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Lines are so off


may not be so accurate, im not a var ref. But at least it shows that the ball was actually offside


De ligt doesnt touch the ball in the first play so no


That’s not the rule. Touching the ball is not necessary. If you interfere with an opponent or the play, you will commit an offside offence if you were in an offside position. As they were both part of the play, plainly he is offside. They both need to be marked. Here, you’re interfering with an opponent and the play. This is offside.


To be offside, you must participate in the play touch the ball is just a detail.


I was wrong


De Ligt did not interfere in any way before being onside. I can show you thousands of goals like this one. No offside at all.


Too bad the linesman actions didn’t allow for a VAR check.


That's not how it works. If you're involved in a play, you can't be offside at any point


offside to whom? You don't have any idea about the attacker who received and play the ball, it was mazroui, not de ligt. stop creating and posting lines and stuff if you don't know about the whole thing.


But one could argue de ligt interferes with play and therefore contributes to the offside.


Yeah. He definitely interferes. He is a man going at goal near where the ball is played. He is part of the play. He needs to be marked. He’s offside.


Looks like you chopped off Rüdiger’s heel with that line.


i see what you’re talking about, i thought that was just shadow, and that his heel was actually on the ground. Anyways, the ball is still clearly offside


De ligt is offside Mazraoui is impossible to tell. Anyway the ref whistled, wether this was offside or not it was still a mistake from the ref/linesman. Should have let play continue and controll if needed afterwards


Wrong attacker and goes through the heel of the defender. Ref blew the whistle anyway, but this line is useless


wrong attacker? isnt it de ligt?


No Mazraoui gets the ball in that play…




As a Coventry fan, I feel this on an emotional level.


Mazroui is the only one that interferes in the first play and he’s not offside. Funny how these “mistakes” always happen in favor of Real Madrid. A a “mistake” by such a good and experienced center ref, Marciniak.


O take off your tin foil hat.


Take off your 0 football knowledge brain 🔫


Don't be Salty because they win


De ligt is also going for it to begin with and therefore interferes


You cut of Rüdigers heel and mazraoui is still not over the line. You proved that it wasn’t offside.


they go by shoulders, not hands


womb womb


Lets say that it isnt an offside. Youre looking at a scenario where youre in open play from \~25m out against a set defense. This isnt some cross into a penalty box scenario with a touch or 2 leading to a goal. There were solid 5 seconds of continued play after this moment I understand it hurts to go out in the deadend of the game, but BM did nothing for 90' bar the individual moment of brilliance from Davies. They can count themselves lucky to go out with a fight. Being a sore loser isnt a way to go


Are you okay mate? You feeling dizzy?


Wrong player


Both are part of the play. It doesn’t matter which here.


My 5yo niece draws straighter lines


Ridiculous, absolute robbery


It was an offside and replay proves it. But what an unnecessary mess from the polish referees - the linesman clearly raised the flag too early (almost like he didn't expect De Ligt to fire a shot) and main man followed suit. Rules are clear - it can't be checked by VAR in a situation like that so that's a mistake from the linesman first and foremost. I'd expect the ref to let it play out but then it would be cancelled out I guess. It's really the only mistake this ref has made through out the last years too. EDIT: deLigt said in an interview that the linesman admitted to making a mistake and apologized - that's all there is folks. I know it looks bad and FCBM fans are salty but the goal most likely would not have stood.


Yeah, they should have waited for the play to finish, but he got the call right. So, I get the bitching in the moment, but at the end of the day it is time to get over it because he was right.


Yeah, so offside. Ref was right.


Wrong attacker and cut the heel on rudiger


It doesn’t matter which attacker here. They were both part of the play. If he was way off on the other side of the field or something, then you’d be right.


That’s up for the judge to determine off course but that’s not something the linesman can judge.


He got it right though, so it’s harmless error.


I don’t agree.


Then you’re just wrong. Sorry chap.


Are you sure




What’s your ground for that type of confidence? Are you a professional referee?


I'm sure rudigers hand doesn't count


Yeah, hands and arms don’t count, so the two Bayern players have at least a shoulder and a knee offside combined.


Correct. It’s shoulder.


If the line is well made, it is (again) another proof of the offside. I don't know how many lines I've seen already showing the offside. But it is a pitty the lineman didn't wait to finish. In case of goal VAR would have displayed better lines.


Offside. An It would not even go in, cause militao and Lunin stopped playing after the whistle