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They’re trying to find another glitch transfer amount


This made me laugh when I realised it’s the AI that made the offer


"Accepted" - Wait. What, no!


What was the glitch about?


On a previous patch if you offered £1.2k up front and £2.5M after 50 appearances it was accepted by the AI 100% of the time. Not that I ever used it…


Regardless of the players value? Like could you get Haaland that way lol. Sounds really boring to abuse though.


yepp, you could get anyone with that offer, well you still had to convince the player but the club AI accepted it 100% of the time regardless the value/importance of the player


I wonder if there was a similar thing with contract negotiations, that just never was found


it was likely a debugging tool


Yeah that’s exactly it. Obviously the player had to be interested in your club, like you’re not signing Haaland in the Malaysian 4th division, but you could pick up basically any player for almost nothing. Unsurprisingly it got patched out once people became aware of it


Hey, we malaysian farmers have feelings too.


I did a fun save just for that…the Spurs squad is better than ever


I would've used it if PSG bids for my star players one more fucking time.


Bro, I *wish* PPMD was back


I may have got too excited on the first announcement... Huge bait 😭😭


Because the games ai is moronic.


The problem is with the FM transfer / market value part. It is broken! The game offers you 1/20th of the market value and be upset, but if you want to buy someone twice the market value, it is still not enough.


I find selling players really difficult too. Even if the wages are low, the market value is reasonable, and the player has played most of the season and played well, it’s still a struggle to get the fee you want with teams low balling u and saying the wages are too high. Those locked offers are the worst too God help u if u wanna sell a bench player I know it’s realistic that all of these things impact selling a player but I think it’s too extreme and just straight up broken at times tbh. A lot of the time I just resort to listing players for nothing out of desperation and still fail to get offers


I had guys with 4 starts and a market value of only 4 million, not being able to sell them for 1 milllion. It is broken


There can be three reasons behind this, if any of these apply then yes even though the Transfer market in FM is broken, that is not the reason for this. 1. They are above 32. You know how it felt a cheat code in FM21 where you can bid for top players and their teams would accept? One of the reason is that they are declining and the club wouldn't sell them but if they are getting that money for offloading they will accept happily. And a declining 10M guy is only worth 3-6M. 2. Their contract is nearing it's end. And no I don't mean 1-2 months. That's where they have already signed for a free transfer and waiting for the season to complete. I am talking anything less than a year and a half. Player value depends on the quality and reputation of the players, yes but also it depends on their salary(which defines what they are worth) and number of years remaining on their contracts. 3. Your team pays him an inflated amount in a rich league, for example Championship in England, who pay players much more than average Eredivisie guys. Either that or this player has received reduced playing time/not played well at all and has horrendous match ratings. The market thus, is broken in this scenario as there are not enough teams interested in your player.


None of these can be true and the offers are still terrible. 23-year old Ballon d’Or winner with five years to go? 80 million is the best PSG can do, sorry.  Then if you say no PSG pays 120 million to another AI team for a 29-year old mediocrity.  The transfer system just seems broken in general, a cheap way to add a degree of a difficulty to the game in keeping players happy and human players from amassing too much money too easily. 


Okay, let me explain that; your 23 year old has how many good seasons at the level he is at? Might've risen through youth ranks and and played top division for 3 years I guess? The 29 year old mediocrity mightve been at the top cader and lived in an inflated league for a decade. That counts for a better world reputation, than an up and coming world class striker. It might take another year of same levels of performance if what I said applies to your player.


