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They've won 6 out of the last 11 available titles. I mean, even the grandest of successes can become stale after a while if they happen consistently enough.


That’s why Man United try not to win the trophy just so that they can celebrate it when they win.


Sometimes I do question how big we are as a club, then people just send random indirects like you have and it reminds me... We haven't even been relevant in the Champions League in years. City would have been a better comparison, or heck, Dortmund.


Man United will remain relevant as long as club football is relevant


as long as they stay in the Premier League... nobody cares about Forest and their 2 UCL titles because they disappeared from the top division in the country for so long


Relevant but not in a Good way, it's even worse   Banter club to everyone if this continues 


Hated, adored, never ignored


Yes but think about Nottingham Forest. Once a supergiant, now not even a banter club. Man United I don’t think will have this issue


Nottingham never was close to United type dominance, more like Kaiserslautern


Forest have never been a supergiant that pulled in the money like United. They(and more notably, Clough) was revered at the time for the wins. But they were never bantered as they fell from grace. United were a supergiant, who built their own collapse and then lived it. They are rightfully bantered for being a huge shadow of their former selves. A picture of what greed does to a club.


We’re on everyone’s minds 24/7, Man Utd get brought up on un related games constantly. People just can’t help it, love us or hate us, football would be boring without us.


If we sign a player / manager we’ll break Twitter People talked more about Erik Ten Hag than the Champions League final Klopps Liverpool forgotten because we beat them in the FA Cup We are a massive club with a massive fan base but it would be nice if we acted like it, rather than giving low income staff redundancies and having a leaky roof


How exactly has klopps Liverpool been forgotten when we were the most watched European club and the most watched on the last day for klopp leaving?


Our UCL victory in 2075 will be legendary


Exactly. It's all for the fans, really.


They've won 6 from 2014: 14, 16,17,18, 22, 24.


Even for the wealthy, caviar becomes stale


My mates a Chelsea fan and watching them play with him was pretty soul crushing, actively wanted them to lose in FA Cup quarter finals, when they won the league complained that they were shit and didn't really deserve it, only time I saw him shed positive emotions was when they won the CL. Can only imagine how that scales for RM fans, won it 15 times, it must just be a benchmark for a passable season.


Did he become a Chelsea fan after they become good? I feel like that might have something to do with it.


Nope, Chelsea since the 90s


Ok that's weird then


You wish. Players won the 15th and they’re already thinking on winning the 16th. I saw our team win 6 out of the past 11 and I’m eager to see them win the 16th. I understand that for fans of other teams id boring but for me It doesn’t become stale, it’s just the standard. 


like we all knew, our brain knew rma was going to win, even though our heart wanted dortmund. and everyone's kind of sick of rma winning all the time (except rma fans prob). i mean its because they have such a good team, don carlo cooks, and they have such consistency and confidence in the ucl. legends came and left and they stand strong nevertheless. I mean most people wanted dortmund to win i think. But we all knew the outcome, and its just grown a little stale. we're all sick of rma winning but they're just such a good team. prem lads are also probably sick of city winning lmao. respect to everyone, but ye. ucl hype doesnt exist when the same team wins all the time.


The final result was pretty much expected, I wanted Dortmund to win if im honest and if they'd of put away all of those chances in the 1st half they would've done, but just like the premier league it's got boring with the same team winning the trophy every year, hopefully the new format of the champions league next season will shake things up a bit.


Lol, if anything the new format is gonna make things even more easier for teams like City and Madrid! Football is becoming way too predictable these days, Bayer Leverkusen's unbeaten BL was the only good thing this season.


Atalanta's press that destroyed leverkusen and olympiacos winning in Athens were also great tbh. I was more hyped about the Europa and conference finals than Dortmund one because somewhere down there we all knew Dortmund wasn't gonna win anything.


I mean....winning it 6 times over the last 11 seasons will do that to ya. Lol.


