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A navy seal with a AK


They'll never see it coming 😏😎


Why the hell would a US soldier be using a Russian gun


that’s exactly why he doesn’t want to see it


Same reason a samurai is using a war axe


I never want to see any fantasy races. (Orcs, Dwarves, Elves) This is a fantasy game but I want the world of for honor to stick with historically inspired Heroes.


However a spin off game with fantasy characters could be cool


Fuck yeah it would.


Happy cake day! 🎂 :3 hope your day is awsom


It was actually pretty awesome, thank you!


I agree for baseline heroes, but I don’t mind making exceptions when it comes to hero skins, which Ubisoft has already done. Wukong shoalin is one of my favorite characters to play and the art team really nailed the look in my opinion. If they could do the same with other hero skins, like an oni shugoki for example, I would be ALL over that!


tbh I think adding more of those will just result in fantasy characters being so common that this game will completely lose its original idea. It was cool to happen once (twice counting Nuxia’s bugged one) but more than that and imo we’ll get into the territory of whole lobbies being fantasy races


I think it depends on the depths they go to. Like wardens skin is The original warden who made a contract with a dragon, you’ve got the cursed raider with all that black goo on him. I think they’re fair fantasy levels for the game I wouldn’t mind them going further than that slightly with something like cursed armour for conq, jorm getting scaled skin with scale armour mixed in or even Valkyrie getting a mythical valkyrie armour set, but even then that’s teetering on the edge. Dwarfs I believe would be fine to add. If it’s done in the sense of dwarfs from something like LotR or if they’re just short and stocky since it would fit into the whole story of the cataclysm ruining the world. Hell they could even make it’s origins being a minion who managed to get his was through the ranks to be a legend despite the famine making them shorter.


The game already has Fortnite-level emotes, effects, executions, etc and gets more every week. For Honor stopped being serious and grounded a long time ago. I get what you mean but I’m just saying in my opinion I would be fine seeing more fantasy stuff added in
 which now that I think about it is going against the topic of this thread so what am I doing here, lol?


they already have hito no samurai used a battle axe lmao


A goddamn musket hero.


I replied before but I didn’t read the question properly lol. I agree.


It will have a feat that fires a moderate damage projectile that can lock onto players across the map


barely customizable tiny weapons and naked caveman characters


Keep the naked and men, but the rest can go


A knight/Samurai with an billhook/kama-Yari. It does seem fun, but its IMPOSSIBLE to make them balanced AND historically accurate. The amount of grabs, bleed and the massive range would be teriffying


If historically accurate Lawbringer shouldve destroyed every other hero instantly with the most protective armor and the most melee weapon in war history, until pirate comes along at which point having even just that pistol would have won every battle between heroes. A billhook would not be the thing tipping the scales. We already have a gun in the game


Pirates pistol is an early flintlock, and wouldn’t be very powerful. Lawbringers armor has a fair chance of deflecting the bullet or just blocking it outright. I’d put my money on LB vs any other single member of the cast any day
..besides maybe goki


Good luck blocking and deflecting bullets.


I think he meant his armor could.


An old flintlock like the type used by pirate WILL NOT PIERCE LBs armor buddy. They literally used guns in conjunction with knights. It wasn’t until guns became more powerful that armor became absolute. And even then, they wore bullet proof METAL armor during NAPOLEONS era


The Pirate's flintlock would not be as overpowered as pop culture would have you believe. Early firearms *sucked* and often wouldn't fire at all. When they did they wouldn't pierce a thick breastplate. It took hundreds of years of incremental improvements before firearms became the dominant weapon of the battlefield. There are breastplates in museums with dents from early firearms, such as the Wallace collection in London. There are also stories of armorsmiths shooting their work deliberately to prove it could stop a bullet.




tbf if you mean Ocelotl his weapons are obsidian iirc


for honor is historically inspired not historically accurate.


The Gustav Cannon, I just can't see it working thematically


I believe.


no barefisted, no more blackpowder weapons, no cavemen.


