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On the PC Championship Manager 2. Before then I played a lot of Premier Manager 3 and Player Manager 2 on the Amiga.


My first was CM2 as well, 95/96 season. Bought it from Virgin Megastore in Coventry. I definitely remember playing Premier Manager on my friend’s Mega Drive, too. Not sure which though.


Oh that's really interesting, never knew there was a version for the Megadrive. Mobygames apparently lists Premier Manager 97 as being available on the MD. Looks a lot like PM3 from the screenshots: https://www.mobygames.com/game/20439/premier-manager-97/ I may have to fire up an emulator and try it out at some point!


A man of fine taste! I used to play Premier Manager 3 as well, usually with Halifax for whatever reason😁


Closely followed by Sensible Soccer


Same. I vividly remember thinking that skins for CM4 was hilarious. CM4skins


Showing my age! I was at collage when my best mate and I brought Championship Manager 93 (We also dabbled with the Italia version) it probably ruined my life...in the greatest way possible as my (very little) social life flew out the window and we saw very little sunlight. I'm not a buy the game every year - I went to the almost perfect 01/02 (Update - with the Greek super kids Skalidis & Papadopoulos) I think the first FM game I brought was '13


The orange and green graphics will not be forgotten!


The.....the first one


And even plenty before it


Yeah I played some fun fantasy football ones first


Same. Got it on a copied floppy disk on the Amega. There'd been a few manager games about up to then and it was so far ahead. I can remember being amazed you could attempt to sign any player from other teams as opposed to just picking from a transfer list


CM 01/02, demo came free in a cheerios box.




03-04 squad, Fredy William Thompson is my 🐐


Premier Manager 98, way back when. Was incredibly detailed in some ways, fell well short in others. You could micromanage your club's stadium catering options, but young players only improved by 2 points a year, every year, until 25. Fun game though. More recently it started up again with FM16 and my legendary Middlesbrough side.


Loved the OG Premier Manager on the Amiga, nothing like spinning up friendlies vs 1* Maltese teams!


Oh man, every year, friendlies against Valletta, Vaduz and Pyunic. Guaranteed massive wins. Classic stuff.


I started with fm24 and I love it


FM07. Got hooked pretty fast as I was an avid FIFA Career Mode player back then. It included everything I wanted from career mode and more.


Played CM3, but really got hooked on CM01/02.. good times.


Same, and playing it again now in fact. There's still a decent community who releases updates, patches, etc, it's brilliant and incredibly addictive due to the speed you can get through matches & seasons. There are patches for changing the starting year, currency inflation, etc, etc, together with the data updates it's like playing a new game.


Exactly the same. I bought them all from CM3 to FM2023, but 01/02 is just different


CM 97/98. I remember it was DOS based, and once it was installed on your PC, you didn't need the disc to play it. A mate came round one day with it, installed it and we played all day as Man Utd and Liverpool. When he'd gone, not only did the game still work, but I discovered the editor. What fun was had creating our school football team. Still remember getting Halifax promoted to Division 1, then relegated the next season and getting the sack.


Mine was LMA Manager until about 2006 I think


The gateway was Ultimate Soccer Manager, came free with the families first computer. Champ Man 3 (99/00 season?) was the first of CM/FM series for me.


Elifoot -> Brasfoot -> CM -> FM


Dude! I was thinking no one played Elifoot. May I ask your country? I'm Brazilian and I'm starting to think Elifoot was a Brazil and Portugal thing. And I also did this exact movement from Elifoot to FM o/


Eu sou brasileiro também, mano 😂


Pode crer! Então é isso cara, só tinha Elifoot por aqui. Por sinal, já gastei horas da vida tentando achar Elifoot pra baixar e não existe mais eu acho, Brasfoot até achei mas queria o classico. Meu sonho é ter Elifoot no celular, nunca mais 1 dia de trabalho entediante hahahah abração br


CM3 in the late 90s I think, got super hooked on 01/02


Cm end of season, the cracked version of 93/94. Signing Mark Collis and Ferrarah Orosco from Cambridge and the OG CM god Joey Beauchamp (RIP)


Mark Collis!! The first CM legend!