You can look at player reputations with the editor, they change rapidly with awards (that's why the realism mod pack ads a bunch of awards to push young player rep quicker) - a 23-year old who's won every award possible in the base game has a higher world rep than a 29-year old who's been with a midtable Serie A club and won nothing. The answer is in part the 'national transfer bias' (found in the editor, I posted a thread about some of it) if you're outside of England and the Netherlands (lol), partially squad status (given the exact same player the AI offers different amounts if you have them as regular starter/important player/star player - which I find to be pretty dumb, as the squad player for a CL winning club would often be a starter or important player for a club trying to win Serie A for the first time in a decade - is someone going to offer half as much to Man City for Rico Lewis because he's only started half the matches he's appeared in? No, they'd be trying to buy what he could become.) Mostly, though, it seems to be the system creating a degree of difficulty for human players, because neither of those offer a full explanation for low offers. Even if you monkey with the national transfer bias and those 80mn offers become 150mn offers, the AI will continue to pay more for worse players from other AI clubs. That same Ballon d'Or winner, FWIW, received the same offers multiple years in a row. Even if he didn't have the highest reputation in the world after the first one, I'll wager he did after a threepeat. To put a number on this, from 2032 in my current save: 21-year old English RW, world reputation 7417, 174 CA/182 PA, contract through 2035, just back on loan *from Newcastle* - in the summer window, Newcastle offered 45mn and would not go above 55mn. In the same window, Newcastle paid 65mn (up to 88mn) for Kadan Young, 26 years old, world rep 5235, 151 CA/159 PA. Neither would have a HGIC value, both are HGN for England. Or a 22-year old DR/WBR, 178CA/178PA, did a year on loan to Arsenal and then a year to Real Madrid, starting at both. World rep 7834. All offers were 55mn rising to 65mn at the highest negotiation before I decided to just have the world's best backup wingback. One of the offers was from Napoli - who instead paid 50mn for 32-year old Emil Holm (145CA/150PA) with a world rep of 7650. There is no good logic to the FM transfer market (aside from game engineering). It is what it is, players either have to live with it or get annoyed and give up on the game.


Even in real market you think clubs don't receive heck lot of offers that aren't to the slightest good enough to accept? But do the teams accept those? I too am sick and tired of undervalued offers for my kids and AI asking me ridiculously high fees. How to beat that? What I do is Make them see the door, all offers that are below my evaluation, and if I don't want to sell the player, great. If I want to/have to sell the guy anyway, I discuss it with them that this is the least value I can part with you for, do not trouble me for baby offers below those. And then if I am desperate to offload, I offer him out for that agreed price. Usually players AI doesn't want to sell come in expensive. The problem with us humans is that we buckle sometimes, the AI doesn't. Taking away from the realism of the game.


> Even in real market you think clubs don't receive heck lot of offers that aren't to the slightest good enough to accept? No, I don't think Barcelona gets 40 e-mails on July 1 offering $15 and a bag of magic beans for Lamine Yamal. >But do the teams accept those? That's part of my point - you don't have to accept those, no. Depending on the status of your club, that means you now to get to deal with the game mechanic of an unhappy player - ie it's exactly what I said, a cheap way to force a degree of difficulty on the human player because SI can't design a computer manager that can reliably field a decent lineup or rotate tired players to be more competitive in the game itself. >What I do is Make them see the door, all offers that are below my evaluation, and if I don't want to sell the player, great. Which points to another problem - the uniformity of offers. In the real world, if you get 12 offers you'd have different negotiations with each, there'd be one club that really wants this rising star, the missing piece for their foundation. In FM, all the offers are pretty much identical and can be negotiated to the same point. If PSG needs to replace Mbappe, you don't think they're going to offer more than Bayern who just kind of wants the guy? Because I opened the game to look at those world reps and it was Dec. 28 I advanced into the Jan. 2033 transfer window, another example: My star striker/LW, a 24 year old Frenchman, 197CA/198PA, world rep of 10,000, contract through 2035, asking price of $216mn - offers from Newcastle, Tottenham, Liverpool and PSG ranging from 100mn to 120mn plus a 20% percentage of profit on resale (ha). Do I think Man City gets a bunch of offers for half of Haaland's stated value every transfer window? Not particularly.