Every single champions win since la décima has felt very special to me and I’m sure as well to all other madridistas. I’m not trying to sound arrogant but maybe the lack of celebration is due to not having the need to rub it in others faces anymore. We are past that. It’s been done and we don’t need to tell others we are better. They just know.


Yup 100%.


“We” hahaha Have you ever been to Spain?


He can't say "we" because he maybe never was in Spain and maybe never was on stadium? That's something new. Cry more.


Yep, it's called being a glory hunter. And these dudes probably only watch el classico and the UCL knockout matches lmao


If you'd be a RM fan in 2011 watching only el classicos and UCL knockouts you would suffer brain damage but you don't remember that do you? Guess what, people don't follow losers, people don't like to lose. Generally, globally, people are the same. That's why Arsenal or Chelsea got more support than Millwall or Fulham. Most football fans are glory hunters. Why do you even watch it if you don't want your team to win? Show me one supporter who supports his team and doesn't care about score. You people, speechless level of idiotism.


Completely missed the point did you. I support the team that's from my city. I don't see what's so hard to understand. Most football fans are glory hunters? Lol speak for yourself. If you're a glory hunter please stop calling yourself a football fan. All you care about is trophies and whatnot instead of supporting a club you have a real connection with, watching it evolve, overcome bad seasons and all that stuff. I'll follow my team even if they end up in 3rd division


No, you completely missed a point. Glory hunters are people who last year supported City and this year they supported Real because they hunt for glory. Show me who they are because literally I don't know anyone. I started to support Real after a season they won nothing. 24 years ago and I don't have club in my city. You can't call someone glory hunter just because he supports Real Madrid. You don't know these people. Someone could be a proper supporter yesterday watching RM and today go and support his local team with entire heart too but you act like it's never a case.


Plastic fan


I support Madrid 20+ years, was once on Bernabeu, got even that funny gold member card. Maybe I'm more plastic than 80K people on Bernabeu stadium but 95% of Real supporters are in same position as me. The problem is you can't build a stadium for 500MLN fans to make them unable to be plastic fans. Can't follow football in my city because it doesn't exist. Still, I know plenty of Arsenal supporters in UK, and they never been on Emirates as well, are they plastic?


Since when are glory hunter fans a new thing? I’m in my 30s and when I was in school kids were calling out others as being glory hunter/plastic fans for supporting a successful club they aren’t local to It’s funny how it never ends up being Atletic Bilbao who’re supported, despite being in La Liga just as long as Real Madrid


Probably the least I’ve ever anticipated a UCL final, wasn’t interested in it at all. In fact, the final has been a pretty boring affair for the last few years. The last entertaining final we had was the Madrid derby. Apart from that all the games have been boring, the best part of the UCL is the semi-finals for the gold standard of football. The finals never live up to expectations and are generally only interesting if you have a vested interest.


Yeah come on, there have been plenty of boring finals in recent years. Spurs v Liverpool might have been the absolute worst of the lot though


Worthy mention given the game was over after about 90 seconds


It's kind of mental that Liverpool actually played for that eventuality as well. Liverpool had a friendly with Benfica before the final and that pass out to Mane in that area from kickoff was exactly how Liverpool scored in the friendly as well. Obviously, it wasn't a penalty in the friendly, but I think the plan was to score early and shut the game down because the games with Spurs that season had always been frantic.


Liverpool that season had just missed the title after a record points haul. So mentally they looked like they wanted it wrapped up asap


Could have been a more interesting final if Spurs hadn't won against Ajax through away-goal bullshit and a last-minute equaliser by Moura.


It didn't help that there was a 3 week gap between the end of the Premier League season and the final that year, it felt more like a pre-season friendly.


Last years final was even worse imo


Last year's might have been the worst cl final ever


as a spur's fan, I might have to contend with the 2018/19 ucl final.


Yes and don’t know where you live but here in Australia the final is at 5am so it’s already a struggle to get up and watch. This year…keep snoozing


Realistically it has been boring since 2019


I disagree. PSG vs Bayern was the last entertaining final


No way you can say 2022 final was boring.