Two of the devs involved in the crack who inserted themselves in-game. They walked so To Madeira could run.


Im 24 and fm 18 was my first. Ive played hundreds of hours of each one since. Skipping 23 to prolong my 22 save. I now coach a mens football team too. I am Jose Mourinho


We had the original CM and CM2, but the first one I properly sank my teeth into was CM 97/98. Other kids were out playing actual football, I was bringing Matthias Sammer to Man Utd


O4/05 was my first one played on pc. The first one I ever owned was 2019






CM93. Yes, I am old.




CM 3 and then 99/00 & 00/01.


97/98. Favourite is 01/02, hands down.


Lma manager


Fm23, tho i only started playing 2 weeks ago 😅


Football Manager on the Sinclair Spectrum.


Y’all are old as fuck, I started with 2016


I was 10 years old when I started playing CM97/98. Old as fuck is a pretty accurate representation of my feelings (and aching knees).


I'd be surprised if anyone here knew this one but my first FM-style game was CSM 2002.


Cm2 with my Legendary striker Martin Knudsen!


I got into it later than FIFA so CM 4.




not sure, but I had several versions of the game before it officially became available in Germany


CM2 for me




CM 91/92


The first one I saw being played was 08 at one of my dads friend house. I was very intrigued by it despite not knowing what exactly I saw I told my older brother about it and he got the game so I watched him play. The first one I played was 15 it's been a fun and frustrating time since then, lots of highs and lows figuring stuff out and finding small things that unlock a teams full potential.


Premier Manager '99 - it was okay. My first football game was Complete Onside Soccer.


00/01. Learnt my craft by adding new Managers and making players unhappy so I could sign them on a free lmao. Who knew I'd be here 24 years later geigenpressing the life out of my teams and playing through saves without cheating.




Proberbly champ manager 1994


FM18 Legendary game for me


FM 06 when I was like 8 years old. I was a strange child My first management game though was LMA Manager 2006. That's a criminally underrated title


CM2 and Premier Manager 3.


“Scudetto” Was an italian version of cm2 if i remember correctly


First one I played was 05 but the one I got really hooked on was 08


Would have been one of the late 90s CM. Friend's older brother had the game.


The first one on the old Amiga.


The first one! Don't remember exactly the year, 92-ish maybe?


I bought a copy of Shoot! Magazine in 1989 in Sydney, Australia, saw that there was a football manager game I could send off for, so I went to the post office to get a money order made out in GBP so that they would accept and some extra for the return postage back to Australia. Sent it off and about 12 weeks later I received a disk in the mail and I was hooked. It was [Football Manager 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_Manager_2) Have played so many versions of football manager games/sims, FM/CM the obvious winner, but some notables have been Graham Taylor’s Soccer Challenge, Player Manager, Ultimate Soccer Manager and SWOS Edit - grammar


CM2 on the Amiga.


Championship Manager 2003/04.


Champman 93. First one i got into properly was Championship Manager 2. I also experienced the original Football Manager on the ZX Spectrum but i was young and not into football at the time


Championship Manager actually got me into football as a sport.   I got a demo of a CM with some cereal, played it, got addicted and in doing so, got into football.   But then my dad raised me as a Utd fan and now I'm dead inside. 


Football Manager on Commodore 64 back in 1987-88.




CM 99/00 was my first, although before that I played a lot of Ultimate Soccer Manager 98.


Mine was Cm2, I used to take Hull up to the premier league and was shocked as hell when they did it irl


I torrented FM08, was hooked immediately and bought every FM since. Am I forgiven Miles?


FM16. Didn't know anything about the game. I didn't know how to scout. I used to try to sign those players who performed well against me. I used to write down their names. Did the same thing for signing youngsters. I pulled out our youth team games and wrote down the best players from the opposition team (in terms of match ratings) and tried to sign them


Technically, mine was 97/98, but I wouldn't say I was addicted to it properly until the 01/02 version, which I got a demo disc for from some cereal. CM 4 is possibly still my favourite from all the games. It had peak players and perfected its 2D model.




I played Premier Manager 99 originally, then found CM 97/98 in a PC World bargain bin for £5. Got 01/02 a couple of months later and the rest is history.


