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As a level 2k I will usually check to see if anyone is in a silo before I go in. If they need some help, I will help them out and let them do the launch. Give some advice if its their first time. But just to jump in and take it away is mean spirited. The only time I would even think about doing it is if the player in the silo is a asshat.


Did you take the level 7s to colossal problem?


Lol, I saw a level 17 down there tonight!


I went there at level 10.


I went as a level 2 fresh out the vault not fun


Haha, noob. According to this subreddit - you should have AT LEAST bloodied comando build by level 2.


They really need to lock Silo's once someone is inside. Make it so only you and team members can gain access or something.


The problem with silos getting locked is that people looking to bother the server could just go afk in the silos and cause them to be locked for however long they want to be a dick, or if someone accidentally goes afk too it would just block the silos. There would be no guarantee that people would properly get through the silo mission without going afk for god knows how long.


Good point. What if they they put a time limit on running the silo? Nothing crazy anxiety inducing but maybe like 1 hour. If you don't finish it within the hour you get ported out and locked out for the normal cool down duration (but it wouldn't put the whole site on cool down for anyone else who wants to do it now since the nuke wasn't actually locked).


It sounds okay in theory, but for some people it has taken them like over two hours to launch from either getting confused, dying a lot, or trying to understand everything. If they did something like this they would need to somehow learn the average time it takes for first time launchers (i repeat, first time launchers, not people who glitch to get through quickly). It would just be difficult for them to do something like this because - A. They would have to track each player progression while running the silo, which could take as long as someone would like (because you can do quests at your own pace) B. It would be a little unfair to new players to have a limit set rather than us who could take all the time we wanted If there was a way to lock the last room when initiating launch sequence, that would probably be better than locking the entire thing. If you keep the bots alive it moves pretty quickly, I think creating your keycard is the hardest part to figure out. This would make it where glitchers and people who do it genuinely can still get through the first steps quickly, but the last part that really matters most is locked for however long it *takes YOU* to complete launch sequence. This way, there wouldn’t be a timer, it would be progression based. People could still exploit this, but it would be much more difficult seeing as the launch sequence will progress, even at a slow pace.


That's a great idea! It also sort of makes sense that only the people directly launching the nuke would be allowed inside, sort of a fail-safe system that locks the appropriate personnel inside until the launch is completed.


Either only the launcher allowed inside, or either a priv/pub team. Somehow gatekeeped from outsiders.


Or have a marker like the events to let you know how many people are inside


Nobody steeling anything 🤣 it's a multiplayer game, go to private server if you want to play alone.


Except if this dude came in, saw a group already doing the silo and then just takes the launch, he did steal it. Yes, it's a multiplayer game, but there are things such as common courtesy, and this guy obviously lacked even a modicum of decency. I've gone into silos and ran into dudes mid-run. I'll stop to help and let them launch. They did the work, why take it from them? I can always go run one of the two remaining if they aren't on cool down and if I leave right after the nuke event then I'm likely gonna be just fine and not running into anyone else.


Super unpopular opinion. However, your observation is not entirely without merit. I take issue with the idea that you don’t think that it is “stealing” but putting that aside for a moment, you are correct that this is a multiplayer game, and that different people will want to play it their own way. It is also set in a wasteland, and that means that some players will want to role play as opportunistic jerks. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. The OP has a point though, that if the offending party wanted to cause some degree of in-game strife, then they should have at least communicated it to the player. It’s one thing to want to play a jerk; it’s another thing to be one. There is also no way for us to know what the intent of the high-level player was when they did the action. Since they did not evidently communicate with the OP, we can’t know if there was a good reason for doing it. All we have are the effects – which were to make someone else upset. Fallout 76 is not the type of multiplayer game where someone grinds for 20 to 45 minutes and expects someone else to undo all of their hard work. Most people who grief in a way that impresses me with their daring ways (unique trap camps) always gets at least my grudging respect. What this level 937 did from the OP’s perspective though, was to swoop in, do a dirty, invalidate someone else’s experience, and create unnecessary drama. If you are level 937, you are not new to this game. If you do something like this, without explanation, you are demonstrating the qualities of a loser. That being said, the level 937, could have had a valid reason for taking that silo. Maybe they needed screws. Maybe they had also been grinding through the silo behind them, and didn’t realize that there was somebody else in there until they had already committed a few minutes of their time and decided that they needed to do this before they logged off, and switching to another silo would be too much of a time sink. It is not for me to say whether or not the level 937 had a good reason to do it, only that the effect that it had on the OP is something that I can sympathize with. The fact that you seemingly don’t want to sympathize with the OP could be interpreted poorly. Finally, in regards to the word “stealing”, we could argue about the precise definition, but I don’t think that we need to. As far as each of us is concerned, we may see that differently. Technically, they did not remove some item from the OP that was not theirs, but they did remove an opportunity, so I can understand why they used that word. Think about the scenario and consider what you wrote. A player (the OP) and some others wanted to share an experience with low level players. Do they know each other IRL? Do they have access to a private server? There are a lot of flaws in your reply that show a lack of willingness to empathize or difficulty with inference (or both).