Ah come on, the Madrid v Liverpool of 2018 was among the greatest of them all. All since then have been trash though


Ah, a man of culture. The Madrid derby finals were always kino.


I actually thought real v Juve was a good final


Probably because we all knew Dortmund wasn’t going to win. It’s the sad truth that they were heavy underdogs who probably shouldn’t have made it this far if you look at their performances throughout the season.


Yeah this is how the game went for me: no way dortmund win, huh dortmund are doing well, oh they should have a goal, oh they should have two, oh okay Real won nice. The end.


The same place where hype for the premier league has been for the last 3 years. Completely gone. It just gets boring when one team wins all time.


And no one feels good for these teams because they have the worst fans and no one takes them seriously.


Glory hunters are fucking insufferable man


The predictable result happened so not really anything to get hyped about. The story was quite obvious - dortmund on top first half, dont take their chances, Madrid second half come back into it and are clinical.


I just don't care anymore. My friend told me who won just 2 hours ago because I wasn't keeping up with it.


I didn't watch the UCL final because when I found out Real Madrid were in the final, I lost interest. Just found out 2 minutes ago that Real Madrid won the Champions League on Reddit. Plus, I had an exam to study for.


the champions league has been ruined by elites


That's why I'm saying... Alonso should not got to Real Madrid. What's in there for him at Madrid. You win the CL - okay season. You don't win the CL - catastrophic season.


It’s about expectations I think. For instance, Leverkusen’s bundesliga title was huge and everyone talked about it because they have never won it. They had an incredible run that literally nobody expected that at the beginning of the season. It came out of nowhere and that’s why it generated such fuzz. These days, teams like RM, Man City… are undoubtedly powerful, and it’d not be surprising if they beat other teams to reach the title. Tbh, UCL has now become a predictable league for rich powerful clubs. The last team that unexpectedly won it was Porto 20 years ago I think. So it’s understandable that neutral fans aren’t interested in the final outcome anymore. Now if the final were something like Bologna vs Aston Villa, that would probably make people talk.


UCL is the real farmers league. With Mbappe joining them, no Messi like player at Barca and Pep possibly leaving City next year, there is nothing stopping Real Madrid from winning the league and UCL again and again.


Yup. They're gonna be favourites for quite a few years now


Cl lost their glamour 5 years agon


Lady Luck shines on Real Madrid in recent times, but the UCL as a tournament is gone stale, in my opinion. They tried to 'jig' it up by removing away goals, which didn't work for me. It's always usual suspect in the last 8 or 4. I'm hoping the vague league format for next season may work; personally, I want more matches in the league stage, and then the top 8 goes into the knock out stage.


The new format will be great because of increasing variety and quitting the value of being seeded teams. The multiple rivalries in the last round will also be like a day-and-night improvement. But still the issues are that most teams don't get any financial stability and that watching football isn't as easy accesible as it could be.


It wouldn't surprise me if they're toying the idea of having games played in US, Asia etc. In regards to financial stability, each team needs to consider UCL money as bonuses and use that money for next season. I just thought why not have 4 leagues of eight teams and if I have it my way, the top team will go through the semis. However, to generate money, top 4 teams go through.


I knew Real was going to win, but I just had this little bit of hope and I really wanted Dortmund to win. But here we are, club football has gone down to its lowest level, I mean no disrespect to Real fans, they’re probably the luckiest fans in the world, but I’m sure at this point even they’re too used to it. There’s no real competition, you have the same teams winning PL and CL and it just feels bland and void of any passion.


The moment Madrid won, the pub where I was watching the match felt deflated. Everyone was like screw this. Later, I went go buy a jersey at a store and the staff were watching the medal ceremony and got mad and one said something like, turn it off, I’m sick of this. Honestly, good for them. But you’re right. I don’t feel anything, at least, not like how I would feel if Dortmund had won.


if Dortmund had won, wouldn't your only feeling have been "ha, at least it's not Real Madrid again", and then you would've had the same disinterest? I just don't understand why as a "neutral" you'd be expected to feel anything about either team. isn't "neutral" logically saying that you don't have a stake in either team beyond "I want the team that's not expected to win to take this"?