CM93. What a brilliant game for its simplicity and addictiveness.


cm 97/98


Pretty sure it was just Championship Manager


Got a demo cd of Championship Manager 2 back in 95/96. I think you could only play up to christmas and I kept playing it over and over.


CM 01/02. What an intro. Grew up in Rugby League heartland I’m Australia and had no idea about the joys of European (or even world) football until a mate gave me a burnt copy he originally got from a Dutch uncle or something. The obsession began…


Found a copy of FM16 in a store for a couple euros and decided to buy it back in 2018 I think, fell in love, got FM19, and then every year I think I played the game


Fm 13 Played the EA version before as SI‘s game wasn’t as known in Germany due to not being officially available here until FM 19. Then heard about a game that actually reflects your tactical settings and player styles which intrigued me. When I then played the game, this and the huge db really impressed me. It was still love on second sight though as the processing speed was slower than what I was used to before.


I think it was 00/01 but I was terrible at it. I played a few different FMs throughout the years but didn't know what I was doing and always got bored quickly. The first one I really got into was 21.


cm 03/04


CM2 - 97/98. Salas. Ajax. Lovely. You completed the game when you signed Ronaldo from Inter.


Champ manager 2


At around 2016-2017, FM handheld 05/06 on the PSP came into my hands.


CM 2003/2004


i first played fm08 with my cousin however my first fm was fm13


Championship manager 2. Played/bought every version since then! Crazy to think about


CM 3 but before that I played a lot of Kevin Keegan's Player Manager on the SNES. Erik Nevlund at Man Utd was a development beast in CM 3 if I remember right. My two older brothers played the original Football Manager made by one guy (Kevin Toms) in 1982 for the ZX Spectrum - or possibly the Commodore 64 version, not sure.


FM21. FIFA guy my whole life but the lack of respect from EA for the FIFA community switched me to FM


FM22 I Fell into the addiction relatively recently


Mine was FM20 which i stuck with until FM24 because I finally decided to upgrade


Cm01, managing inter, CR9 scores his first goal for me, text bar flashes, one of the moments I remember for ever!


FM20 because of COVID, relatively new compared to some of you


FM21 mobile(For an odd reason FM21-23 mobile, feels slow when starting compared to 24M) for me, a guy who got introduced in 2023. In the PC, 17 and 19.


CM 93/94 Italia. I mostly managed Milan. Occassionally I dabbled with Serie B teams. My proudest moment was winning Champions League with Milan. That felt impossible for 13/14 year old me. It was challenging even getting past the group stage in the CL.. Two groups of 8 teams and the two winners met in a final.


FM 2014, a friend of mine used to play it a lot in school during free periods, so I thought I'd check it out too. Think I've bought every one since then


Championship manager 2005 on the PSP, then 06/07 FM on the psp for a few years, then around 08 on PC onwards, and have had every one since bar this years one


FM Mobile 2014


Total club manager 2005 <3 As a lonely teenage boy I once spend an entire summer playing Fifa manager 08. I can still remember my entire line up by heart. Including Kaka on the right wing and Ribery as a number 10 (because I was dumb). Edit: Also shoutout to [hattrick.org](http://hattrick.org) for getting me hooked on the genre


Slow to the game - FM17 for me. Barely played it, because i had no idea what I was doing, got frustrated, and gave up. Dived back into FM19, learned the ropes, and here I am on FM24


FIFA Manager 08 - FM11 I do miss the personal life of FIFA Manager




Cm 98/99 and then cm04, first FM was 2005.






Cm01/02, later I loaned the danish version of 97 from library, and bought 00/01 before finally buying cm4 as my first up to date version


First one ever was FM 2008 for my PSP, first one on PC was FM13


Total Club Manager 2003, wow I feel old now.


Cm 00/01. Don't remember much of it. Next was Cm 4 which was the first one I finished a whole season in. Julius Aghahowa was a beast for my Bundesliga winnimg Bayern team. Fm05 got me hooked, playing multiple saves with Real, Inter, and my favorite team in that years version, Juve. Camoranesi was unstoppable.


CM 01, it was my first and also my longest save, from 2001 to 2032 with Juventus (long live Nedved!)


