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He is a member of the band now. Grian said it on the interview with StuBru (you can find it on yt).


I was wondering the same thing. I’m confused on the delineation between him being a touring member or a permanent member or what that looks like, especially since he’s not yet been in any of the photoshoots or music videos they’ve done. I suppose maybe this could have been done before he was considered “official” (if he is?) and that given how he’s newer to the group, it wouldn’t make as much sense conceptually for him to be in the mv for Favourite. Whatever his role is, my attitude is essentially “welcome, dude! And big thanks for standing in for Deego last fall.”


I'm sure its the same as Depeche Mode, with Christian Eigner and Peter Gordeno being with the main two (three with Andy :( if he was still here) on tour, but not being in promotional material or music videos. It's probably just to add that extra sound they need for the new album. Kind of like Craig Gannon playing rythym guitar alongside Johnny Marr, but not being in promotional material; although Craig was defnitely a 5th smith


If that opens them up to being even more experimental and open to new musical ideas, I'm all for it!


He’s joining them on their tour later this year so i think yes!


That's cool. I'm a big Palma Violets fan, so I was buzzing when I first saw he was playing with them.


Touring member****


Probably not an official member, but he will be there for the tour I imagine. So a touring member