Because Dortmund is an honest club and they were the underdogs going against the blood and corruption money big club


sounds spicy, can you tell me what kind of blood money Real Madrid is involved in?


Do not Google "Franco real madrid". Worst mistake of my life


how did Franco, who died 50 years ago, help Real Madrid win yesterday's Champions League?


There was a huge scheme where Benzema and 15 other staff members were involved, was quite a scandal. Google Benzema 15 for more information


I was at a wedding. In any other years, I’d have been keeping a keen eye on the game and then watching extended highlights as soon as they were available. This year, I watched both goals on the live feed and turned it off. Football is dying mate. It’s not just the CL, the entire game has been turned into a sterile mess.


Football rn is much more predictable than some other team sports like baseball and basketball. I didn't even watch the finals. I think it's the first time it has happened since 2014


I personally think it’s because of the teams. Frankly no one expected Dortmund to have a chance and the controversial offside against Bayern meant people weren’t too happy about Madrid progressing to the final. I honestly expected Madrid to win 4-1 or something but as usual, they started off half asleep and then suddenly woke up in the 70th minute and scored 2 within 10. I was excited because it’s the UCL final but that’s about it. The game just didn’t have the hype that PSG vs Madrid, City vs Bayern or Madrid vs Bayern would have had (just as examples).


It was just obvious who was gonna win. Not once did I think dortmund had a chance. I think people wanted them to test them a little but they didn’t that’s why it was just like meh let’s go back to life


CL has become too watered down and as a result boring, we will never see a Ajax, Red Star, Marseille etc...go on to win it, next seasons superleague version will be even more of a chore to get through. Waiting on the Euros, international football while it may seems inferior to club football has more excitement, passion and shocks, people who don't really like football gets into it, already lots of places near me are booked out for seating you don't get that with CL.


City VS Madrid was the final. And we all saw how they BS their way trough that tie as usual so the hype died right there. This game was just a crowning celebration and people weren't interested in that.


What is BSing thru the tie.. bro defending is part of the game, if u attack and are not clinical it’s not reals fault.. sure it’s not something we like to see but if something works why fix it.. they did the same with dortmund ( here they intentionally sat back while in case of city were forced back) but in both cases the opponents fucked up


The real final was City Real match up. Even PSG Real would have more hype


Don't get me wrong madrid fans ,but i think because you have won multiple times and being the greatest club in football world,their fans doesn't value what it means to winning UCL , you probably don't know what it feels to touch the UCL trophy, seeing your team win multiple times,you guys treat UCL as some normal random domestic Cup final ,no passion and celebration for it.


If ( hopefully when) my Milan win another UCL....the city would literally shut down for the night. I cannot even imagine the scenes if we finally won a UCL after 17 years


Oh man, you are so wrong, we always celebrate it like it was the first. I've been drunk for 12 hours already, and I could do this every single year


they're probably celebrating irl


The UCL is pretty big but the world is just depressed with multiple wars, genocides, overtaxing, reducing quality of life. So this is just a small distraction before the start of a new day of toiling to get enough to barely survive, save nothing as tax man takes everything for personal use and funding genocides. Repeat. Maybe 10 years ago it wouldn't be as watered down.


Or it just come Down to simple fact that everybody knew that the winner of city-Madrid semi would be the final winner ???


Sure there's the one constant winner fatigue however there's not just one reason. I don't make up the general misery of this current world state. Not even usual pass times are enjoyable beyond the 24 hrs it occurs and ends. 


Game's gone


Now you understood what rich are trying to tell when they say "money doesn't matter"


Its like City winning the EPL. “Oh they won again?” 😴


Dortmund fans making more noise than madridstas shows how even the fans are quite bored


Madrid gets dominated, opponent wastes chances, some poor refereeing decisions (both for and against real madrid), then madrid scores one out of their few chances, then shithousery and time wasting begins, then this gets repeated. You watch the same thing year after year you lose interest.