I always get 100M offers on 200M guys. Premier league is inflated and you will never receive the transfer value of a PL player as stated. 80 percent will be a blessing. Thats how inflated the values in EPL are. And yes the game is a bit unfair in that way but we are winning despite of that so I guess if you remove that wouldnt it be too unfair for AI?😂


I am playing ADO Den Haag in the Eredivisie (2024/2025, ranked 2nd) and the player is Vagner José Dias Goncalves. I can't even lose him for 1,000,000 ... 4 stars


Give it a season then. Make him play, have goodd average rating atleast above 7. The buyers will line up. If not, the algorithm definitely screwed you.


Already did for a season ... bought him early in season 2023/2024 and he had a good average 7.62


I had a 188 Ca wordclass midfielder being the club with the highest reputation in the world and I couldnt sell him for more than 35m. The game really struggles sometimes to assess value.


I find that using agent to sound out interest in the player works a lot of the time. If 2-3 teams are really interested, they will make an offer around the range of listed value of the player.  Depending on whether you savescum transfer negotiations, you can fine tune it further, by setting the price of the player and them asking the agent.


I only recently had one of my star players want to leave in a Wrexham save the year I won the champions league. I thought, alright, screw him, I don’t want any sulky players on my team. Asked about market interest and could get 150 million for him. Cool! I did some scouting for a replacement for a week and now all of a sudden Barca won’t pay a cent over 100 million. I know it’s still a good chunk of money but to somehow lose a third of a players value in a week is crazy.


Is that just this FM? Generally in 23 I have no issues buying players under market value most of the time.


I usually have problems selling in fm23. Mostly because all the offers are non negotiable.


Ah, yeah, way too many non negotiable offers under market value, while the same AI teams offer 2-3x over for other players...


I wonder why they managed it this way - it annoys the hell out of me that I won the CL 5 consecutive times and I cant sell my wordclass 188ca midfielder for more than 35m. Then he proceeds to win the Ballon D'Or and world cup. I knew how good he is - everybody knew. Except the clubs that wanted to buy him though.


Is the game offering you 1/20th of the value common?


Not by default but yes more often then expected. Especially when I see that worse players are sold for more. Believe me ... I used every option available for selling them.


While the AI does make some stupid bids at times, I've had pretty good luck getting the AI to spend boatloads of money on mediocre players. I have much more luck sending them on a loan with a future fee, usually after so many games played. I signed Samuel Iling to Arsenal on a Bosman, played him maybe 15 times across the season, then loaned him to Juventus with a future fee. They ended up paying 80 mil for a player I didn't need. Now I've done the same with Callum Doyle (he's good, but I signed a Brazilian that's much better and younger) and like 2 other newgens. This is in England though, so the transfer value is inflated.


The transfer side of the game is so off-putting at times. It's so frustrating how it's essentially impossible to get full value for a player. And the game even has the gall to have a grading system that marks your sales negatively because you "should have gotten more." Also, teams will forever negotiate with you if you make an offer for a transfer listed player - steadfastly refusing to budge. But a good portion of the time, the second you ask for more money as a response to their offer (if you even can, so many offers are non-negotiable), they just immediately lose all interest in a player. I know it can be realistic (look at United) but every save having a bunch of impossible to sell players is kind of annoying. The worst is how often players will just refuse to leave.


Yeah it's a frustrating aspect of wonderkid-hunting that we all do. You stock up on cheap prospects, loan them out as they develop and get an understanding of whose going to nest and fit your team. But you're almost *never* able to sell them for a price they're worth at a time you want. If I get a big offer in for one of my prospects, even if I know it is one of my best, maybe even now a key part of my team, and I don't necessarily need the money - I'll still most likely accept the offer as I don't know when I'll next be able to offload someone for a good price.


It's a depressing thought. I can't think of an example where I haven't accepted an offer, and later they've been worth more. Honestly, unsolicited bids are usually lower than they should be, and usually the player is like "I'll be unsettled if it's not accepted" Oh and of course there's also the opposite - you get an amazing bid for a player, finally a winning value. "Player has rejected offer"


It also just often feels like a shame when you're maybe a slightly smaller club, and you know if he stayed with you he'd be a world beater in 1 or 2 seasons. But you sell to Chelsea or Madrid or Bayern for a good fee with sell ons, you check back in a years time and it's like 5 apps (7 subs) and he's not developed at all.


