since i don't have to worry about more than 1 build on each toon.....


I started an alt so I can play the main story and have something to do again. I wish there was a NG+ or something like that to do the main quest again on my main even if this time there are no rewards.


Have 5, would have 5 more if I could. Different playstyles. Like stealth build. Heavy etc. Also different style bases and looks. If I just played as me I would be wearing the same 2 or 3 outfits and never have a use for stuff on atomic shop


Having alts geared and leveled up means each character will have their own scrip machine/bullion/npc vendor caps/Daily Ops reward limits, allowing for more playtime. Also, the punch card machine is great, but legendary perks cannot be swapped as easily so it’s nice to have flexibility to have a stealth character with follow through maxed out and another with the power armor cards maxed out.


Play on 4, have a do-it-all build on my 940 main, my score point xp grinder is pushing 750 now. Started him grinding score a year ago. And my rifleman is full health, 168, he’s my daily driver now. I kept playing my wife’s character on another account too. Hers is at 580 also set to grind XP and finish the score board in like ~45 min of daily play.


I have one that I deleted to many of the perk cards on before understanding how they worked. (Pre Punch machine) I also did to many quest that dropped low level named items. My current main is the one I use for everything else. I keep meaning to go back and start and alt to do the Raider side of the questline perhaps when the I finished the Scoreboard I will do that.


used one when I wanted to replay the game from scratch. now my old main is the forgotten alt never to be touched again. I like the leveling and beginning of the game the most so probably going to end up doing that again someday.


Yes! I use them for different play styles and to experiment with camp ideas without paying for another camp slot (I already have one extra). I have a bloodied commando meta build, a Junkies "dual wielding" Revolver build that's my funnest/ default, a melee build that used to be bloodied but I've been playing with other ideas, heavy meta build, and a wildcard I'm experimenting with (life saving revenant). It's a blast to play this way, but I wish I could get another slot to just start all over. All these characters are over level 200 now.


Plenty of reasons. Mules: characters specifically made to just hold stuff. They can be leveled up (so you can use perks to reduce weights), or left low level and equipped with weight reduction armor pieces (basically roll level 1 leather or wood armor with the reductions you want). Alts: made to play with. Whether you want to try a new build or something else, anything goes. - depending which side you choose (raiders/settlers), you'll get a unique misc item you can display. Luis detonator if you side with the raiders, I forget the settlers. So it's a way to collect things you may have missed. - certain quests have a chance to unlock something rare. Doing Duchesses quest for example, you can unlock the Free Radicals Mask if you side with the radicals, or there's a chance to get the Cutting Fluid Recipe if you side with her. The cutting Fluid chance is slim, so some people will continually make alts to farm them, and transfer to other characters. I have my main who is neutral/BoS themed. My second is Enclave themed, and my 3rd is Blue Ridge themed (these characters use armor paints specifically tied to each group, allies wear the factions apparel, and camps are designed to look like the factions would. Since we have a max of 5 camps, i prefer having different themed characters so I can get creative as opposed to 1 themed camp for each with one character. Also, for scoreboard it's much easier to level up a level 25-100 than a level 500+ so there's some practical aspects


I have 4 alts levels 37-423. At first I created them just to be mules I'm a hoarder. Then it changed to trying different builds (bow,heavy gunner,melee,commando)and now I use them for more camp building slots.


I have all 5 character slots filled. My main is level 400, and the other 4 are all around level 180 to 240 (the second highest). I don’t use them as mules, every one is it’s own unique build. It’s a way to keep things from getting stale. Each character is a different theme. Main is: Enclave Operative 2nd is: BOS Knight 3rd is: (currently) Hellcat’s Merc. Has been themed as a Raider, a Chinese Spy, and a Free-States survivalist. Camp options are Amazing for us (real) roleplayers. 4th is: A Responders Fire Fighter. Cryolator/Fire Axe, melee consumables, Fire Fighter Excavator PA paint. 5th is my joke character: Vault Tec obsessed dweller. Everything in the camp is Vault Tec themed, my armor is combat armor with the Vault paint, got my shielded Vault Suit, Vault PA (T51), all the vault stuff. This is how I keep myself entertained after completing everything a long time ago. I love playing themed characters/building themed camps.


I had 3 alts. 1 aid mule, 1 ammo mule and 2 weapon mule. All had relevant weight reduction armor. I had an alt for messing around on. I have turned the aid and ammo i to playable alts now. They only have 100 carrh weight free due to the stuff they're carrying still though. Don't think the weapon mule is ever gonna be able to move. Has a few thousand weapons. I use all 4 characters to churn out fixers and choo choos on the regular. One of them rolled a b2525 fixer a few days ago. Also good for doing dailies on alts


Alt for different play styles. And alt account with more alts for mules.