I remember someone saying "you could change the wraps on the character hand for the weapon customization slots!" some wraps. Wow


The best version of unarmed would be some caestus imo, rather than just some old wraps


Cent already has that, half his character is punching


I agree and I think an unarmed hero would be awesome but sadly it doesn't seem like it'll ever happen


Play cent or glad if you wanna clock people


‘Bare fists’/brawler. Cent is the closest the game should ever get, considering about 70% of his kit is already punching and kicking.


Seriously. There are plenty of fighting games that do unarmed way better than For Honor could. For Honor is best when there is a melee weapon, and it is designed around these very distinct animations that would be hard to make look good with just an empty fist.


Yeah fist animations are really hard to deal with, look at mordhau for example the only thing holding fists back is the fact they can’t defend but the animations are so hard to tell apart they’re busted offensively lol


Agreed, don't think that archetype would make sense in this game and would actually detract what makes cent so special and fun.


But- I want to live my fantasy of starfist gloves in a game other than Elden Ring.


I’d be cool with a brawler if they had massive gauntlets like GOW nemian cestus


Would Tonfas fall under this category of Brawler hero?


No see I want specifically a guy that has like super armoured gloves so it makes sense he could block and parry


Shaolin uses his wrist guards to parry, so parrying already doesn't really need to make sense


A long-ranged gun. For anyone who has played any other fighting games, you know that we DO NOT need a zoner in FH. Pirate is fine since her "gun" is just cosmetic and only serves as a chain-extender. What's not fine is having a hero with a moveset that's like Pirates feats where you can shoot the gun from long range. It would be like old Shinobi on steroids.


Tbh nobu and JJ, maybe MJ are the closest we have to zoners actually especially nobu


A blind samurai who twirls a sword around and whispers, oh wait


He's cool as shit tho


a scythe


There's an execution in volving a scythe and it looks kinda bad so I agree with this


I do think a dagger-axe for the Wu Lin might be cool, though


Right as bad as it is fighting a monkey man with a stick imagine fight a damn grin reaper, I agree fck a scythe 


What's wrong with a bo staff?


Lmao nothing is wrong with it but like stick swing go bop, idk I legit can't fight a good monkey man, i just cant help but feel like if there was a scythe it would be the same kind of swinging 


You know who else has dementia?


Lmao nothing is wrong with it but like stick swing go bop, idk I legit can't fight a good monkey man, i just cant help but feel like if there was a scythe it would be the same kind of swinging 


You know who else has dementia?


I fucking love scythes, they're cool as shit. Definitely don't want to see one in For Honor. Scythes don't belong in something as grounded as FH, it'd be too awkward to make the attacks look good.


Do you mean a war scythe or the farming ones?


Shinobi already uses those


Those are known as kama. The silly part is the fact that they were assassination weapons for unarmored/ lightly armored opponents.


Guns. Pirate was a mistake and such a weird addition to the game.


She could have been done better as a resource character (needing to manage shots instead of bottomless magazine flintlock), that would have made her much more interesting. Still like her tho


We call it the flintglock amongst ourselves


I agree with this soooo much. I hope one day she gets a complete rework. The flintlock should've been left as a tier 4 feat.


honestly yeah. The pistol should’ve been saved for executions and a high damage 4th feat. Other characters with explosives (Lawbringer) and ranged weapons (Pk) work like this and it turned out fine


Exactly! also good idea never thought about the executions playing into it as well.


I don’t see why, guns like hers were around for centuries before full plate, there’s plenty of way more egregious historical anachronisms in the game


No they weren’t! She has a Flintlock, not a matchlock or wheel lock, they weren’t around until armour was almost completely gone from warfare! And by the time any guns were comon on battlefields, which is before wheel locks (and none of them were pistols) armoured knights were rapidly in decline. Pirates pistols is about 200 years after any other heroes kit and would be a completely new tech which would drastically change warfare, because of the previously unobtainable reliability and speed of reloading (still shit but sooo much less shit than previous guns.)