Decisions Mostly for Madrid, that Carvajal didn’t get even a yellow card yesterday is bullshit!


And vini got yellow for not even touching the goalkeeper:D


Literally nobody's excited to see the same two teams win every time. Ucl has become a fucking real vs city competition 


The same two teams??? Bro city only won it once?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Maybe but it sucks to think both are still the best candidates going onto the next one, think about it. I don't think Liverpool, Bayern or Barca can really challenge with new managers in a rebuild phase. Arsenal is amazing but doesn't have european pedigree. Inter is also superb but their forwards are zero clinical in cup competitions. PSG lost Mbappe. Maybe Leverkusen can be a dark horse if their team doesn't change much, but even then, I doubt they can beat these 2.


And the fact that they are still the big favourites even though they only won it once is a problem. Psg just lost mbappe hes probably going to madrid. Madrid is even more stronger,barca is still not strong neither is liverpool or even bayern. Only 2 teams remaining is real and man city


I actually thought about watching the final for dortmund since who doesn't love an underdog winning. But then at night, I felt sleepy (broadcast at 12:30 where I'm from) and given my brain already knew Real was going to win anyway, I went to sleep.


Good thing too since I watched the full match till like 2 :30 and believe me it wasn't worth it the only exciting thing tht happened was the shit refereeing


That’s what happens when you win 6 of the last 11 champions leagues. It’s the same when Bayern win bundesliga or City with the premier league. It’s been done so many times before that it isn’t as special as someone new winning it or someone that hasn’t won it for a long time


That's why ,atleast For me, International Tournaments (WC, Euros etc.) remains peak joy. Its just too hard to do same again and again in these competition.


It was a low quality game which didn't help. I turned it off before the end


I was in the Dortmund fan park in Hyde Park, I saw lots of Madrid and dortmund fans in oxford street before. More dortmund stickers than Real Madrid. But saw the queue for the real madrid fanzone near embankment and the line went for a mile up to nearly up to westminster. But when Real Madrid scored at the dortmund fan park in Hyde Park a lot of their fans celebrated. Coming back I went to like the West End and Strand and Embankment after the match I saw loads of Madrid fans dancing with their scarves and chanting in Spanish so they celebrated their win. Even like near Waterloo Bridge, I saw few of them get drunk and celebrated a lot


>What has the UCL come to? Tirany, that's what have come to!. A ruthless Tirany


The issue with this years CL final was the air of inevitability about it… this is a poor Dortmund team who were very lucky to make the final, one or two surprise performances from the likes of Sancho but not real quality.


I mean, yea, I don't get the excitement like we did in the decima days... The fun just lasts for about an hour after the match🙄


Football is slowly just getting boring, it peaked in 1980-2018


For me the problem isn't Real's dominance. It's just how boring their football is in UCL. Like watching 2004 Greece winning over and over again. They've got some of the best players in the world on their roster, yet they play like heavy underdogs every game. Obviously it works, just not fun to watch.


Football is dead to me. After City these last few decades with obvious corruption ++ real all these years - why bother?


money teams are boring no matter what


Since 2010, Real Madrid have a net transfer spend of €580m. This is including €180m on Hazard and Jovic back in 19/20, neither of whom are still at the club. For comparison, all 6 of the top 6, and Newcastle, have spent more (net) over the last 10 years. Which means even when you count 4 extra years and 8 extra Transfer windows, Madrid have spent less than 7 of the teams in the premier league. Comfortably. It's not about the money, it's the model.


Spend on transfers doesn’t mean as much as it used to mean as more and more top guys move on free transfers. Madrid will probably get both Mbappe and Davies this window for a total of €0. That doesn’t mean money didn’t play a huge role in getting them. Wages are money too. Wage bill tells us a whole lot and they have the second highest wage bill in the world behind only PSG.


mbappe will cost near enough €200m, but it’s all in agent, player and whatever else fees. the transfer fee and the amount PSG will get is absolutely nothing. if a player is out of contract they get what their club would’ve got, essentially. so on paper it’s “free” despite actually costing hundreds of millions


He will show up as 0 net spend on the transfer balance which is why transfer balance is not as meaningful as it once was now that more people are smart enough to just wait out their contracts


Also real Madrid is in that position because they (and Barcelona) got illegally funded and had less taxes to pay for decades before the European Court found out and investigated a few years ago. It's not like they are much different to the oil clubs in their finances.


