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I always thought it would be a good idea to spawn with one or two of your feats already unlocked if you joined mid game, especially in modes like breach.


The game actually does that already, but it's not very generous. If a game is close to ending it gives you like 1 o 2 feat max.


I believe the way it works is related to how much renown the bot you replaced had. If the bot had a tier 2 unlocked, you get it too. I think this because I'm pretty sure the reverse is true. A bot replacing a disconnect/ragequit will have the same tier feats as the person that left. Is this a good system considering bots are fuckin braindead and clear mid with OoS top heavies? Probably not.


It's based off the lowest feat unlocked in game, so if you have a guy with all 4 feats and a guy with no feats in the same match, you load in... No feats


It matches your renown to the lowest current player renown of the team you were put on. So if someone who remained in the game is doing particularly bad, you will only have the same level of feat unlocks to start out as they do.


I never understood why it doesn't at least try to give you some feat progress lol


It does, I’ve had t3 unlocked on join in breach. Not enough time for that in dom. Dom match like in op you would start with one feat unlocked for sure. It’s based on match timer


Ah I rarely play breach anymore so I must've forgotten. In Dom, I spawn with no feats even if I come in pretty late. Do you know what the exact timing is?


I’m not sure how it works. There are various factors which may or may not be calculated. I think time is likely but it could also be an average of team renown at the time you join the game. My personal experience could be a result of either of those factors or something else entirely that I didn’t think of. In dom I frequently spawn in with t1 and sometimes t2. Can’t recall ever hitting t3 on spawn. Breach, almost always with t1, often t2 and if I join on a game that’s past the first gate then usually t3. I usually play breach tho, mostly Dom vs bots to clear orders or to switch shit up.


Ah, vAI probably results in higher team renown. vP definitely seems rarer to get feats on late join.


They do Usually T2 feats at most tho


They have that, but it matches your renown when joining to that of the lowest renown player on your team.


you can literally just leave at any point with no penalty


Except the 15 minutes of no matchmaking


And time wasted which feels like a lot when working 6 days a week two 4 hours shifts a day so the double travel, cooking, cleaning, bathing added to that makes me appreciate time i have left to play.


I have read and heard people told me to 'keep loosing matches so the MMR fixes itself'. The thing is, it shouldn't take me like 8 loses to find *two* decent match. Let alone when most of those loses are because the game said 'Yeah,I will put 4 players vs 2 players, oops, one of the 2 left!' ,instead of putting 3v3


But you have time to whine on reddit


Just close the game in task manager if you are on PC, and you won't have to deal with the 15-minute ban.


>with no penalty


He can't read, must be a dbz fan


Just close the game itself on whatever platform you’re on. Works to get rid of the penalty.


Joining in progress doesn’t affect stats, it’s pretty useful to try practicing anti ganks with no penalty 


Almost nobody actually gives a shit about their stats. Almost nobody wants to be put in a match where they're guaranteed to lose.


Both of y'all are absolutely correct.


I do. Which is pretty sad considering my Dominion K/D is in the negative...


Nobody cares about my stats


It affects fun, which is the important part


My brother in christ, did you join a PvAI dom match on the AI's team?


Tottaly winnable. Unless your 3 teammates are vegetables.


The score should already tell you that


I don't want to win. I want fair match.


Then don't play For Honor


Why are you playing For Honor


Toggle a VPN on/off or flip your router on and off. Now you're not in a losing match anymore and you can rejoin a new game right away


closing and reopening ur game works. so does joining on an invite


Leave in the 1st minute has no penalty anyway


nothing will be changed about this, they have it setup so that joining in progress leaves your stats alone and gives you a free opportunity to practice without drawbacks if you get mopped, but they will always have join in progress active so that it doesn’t leave players that have teammates leaving game high and dry


It should give you renown equel to the 3rd player on enemy leaderboard. Besides, I know how it sounds, but this id still winnable, hard but doable.


Time for the greatest comeback in human history


Yeah its shit being thrown into a match like this. But I stick around because I mean it clearly states if you lose non of the K/D and W/L count because it was in progress. So I just stick it out to be in an actual lobby for the next match.


im just amazed they only had 9. don't soldier kills count towards the score? were those little fellas just sorely slacking?


How About a surrender button , that then goes to a cut scene of the losing team falling to their knees (as if to be executed)


That or it's them retreating or something. This is a feature I've wanted for a while, especially if it's a stomping match. Could even do something like Destiny 2 does where the game is ended if it's clear one side will not make a comeback. I like the cutscene idea though, devs could have some fun with it


Overwatch/sentinel, with the ram falling apart or breaking through maybe?


Ohhhh damn that actually sounds cool AF! Maybe depending on which side is surrendering a a different cutscene will play? Archers firing upon fleeing attackers, something like that


One or the other side getting ledged on gauntlet? This is great. It could also happen behind the winner podiums, then pan to the "losers podium"


I wouldn't want a surrender to be too shameful on people, it's basically saying,"You're better, we're not doing this anymore. Let's stop wasting time."


Yeah, not specific to surrender, this suggestion.


yeah, some kind of restart, i don't want to wait another loading and both teams would start on equal terms, that perfect.


That one Warden that refuses to vote surrender: *"Never"*


Imo there should be a point limit, ex. If the enemy team or your team has 300+ points the match should be locked and no one on any team should join.


How about leaver penalty being 24 hours?


Just dashboard instead of quitting through the match settings. No ban.


Consolefag spotted, just drink bleach instead of posting retarded shit


You made an alt just to make this lame ass comment? Fucking pathetic.


Homie that's majority of the playerbase


Oh wow! Telling someone to kill themselves cause you don’t like what they say. You must be a liberal


First couple of games I join would be this bs, then 1 fresh starting game then joining games like thi again....


I've been saying this since forever. We need an option to toggle whether we want to join an ongoing game or not. I'm tired joining losing teams and having zero motivation to play the remaining of the game knowing I'm losing.


I hate it, give me a full match with a fresh slate, I don't like picking up slack


Only 600? I've been put into a match with them 50 from us breaking and we won without going into breaking


If you ask me,the game should just end a match when the disparity of points reach such ridiculous level. 'Comeback is possible' my brother in christ,leave the copium. Realistically, you don't see a comeback that often, and if the teams reach that level of difference is because one team is clearly superior to the other.


Ah sure ya can recover from that 😆


Might I’d love this I don’t even care if I get smashed the quicker the match is over the sooner I get to level up and get gear


You can leave 10 seconds into a match with no punishment so you can avoid shit like this


You could just roll with the loss anyways, you get exp and loot either way


Matchmaking overall needs a proper rework as well. Joined a match yesterday of dominion halfway through, other 3 people on my team under rep 1 against a team of 70+. Happens way too often.


Well the game tells u by joining an already going game that its not effecting ur skill status, means there are no real downsides to loosing and u can still farm the match for points and quests u need to finish.


You can leave without penalty in the first 10 seconds of the game