It is wrong to be an opportunistic jerk in role play or real life. Regardless of the high level's "reasoning" there is no excuse for being a jerk. Just because of this or that doesn't excuse acting poorly, in a game, in real life, or any where. That's why people keep doing it because people excuse it, put up with it, and don't call it out. The issue with video games is there's almost never any real consequences to acting like an unmitigated ass and therefore it's never going to change. But don't pretend there's an excuse for it because there isn't. Seeing both sides of a situation is a good thing, and important. It goes out the window though when people act like that. At that point they either own up to being a jerk and try and make it right, or (more commonly) they just keep doing whatever they want because they can.


Edit: notmycupofdarjeeling, I just realized that you may have thought I was replying to you, not 1001LIFE. A million apologies! I agree with your point. I wrote “play a jerk”, because a heel is a valuable character in any conflict storyline. If someone wants to immerse themselves as a raider, that’s cool. That’s also why I think that Level 937 really didn’t act in good faith or by accident. There’s no way you get to that point without knowing what functions as etiquette. They made an active effort to ignore how others perceive them.


Shame! * boom * Shame!


Go to Charlie


Sucks to have a nuke stolen but on a side note, only level 130/150 after a year of playing?


My main is only around level 670 after 4 years and 3,800 hours played. 🤷‍♀️


Right but they clearly were making a distinction between their level and the level 900+ like it’s a bigger player picking on a lower player. When in reality playing for a year should make you a pretty knowledgeable player regardless of level. Keyword should. Which is why I pointed it out. Sounds to me like a lack of interest in the game and experience played a role in the situation. Don’t excuse the 900+ because you shouldn’t steal a nuke from anyone, even if a person is quad times your level. But 2 players with a years experience should know a bit better by now I guess. Sucks it happened but imo not the end of the world and a good learning experience.


In the end, we are all level 50!


Nobody stole anything. You don't own the rights to launch a nuke in a given silo.


If you guys are on PS I can help you out in doing another silo tomorrow. Also that was a dick move on what the 900+ did.


Oh, darn. Can't a PC person join? I've stopped playing for months because I need a launch to forward the storyline and I don't know or trust anyone to tag along. I'm not an excellent player and I'm still in the 50s (or 60s, can't remember anymore). I just don't want to get angry at the game or hurt others by not knowing what the hell I'm doing.


I'll do it with you. My tag is the same as my Reddit name.


I can help too, Malcom201 is my in game name


Also happy to tag along- syntrikz is my tag.


Oh, wow. Thank you so much. I'm gonna need to prepare for this. But this is why I find this community so wholesome and so different from most online game communities. I try to be generous to new players and offer them water and healing stuff every time one goes by my camp (my base is just across the Overseer's C.A.M.P.) because I learned it from the players who did the same for me when I started. It's great to witness people being cool to eachother instead of ruining our fun.


The game is not cross platform.


I can see it from both sides. I do Nukes properly, only bypasses are the genuine ones, I destroy all the mainframe cores and I spend a lot of time finding the replacement cores in storage so I don’t waste circuits. I put a lot of time into launching. I even like to work out the code if I have the time sometimes. If I get to the end and someone else is there after investing all that time then in my opinion it’s fair game. Odds are that if I have gone through all that and not seen them then they have glitched through anyway and are less deserving. Remember if the other person is sneaking around and not making much noise, photomoding through the doors there is literally no way of knowing they are there. Those who are high level and glitch through to steal a low levels Nuke however are actual scum.


Wasn't stolen, it's a game mechanic. Or you were too slow. Their level had nothing to do with it.


Skippy is a game mechanic. Using photomode to phase through doors is a glitch. There are lots of ways this could have gone down where the 937 helped or left or offered a quick apology. That’s why we suspect that this was a defective high-level player.


Bethesda really need to patch that glitch.


It's unfortunately not a glitch. But in general people have the common courtesy to let the person or group running it to complete the silo if they already started it the run.


I think Hermosninja is referring to the photomode door glitch. It allows a player to gain a lot of unearned ground on someone who is legitimately grinding. It could explain the undeserved sense of entitlement the 937 had when they stole the launch


Urgh I feel you, I recently launched my first solo nuke - got all the way to the final defend event and some level 1000+ comes in....luckily they just killed all the mobs and didn't interfere but having read all the horror stories I was utterly on my guard and hovering around the final Terminal. I was totally preparing myself for a stolen run 😞


1. You can crouch while you are in there so that no one knows you are there (it’s possible they seen you and wanted to steal it) 2. You can stay visible so that people will know you are in there (it’s also possible that people check to see if someone is there first) 3. Silos don’t get locked, if they did it would be another form of bothering others or people being irresponsible with it. If they were to get locked, people could go afk in the silos and cause them to be blocked, taking up space that someone else could use for the events. 4. If you were taking a long time, its very possible that they came in because they believed you were taking too long, and since it technically is all free gain in the game, they took the opportunity to take it from you. I am not trying to justify anything, it’s a dick move for sure, but they technically can do it if they want to. I usually stay crouched so that no one can come to me if they know I am there.


I've launched maybe 20 nukes and only had 1 stolen. Still sucks, I know the feeling.


Shit bag


Time to learn the silo exploit so you can launch that nuke in a couple minutes. Unfortunately other people can launch your nuke, that's just the way it goes