Yeah true enough, they have a very high wage bill, but their recent transfer market pattern has kind of reflected that I think. They're happier to spend their money on wages, sign quality young players and develop them. Bellingham being a very obvious exception. I think even with that consideration they've been outspent overall by Arsenal, City and Chelsea over the same period though


The likes of Arsenal, City, Chelsea etc get rinsed when it comes to transfer fees due to the selling clubs knowing full well that they have money to spend, so they will rinse them for all they can.


So maybe they should do what Madrid do? Go for players with reasonable release clauses Vs ability, and buy younger players and develop them


It is the money. I mean, clubs like Porto, Benfica, Ajax will never ever win the UCL again, even Dortmund. Imagine if these clubs have all the moneys, they would be able to hold onto their talent.


I mean i guess even if they had a lot of money many young stars would still rather go to prem or la liga or somewhere to a bigger league


The bigger league wasn't the "bigger" league 3 decades ago


Yep it’s boring, either a oil club wins it or a corrupt club that’s get bailed by the city wins it. Conference league or Europa League is more exciting to watch


Yes it sucks for most of us. And for them, I imagine it's not really as special anymore. But we really can't complain about Madrid winning this thing when no other team is claiming it like they should, you know, showing up when it matters the most. And all the others failed badly at doing so; City, Bayern, even Dortmund. All of them had enough chances to finish them off and they couldn't take them; De Bruyne missing that sitter in the 2nd leg, Neuer dropping it at the death, Borussia alone blew like 5 good ones. Obviously they gain confidence when teams are forgiving them all the time, it gives them that sensation that they are destined to win.


Madrid win most of the time so there isnt much fanfare Madrid fans are some of the most arrogant and entitled fans in the world so I actively avoid them online where possible


I've been watching football from the 90s. I can't put my finger on one aspect specifically. The best example I can give is- before if a player got nudged by an opponent they would nudge back and fight back there was something in that which made football. Now they just collapse crying over nothing and its embarrassing, the sportsmanship has gone from the game in most cases. Kids been given 150k a week contracts for not performing and being average Ucl final- Vini Jr diving, Kobel screaming on the floor after claiming Vini made a harsh challenge. It's now the way football is played unfortunately. There's no real drive from players anymore, if you earning over 10m a year as a 19-25yo you wouldn't care to perform at the highest level or even feel the need to( I don't blame them I would do the same). You could say that's what separates the greats from the mediocre. Mbappe is the best example of wasted talent, the way he started his career he couldve done a lot more by now. Although i don't blame him, as much as I dislike him. If I'm getting a ridiculous Salary at my early 20s I would automatically think I made it. I wouldn't feel the need/ have the drive to do better or even to leave psg.


Seems like you're projecting to be honest. Yeah, neutral fans and whatnot may not be too excited watching Real win 6 in 10 years, but Real Madrid fans are soaking it up. I'm outside of Spain, but the Real Madrid bar was at capacity and had to tell a huge crowd outside the door to get out. All the surrounding sports bars filled up quickly and the place I watched it went nuts. You wouldn't be able to say Real fans don't care too much if you were there. Just imagine what the crowd in Madrid is like. Add the fact it's Kroos' last game and the last Kroos to Carv pass got them the game winner. Damn. Younger fans who just started watching the last 10 years or so may feel different, but older fans know that this run is completely unprecedented / absolutely special and know better than to take it for granted.


Unprecedented? We get that your a real fan and therefore biased, but there's nothing unprecedented about it when they've already won it 6 out of the last 10 years.


