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I’m not even gonna try with this tactic, how did you come up with this?


It was all trial and error. I've always wanted to create a 3 at the back, with a HB to help out. It evolved from there to what you see in front of you.


You made this even more confusing adding HB to your explanation while you are playing an anchor. Let’s be honest in the 19th century you would burn as witcher for whatever atrocities you committed with your tactic.


The HB seemed to take up the same space as the CD. I thought the CD would move over towards the space vacated by the WCB, but he did not. Had to switch him to A, so he wouldn't be in the way of anyone, and provide a bit more stability in the space between DEF and MID.


The CB should do that yeah, it’s probably because your WCB get the space in front and besides hil kinda blocked by the DW. I would say your „weird“ tactic could be a good feedback to SI, because I think logically the WCB on support should still go wider, but overlap the DW inverse. If that makes sense, at least I would think that’s how they should behave and my feeling is tgat they just never tried this kind of edge case scenarios with their last match engine update. Maybe im wrong and what you described is intended behaviour of the match engine, just feels weird to me.


3 ate with half back you can try my tactic: 2 Ball playing CB, Halfback down the middle, complete wingback on left parallel to half back and wing back on right again parallel both on attack, in midfield a b2b and a mezzala on support, an advanced playmaker on attack and a deep lying support forward + advanced forward up top. Having 3 actual cb and a halfback is useless cuz then you are ways outnumbered in attack since regular fullbacks push higher than wide cbs


3331 with 2 WCB 1 BPD 1 HB 1 Regista


What in the kentucky fried fuck is going on here


He's trying to confuse opponents.


Looks like he's confusing his players. Guess you can't defend against it if the opposition don't even know how to play it


Every other team seemed to struggle against this tactic. Castilla walked all over me.


Every other team: ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


I refuse to accept this tactic isn't trolling.


Stop smoking crack


I can't even tell what you're trying to do with this tactic. The problem isn't even the insane shape, it's the roles, none of them work together... The fact that you can win *any* games with this in the match engine is so depressing lol


I hope it'll cheer you up knowing that the tactic isn't capable of protecting me from being FM'd.


This is quite an interesting tactic and to be frankly I dont get it.


Am I having a stronk?


You can't.


Ngl, even if I hate asymmetrical tactics, I love this one I can’t say I fully comprehend it, but I’m sure in your mind it has perfect sense, and that’s exactly what managing is, you and your team have to know what you’re doing, the others don’t. I’d like to know what your thought process was when creating it. And for Castilla, don’t worry about them, if you get promoted while always losing to them, it’s still a win for you, you’ll beat them eventually, your team will improve more than theirs in the long run.


I initially started with a 5-2-3, which I found to be way too defensive and I wasn't creating any chances or having much possession. I then moved onto a 4-2-4 (essentially trying to replicate the formation Ten Hag played against Man City in the FA Cup Final, and even though my possession and number of passes increased, chances were at a minimum. Bit more tweaking took me to what you see above. All about possession, ball share, and final third passes. Now, I regularly have 65%+ of possession and ball share, and 60+ final third passes. However, as I mentioned in another comment, doesn't stop me from getting FM'd. My last game, 71% possession, 837 passes attempted, 66% ball share, 99 final third passes, 26 shots, 9 on target, and I still lost.


"One night, I went to a bar, I was with woman. We talked all night. We laughed, we flirted, I paid for several drinks of hers. At around 5am, a guy came in, grabbed her by the arm and took her to the bathroom. He made love to her and she left with him. That doesn't matter, coz I had most of the possession on that night." –Chile coach Jorge Sampaoli


That’s really cool thanks!


Maybe play a less complicated and non High Press 3-4-3


Good old route one, that's my fallback tactic for when teams seem to comfortable walking all over me.


Thank you! I'll try to create a route one tactic for the team can train.


I thought this was a joke at first, but looking at it more, it makes sense, I would just change a few things. Change the anchor to a DM S and the DLP D to a CM S. You have no defensive pressure in the middle, no forward movement partnership and nobody stretching the play. Also it makes more sense that the CWB A would be on support and the AP on A. You lack defensive solidity without a CM/DM on the left and with the CWB A, since the CWB needs to be on support, you’ll need the AP to be on attack, if not you won’t have anyone stretching play on the left.


Amazing! Thank you. I'll recreate this as tactic two and get the boys to train.