Flintlocks were introduced in Western Europe in the early 16th century, when full plate was at its peak (late 15th to early 16th). It’s plenty reasonable, and makes a lot more sense than some of the Viking characters who look like they’re from 700 years before


The first prototypes may have shown up then but the first military use was in the 17th century by the spanich and that wasn’t on small arms. And was only equipped by full militaries by 1704. And its a definite jump in technology either way, and makes little sense with the rest of the setting. And sure there’s a big time difference between the vikings and knights but no radical technological difference, atleast none that matters in the way the game presents. Sure metal urgy is better and steal quality and making allows for better armour and stuff but the basics of combat still exist, they still wear armour and stry to stab each other. With guns comes a fundamental change to the entire structure of battles. Obe on one fighting is basically completely eradicated ,unless for „sport“ (honorduels and the like) wich is what the whole game is based around. So I don’t think it fits and any „who would win“ is just thrown out the window with „she has a gun“ (look at the series of threads a month or two ago, with most matchups people were discussing who was better built to deal with the other or had better physical base line. In all of the matchups pirate fetured the only point was wether she’d hit the first shot, and for me that takes a lot if the fun out of it.


the pirate can’t even use her gun except for 1 melee attack


You know who else has dementia?


the pirate can’t even use her gun except for 1 melee attack


Ah yes dodge heavy and ANY heavy. Even if it doesn’t hit, or is blocked, she can still go for the lunge shot. She’s such a brain dead character


gun go pew tho so you can’t really argue with that


You know who else has dementia?


lol everyone disliked that


the pirate can’t even use her gun except for 1 melee attack


Thrice the pride, triple the fall.


You know who else has dementia?




Peacekeeper third feat:


It's already here in the comments, but I also want to say the "brawler" character people bring up on occasion. Is it like, a neat concept? Sure I guess, but in a game with For Honor's setting it would just be stupid/silly.


Stupid/silly went out the window as soon as they added Shinobi. Literally does the Naruto run for extra speed.


Or shaolin, realism flew out the window when they added him


shaolin is the more bothersome example imo, at least Shinobi makes sense for his design but Shaolin’s animations overall are so fucking cartoony lol. He doesn’t even wear armor


Someone based around archery, it'd be bull, to be hit from farw ay constantly, like Shinobu at first, who remembers that?


fucking gardening scythe ^(anime was a mistake)




Pop culture reference heroes - no Nicki Minaj please (Pop culture reference executions and stuff are fine, within reason)


Scythe and bare fist. Fist makes no sense in the context of FH's mechanics, and scythe is just dumb.


Flail.... oh wait


A farmer 😂




It says what weapon you DON'T want added.


A scythe.


Rapier, claws, nunchucks, scythe, any form of ranged weapon that is actually used at range in the normal moveset.


I know it might be cringe or stupid but this is for honor we’re talking about. I don’t feel like a character with nunchucks would be bad if we have someone like shaolin


The difference there is that the bo staff is actually a great weapon. Nunchucks are generally regarded as bottom-tier.


I get that but it’s still for honor lol, if they added a character with nunchucks I don’t feel like it would be too out of place with how goofy and or janky this game can be


It wouldn’t even work animation wise. But the sort of triple staff chained together would maybe work ig?


I agree with everything here except rapier. I think a rapier character would be awesome


Maybe if it was an estoc or something. I just want less goofy shit in the game like Oceloti. I can never take him seriously. Either he looks like Kotal Kahn or a 13yr old’s edgy OC. Also stone weapons. Lol. He and pirate should’ve never been added. 


He looks like kotal kahn because they’re both based off/are aztec? Cmon man. Edgy? He’s actually as historically accurate you can get while still being for honor


I can take him about as seriously as a katana against plate armor. His weapons are real and made with some of the sharpest stuff on earth, if you don't like that he has full metal versions too. The Jaguar Warrior armor is pretty good, I prefer that and the eagle since they're the most accurate.


I mean you could argue we already have a hero with claws to some degree


The rapier. Not a bad weapon, but it doesn't belong in a battlefield as a primary weapon. Also, as a European weapon, it'd be another knight, and we already have like nine. Maybe not a "never add this" weapon, but I'm not big on the idea.


I’d argue that if they were to add another knight, it would be the rapier since its among the most recognizable, while still being frequently requested.