Hahahahaha!! Bec people are starting to realize that its just a mickey mouse trophy for Real or City in the next years to come. Without Messi nobody is challenging Real. 


City doesn’t have Messi and are so far doing a pretty good job of challenging RM.. heck even Bayern without Messi and whilst having a circus for management almost beat Real Madrid this season..


Yeah pretty good but nowhere close to winning 


Dude totally. Once Madrid went 2 up I turned off the TV. It's just... boring.


tldr: team i support did not win the final, so there’s nothing to celebrate and this is bad.


Honestly. This year complaining that the CL is boring because the same team wins all the time. Last year when there was a brand new CL winner they were also complaining then too..


because the matchups were completely dogshit, imagine putting citeh and madrid in the same branch lmao


This Real squad, most members of it have won it 5-6 times now. They don't care because they're used to storming this cup every year.


Yeah and next year they will add M'bappe to the mix


Who the f is "M'bappe"?


Hype is in all those matches leading up to the final..


I saw the match nea


Same reason why nobody bat an eye when City won the PL again. It's boring.


It was sad to not see reus lift the cup


As For Neutrals, Euros is coming.


6 times in the last 11 years. Players have 6 UCL medals which is only bettered by Milan and Real itself. It was kind of predictable and unless the smaller club wins in the final, there will be lesser celebs. If Dortmund won it, there would have been more celebrations from neutral.


Imo the CL and to some extent the top leagues in Europe have become stale and such ppl lose interest.


It's boring now that's why. Same as City winning the Prem League this season.


They knockout draw ruined the final imo. You have all the favourites on one side and every other team on the other side so it's clear that the final would be a favourite vs underdog match. Would have been way more interesting if the final was Madrid - City or Madrid - Bayern.


No one care about Bundesliga champion until this season. Same reason.


Most of their squad didn't even look that bothered when they won it. Everyone's just used to it now.


RM winning is boring let's face it


This is what happens when you have 1 team just absolutely dominates a competition. People just stop being hyped because the result is mostly the same. Even Madrid fans are like oh another one cool ok.


Ban Real Madrid from UCL to make it interesting once again.


The UCL has become a banquet of only a select few. Only Real,Man City,PSG and Bayern have a legitimate shot to win it every year and usually one of them does. The 2000s were the peak of the UCL... Madrid, Liverpool, Chelsea, Milan,Juve,Inter,United,Arsenal all went into every year as realistic contenders. It's become a Madrid Vs Oil.money movie each year and that's boring.


It's gotten boring and the winner is predictable


This is life, things are forgotten.


Mate it's the same every single year! People only give a shit if their club is in the final. If RM are in the final, nobody cares lol.


No shade to Dortmund but the result just seemed like a foregone conclusion. Exactly what was expected eventuated and everyone carries on.


Unless you're a Madrista, it's boring. There's no competition or jeopardy


Why should I care about what the other team is doing lol


Madrid dont lose finals. Fair play to Dortmund. Classy losers. Should gave won but just couldnt score


I literally forgot when it started and ended up sleep it off. Woke up saw madrid won it and just shrug off. Its the expected result.


It 2as a clear results. No thrill in watching or hyping it. One side of the table was packed with teams. The other had honestly underperforming teams and at the end the 5th in a farmers league managed to go to the final. That is saying a lot.


Madridista here and my Twitter timeline is full of people celebrating. The emotion and joy is definitely there. And I’ve been loving all the content. Can’t speak for neutrals though. PS respect to Dortmund you guys played really well. Really made us suffer, especially in the first half. All the media wouldn’t shut up about how lopsided it will be and y’all came out blazing hot right from the start.


Tbh if Adeyemi or Füllkrug finished their chances I think Dortmund actually may have smashed you 2 or 3-0 simply because they were doing a pretty good job of smothering your threat to the BVB goal and a goal would have given them confidence to score more and desire to keep working and holding on until the end.


I feel like most people in this sub consume football entirely through twitter at times


Same reason why there's no emotion when Man city, Bayern Munich and until recently Juventus win their domestic leagues


Nobody cares when City win the PL either.