Yeah, this happens a tonne. Especially if you're lower league, it's very likely any good players bought by higher up teams will have terrible careers.


That is just kinda how the world of football works.


>Oh and of course there's also the opposite - you get an amazing bid for a player, finally a winning value. "Player has rejected offer" Had this yesterday. 29 y/o squad player worth 12 million. Reading offered a loan with obligation to buy valued at 15 million. Player listed Reading as his preferred option... ...and rejected the move. I was annoyed enough that I brought in an intermediary and he's gone to Schalke for 6 million, something like that. I got him on a free so it's no skin off my nose, but it's frustrating that players no better than him are playing at the same/higher level as Reading and earning 3 times what he's on. *Someone* should have wanted him at the price I was trying to sell him for.


If you sell when teams have just decided their budget's, you are more likely to receive good bids. 


I’ve noticed that too but it’s annoying to try and squeeze all my business in like a 2-3 week period in game


You don't. You sell a few in may/June for example and will get good offers for players who had decent game time that you want to sell. I often start a few players at the end of a season, if certain games don't matter, because I know I want to sell them in the summer.  Get the some good money in and I've got the whole window to buy who I want with my bigger budget and sell the rest hopefully. 


Huh what?! you can still sell players for ridiculous amounts of money, it’s just less easy.


Yeah. This fucked a PSV dave for me. I expected to sell Xavi Simons (somehow PSG didnt buy him back) he was valued at >100 Mio and the only offer I got was a loan offer from Barca with an optional fee of 50mio. That was so frustrating, I spend the money I expected to get. Got a replacement and in the end couldnt sell Simons …


Yeah always gotta sell before assuming. But it sucks when that happens. Loan options are also kinda fucked. Usually they never play them and never take the option.


Yeah, thats what I learned after destroying PSV


Ugh 100x this, worse is when you buy a promising young player and the selling club fucks you and you end up spending $40m on a 18–19yo that is either in their youth team or not getting games in the main squad. Six months later, they’ve started to deliver on their promise because you know, you are actively playing and developing them then all the same usual fucking suspects (Newcastle, PSG, any bloody Arab club) starts lobbing bids at you for 10-15m, when he is older and better than when you bought him and less risk.. Then the fucker cracks the shits, because Newcastle is suddenly “a big club” despite them having less rep and performing worse than you, and half the bloody squad who’ve known this guy for all of 3 minutes side with him and want to know why you won’t sell him for a fair price and eat a $25m pound loss because we can’t keep him captive. Fuck. Off.


And when you finally cave in and accept a lesser bid, than what you would have gotten if you sold him earlier, the gang comes at you again, demanding why an important player has been sold 🤦.


This is exactly the reason I don't feel bad abusing the 1.2k glitch


Why? Because fuck you, that’s why. The ai is obviously moronic.


If you’re trying to sell someone you’ll always get way less than the value but 28k is crazy


I don’t disagree there can be issues w the transfer AI but I haven’t had to many issues selling squad players for good value. A story from my journeyman save after I took over Liverpool after a few season: I sold Macallister back to Brighton in the Championship on a loan deal that would activate a sale if they got promoted (the obviously did) that was 40M upon promotion and another 40M in installments. It’s possible for good value but, just like how the best way to get 100M players IN is with flexible payment structures, the same applies for the AI bringing your players OUT of the club.


For some reason loan deals with future transfer are broken. I had a player listed for 40mil and got no offers. Loan offers came in with 80mil in future transfers.


If you have a great squad (from massive transfers off installments) Idk why people don’t take these deals more often. Gotta balance out the books long term and everything


I had the best midfielder in the world on my Swansea season (27 y/o, 194 ca, valued at £170m, avg rating 8.72, getting each season 40+ g/a) who wouldn't sign a new contract and had 21 months left on his current deal...I offered him around for £100m and had no serious bids, the highest I got was £27m. He ended up running his contract out, nobody signed him and 6 months later I got him as a free agent lol the game is stupid.


