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You need Kalvin Phillips


This comment is not getting nearly as much appreciation as it should’ve.


I’m just doing my best to help. Kalvin Phillips is the world class player he needs. To quote fm press interviews, “I wouldn’t trade him for any player in the world, not even Kroos”


Yours is


It’s the top comment? And ur actively adding nothing, if you were wondering where the downvotes came from. Your entire comment could’ve just been an upvote


To be fair, that comment with 60 downvotes now was made when I had 6 upvotes on the top comment. I think that was the point of the comment


Exactly, thank you. But anyway I didn’t know about this rule that I have contribute something no matter what. I thought internet works like regular conversation, where you just say stuff and exchange words :) I’m getting old for this shit, apparently 😂


It does work like that, but it’s the same as commenting: This!. The upvote system is made to replace those comments as you can just let them know you agree with an upvote.


I see. I saw these “this” comments a lot, never thought to downvote one. I will now I guess :) But yea, my main point was that “Kalvin Phillips” comment has just a few upvotes at that point. I got fooled by the system I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


Why so down voted?


Dude, I have no clue :) Where is all this hate coming from? And why?


I guess people misunderstood you.


Internet is a ruthless place sometimes :)


Indeed so. Hope you have a great day.


Yea, sure. Thanks, man. You too!


To many attacking roles, you need to go defensive more


For all the issues with trippier at left back, he's not even close to playing as an inverted full back






Re read the post


My bad I’m stupid


Not even close to how England set up. Piss poor effort. 


ncb and bpd are conflicting role, your bpd is going to try build from the back and pass it to his cb partner who is going to hoof the ball. A hb with a ifb and hb behind him? where is he going to drop into? Everyone up top is moving to suport with only one player running into space. your dm should swap with the hb and change to dlp(S), hb to bwm. defense to wb(d), cb, bpd, wb(s). iw(s) on both flanks, st on attack and a ss or am(a) at the 10


You need more right backs in the starting 11


Go with 433 Two full backs on support duty Two ball playing CBs on defend duty Midfield of 3 with Advanced playmaker(Suppor), Deep Lying Playmaker (Support)and Anchor(Defend) Front 3 of two inverted wingers and Complete Forward,all three on attack duty. In Possession -Shorter Passing -Slightly Low tempo -Play Out of defence -Work ball into box -Be more disciplined -Fairly narrow In transition - counter press -hold shape -slow pace down Out of possession - much higher defensive line - high press - much more often -prevent short gk distribution -get stuck in -step up more - trap inside - invite crosses


England are nowhere near that aggressive out of possession, they were sat so deep against Denmark particularly in the second half


**Team Fluidity** The number of attack, defend and support duties you set within a Formation while using a certain Mentality is reflected in your Team Fluidity. For example, a Balanced Mentality and a Balanced Fluidity has three players with Defend duties, four players with Support Duties, and three players with Attack duties. Your distribution of duties determines whether you move up or down the scale to more attacking or defensive football, and whether you apply more fluid or more rigid approaches. If you set seven players to have Attack Duties and three players with Defend duties, you’ll be playing with a Very Attacking mentality but a Very Rigid fluidity, as you haven’t provided sufficient balance within your overly attacking setup. Balancing this with more Support duties will achieve a more fluid result, and the same rule applies across the board, so feel free to play around with your options and see what happens – there is no single correct ‘solution’. Your overall Fluidity is always indicated to you on the Tactics Overview screen. [https://community.sports-interactive.com/sigames-manual/football-manager-2024/tactics-r4960/](https://community.sports-interactive.com/sigames-manual/football-manager-2024/tactics-r4960/)


This post is going over some of yall's heads haha


Way too many attack roles


No one's making forward runs without the ball.


Personally I’d have the DLF drop even deeper, to just in front of the back 4. Game mechanics won’t let you do that though.




3 defending roles (excl GK) is enough, at least 2 or 3 on attack, rest on support. Not even going into detail but that balance would improve this tactic a lot




change the dlf to an af or cf at


Change HB to SV


Start again


First of all not a pro. From your screenshot, I see that you are using ratemytactic, they provide you with a great amount of information about the tactic you are building, I don't know if I can provide you with information the site isn't allready offering you but here are a few things i would change myself: 1. A bit less defensive duties, at the moment you are using 5 but 3-4 will do. 2. On the left side you play a inside forward support and a inferted fulback on defense. Bot of these roles wont provide you with a loth of width, you could change individual player instructions to maybe solve this issue if you tell the winger to stay wide before making his actions. But i would suggest using a either a more wide wingback or classical wide winger. 3. At least one more attacking duty would not be bad in this selection, maybe use a advanced foward to push back the defenssive line, a attacking midfielder/shadowstriker to overlap the deep lying forward or maybe an inside forward on attacking on the left that is also able to overlap the striker. 4. A halfback drops between the central defenders, you are allready crowding this area with players so he will probably choose no to enter this space or maybe force other players to not enter that space. Either way it probably results in players with good defensive stats and bad attacking stats to do more attacking than tou want and less defending than you want because they will try and go where they are needed. Not to try and sound to much like chatgpt but my tips are quite general and it is up to you to find out what works best, maybe playing that many defensive players works because your defense is solid and the attacking players get a lot of space. Just play around with it, you seem to have succes with the tactic that you are using, just keep on that path, improve small things and see where it brings you. One more tip, i would suggest not foccusing that much on the whole tactic itself but think about what it is that you are trying to do. -Do you have a attacking midfielder that you want to give a lot af space to operate, play a advanced forward to drag away the central defence. -do you have a wingback that you really want wide for him to give crosses, make sure there isn't a classical winger allready keeping the width and try to play a lot of narrow attackers to drag the defence to the centre and create space on the wings You need to ask yourself what you want to get of of this tactic. Again not a pro take my opinion with a grain of salt


People need to stop having their AM and ST occupy the same space. Don’t put a DLF on Support with an AM, is where I’d start. Change to AF, put a winger on one side to stretch the pitch a bit more and offer a crossing option if cut inside and insallah doesn’t work. Change your DMs to a pair of Defensive Midfielders or any other pairing on Support. Only use BPDs if your players can pass. Only use wing backs if they have any pace. Depending on the above go CB/FB or BPD/WB/IWB depending on whether you want to focus build up down the centre or on the wings. That’s my two cents anyway after playing about 50 seasons on this release. Edit: fuck I just realised this is probably meme post lol


If the left winger decides to run inside your left flank has no one, although not a problem on the defense, you may be missing on chances created by exploring that space. My advise is to change the inverted full back on the left to a wing back or full back on support (depending on how defensive you want to be). I am suggesting you change this particular position because you already have 2 DC's that Stay back and an half - back which makes a line of 3, with the IFB you have 4 people trying to ocupy that space. You can change the BPD to a libero instead but its risky and I would only advise this on a dominant team.


You also dont have enough attack roles, only your right winger is running to the goal, your AM is on support so should be more focus on creating, you can change it to attack if you manage to get a player with decent shooting and finishing while also having good composore and excelent off the ball, otherwise change the stricker role to something more agressive like and AF or your wingers to IF. Note: try Sweeper GK even if on defence. I find it your back like uses the GK alot more as a passing option, avoiding them shooting the ball up the field when on a pinch. The GK wont go crazy because of SK role, on defense he will barely leave the grand area


Not the normal 7 at the back it’s disgusting


There are really big gaps between the players maybe fix that so the opponent has less space