I remember playing the very first football manager on the zx81 in around 1983, then the updated version on C64 which I got for Xmas in 1985. Then really got into Tracksuit Manager and Kenny Dalgleish Soccer Manager a couple of years later.


I actually started with EA's TCM 2005. My first SI game was FM 2008.


Total Club Manager 2003


CM 00/01 we had it uploaded to the 6th form room computer


CM 99/00. What a game that was. I remember getting a CAM called Daniel Jensen for £2.5m and he ended up being the best player in Europe a few years later. My brother bought a decent young player called Henri Schewelleff, loaned him for a season to Arsenal and when he came back he was world class.


I started on FM 2019, had the demo and I loved it. Had multiple saves but at 15 years old didn’t have any money to buy the full game until my dad gifted me FM 2020 for Christmas and have played each year ever since. Had some highs and lows but I enjoyed the game and helped me get more in depth with the sport as well.


CM4 and shortly after it CM 03/04, both pirated. The first one I bought was FM 2005.


2009, fell in love with Atletico Madrid and Aguero <3. Still in love with Los Colchoneros


CM 93/94.... not a graphic in sight.....


fm20, but i didn’t really play religiously until fm22


FM 2005 I think. Never played CM. Used to play FIFA Manager or whatever it was called.


I remember playing Championship Manager at my friends house on his parents PC under the stairs on a sleepover. Didn't have a PC at home but pestered my parents and they got me a PC and Champ Man 2 for my Birthday the next year. Played every single one since. It's both ruined and improved my life since then!


The classic, 01/02. Introduced by a classmate. We talked about football and shared tactics in the recess, good old day.


My mate at uni let me play FM12 on his old crappy laptop. I'd never heard of it before and had only really played FIFA. I think Southend United was my first save and I was rubbish. Been hooked ever since.


The one when dots became 3d players… now, help me out when was it?


01/02 Epic save with Manchester United signing Gorka Larrea and Oskiz Estefania from Real Sociedad


I played one of the first Championship Manager games way back in the day. Probably '93/'94? Didn't know much at all about football, but I remember really enjoying it. Fast forward a few decades, and I started playing again with FM22. But it wasn't until FM23 that it stuck.


Premier Manager 98. I remember Neil Moss was on the transfer list on day one of every single save. I also remember a glitch where you got massive cash injection if you chose to play against Juventus in your 2 away friendly slots




20. Finally took the plunge with all the pandemic related free time.


All I know it was on commodore amiga and I was caught in a spell that last to this day


1992 The very first Championship Manager.


2012. Shit man, that’s a long time ago.


18, and I really wish I could play it again 


CM 97-98


Championship manager on the Amiga. Been there from the start and have bought every one since the original


fm08. Was also the one i invested the most energy and time in it. I struggle now to go into how many things you have to take care in the new versions.


FM23 demo😂


Kevin Keegan’s Player Manager on Super Nintendo. I spent so much time playing it as a teenager.


Either 99 or 2000. Best game ever.


I own Fifa Manager 2009 but it doesn‘t work for unknown reasons. After I‘ve watched some Zealand vids, I bought FM24 and it hooked me like minecraft back in 2011


Championship Manager 2 (95/96). Played as Blackburn and didn't know what I was doing other than I wanted to sign Pavel Nedved and Ariel Ortega, which I did. They weren't great.


Cm 03/04. Great times.


C around season 1996/1997. Juve had quite a team. Also had some success with the then strong Schalke 04, Martin Max and Asanovic was ace.


Mine was FM17!


FM11 was my first owned, FM16 was the first I put serious hours into


Switched over from FIFA for FM15 and quickly realized it was much better


Big fifa player here; bought FM 05 from a thrift store for 1.99. Grandfather bought me a MacBook Pro so I asked my mom for it. She got it. I went home thinking it was fifa, it wasn’t. But fun. Haven’t played hardcore till this years drop (fifa is dogshit this year) and am having a blast


Championship Manager 2 on PC I playes other manager gamers before i forgot the names of.


Fm 11 i think it was or 12. Iligal, was to good of a game so i bought it every year until 2016 now i buy every other year.