You end up actually losing money


Don't ask, don't get.


They clearly live by "You miss a 100% of the shots you don't take"


Reminds of the low level club that wanted Haaland on loan during the 22 World Cup 


My fave part is how you’d have to pay 450,000 to the guy so make a massive loss


Let's not forget that one of the FM24 headline features was a more realistic transfer market. Uh-huh.


Had the same goalkeeper in one of my runs, can’t remember if it was on the mobile version or fm23, bt he did a great job replacing my then best keeper. Glad to see other people use him too


This is definitely an extreme but I’m pretty sure it’s somewhat known that SI make it like this on purpose in which you have to pay more to buy players and you get less when you sell. It’s their way of making the game harder. I’ve faced similar issues and on other threads asking same question this tends to be the most widely accepted reason


you 100% missed the shot you didn’t take bro


To unsettle the player because you have rejected the offer. You can do it to them too


because you havent install daveincid realism pack


Just looked it up and this looked interesting until I read that it will generate 20% more injuries. I already feel like injuries happen way too often.


You don't need to use that module then...


Chairman's kids got on the fax machine


What if you said yes?


I once paid more for Otto Salmensuu who 2 seasons ago irl played in the 3th division in Finland


That's a very prestigious league miles better than this Man U team who ever they are


Well yeah, when has ManU beaten MP 5-0 on a sunny evening in Salo?


Lol what fuckin moron down voted me? Probably some Nigerian man u fan who can't tell a joke from his own ass


Exactly, SalPa is miles better than ManU


What's his transfer value? You've set an asking price, but that doesn't tell us anything. Contract length? Happiness?


I'd assume the value isn't far off, especially given it's basically prime mamardashvili and in the prem


Not at the PC to check the value, but I believe the value wouldn't be far off. He was elected best keeper in all competitions played and is indeed a top tier keeper playing at the best rated team in the best rated league. I believe he has 1 year left on his contract and is unhappy at the moment. He asked for a new contract and wanted 5x his current wage ( a stupid unrealistic problem on its own in this game )which would make him top3 best paid players on my team which I declined. He got mad, so I transferlisted him. 28k is ridiculous though, none of those arguments should result on a bid this low.


Good thing because Wolfsburg isn't bidding yet lmao.


I guess the AI didn’t get the memo that the trf glitch doesn’t work anymore


you never know, if u don’t try u don’t get


Is his contract close to running out?


1 year contract


That clould be why then, especially since it looks like you are in January, foreign clubs can come in and offer contract for free soon so brighton want to be able to negotiate too so that amount is probably close to the compensation you would get for a bosman with a foreign club, if i had to guess


Lmao less than his loyalty bonus


Have to speculate to accumulate


Because he's georgian


It developed consciousness. RUN!


As John Giles always said. He might be a good player, he might be world class, but he’s not a GREAT player their(checks paper) Darragh!


They know how bad Mamardashvili is


Cuz the broke, broke, broke flat broke (they ain’t got it)


Is Arsene Wegner the GM?


I keep bidding '0' for Cole Palmer from ManC to Brighton in my FM23 save.


They are doing a really good tactic I do sometimes called “taking the piss”


Doesn't make sense the name doesn't say Onana.


I got rid of Onana real quick.


AI can be stupid, very stupid. Only once in my entire FM playing career did I ever get a transfer offer for one of my players that was nearly fair. World class midfielder, they offered above his value by about 40m but I didn't want to lose him. Negotiated something crazy but fair and sold him for about 250m with add ons and so on. Only paid a few mil for him so made fortune. Not in this FM though it was in 22. Also what on earth is going on with loans. Clubs want to loan their players out yet why would I pay 7k a week with a playing fee of 25k for a 19 year old you want to improve? I can barely pay 800.