I took a deeper look into it. You should also consider having the DW D be a DW S, since you have nobody responsible for creating chances on the right flank. Another thing that it might be useful it to move the SS to the AMCL strata instead of the AMC strata. This way you don't need to change the AP to A and the CWB to S, and can keep them as they are.


That's an interesting thought. I've created the test with A moving to DM S, DLP D is now a CM S, DW D becoming a DW S, and AMCL rather than AMC. I'll report back at the end of the season.


Good luck!


OP, This is a work of art, you're a few steps away from building something that works, I'd recommend this for a few tweaks BPD-de CD-co BPD-de CWB-At A-de WB-Su CM-Su AP-Su SS-At IF-At I don't know why you chose to use defensive wingers on the right side, they don't actually cover that right full back position at all so opposition wingers will have so much space and time on the ball. Removed the WCB cus he's no longer necessary with the WB and added a cm-su because your Midfield would be very flat in buildup. You could try a BBM if you have someone with the physicals for it. I also think you should get rid of the Overlaps and tell your IF-At to sit narrower so the SS isn't lonely up there. Last thing I've never had success counter pressing in 3 back systems just leave that blank, makes you much better in defense.


What in the fucking world is this? It's an abomination. It looks like something Pep would create in a wet dream.


Not sure if the Pep bit is a compliment or a testament to the madness of the shape, roles, and instructions.


Kind of like a 2 3 3 2 in possession then? And asymetric 5 4 1 or 5 3 2 out of possession? I love this, does it work often or not? Maybe a cautious mentality makes a little more sense tho. I would also play a low or bid block and turn off counter press: park the bus a bit more while in possession.


It's still early days. 20 games in, 14 won, 5 drawn, 1 lost +18 GD. The heat map sometimes looks like a 3-3-4, and sometimes it's a 3-2-5, with the highest player on the pitch being the CWB. Thank you for the suggestions re park the bus!


formation gave me cancer


Love some Málaga here


Just finished my first Malaga season a few days ago. Ran a 4-3-3 with 2 BPDs 2 WB (one support one attacking), Sangalli as my defensive BWM, surrounded by Lorenzo and Enriquez as Mezzalas. Up front I had Villodres and Larrubia as attacking wingers, and Fernandez at AF. Your current tactic has too much going on, keep a simple structure and playstyle to it, and your players' ability will thrive.


Yea, score more goals than them


"distribute to full backs" when you don't have full backs. Goalkeeper looks around the pitch wondering where the hell they are. It's madness. I love it. Don't change.


UPDATE: Finished the first season. Finished 3rd. Lost 3 games with this tactic (the other 3 games were during the experimenting phase). Twice to Castilla and once to Cordoba. Now, I've gotta play Castilla in the play-offs, and I still might get sacked. Lovely. Best none B-team in the division with this tactic. https://preview.redd.it/g2n1rjfgue4d1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bcf6f57462a9635c7eee0fb0e0142a780c9d7a5


![gif](giphy|GgasSsuDU62oU) Use a blunt object 👍🏻


Change the dw to a wm su and wcb to cd or wcb d or bps d whatever up to u


04 is this you


Although I don’t understand the tactic completely, I don’t think it’s really as terrible as we think. OP has found some success with it. I think if Madrid are the stronger team, you can try to set up more defensively but I honestly don’t know what to change with this shape


This is what happens when you try to play each player in their best position


Seems to me like you're trying to overload the opponents on one side before switching it out to the other? Atleast that's what the shape suggests. My only problem is that i can't comprehend how you're going to make that work with those roles interacting with each other in tandem for that.


The overload does happen quite a bit.


Are you able to prove any success with this heart wrenching tactic of devils spawn?


https://preview.redd.it/t0p12tzl1e4d1.png?width=2708&format=png&auto=webp&s=7faf4b69dc190290296e2377423e3c56a38238de It's still early days, only in the first season, but this is the table right now. 3 of those 4 games were lost whilst in the experimenting tactic face. Only lost one game with this tactic which is the one that started this post.


Good luck gaffer 💪🏻 Looking forward to a future update.


I'm too much a "Keep it simple, stupid" kind of player to even try to understand that tactic.


I want what you're on


That tactic btw. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozkQbdfOIyCC6wU)




Clownfiesta of a tactic


tf is this


Fuck it, throw a Segndo Volande on attack while you're there, you're trying just about every other trendy semi meta thing.


This is way outside the meta


Just use a preset tactic FFS. You can get a treble with any preset tactics as long as you have the right players.