I'll say it wherever I can, Gryphon should have been a Kievan Rus viking vanguard. And not specifically Olden Cross.


Insanely based.


>doesn't belong in a battlefield as a primary weapon Enter half of the current roster


Just do an estoc instead. Plus half of the characters’ lore states that they aren’t frontline fighters anyways


Honestly I've got no hate for any weapon as long as they make it fun but I just don't want them to keep genderlocking. There's so many characters out there that would benefit from having both options and so many characters I'd genuinely like to have a choice with.


Characters would take twice as long to come out without genderlocking, I highly doubt they'll make a switchable one in the near future


Hoplite. Just
 nah. An underwhelming pick. Same with Zulu. We already have spear+shield done well, we don’t need more.


A Hoplite is seriously missing. But I agree that the weapons are already sufficiently in the game. Having another super defensive heavy is not really necessary since we already have Conq, BP and now Vara in this role.


A rapier. Idk why so many people in the community think that’s a cool idea


It looks cool and unique compared to the dozens of others swords we already have


Compared to any other weapon they could add, the rapier is by far the lamest


It’s just a matter of opinion, rapiers are flashy and unique enough. More than scythes or barefist characters suggestions we see on a daily basis


Yes because standing in that weird fencing pose and poking them to death sounds like such a fun gaming experience


ubi always take liberty when designing characters so you can expect a rapier character to have more than just pokes moves, like how most characters also do completely unorthodox things in their moveset


Most characters have versatile weapons. Realistically, what can you do with a poke only weapon? Poke. Feint. Poke again. Top poke. Side poke. Do you see how boring this sounds?


You’re just nitpicking, a lot of other weapons aren’t versatile either yet the devs made them work by being unrealistic on purpose The actual design of the rapier is cool, the practicality doesn’t matter as much


What other weapon isn’t versatile?


zerk/shaman hatchets aren’t versatile, they weren’t reliably used as projectiles. Shaman dagger isn’t a practical weapon either You could argue conq flail only serves as a momentum weapon, just like a rapier would poke yet it also works because of his shield and mechanics. Shinobi sickles are probably the least versatile, most impractical and unrealistic weapons in the game but it still works because they had a lot of creativity when designing his different movesets If they were to introduce a rapier I would expect maybe an offhand weapon along with it similar to pk


It is up to Ubi to make it fun. You could add special properties to many of the attacks to make them interesting, a flurry of pokes that is like Chun lis lightning legs from a single move would be cool and hasnt been done yet. Nit that I want it because the hero would be lame, but the game design can't be any more lame than a dude with a stick.


You're thinking of a foil or epee, rapiers are both thrusting and slashing weapons. But since they tend to have a blade about 48" long, they're extremely efficient thrusting weapons.


No I know what a rapier is. They aren’t good at slashing because of how thin and weightless they are. That’s why they excel at poking


Rapiers are not “weightless”; the typical rapier weighs between 2-4 pounds, similar to a longsword. There are many historical examples of rapiers that are even heavier than longswords. Consider as well that a rapier is used in one hand and held away from the body, unlike a longsword (a weapon of similar weight). While rapiers are very efficient in the thrust due to their length and balance, your point that rapiers are “poke-only” and “aren’t good at slashing” is incorrect. Cuts are implemented in several historical rapier fencing systems, including Meyer, a popular system. Not to mention that rapiers were sharpened on one or both edges, unlike some genuinely thrust-only weapons such as the smallsword. I think that this combination of fencing techniques could make for a very fun to use hero in-game, and also has enough flair to look great and have a varied moveset while doing it. For example, a right thrust soft feinted into false-edge left cut would be interesting, look great, and use both a cut and thrust (and a false-edge cut at that, always flashy!). Sources: https://www.arms-n-armor.com/blogs/news/are-rapiers-light-and-fast#:~:text=Most%20historical%20rapiers%20weighed%20between,common%20weight%20range%20for%20longswords. https://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Joachim_Meyer


Well that's just incorrect


A rapier is not a poke only wrapon it is primarily a poke weapon, but an actual rapier is about the same weight as a longsword and can cut.