I have 4 alts.. I only did because I hoard and stash a lot of ammo, etc. A friend suggested it, originally.


I am slowly leveling a second alt to experience the Raider-side of the Vault-raid for example and then i have a throaway-alt that i use for the daily-level-up and then deleete and remake whenever it takes to long to level up.


That was my main reason and for my experience - it was so much more of enjoyable experience.


I have a level 2 full of 3-star legendaries from that week eviction notice popped every hour that I am slowly cashing in on my main.


I use my alts to get more camp slots. With the chore board rewards its quite easy to twink them with caps and gold so that you dont have grind for plans or materials.


Have four and mostly Just play each one to get the daily script (legendary/caps) limits. Start with the main and work my way down to the lowest. It’s fun when double script weekends pop having 4 characters to do.


Main is full health commando. Alt lvl 286 PA heavy gunner and alt lvl 6 mule


Mostly carry mules for extra nuka colas, popcorn, honey, sometimes abundance of meats since it wont spoil on an offline character. And of course legendary gear banking and hoarding for scrip I know pvp is a farce but main character is a decked out level 600 explosives commando in assassins ss armor, I use this fella when my friends get picked on


I have 4 playable characters and a flux mule on one account. Another main and a cutting fluid recipe farming character on another account. I mainly just play the first four to have 1200 scrip a day and get around the personal cooldown on the silos.


Could you explain what a "cutting fluid recipe farming character" is about? Genuinely curious! Thanks!


It's an early non-repeatable Wastelanders quest called "Hunter for hire" that has a 20% chance of giving you the cutting fluid recipe. 4 times out of 5 you will not get this recipe on a standard playthrough. Farming this recipe requires you to start a new playthrough over and over again. This is the wiki page for Hunter for Hire. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Hunter_for_Hire When you embark on this Quest you need to take the optional task of speaking to Daniel at Anchor farm. Then you kill the Boss at WV lumber, then return to Anchor farm to tell Daniel you killed the Raider. At that point you *might* get the cutting fluid plan. If you don't, the only option is to start again with a new character.


That sounds like quite the grind! Ok, might try this on the mule character! ;-) Thanks!


Got 9, 8 are mules and 1 I delete and level up, delete level up over and over again for the daily challenge.


Got 9, 7are mules and 1 I delete and level up, delete level up over and over again for the daily challenge. And I’ve got a level 40 Commando build levelling up, but it is getting full on weapons now too. Edit don’t know why when I’m editing my post it’s replying to my other ?


I created 2. One has fallen by the wayside, but its original purpose was to cheese the Level Up daily chore if my main was too far from leveling when I finished the other tasks. The second alt I created for a custom world I named "New Game+" so I could do the story again.


I wanted a new build and to redo the pioneer scout stuff. I only got one of those lol.


4 alts and were made before the punch card.


My first alt was for the level-up daily/weekly challenges. My second alt I started recently with the move from Beth to Steam and I saw I needed to start a character from the start to pop a large number of the achievements. I'm going to have to return to my first alt to be able to 100% the achievements since there is an achievement for siding with the Settlers and one for siding with the Raiders. (So much easier in the single-player games where you can just backtrack to a previous save! lol)


5 alts, from lvl's 900-400. Primarily for camp building


I come from OLD school MMOs so I have alt-itis. I play 4 different characters


I come from OLD school MMOs so I have alt-itis. I play 4 different characters


I started a new character to play with my bro as he's just picked up the game.


I have 4 alts over lvl 400 and 1 mule that's at lvl100 thought it would be better than using the same build and going up to level 1500


I would use an alt for the same reason: to replay the main questline(s). However, I don’t because I would like to turn it into a mule afterwords, but I’ve had too many bad experiences transferring items between characters and losing them that I do not want to do that until some sort of box to transfer items between characters is added (a big if). Until then, I will just stick with one character.


first things first a custom world is not the real world, you might be 26 there but on the real world you are level 1 (or whatever they were before joining the custom world) i mule geared for carry weight etc 4 characters over lv 200 (all with the backpack). the only one that runs out of legendary cores is the mule since they can't fast travel to events (which is why the legendary cores of the scoreboard works for me) main is PA heavy gunner/ non PA, stealth heavy gunner 2nd is a stealth commando 3rd explosives/melee 4th rifleman i log each in about the span of 1 minute to sell and scrip one item each and start my timers, and then rotate around to do missions with them, for cores, modules etc


Mine are low level, created solely for easier level-ups in the dailies. I've slowly started using them for other things, mostly Camp building.