Yeah they should just call it the Real Madrid Challenge at this point. What a snooze fest.


The semi final was the final for me city vs rm. Fell asleep watching the actual final


That was not a semi-final.


You are right I didn’t bother even watching it or the highlights yesterday. It’s like the premier league although that’s because of ffp


As a madrid fan, still hyped but lets be honest here, even some of Dortmund fans were expecting Madrid to win. On top of that, beside the 4/0 game 12 years ago, there is no much history between Madrid and Dortmund, not only that, why would be dicks and overhype against you guys, you guys are friendly. In the 6 UCL finals it was against liverpool (third place team in UCL trophy wise)twice, atelti (derby) twice, juve (biggest team in italy and they see them selves better than madrid, it is just about history.


Honestly, UCL finals was really good and enjoyable. There weren't really bad calls or dirty play, so I think this is just everyone being happy and content. They would be either way concerning the result. Very good final.


Football as a whole is just getting really boring and stale to me, same teams win all the time it genuinely feels pointless


Wow!! It’s amazing how people can develop the sense of feeling something that we don’t feel!! When you follow a different team everything the other teams do is always bad! And more when they always win and that is called envy, jealousy and frustration. And that is sad! We as Real Madrid fans have enjoyed every single game and final! I am a guy 50 years old when I was a kid following Real Madrid I was dreaming about old the Champions Leagues! I have seen Real Madrid win 9 times! Not even in my dreams! And you can with a ridiculous excuse that we don’t even enjoy it!! You are so wrong! It’s a feeling that we can’t explain to you because you’re following a team that maybe won’t win anything. Because of that, you believe others don’t have the ambition or the enjoyment of winning! That’s one of the things that make my club the best club of all time! For the 16!!


I was at the 2011 final at Wembley. Riding public transit afterwards was bizarre. A bunch of Barcelona fans who’d attended the match were there, and they looked like they were commuting to work. It was just expected, I guess. There’d be a lot more buzz if Dortmund upset expectations.


Watched it as neutrals with friends and we left to do other shit when Madrid started winning, dullest outcome possible


I loved it. If you wanna look for a UCL final no one cared about, look no further than Chelsea - Man City


>But even the Madridstas emotions toward winning the fucking Champions League feels pretty watered down and numb. Which "Madridistas" are you referring to? There were thousands of people celebrating in Cibeles and also millions of people worldwide celebrating the final win like crazy. A UCL win is always gonna feel special, even if you win it 20 times in a row.


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Honestly, I see Dortmund I think boring, I see Madrid, I think boring. I’m an instant neutral. No cares for whoever wins, and when Madrid won, I thought oh well, that was a boring game.


Real Madrid killed it. Once they reach the final it's a waste of time watching it.


People disrespect German fusball. No one expected Dortmund to be here. RM won 15 CL’s. Everyone was already counting Dortmund out. People didn’t think they could do it. It would’ve had more hype if it was PSG or Man City bc to them they have the star power to dethrone the mighty Real Madrid. They mourned them for a week. I was hyped for it but I love German fusball.


Farmers league


It’s a snooze fest whenever Real plays, tbh they aren’t even playing “good” (maybe I’m dumb, maybe it’s good but it’s not entertaining imo) they feel decent, yet they somehow manage to win, it’s just boring.


Real Madrid fans will never have the feeling again that other clubs continue to have. They will never feel what City fans felt winning it for the first time. They will never feel joy in the way Leicester fans experienced it in 2016, What Leverkusen felt this season, or the crazy celebrations in Bilbao after the Copa del ray win. Being a Real Madrid fan is a sad existence and I feel sorry for them. Everything will always feel stale for them now. Lots of love, a bitter Newcastle fan…


most real madrid fans started supporting them *because* of their trophies. Winning is just an expectation for them. The club itself is historic and I have no doubt there are actual fans amongst the sea of glory hunters, but too much of the latter and, on the whole, you become soulless, and the more that happens, less people care.