Wait till you find out about spears


Way to reduce the shit out of it to make it sound boring That's like saying "they're just standing there with a sword and swinging it until the enemy is dead" Sounds so fun we got it on 12 characters


Other weapons can stab and slash. There is no versatility in a weapon only designed to poke. What combo are you going to do with a rapier? Poke,poke,top poke, feint, poke. It’s just a lame idea for a character


Like the other guy said, you are reducing the everliving shit out of this, you can say most characters just swing, swing, feint, swing, whatever. The possibility of an offhand weapon with a rapier hero, not to mention bashes and kicks that they could mix in already make a solid bit of variety.


Warden does nothing but slash Slash slash top slash feint slash, it's just a lame idea for a character Afeera just has a mace, what does that do? Swing swing swing top swing feint swing? Just sounds boring tbh - When you reduce something to sound boring of course it's gonna sound boring.


There are plenty of media depicting good rapier duels, which could just be as flashy as Saber duels. Hell, Zoro is still a fun example of an excellent rapier duelist. Don't confuse sports rapiers with legitimate rapier duels.


you're mistaking a rapier with a smallsword or an epee, which were made purely for stabbing. a rapier has a flat two-edged blade like a sword and said blade is nearly as wide as in a regular arming sword, making it suitable for both slashing and stabbing. Also it weighed as much as a typical sword, especially the early designs, so it did put decent weight behind strikes. Therefore no, a rapier hero would not be doing only "silly stabs"


Because it would look very elegant and skillful, other than the last 2 heroes we got with the "not spear" and bonk paddle and the screaming light spammer.


Do you think For Honor is a place for elegance? This is a damn bloodbath. You’ll be looking elegant and dumb trying to capture B, because you have to poke the minions one at a time


Look at Jiang Jun or Afeera, their literal point is elegance.


The Wu Lin as a whole are elegant asf


Gladiator has to poke them one by one as his zone is awful and it drives me mad. But still doable


Oh man, better tell my wu lin heroes that for honor isn’t meant for any elegance. I think if they add a rapier, I would want it to be an estoc. A super bendy rapier has no place on the field. It’s just as silly as Oceloti’s stone weapons and Pirate’s Glock.


This man spitting facts - it would be really underwhelming


Spartan. Ancient Greece is overrated and historically, the Spartans weren’t even that good. They literally peaked at Thermopylae. 300 gassed them up to all hell. Gimme an Aksumite or a Korean hero, honestly anything but a fucking Spartan, we already have Cent anyway.


History degree student here. Spartans we’re probably the closest to professional soldiers in the ancient world at that time, apart from the Persian immortals. Spartans were pretty much unmatched in combat prowess and trained from birth to be fight and die as a warrior in the phalanx or in one-on-one combat. Nowhere else in the world had such dedication to the art of war as Spartan warriors did. To say there were overrated is a bad take imo. There’s a reason why the story of Thermopylae is retold and it’s because they helped save the Greek world from its greatest existential threat i.e. Persian annihilation. These guys were beasts and it would be still so cool to see them in for honor, the armour variation throughout the hopolites life span would in of itself be enough of a reason to include in the game.


any even somewhat interesting character that could come from the Greco-Roman era is already in the game abd we've already got Hopilites with Valkyrie


I don't even want a Greek all that bad, but they could just go for Hoplites in general rather than Spartans, since they kinda sucked. I bet Ubi knows they'd get a lot from hero sales with how much it's requested.


Sadly a samurai with a sasumata. It would be pin city.


1. Rapier. While a fencing style fighter would be cool, I just can’t stand the way it looks. Subjectively the ugliest 2. Scythe. I just can’t see how this would fluidly work. Especially with how often UB has been recycling animations it just doesn’t seem like it would look or feel good at all. Also it makes no sense on a battlefield(I know I know, we have hook swords and wooden sticks and magic rocks just my brain won’t accept it) 3. This ones a rare thing but I have seen people ask for it, an executioners sword. The squared off point is meant to indicate the blade isn’t intended for battle, it’s strictly a ritualistic blade for executions, yet I still see people asking for it


Execution swords are also heavy as all fuck and the weight is all at the end of the blade instead of towards the middle/ hilt


A fist only hero, that is cringe


Scythe and Rapier :)


Why not a rapier đŸ„ș


Peacekeeper is already close, if not dead on. It may not 100% be a rapier, but her style of fighting is based off of rapier dueling styles.