Roleplay and different playstyle.2) A dude that's a settler caravan scout (Chinese stealth suit + sniper build)3) His sister in law, that is a raider (Raider/Trapper armor + shotgun build) 1) My first character from the beta, I put her to use in a new build as BOS Scribe married to #2 (BOS Armor + energy weapons) 4) The gals' dad, a paranoid wasteland pirate-ish associated with the Free States movement (Power Armor + Heavy Guns) And since the cultist dungeon, i'll do their uncle, which is Marsellus Wallace gimped from Pulp Fiction 😂 No idea yet, may be a Melee/Unarmed


I will use an alt to do the vault raid again to get both trophies on psn


I have two accounts and 10 characters. 2 main and 8 mules.


I have 3 alts - although they are just mules. One stores all my ammo/gunpowder/other good odds & ends, one stores good legendary weapons/armor, and the final one stores my excess crummy legends (1 stars/nocturnal, etc) that I will transfer over to my main to sell for scrip eventually. I plan to level them up to lvl50 at some point so they can store more - all at lvl2-4 right now lol (anyone have fast leveling up advice?)


I have 4 alts. All level150-200. Mostly because I prefer to focus on specific build types with each of them, rather than wasting stash space and resources doing 5 specs on the same character. My main is a heavy gunner, and will never be anything else beyond that. Plus, opportunity to try the story and quests with different builds.


I have one because there is no NG+.


I finally made one a few weeks ago after playing since beta. Her name is Levelline, and she is level 2.87. Her sole purpose is to be imported into my custom world, craft a gun, and get to level 3. Daily challenge complete. Rinse. Repeat. I salute you, Levelline.


I have 2 alts. One that is slowly going through the quest lines, and the other is my little mule, pepe.


All banks


I use them for different builds that my mutations would hamper them, which can be mitigated but not really eliminated.


To hold shit and to switch up to a different RNG pool. I hit the asylum every day, 5-10 server hops, for months looking for a red asylum on my main toon. One Saturday I switched to one of my alts to see what would happen and got a red to drop after 10 hops. I decided to see what would happen if I kept going and I got a *2nd* red 10 minutes later on my main. I reset my spawns and kept going, 3 hops later got a healing salve recipe on my main. Coincidence? Maybe. But I've also done this with gear, if I'm in a rough patch rolling I'll drop it to my alt and roll on him. That's how I went from a nocturnal damage while aim shitty fixer to a Q 25 VHC 25AP fixer in just a few modules. This does require AFKing one of them at events so the alt gets untradeable legendary cores which really annoys some people though.


I have three characters which are basically the same level and build with two mules




My main is a Jack. Then, I have a Bloodied PA, Junkies Commando, Aristocrats (unsure of where I want to take them), and my mule.


USES FOR ALTS: scoreboard level ups/RobCo stonks (1000) during the "Elusive Crane" wayward quest (room only opens once)/Steel-exclusive mission legendaries/farming the legendary boss during the Wastelanders gold bullion finale then swapping lobbies/the Free Radicals mask (side with free radicals) more camp slots without paying the atom shop Stupid Money selling gear from your main, instantly unlocking unlimited stash storage and cap limit on multiple characters to load into, fast travel to player camps, and then buy whatever you desire


I have 9 character(toons) total on 2 accounts. My main account is the one I play most with characters at 507, 197, 67, 40, & 17. The 2nd account is for misc overflow. I have a small collection of various explosive railways. Wife is set up pretty similar but her main is over 700. We've had 1st on both main accounts since it was introduced. Every so often, the wife will spend the night sorting & organizing each one's holding. I, on the other hand, play stoned way too much & forget what I was sorting after a few.


I mainly use mine for camp building, why have one when I can have twenty-five.


My alts are used simply, either as storage or as an alternate build that mean I do t have to keep heavy guns on my predominantly commando/rifleman build. Sure I can just swap perk card and special now at will. But why keep heavies on a commando or melee on any ranged build. It's just a waste of space when you are trying to keep 5 sets of armor and 10+ weapons on one character with aid items. It's even worse for people without fallout first and they have to store all of that and junk.


You almost got me Todd


You almost got me Todd


I have main and 2 alts now. 1 lvl 226 on one account and other has 357 or so and a 128. Second account one transfers items safely and 3rd was to help with leveling daily. Now 3rd is test subject to new builds




Money laundering, my main gets full up on caps and I just have a friend help me move my caps to an Alt, give them a transfer fee of a couple thousand caps for their help, I've got about 120k spread amongst 3 mules


I really wish we could transfer caps/modules/cores/scrip and all gear (like ss armor) to our players


I have 1 "main" character. The first and named after me. Then a mule, lev 47 so I can use wwr stuff. Then I have 2 alt characters. Ones melee and big guns, others vats rifles. All have strange back storys and belong go a different faction, made different choices type things. Mainly they are all used for limits, so I get 300 script on each, makes 1200 script per day. Caps is the same.