CM 03/04 was my first & still to this day my favourite ever. My friends dad played it, and got us into it & started off our addiction lol


I put mega hours into premier manager 2&3, mainly 3, repeatedly making Dover athletic champs of Europe thanks to Munden, Bartlett, Browne, Blewdon and save scumming youth players! First CM I remember is cm2, but I actually preferred Ultimate soccer manager with old romario at the time Didn't play throigh to adulthood Until I then got hold of CM 03/04 I think and went to town as an adult. Played as Newcastle for no reason, the year Alan shearer retired in game and became my coach. Michael chopra and Micah Richards (as DM) wonder kids were joyous 😁


Before FM and CM this random dude in Portugal coded something called Elifoot 2. Had it in a floppy disk and it was glorious. Funny enough, it is now a mobile game and I have friends who still play it!




Football manager 2010, and played every single one from than :D


97/98 I think, dearest players I remember at the time were Oli & Alfonso at Betis and Shearer I think


My first was FM2016, and still was a regular FIFA player at that point. As I got better at FM, it was way more enjoyable than FIFA and FIFA playtime decreased. Bought every edition until 2024, and rarely play 23. Just something with that game (FM23) didn't sit with me. Waiting til FM25 to come out but until then still on FM22


Since 98, never player before, started with man utd, didnt even know who roy keane was...since then have a manager degree lvl1 and never stopped playing 😁


CM 98/99. Damn i feel old


Championship Manager 2, 96/97 update. Still got the box, and every subsequent one as well!


My first one was the first CM but before that it was Play By Mail.




I barely got through the latter years of school, college, and an apprenticeship because of my addiction to Championship Manager Sat listening to The Real Slim Shady LP, eating noodles and not making school will always be my fondest memories Wouldn't change it for the world


https://preview.redd.it/4lwu2vxjbuxc1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1273bf5497495e6215d62f1f5305c848a3bb8e14 CM 93/94, in this GOAT boxset.


The EA Football Manager 2005 - I played the EA FM13 for years before finally playing the original FM series with the FM17 .. Good times


CM 03/04. Then FM08, then every FM from FM12.


CM3 was the first one I ever tried, while FM08 was the one I spent the most hours on


FM 2008


2008. My local non-league team, Histon FC were on the game for the first time, without additional databases. Blue Square South. Took them to the Championship, then my best striker (regen) had a transfer offer meet his release clause. I didn’t accept and the offer was just unanswered for months - I was never forced to accept it. Also the game of Lulinha and Henri Saivet


FM 13 or 14 not sure anymore


FM 2005. I got into football manager games a year before when I got LMA Manager for the PS2, which I rented in my local video store before buying the game.


05, 06 or 07. Saw a friend playing it and asked what it was. He quit long time ago while I stuck with it till this day (with breaks here and there). Also even at younger age used to see another friends big brother play it a couple of times. Was always fascinated by the 2D gameplay of circles moving around and the commentary flashing when there was a goal.


FM21 and I didn’t understand shit at first, all it took was multiple YouTube videos and a few days of figuring it out


Worldwide Soccer Manager 09 (though it may have been 08).




Cm 97/98 and bought every version since. Aside from fm24 as I couldn't see the point


FM24 to be honest. I have always been a huge football fan but never thought this type of management game would click for me until I watched my friend and now it’s nearly all I play


Hello my name is EEV3E, and I’m a recent addict. lol Started last year with FM23. Sad I’ve missed this game until recently but I love it!


CM3 still remember collecting with the big pc box in hand as young boy. What a game!!


Bundesliga Manager Professional.


97’ I believe. 10 years old. Didn’t have a clue what I was doing but loved it. BTW, Who the fuck gives a 10yo CM as a Xmas gift? 😂


Bundesliga Manager Pro, 1991 or 1992, Amiga. You could start your career at the founding of the Bundesliga in 1963. Then came Anstoss, must have been around 1994/95. Iirc it was more like a business simulation than a football manager.


Cm01/02 rarely get time these days. And even if I do I feel like it's totally over complicated. I put sometime into cm/fm over the years ha ha


Championship Manager 1992


Euhm fm 24😅 fifa player founded