I read raping duelists


We have 5 different heroes with big and long swords, 6 if we count Tiandi, and still they each look and play completely different. Same goes for the 5 different shield and one handed weapon characters. It really wouldnt be hard to make a rapier hero that plays and looks much different. Saying we cant have a rapier hero because "we already have pk" is just weird to me.


I still want a rapier hero 🗿




I don’t like it 😈




Hussars with a Saber.


No more wacky and ugly guys like Shaman or Jormugandr. No Scythes and other implausible weapons. No barefists. \[But I am one for rapiers / knife and rapier and stuff, mostly for all the possible fashion\].


I honestly think a rapier hero would be pretty lame. This game is mostly visceral action, when a weapon connects it feels like it has weight. Seeing someone parry a war hammer or a nodachi with a little rapier seems a little silly to me.


i hate to do a "well akchually", but rapiers, especially early ones were about as long and heavy as regular swords. It's the epees, foils and smallswords that are the poke only toothpicks everyone corelates with rapiers for some reason.


Shaolin parrying with bracers goes brrrr


That is also stupid lol. He should use his staff.


Pssh, fair enough, I suppose.


I can totally see where you are coming from. But in my opinion the flashiness and finesse of a rapier would just be a cool thing to see in game. Plus I feel as if a rapier heroes fashion would be top tier.


Fashion would definitely be a perk, I will concede.


Aztecs. Oh wait...


A two-handed mace, not Jorm's frying-pan sounding one, but a big, massive one.


Why are people so opposed to a fists only character? I think it would be pretty cool, and a good way to shake up the standard character design.


because shaking up the standard character design has already been done enough. plus, how fucking goofy is it gonna be watching the fist guy deflect a claymore or polearm? The game is clearly designed for weapons and if you want a puncher you can already play Glad or Cent




I don’t like shaolin either lmao


Anyone saying a scyth or rapier has no imagination, that said, any single hand cleaver of any kind


We should've gotten a scythe character during the year of the Harbingers 😔 think about how edgy they would be 😭 But I agree I don't really want to see a scythe or rapier character (unless the rapier character is a blonde twink who wears normal fencing clothes - the drip would be PEAK


I personally think there a lot that could be done with a scyth at least, a rapier count be a 50/50 chance of being good or garbage but if devs put some creativity in, the executions for a scyth could be some of the most brutal yet, like kenseis “gravity’s fall” but on crack for one


I think a scythe would be a very interesting weapon and hero to have in the game, but at this point we're feeling some roster-bloat and I'd just like to see much more unique and original heroes in the game than a scythe or rapier character.


True but sticking to medieval themes I feel like there’s not too many options left, except maybe that one blade whip forgot what it’s called


I think the way forward has been to include heroes based off of different cultures instead of different weapons. Every hero released since pirate has been a representative of a different culture, and their weapons have not been too unique (with the exception of Medjay's fan blades). In that regard, I think there's *plenty* of potential for new heroes. There's plenty of medieval and ancient warrior cultures that haven't been touched yet - the Mongols and Rajputs, for example (who I think are both likely inclusions for this year's roster). We still haven't seen a character from South-East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Oceania yet - and all of these regions have good potential for new heroes (particularly SEA please please please Ubisoft 🙏 I'm begging)


I dunno the macahuitl was pretty sick


Switch weapons of any kind.


I don't want to see another sword for a long while. They're are so many more unique weapons in history that could be used


Enough with the Asians already. I want more knights and vikings.


Rapier, Scythe and Nunchucks for me. And of course, no bare handed.


That damn musket the pirate has, and any other gunpowder weapons


The Urumi would be a pain in the butt to deal with, its basically a sword but in a whip form


the amount of people that dont want to beat tf outta someone with hands is crazy. you cant tell me a barehands viking wouldent be fun?